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Text File | 1994-03-07 | 15.8 KB | 418 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- Newsgroups: ruc.mail.nuntius
- Path: ruc.dk!daemon
- From: aaron@med.cornell.edu (Aaron B. Freimark)
- Subject: Monthly Nuntius FAQ posting (2/23/94)
- Version: 5.5 -- Copyright (c) 1991/92, Anastasios Kotsikonas
- To: Multiple recipients of list <nuntius-l@cornell.edu>
- Message-ID: <199403071454.JAA05466@cumc.cornell.edu>
- Followup-To: poster
- Originator: nuntius-announce-l@cornell.edu
- Sender: nuntius-l@cornell.edu
- Reply-To: nuntius-l@cornell.edu
- Organization: N/A
- Comment: Nuntius Newsreader Discussion
- Errors-To: aaron@med.cornell.edu
- Distribution: local
- Date: Mon, 7 Mar 1994 15:12:43 GMT
- Return-Path: <nuntius-l@cornell.edu>
- Approved: Postmaster@ruc.dk
- Lines: 396
- ===========================================
- ===========================================
- 7 MARCH 1994
- * Please direct these comments to _me_ (not to the list).
- * I am very grateful to those who have contributed (knowingly or not)
- * to this project.
- *
- * This FAQ is an on-going project, of course. Please feel free to
- * help out by making suggestions, corrections, clarifications,
- * additions, and ruminations. Thank you.
- *
- * -- Aaron Freimark (aaron@med.cornell.edu)
- * NUNTIUS-L and NUNTIUS-ANNOUNCE-L list "owner"
- * and happy Nuntius user.
- -----------------
- A. Listserv Questions
- 1. What are the Nuntius listserv lists?
- 2. How do I subscribe to the lists?
- 3. How do I unsubscribe from the lists?
- B. General Nuntius Questions
- 1. What does "Nuntius" mean?
- 2. Where can I get Nuntius?
- 3. Is there documentation for Nuntius?
- 4. What's the difference between "Nuntius Personal Files"
- and "Nuntius Public Files"?
- 5. How can I configure Nuntius to work in a public lab?
- 6. Where are the group descriptions that Nuntius claims to fetch?
- 7. How do I change my news server?
- 8. Can Nuntius decode ROT-13?
- 9. What's the difference between "SAVE", "SAVE AS", and "SAVE A
- 10. Can Nuntius show the date, or search for text? or have a
- built-in editor? or a built-in mailer? or support for
- cross-posted articles?
- C. Article Posting & Sorting Questions
- 1. How does Nuntius sort articles?
- 2. How come other follow-up's don't end up in the same string?
- 3. What do NEW, UNREAD, and UPDATED TODAY mean?
- 4. How do I know whether posting works?
- 5. How come I can't see the article I just posted?
- 6. Where is a FREE nntp server?
- D. Common Nuntius Problems
- 1. I can't "Quit"!!!
- 2. Does it work properly under A/UX 3.0?
- ---------------------
- (A.1) What are the Nuntius listserv lists?
- There are currently two mailing lists concerning Nuntius,
- NUNTIUS-L and NUNTIUS-ANNOUNCE-L. Both are hosted by Cornell
- University. However, Cornell does not sponsor Nuntius in any
- way (I'm sure they wanted me to say that).
- carries only ANNOUNCEMENTS of new releases, major bugs, etc.
- NUNTIUS-L is sometimes quite high traffic (sometimes a dozen
- messages a day), while NUNTIUS-ANNOUNCE-L can often lapse for a
- few months without a post.
- This is because NUNTIUS-ANNOUNCE-L is moderated, while NUNTIUS-L
- is "open."
- There is no need to subscribe to both; all posts to
- NUNTIUS-ANNOUNCE-L will be automatically delivered to each
- subscriber of NUNTIUS-L.
- The administrator for the lists is me (aaron@med.cornell.edu).
- I am always willing to help subscribers (or potential subscribers)
- IF they ask politely.
- (A.2) How do I subscribe to the lists?
- Send an E-mail message to <listserv@cornell.edu>. The subject
- can be blank, but make sure the "From:" address is not anything
- odd. Odd addresses only cause the list administrator headaches.
- In the body of the message, type this one line:
- or
- For example, use "SUBSCRIBE NUNTIUS-L Aaron Freimark".
- You will receive a confirmation with instructions on how to
- communicate with the list. KEEP THESE INSTRUCTIONS! You can
- always get help by sending the command "HELP" in the body of a
- message to <listserv@cornell.edu> (* NOT TO THE LIST ADDRESS *).
- (A.3) How do I unsubscribe from the lists?
- Send an E-mail message to <listserv@cornell.edu>. Make sure the
- "From:" address is the same as the address from which you
- originally subscribed (that is very important!). Type the
- following one line in the body of the message:
- or
- Note that your name doesn't appear here. The listserver will send
- you confirmation. If you have any problems, please kindly ask the
- list administrator for help (aaron@med.cornell.edu).
- ----------------------------
- (B.1) What does "Nuntius" mean?
- According to Erik Reuter (e-reuter@uiuc.edu), "`Nuntius' is a Latin
- noun which translates to `messenger'." He suggests that it is
- pronounced nun-tee-uss (not noon-tee-uss). "But if you ask someone
- familiar with `Church Latin' you may get a different answer."
- (B.2) Where can I get Nuntius?
- Peter Speck (speck@ruc.dk), the author of Nuntius, puts all his
- versions and sources at the anonymous ftp site "frederik.ruc.dk".
- It is a Macintosh running Peter Lewis' great-but-slow "ftpd."
- For North American users, you may find that a mirror at Cornell
- University may be easier to use. Ftp to "ftp.cit.cornell.edu",
- and look in the directory "/pub/mac/comm/test" for the Nuntius
- archive mirror.
- Peter also regularly uploads Nuntius to the archives at sumex-aim,
- etc.
- (B.3) Is there documentation for Nuntius?
- Nothing official. However, Mike Kuniavsky (mikek@umich.edu) has
- made available some University of Michigan documentation on
- Nuntius. Ftp to "ftp.css.itd.umich.edu", and look in
- "/users/mikek" for "new-nuntius.word5.hqx" and "new-nuntius.rtf"
- for Binhexed Mac Word 5 and RTF files.
- There's also Cornell University documentation (written by me :-)
- at "ftp.cit.cornell.edu", in "pub/mac/bear-access/docs/glued" as
- "Nuntius.bin". It's in an odd format -- the viewer is there as
- "viewer.bin".
- This FAQ resides on "ftp.cit.cornell.edu", in
- "/pub/mac/comm/test/Nuntius-archive-mirror".
- (B.4) What's the difference between "Nuntius Personal Files" and
- "Nuntius Public Files"?
- From John T. Chapman (jtc1@cornell.edu):
- "These folders store information on the various groups and
- articles. The Personal Folder contains information on what
- articles _you_ have read. The Public Folder contains article
- subjects, etc.
- "From what I've seen, you can delete all newsgroup items from the
- Public Folder. Nuntius will need to rebuild all of these the next
- time it opens those groups and will thus be slower. However, I've
- seen large amounts of space reclaimed (more than a meg). This is
- probably due to some inefficiency in the way Nuntius updates these
- files; the full rebuild causes some 'housecleaning'. Deleting
- items from the Personal Folder will result in you losing track of
- what items you have marked as read.
- "Supposedly, one or both folders can be Aliased to someplace
- outside the System Folder (a server volume?)
- "There is also the 'dummy file' trick from the Nuntius Notes file -
- replace the 'Nuntius personal folder' with a dummy file and Nuntius
- will only open when a Nuntius Preferences file is double-clicked
- on. This helps administrators configure Macs that will be used by
- several people (e.g. public labs)."
- (B.5) How can I configure Nuntius to work in a public lab?
- * Not written yet *
- (B.6) Where are the group descriptions that Nuntius claims to fetch?
- Turn on Balloon Help and look in the List of All Groups. Pretty
- cool, huh?
- (B.7) How do I change my news server?
- That information is stuck inside the Nuntius Preferences document.
- You will need to trash that document, and start from scratch.
- (B.8) Can Nuntius decode ROT-13?
- Not by itself. But you can download the font "Zbanpb 9" from
- ftp.cit.cornell.edu. It is based on Monaco 9. When you wish to
- "decode" a ROT-13 article, simply change the font.
- (B.9) What's the difference between "SAVE", "SAVE AS", and "SAVE A COPY
- AS"?
- SAVE is the easiest way to save; it simply updates the disk file with
- the same name as the title.
- SAVE AS... alows me to change the name of the document. For
- example, I may save as "Aaron's Other Groups". The window's
- title will change to "Aaron's Other Groups". The file
- "Aaron's Groups" will still be on the disk, but it may contain
- older information.
- SAVE A COPY AS... does just that. If the current title is
- "Aaron's Groups", and I save a copy as "Aaron's Other Groups",
- then the window title will remain "Aaron's Groups" (but there
- will be an "Aaron's Other Groups" file on the disk, as well as
- "Aaron's Groups"). If I then SAVE, the "Aaron's Groups" file
- will be updated (not "Other").
- Or, as Kevin Boyce (boyce@lheavx.gsfc.nasa.gov) says, "Gawrsh,
- it's just the same as in any other program, why was I so confused?"
- (B.10) Can Nuntius show the date, or search for text? or have a built-in
- editor? or a built-in mailer? or support for cross-posted articles?
- No. But the source code (in C++ & MacApp) is available (see B.2,
- above). You are free to add it yourself.
- --------------------------------------
- (C.1) How does Nuntius sort articles?
- Nuntius is a "threaded" news reader. This means that it sorts
- articles into threads.
- What's a thread? A thread is an article and all the followups
- (responses or modifications) to it. A simple example of a thread
- is an article with the question "What's the sum of 2 and 2?", and
- it's response, "Re: What's the sum of 2 and 2?".
- Followups are designated by two methods. (1) the phrase "Re:",
- meaning "regarding" or "response to" is placed in the subject of
- the followup. (2) A header is added to the followup with a
- reference to the original (parent) article. Not every newsreader
- uses both methods (Nuntius does).
- Nuntius sorts by grouping articles which share references.
- (C.2) How come other follow-up's don't end up in the same string?
- Some newsreaders do not put the reference header in a followup.
- Nuntius therefore thinks that this is a new post (regardless of
- it's subject), and places it in a new thread.
- Newswatcher, for example, sorts by subject. However, this is not
- necessarily better than reference-sorting.
- Peter has said that subject-sorting will be added in version 1.2.
- (C.3) What do NEW, UNREAD, and UPDATED TODAY mean?
- NEW articles have been fetched from the server since the last time
- I opened the newsgroup. They are marked with a bullet (Black Dot,
- option-8).
- UNREAD articles have not yet been read by me. That is, I may have
- opened the newsgroup (read the subjects), but I have not opened the
- thread containing the article (not read the article). NEW articles
- are a subset of UNREAD articles. UNREAD articles which are not NEW
- are marked with a dash.
- UPDATED TODAY articles have been fetched from the server today.
- They may contain NEW, UNREAD and/or READ articles. There is no
- special marking for these articles.
- For example, I open comp.sys.ibm.pc.misc, a group I have never
- before seen, and all of the articles are marked with a bullet
- (NEW). I read a few of the articles, then close the group.
- The next day, I open the group again. Now, the articles which
- have been posted since yesterday have a bullet (NEW). The articles
- which are older, but which I didn't read yesterday, are marked with
- a dash (UNREAD, but not NEW). And the articles which I have read
- have no mark.
- (C.4) How do I know whether posting works?
- Post to a test group, such as "misc.test". On that group, in
- particular, are a number of automatic responders which send you
- mail when they see your message.
- (C.5) How come I can't see the article I just posted?
- Not every news server shows articles immediately. Cornell's
- Sparc 10 running INN shows a posted article within 30 seconds,
- but I had to wait half a day on my previous VAX 6250 with VMSNEWS.
- (C.6) Where is a FREE nntp server?
- From Dr. Chaos:
- "Arnold Lesikar has produced a compilation of publicly addressable
- news sources, annotated with comments like whether or not they
- allow posting, etc. Before you get too excited and go looking for
- a site carrying alt.binaries.pictures.erotica, forget it ... the
- administrators at these sites know that their systems are going to
- be on the list, so it's unlikely this list will provide you with
- that kind of source. You can get the latest version of the list
- from nctuccca.edu.tw (Taiwan) located in Lesikar.NNTP-Servers in
- the documents/Internet/MaasInfo/Other directory. Alternatively,
- 'finger lesikar@tigger.stcloud.msus.edu'. Included in the file are
- the Gopher bookmark entries to access these sites."
- --------------------------
- (D.1) I can't "Quit"!!!
- Or, "My "Quit" menu choice is greyed-out! This is one that people
- occasionally see, but that Peter hasn't been able to figure out
- yet. He has, however, hacked in "fix". If you hold down the
- Control key when you click in the menu bar, "Quit" should be
- enabled.
- (D.2) Does it work properly under A/UX 3.0?
- Darrell Budic (budic@vms2.macc.wisc.edu) replies:
- "Yes, mostly. I use it myself, and there are two main 'quirks' with
- it.
- "One is built into Nuntius, and it tells you nicely that you can't
- 'Reply to author by mail because this hack doesn't work under
- A/UX.' Any chance of a fix to this one soon? Maybe apple event
- support and reply-by-mail that way?
- "The other is a bit more painful, and is a consequence of the unix
- file system, and the mac interface to it. You can't post an article
- with a : (colon) in it, since A/UX tries to interpret it as part of
- the file name, thinks its a directory delimiter, and calmly tells
- you the volume is unavailable. This doesn't seem that bad, but
- consider 'post followup article' -> "Re: whatever" always fails
- because of the : on the Re. Pain in the neck, and then some. I
- suppose that if you created a volume named 'Re', or maybe a root
- level dir ('/Re'), it might be a workaround, but I've just taken to
- changing the : to a - when I followup. You could also probably
- change this with res edit, but I haven't bothered to try that
- either."
- --------------
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