PPPfloater is a Control Panel that will automatically open a floating windoid whenever you open a MacPPP connection. The PPPfloater windoid "floats" above all other applications for easy access.
The floater has two functions: it will provide you with a "scissors" button that will close the connection, and it will also display the amount of time you have been online. Click anywhere inside the window (except for the title bar and scissors, of course) to temporarily toggle the display to the cumulative timer.
PPPfloater allows you to optionally set a "hot-key" that will open a PPP connection. This feature is useful for those who Hard Close their PPP connections: Config PPP no more.
Installation Procedures and System Requirements
In order to use PPPfloater, drop "PPPfloater" into your System folder, say yes when your Mac (or MacOS Computer, for those politically correct folks out there) asks if it should put PPPfloater where it belongs, and restart your computer. PPPfloater will not load if you do not have System 7.1 or newer.
If Your Computer Already Has an Older Version of PPPfloater Installed
PPPfloater is no longer an extension file. Be sure to manually remove the old version from the Extensions folder before restarting with this version.
By The Way
PPPfloater is freeware. I make no warranties that PPPfloater is bug-free: Use at your own risk. I am in no way responsible for any damage, loss of data, blah blah blah that PPPfloater may cause you. Having said that, if you think that you have found a bug in PPPfloater, or if you have any comments/ideas/whatever, contact me at the email addresses listed below, and I'll see what I can do. Oh, and another thing… You are free to publish/re-distribute PPPfloater as long as the following conditions are met: 1) you contact me beforehand, 2) PPPfloater is in its original form, and 3) this README file accompanies PPPfloater.
Contact Info
Email Addresses:
lockheimer@twics.com (preferred)
Mail Address:
Hiroshi Lockheimer
4-16-10 Osawa
Mitaka, Tokyo 181
Revision History
1.2 First public release of 1.2.x
FPU crash fixed
1.2b3 Merged INIT/appe into cdev
Load problem fixed
Cumulative timer
Beep on connect
1.2b2 Update problem fixed
Load problem fixed?
1.2b1 Complete rewrite, 'cdev'+'INIT'+'appe'
Memory, Resources handling improved
1.1.2 Removed hot-key feature, pending v1.2
1.1.1fb (internal release) Added hot-key (Cmd+Opt+P) to open a MacPPP connection
Fixed window color bug for machines that don't support color
1.1.1 (internal release) New error notification scheme
1.1 Changed button's default action to "soft close" Option+click to "hard close"