* Converted to THINK C ver 6 (actually we use Symantec C++ 6.0 without the C++ extensions).
* Now uses the address in the ARPA "From:" header as the from address, instead of the address in the SMTP "MAIL FROM:<>" command.
* Resources for servers are now in the same folder as the source code. Make any changes to this file. Do not change the resources files with 'pi's, since they are rebuilt by the Project Manager when neccessary. Common resources for all server apps are in the Server Tools folder.
* Found and fixed a serious bug in the Broadcast command (it usually crashed the server).
* Converted to Symantec C ver 7.0.3
* Changed warning for "Too many ATP requests" to low level info.
* Minor changes in log for login commands.
* Fixed startup time reporting
* Changed the interval for looking for new mail from 5 to 1 second.
* Add a small random (max 0.5s) offset to distribute calls (eg server pinging clients) so that they all not happen at the same time.
* Unread mail are now saved in 256 folders within the Unread Mail folder. This is likely to put less stress on the file system, especially when there are lots of unread mail. The folders are automatically created and files are automatically moved into them.
* Fixed a problem in the "Are you sure you want to quit the server" dialog. Return, ESC etc now works as they should.
* Modified the code to compile under CodeWarrior 5 (68k only). Fixed some
minor bugs and removed essentially all assembler (a few routines are left
but they are not needed under PPC).
* Fixed a problem where the server tried to see if an already disconnected user still was connected.
* Made lots of minor changes to make the code compile on PowerPC.
* Log files are now kept in a separate folder (called Log files).
* An extra log file is created for each server. It's name ends in '.err' and it contains only error messages. This file is never removed. New messages are always appended to the end of the file.
* Found and fixed a major bug. If (for an unknown reason) there was empty mail file, the AT Server would crash when a user tried to read the mail.
* Added extra information to most error and warning messages.
Changes in version 1.0b9
* New format of Users data base file. Update program is available to update to new format from a previous version of AT Server. A backup copy of the file will be left in the Database folder.
* Carriage return characters are replaced by space charaters in the recipient
fields. Before, this was only done in the subject field.
* Application size is now set to 1000k by default (if you don't have enough memory, try to decrease the size a bit).
* Internal changes for optimized performance.
* Mailbox command file type is now set to TeachText document
* Now calls MaxApplZone() at startup
* Added new about box (also shows free memory)
* Added support for command keys
* Added color icons
* Made major reorganizations of the source so that it is possible to use the source debugger
* The server now supports forward to any address
* New commands: "Set Forward" and "Set ReplyTo".
* Added fields to the statistics listing (forward, reply to, userid).
* The client may now send commands for setting forward address, reply to address, and real name (although this is not yet fully implemented in the client).
* Added support for forward and reply to addresses in UserBackup and UserRestore commands. Note that you can't use earlier UserRestore files; the new server requires the new format.
* Allow wrap around of sequence number. New limit is: Max total number of unread mail = 64000.
* Fixed bugs in MacPost and AT Server related to long (>128 chars) subjects.
Changes in version 1.0b7
* Internal change - AppleTalk.h, AppleEvents.h, EPPC.h, Packages.h, and
Retrace.h are now included in the precompiled header file.
* Carriage return characters are replaced by space charaters in the subject.
Before, such subject caused strange things happen in the SMTP Client.
* Bug removed that caused a "devide by zero"-trap at startup when there was
only one user name in the users data base.
* A memory allocation bug corrected. The AT Server did eat memory at startup
time, after mail items was manually deleted from the Finder.
* Support for a client logout command. A client using system 7 sends this
command both when disconnecting and from a shutdown procedure, just before
the power turns off.
* Automatic optimization of the unread mail file at startup time. Gives
shorter startup time if the file has become fragmented.
* Support for CC and BCC
* Support for a client using Apple Remote Access. Before, such client lost
* Converted to THINK C 5. Added prototypes to all functions.
Changes in version 1.0b6
* The folder structure is automatically created (if missing) when the server
* Bug found that refuced the AT Server to start when number of users > 1092
* Require system version 6.0.3 or later.
* New command added that deletes all mail items for user(s):
user name 1
user name 2
* Application size is now set to 400k by default.
* New command added that produces a list that may help the administrator:
"Get Statistics"
This command produses a list where each line is of the following format:
A = User name
B = Real name
C = Last login date, where the format depends of the system
D = Last login time, where the format depends of the system
E = Number of unread mail
F = Number of sent mail items, since last reset
G = Number of received mail items, since last reset
\t= Tabulator character, ASCII 9
This list is created in the "To Manager"-mailbox and could be statistically
processed by another program (Excel).
* New command added that resets
- Number of sent mail items
- Number of received mail items
for all users. The format is:
"Reset Statistics"
* Two new commands added for backing up the important things in users data base:
"User Backup"
"User Restore"
The command "User Backup" produces a "User Restore" command used if the
users data base collapse to restore the users database. Refere to the
administrators guide for important information on how to use these commands.
* Total number of connected users are showned in the log.
* Checks syntax of a user name when new user added.
* Old and new log file are placed in the same window location. (Not handled
correct in real time with System 7.0).
* Startup time reduced.
* Improved performance with other applications during startup and shutdown.
The percentage startup time is showned during two of the most time
consumed phases.
* Improved error handling.
* Before, MacPost could only handle 128 different recipient of a
mail item on the server. This limit is now gone. (=64000).
Changes in version 1.0b5
Changes in version 1.0b4
* Bug removed that limited the number of users to 350.
* Application size is now set to 350k
* Support for Real Name
New mailbox commands are:
(1) New Realuser
real name
user name
(2) Set Realname
user name
real name
All 8-bits characters in the real name are ignored.
* Layout of user list in console window modified.
* Old log files are renamed. "AT Server.log" will be renamed to
"AT Server.old" when AT Server starts.
* Bug removed that hung the Mac when starting a server application and
something was bad about its resource fork.
* Date & Time added included in log.
* Improved error handling
* Minor reorganization of the source code. General routines are collected
into a toolbox called "Server Tool".
| SMTP Server Release Notes |
Changes in version 1.1.4
* Resources for servers are now in the same folder as the source code. Make any changes to this file. Do not change the resources files with 'pi's, since they are rebuilt by the Project Manager when neccessary. Common resources for all server apps are in the Server Tools folder.
* Converted to Symantec C ver 7.0.3
* Fixed startup time reporting
* Fixed a problem in the "Are you sure you want to quit the server" dialog. Return, ESC etc now works as they should.
* Modified the code to compile under CodeWarrior 5 (68k only). Fixed some
minor bugs and removed essentially all assembler (a few routines are left
but they are not needed under PPC).
* Made lots of minor changes to make the code compile on PowerPC.
* Log files are now kept in a separate folder (called Log files).
* An extra log file is created for each server. It's name ends in '.err' and it contains only error messages. This file is never removed. New messages are always appended to the end of the file.
* Added extra information to most error and warning messages.
Changes in version 1.0b9
* Mailbox command file type is now set to TeachText document
* Now calls MaxApplZone() at startup
* Added new about box (also shows free memory)
* Added support for command keys
* Added color icons
* Made major reorganizations of the source so that it is possible to use the source debugger
* Application size is now set to 450k by default.
* Default is 2 concurrent SMTP services (add 80kB for each extra).
* We (Lars and Roland) have FINALLY chased down and found the most irritating %&/%& bug that sometimes removed parts of large mail items (like binhex files). It was in a simple circular buffer...
* The server now handles long lines (>1000 characters) by splitting them if necessary.
Changes in version 1.0b7
* More than one SMTP client could connect at the same time. However, only
one client could be serviced at a time. The number of services could be
set as a preference in the Preference file in "Number of SMTP Services"
string resource ('STR ') #132. Default is 2 concurrent services if not set.
Besides the positive effect when a second server tries to connect, a
strange bug wich destroyed the smtp text buffer in some situations
disappear when a second smtp client connects. Each smtp service occupies
approximately 25k of the application heap.
* Application size is now set to 200k by default.
* Converted to THINK C 5. Added prototypes to all functions.
Changes in version 1.0b6
* The folder structure is automatically created (if missing) when the server
* Old and new log file are placed in the same window location
Changes in version 1.0b5
Changes in version 1.0b4
* Bug removed which appeard as "Remote protocol error..."
in some unusual situations.
* Old log files are renamed. "SMTP Server.log" will be renamed to
"SMTP Server.old" when SMTP Server starts.
* Bug removed that hung the Mac when starting a server application and something
was bad about its resource fork.
* Date & Time added included in log.
* Improved error handling
* Minor reorganization of the source code. General routines are collected
into a toolbox called "Server Tool".
| SMTP Client Release Notes |
Changes in version 1.1.4
* Now accepts IP *names* for SMTP servers (previously it ony accepted IP *numbers*).
* Resources for servers are now in the same folder as the source code. Make any changes to this file. Do not change the resources files with 'pi's, since they are rebuilt by the Project Manager when neccessary. Common resources for all server apps are in the Server Tools folder.
* Converted to Symantec C ver 7.0.3
* Previoisly MacPost didn't comply fully with the SMTP standard. Specifically, multiple line replies were not handled correctly. This is now fixed, based on an idea by Tero Kivinen <kivinen@niksula.hut.fi>
* Fixed startup time reporting
* Fixed a problem in the "Are you sure you want to quit the server" dialog. Return, ESC etc now works as they should.
* Modified the code to compile under CodeWarrior 5 (68k only). Fixed some
minor bugs and removed essentially all assembler (a few routines are left
but they are not needed under PPC).
* Made lots of minor changes to make the code compile on PowerPC.
* Log files are now kept in a separate folder (called Log files).
* An extra log file is created for each server. It's name ends in '.err' and it contains only error messages. This file is never removed. New messages are always appended to the end of the file.
* Added extra information to most error and warning messages.
Changes in version 1.0b9
* Handling failed mail in a way so that user will get only one filed mail
message from postmaster. Before, some errors resulted in a failed mail
message every second until the mail item was manually removed from the
server. The user didn't like so many mail messages...
* Mailbox command file type is now set to TeachText document
* Now calls MaxApplZone() at startup
* Added new about box (also shows free memory)
* Added support for command keys
* Added color icons
* Made major reorganizations of the source so that it is possible to use the source debugger
* Default is 2 concurrent SMTP services (add 80kB for each extra).
* Application size is now set to 350k by default.
* Better handling of out of memory situations (esp with a lot of recipients).
* Support for forward.
* Better handling of low memory situations.
Changes in version 1.0b7
* If the smtp gateway temporary does not accept a mail item the mail
will be placed *last* in the queue again. Before, such mail
could block the outgoing mail queue. This bug was known as the
Bensryd bug.
* Max 25 errors will be logged and sent back to the user when a mail fails
preventing the SMTP Client from running out of memory.
* Application size is now set to 200k by default.
* Support for CC and BCC
* Converted to THINK C 5. Added prototypes to all functions.
Changes in version 1.0b6
* The folder structure is automatically created (if missing) when the server
* Old and new log file are placed in the same window location
* Support for multiple SMTP gateways
Seperate alternate IP numbers with a comma (,) in the "SMTP Gateway" string
resource ('STR ') in the Preferences file. Max 10 are used.
* Before, the Mac sometimes hung when trying to connect an unknown SMTP server.
Changes in version 1.0b5
Changes in version 1.0b4
* Support for real name added.
* Subject changed on returned mail when unable to deliver mail:
Returned Mail: Unable to deliver mail
* Old log files are renamed. "SMTP Client.log" will be renamed to
"SMTP Client.old" when SMTP Server starts.
* Bug removed that hung the Mac when starting a server application and something
was bad about its resource fork.
* Date & Time added included in log.
* Improved error handling
* Minor reorganization of the source code. General routines are collected