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Version 2.1:
• Movable Text Map Icons!!
The DM (only!) may now add text icons onto the map. Once on the map, if an icon has the same name as a player, that player is allowed to move it. This is so that the map only has icons on it pertaining to a certain scene the DM may be showing. NOTE: The map does NOT need to contain whitespace all the way to the end of lines in order to have icons move there. The map size is currently limited to 60x20, though. For people interested in making ascii maps, check out ASCIIPaint by I sent it to info-mac, and it should show up soon.
Anyways, the commands for players are:
"/moveto 12,2" for a player to move their own icon to 12 across (x) and 2 down (y) NOTE: Y counts down!
"/move 669" - This is kinda tricky. In order to make movement on the map easy, movements are done using the keypad as a compass. For example, 8 equals up, 6 equals right, 4 equals left, 9 equals upper right, etc. For those not owning extended keyboards, the QWE AD ZXC block also works as a compass. So, multiple movements are allowed. Example: to move right 3 times, then up twice, use "/move 66688"
The commands for the DM are:
"/moveto thing 20,4" - moves the thing (player or monster) to 20,4
"/move thing 4488" - moves the thing left twice and up twice.
"/icon list" - prints out a list of the currently active icons
"/icon add Blade B 20,5" - adds an icon named Blade (for either a monster or player named Blade) that shows up as a 'B' at 20,5. NOTE: Icons may be longer than 1 character (Ex: "/icon add Dragon <==--==> 30,1")
"/icon del Blade" - removes the icon named blade
"/icon clear" - removes all icons
• New Finder Icon! I was bored... I think it's pretty dang cool, though... You may have to rebuild your desktop to get it to show up.
• Fixed /wait
• /roll now shows any comments you type while rolling (EX: "/roll 2d8+2 healing to Geoffrey") ("/.2d4 priv" still works, too)
• Fixed the info window code! No typing is allowed in the info window at all, but NetRPG now correctly handles quitting and/or closing of either the main or info windows (yay!)
• for the players, /clear now sends 20 blank lines to their info window. Could be useful for some ...
Version 2.01:
• Improved the 2 window code some - it successfully closes down both connections as long as you /quit or close the main login window first. WARNING: If you /quit or close the info window before closing or /quitting the main login window, it will bomb the server!! I am working on this, but it's gonna take a little while to get it working cleanly...
• Changed the preferences file to be a SimpleText text file, so that it is easier to edit. Your prefs file will be automagically changed.
• Got rid of the channel message when logging in, since it always put you into channel 1
• Got rid of the login message saying that you should set your ac, HP's, and weapon, since they are now saved to disk
• Added help lines for /end, /map push
• Added another sample character sheet into the NetRPG samples directory
Version 2.00:
• NetRPG is free again! NetRPG has become a hobby of mine, and it seems that people are reluctant to even email me about this program since I've called it shareware. So, it is now email-ware. Please send me email telling me about how you use NetRPG and any suggestions you have for it.
Version 1.43:
• Cleaned up DM's initiative report when starting a new round
• Added option for logging in using 2 windows. Once a player is already logged in, if they log in again using the same name and a password of "info", the second window becomes an info window used for output of /map, /who, /me, /help, and other information which usually takes up lots of room. WARNING: This does not handle input into the info window. It may work, or it may not (it shouldn't bomb the server, but it may not appear correctly) Also, use /quit from your real window and it should close both connections, but not the other way around.
• /map push - this DM only command pushes the current map out to everyone, just as if everyone had typed /map. This is useful if everyone has an info window, and the DM wants to make changes to the map and have everyone see them. (Doesn't send the map to single-window logins)
• /end - this DM only command ends an initiative round
• Nicer /emulate output
Version 1.42:
• Bug fix for /add & /del for character sheets
• /del 2-6 - This will delete lines 2 thru 6 of a character sheet. Yay!
Version 1.41:
• Fixed : as /do alias, so that if the : is followed by a non-letter (ie, when typing a smiley ":-)" ), the input is said to the chat room, not interpreted as /do.
Version 1.40: (Major change to character files!)
• Character's HP's, MaxHP's, and Ready weapons are now saved to disk and loaded in when that player next logs in. (Good for multi-week adventures!)
This requires changes to be made to already existing character files!
The first 5 lines of character files now hold character information, and look like this:
Password: user
AC: 4
HP: 12 / 14
Ready_weapon: 3 17 2d4 big mace
--[Below this line is the visible character sheet]--
So, you need to either add this header block onto your pre-existing character files in the NetRPG character folder (inside the preferences folder), or start with new blank character sheets by creating text files with a single line:
Password: user
If the single line method is chosen, NetRPG will create a header block once a character is logged in and has changed something (readied a weapon, set hp's or ac).
Version 1.34:
• Macro for DOing something. ex: ":eats" is the same thing as "/do eats"
• /who name 10-25 - prints out name's character sheet from 10-25
Version 1.32:
• /emulate now works for /do as well as talking by the DM
• /who name 2 6 - prints out character sheet info from lines 2 to 6 (example)
• VT100 codes:
/set vt on - turns on inverse video for any channel-wide messages sent by a user
/set vt off - turns it off (default setting)
Note: Muddweller does _not_ do inverse video, even though it handles vt100 codes. :-\
• disallow players to attack the DM. (they're smart-alecks sometimes :-)
• improved output formatting slightly for talking, doing, whispering
• private dice rolling
/roll 2d4 priv - sends the output to just the player and the DM
Version 1.31:
• /emulate <name> - a DM command which lets the DM look like another person, for purposes of talking. /emulate without a name will turn it off.
• Fixed a login bug.
Version 1.30:
Since version 1.20, characters now have individualized logins and passwords, due to the new feature set of character sheets.
The hierarchy of your mac will look like the following (after you run NetRPG 1.20 or higher and let it build the folders):
In the NetRPG Folder appears a NetRPG Preferences file, which you can edit with a text editor. Also, characters go in the NetRPG Characters folder that's in there.
Making a new character:
Open up TeachText or some other text editor. Make a new file with Command-N. Type the character's password on the first line of the file (A single word is usually good) and then save the file with the characters online name. I mean, if the character is Sir Gawyn De Fibrilos, with a nickname of just Gawyn, save the file as Gawyn. (capitalization doesn't matter).
Logging in as a new character:
Players connecting to the server see a "Login:" prompt. They type their name (like "Gawyn" for instance) and then they are prompted for a password.
Character sheet commands:
/ADD line - adds 'line' to your character info (on disk at the server) NOTE: Lines beggining with a '-' are invisible to other players.
Example Character Entry Session:
/add Lupus Half-Elf Ranger Lvl:5 XP for next level:64,000
/add - XP=47,000 HP=56 (+roll for 6th level)
/add STR:17 DEX:17 CON:17 INT:10 WIS:14 CHA:5
/add 2 Handed fighting in studded leather or less, Tracking @ +1 per lvl > 3rd
/add Creature Empathy, Followers @ 10th, Set snares/Traps, Blind Fighting
/add +=+ WEAPONS +=+
/add Black Morning Star - create darkness 2 per wk, 10'rad,wielder can see thru
/add +2/2/2 2d4+3/1d6+4 THACO=13 SPD=3
If another player types "/who Lupus" they would see:
=+= Character Sheet for [lupus] =+=
1 Lupus Half-Elf Ranger Lvl:5 XP for next level:64,000
2 STR:17 DEX:17 CON:17 INT:10 WIS:14 CHA:5
4 2 Handed fighting in studded leather or less, Tracking @ +1 per lvl > 3rd
5 Creature Empathy, Followers @ 10th, Set snares/Traps, Blind Fighting
6 +=+ WEAPONS +=+
7 Black Morning Star - create darkness 2 per wk, 10'rad,wielder can see thru
But the DM or Lupus would see:
=+= Character Sheet for [lupus] =+=
1 Lupus Half-Elf Ranger Lvl:5 XP for next level:64,000
2 - XP=47,000 HP=56 (+roll for 6th level)
3 STR:17 DEX:17 CON:17 INT:10 WIS:14 CHA:5
5 2 Handed fighting in studded leather or less, Tracking @ +1 per lvl > 3rd
6 Creature Empathy, Followers @ 10th, Set snares/Traps, Blind Fighting
7 +=+ WEAPONS +=+
8 Black Morning Star - create darkness 2 per wk, 10'rad,wielder can see thru
9 - +2/2/2 2d4+3/1d6+4 THACO=13 SPD=3
Character Sheet Editing:
/AFTER # line - adds 'line' after line #. To insert at the beginning, use /after 0 blah
Example sheet:
1 Name
2 Abilities
/after 1 HP=5
1 Name
2 HP=5
3 Abilities
/DELETE,/DEL # - deletes line number # from your character.
/WHO name - prints out that player's character info. So, "/who gawyn" will send gawyn's public character sheet to you, or send all of it if the DM typed it.
/ME - aliases to "/who my_name" and shows your character
Version 1.26-1.29:
I changed the default port back to 1420, so that people who have telnet servers of some kind on their machines don't get conflicts. (like people running UN*X of some kind)
/MAP - (can be used by anyone) Returns the current contents of the server's MAP storage, which can be any set of strings that the DM stores.
/MAP START - DM command which makes all of the following strings sent to the server by the DM be stored in the MAP storage
/MAP END - DM command which stops the MAP capture
Example: You could have all of the following lines a text editor, and paste it into your client when the party enters the area:
After the bend north, the hallway widens into a diamond shaped room, with
the hallway continuing out the other side of the room.
/map begin
| |
| |
/ \
/ \
/ \
\ /
\ /
\ /
| |
| |
/map end
In the room ahead, something spherical floats in the air
at about chest height. The spheroid seems to have a
central eye and a dozen tentacles topped with eyeballs
growing out of its top.
/add beholder 8 19 1d2 45 9 Floating eyeball
/em beholder
/do slowly turns and looks menacingly at the party...
/WAIT - causes the current monster or player to postpone their action until the end of initiatives and then they get another chance to do something. Players can do /wait on themselves, DM can do /wait on the current monster or player at any time.
/DAMAGE <monster or player name> - DM can now cause damage directly to monsters or players
/TARGET <target name> - Players can use this to set their "last_target" field. Can be useful for making simpler attack macros. DM can use this to set the target of the current initiative monster, and then use "/a" to do a "quick attack". (seems easier than having to always type "/a orc1 alex", and only type "/t alex (return), /a")
• The /modify command has been deactivated. Too clunky of an interface. I need to make up some new monster mod routines.
Version 1.10 - 1.25:
• Major revisions, bugs squashed (and created :-( ), but it's getting pretty cool!
• New email address :
Version 1.08:
• /MAP to store and display maps
• /WAIT to defer action till later in the round
• /DAMAGE - DM can now use this to modify players' HP levels
• Merged NetRPG with Chat 2.0.6 code to fix a few minor bugs
Version 1.06:
• New DM command /PHRASE <monster> to change a monster's phrase
• /WHO now shows an approximation of max HP's to the players, because they should get some idea of just how strong other players/monsters are.
• /ATTACK <target> [to hit modifier] added.
Version 1.04:
• First net release. Bunch of nifty features and most bugs ironed out.