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Text File | 1995-01-19 | 16.0 KB | 763 lines | [TEXT/MMCC] |
- //
- // CTerminalPane.cp
- //
- // TerminalPane library
- // Terminal display pane
- // PowerPlant version
- //
- // Copyright © 1993–95, FrostByte Design / Eric Scouten
- //
- #include "CTerminalPane.h"
- #include <Events.h>
- #define resetInvalsChar 3
- // —— constructor ——
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** constructors
- **
- ** Initialize the pane. Nothing special here. Parameters and usage are all the same
- ** as for CPanorama.
- **
- */
- //***********************************************************
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** CTerminalPaneX (private method)
- **
- ** Finish initialization for terminal pane.
- **
- */
- // —— drawing ——
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** Draw
- **
- ** Draw characters from the theScreen array onto the real screen.
- **
- ** area (Rect*): area to be redrawn (in frame coordinates)
- **
- */
- // —— blinking cursor support ——
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** Dawdle
- **
- ** Blink the cursor if necessary. Cursor blinks at the user-defined rate for insertion point
- ** blinking.
- **
- ** maxSleep (long*): maximum sleep value, updated if necessary
- **
- */
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** BecomeGopher
- **
- ** Become the gopher (or leave gopher status). All our routine does is force a refresh
- ** of the cursor.
- **
- ** fBecoming (Boolean): TRUE if becoming gopher
- **
- ** return (Boolean): TRUE if successful in changing status
- **
- */
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** SetBlinking
- **
- ** Turns on or off cursor blinking.
- **
- ** blinkMode (Boolean): TRUE to enable cursor blinking
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::SetBlinking(Boolean blinkMode)
- {
- blinkCursor = blinkMode;
- if ((blinkMode) && (IsActive())) {
- lastCursorCol = theColumn;
- lastCursorLine = theLine;
- CursorMoved();
- }
- else {
- cursorVis = true;
- InvalCharRect(theColumn, theLine, theColumn, theLine);
- }
- }
- // —— scrolling ——
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** ScrollToSelection
- **
- ** Ensure that the current cursor location is visible.
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::ScrollToSelection()
- {
- /* //! TEMPORARY: ignore for now…
- short hSpan, vSpan;
- LongRect topLeftRect, botRightRect; // top left / bottom right cells of selection
- // held over from CTable::ScrollToSelection
- // because we might implement character selection later
- LongPt selPos;
- // get current window parameters
- if (EmptyLongRect(&aperture)) // nothing selected or nothing visible
- return;
- GetFrameSpan(&hSpan, &vSpan);
- selPos = position; // init to current scroll position
- // figure out where cursor (or selection) is
- CalcCharRect(theColumn, theLine, theColumn, theLine, &topLeftRect);
- topLeftRect.left -= offsetX;
- topLeftRect.top -= offsetY;
- topLeftRect.right += offsetX;
- topLeftRect.bottom += offsetY;
- botRightRect = topLeftRect;
- // adapt later for charcter selections
- // calc vertical scroll
- if (topLeftRect.bottom >= position.v + vSpan) // Is the top of selection below the bottom of frame?
- selPos.v = topLeftRect.bottom - vSpan;
- else if (botRightRect.top < position.v) // Is the bottom of selection above the top of the frame?
- selPos.v = botRightRect.top;
- // calc horizontal scroll
- if (topLeftRect.right >= position.h + hSpan) // Is the left edge of selection past the right edge of frame?
- selPos.h = topLeftRect.right - hSpan;
- else if (botRightRect.left < position.h) // Is the right edge of selection before the left edge of frame?
- selPos.h = botRightRect.left;
- if ((selPos.h != position.h) || (selPos.v != position.v))
- ScrollTo(&selPos, TRUE);
- */
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** DisableKeyScroll
- **
- ** Turn on or off keyboard scrolling commands.
- **
- ** disable (Boolean): TRUE to turn off keyboard scrolling
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::DisableKeyScroll(Boolean disable)
- {
- disableKeyScroll = disable;
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** DoKeyDown
- **
- ** Override to enable or disable key scrolling (which is implemented in CPanorama).
- **
- */
- // —— terminal emulation methods ——
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** DoClearScreen
- **
- ** Clear the screen and move the cursor to (0,0).
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::DoClearScreen()
- {
- register short x, y;
- theLine = theColumn = 0;
- CursorMoved();
- for (y = 0; y < maxY; ++y)
- for (x = 0; x < maxX; ++x)
- theScreen[y][x] = ' ';
- Refresh();
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** DoWriteChar
- **
- ** Write a character to the terminal. This method handles *basic* terminal emulation.
- ** To provide more sophisticated emulation, override this method.
- **
- ** theChar (char): the character to write
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::DoWriteChar(char theChar)
- {
- // parse a few control characters
- switch (theChar) {
- case charNUL:
- break;
- case charBEL:
- SysBeep(0);
- break;
- case charBS:
- if (theColumn > 0)
- theColumn--;
- CursorMoved();
- break;
- case charHT:
- theColumn = ((short) ((theColumn + 7) / 8)) * 8;
- if (theColumn >= maxX)
- theColumn = maxX-1;
- CursorMoved();
- break;
- case charLF:
- if (theLine < maxY-1)
- theLine++;
- else
- ScrollTerm();
- CursorMoved();
- ScrollToSelection();
- break;
- case charFF:
- DoClearScreen();
- ScrollToSelection();
- break;
- case charCR:
- theColumn = 0;
- CursorMoved();
- break;
- default:
- theScreen[theLine][theColumn] = theChar;
- InvalCharRect(theColumn, theLine, theColumn, theLine);
- if (theColumn < maxX-1)
- theColumn++;
- CursorMoved();
- }
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** DoWriteStr
- **
- ** Write a string to the terminal. This method is optimized to handle text strings. It skips
- ** any control characters and sends them directly to DoWriteChar.
- **
- ** theStr (char*): the string to write (C string)
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::DoWriteStr(char* theStr)
- {
- short leftCol;
- // optimize for text characters
- while (*theStr) {
- if (*theStr >= ' ') {
- leftCol = theColumn;
- while (*theStr >= ' ') {
- theScreen[theLine][theColumn] = *(theStr++);
- if (theColumn < maxX-1)
- theColumn++;
- }
- InvalCharRect(leftCol, theLine, theColumn, theLine);
- CursorMoved();
- }
- if (*theStr)
- DoWriteChar(*(theStr++));
- }
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** DoWriteBfr
- **
- ** Write the contents of a text buffer to the terminal. This method
- ** merely dishes out the characters to the DoWriteChar method.
- **
- ** theStr (char*): the buffer to write
- ** theSize (short): size of the data buffer
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::DoWriteBfr(char* theStr, short theSize)
- {
- while (theSize--)
- DoWriteChar(*(theStr++));
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** DoWriteCharNum
- **
- ** Write a character number to the terminal. Provided as a debugging routine
- ** by other classes. The number is bracketed by the two characters indicated, i.e.
- ** if you call ::DoWriteCharNum('!', '[', ']'), you get [33] written to the terminal.
- **
- ** theChar (char): the character number to write
- ** leftBracket (char): prefix to character number
- ** rightBracket (char): suffix to character number
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::DoWriteCharNum(char theChar, char leftBracket, char rightBracket)
- {
- Str255 cNumber;
- if (leftBracket)
- DoWriteChar(leftBracket);
- ::NumToString((short) theChar, cNumber);
- cNumber[cNumber[0]+1] = '\0';
- DoWriteStr((char*) (&cNumber)+1);
- if (rightBracket)
- DoWriteChar(rightBracket);
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** DoEraseChar
- **
- ** Erase one character from screen (backspace).
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::DoEraseChar()
- {
- register short x;
- if (theColumn > 0) {
- theColumn--;
- for (x = theColumn; x < maxX-1; x++)
- theScreen[theLine][x] = theScreen[theLine][x+1];
- theScreen[theLine][maxX-1] = ' ';
- InvalCharRect(theColumn, theLine, maxX-1, theLine);
- CursorMoved();
- }
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** DoEraseLine
- **
- ** Move the cursor back to beginning of line & erase line.
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::DoEraseLine()
- {
- theColumn = 0;
- ClearToEOL(0, theLine);
- CursorMoved();
- }
- // —— private screen handling methods ——
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** ClearToEOL (protected method)
- **
- ** Clear from the indicated point to the end of a line. Upper left
- ** corner is (0,0).
- **
- ** col (short): first column in line to clear
- ** line (short): line to be cleared
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::ClearToEOL(short col, short line)
- {
- InvalCharRect(col, line, maxX-1, line);
- while (col < maxX)
- theScreen[line][col++] = ' ';
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** ClearToEOS (protected method)
- **
- ** Clear from the indicated point to the end of the screen. Upper left
- ** corner is (0,0).
- **
- ** col (short): first column in first line to clear
- ** line (short): first line to be cleared
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::ClearToEOS(short col, short line)
- {
- while (line < maxY) {
- ClearToEOL(col, line++);
- col = 0;
- }
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** ScrollTerm
- **
- ** Push everything on screen up one line.
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::ScrollTerm()
- {
- ::BlockMoveData(&theScreen[1][0], &theScreen[0][0], (maxY-1) * maxX);
- ClearToEOL(0, maxY-1);
- Refresh();
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** InvalCharRect (protected method)
- **
- ** Invalidate a section of the pane based on the character coordinates
- ** provided. Upper left corner is (0,0).
- **
- ** left (short): left edge of character rectangle
- ** top (short): top edge
- ** right (short): right edge, inclusive
- ** bottom (short): bottom edge, inclusive
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::InvalCharRect(short left, short top, short right, short bottom)
- {
- // LongRect theLongRect;
- Rect theRect;
- CalcCharRect(left, top, right, bottom, theRect);
- FocusDraw();
- InvalPortRect(&theRect);
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** CursorMoved
- **
- ** Update the blinking cursor block.
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::CursorMoved()
- {
- cursorVis = true;
- lastCursorTick = LMGetTicks();
- if (lastCursorLine == theLine) {
- switch (charsToInvalLine) {
- case 0: // optimization to reduce calls to InvalRect()
- break;
- case 1:
- InvalCharRect(0, theLine, maxX-1, theLine);
- charsToInvalLine = 0;
- break;
- default:
- InvalCharRect(lastCursorCol, lastCursorLine, lastCursorCol, lastCursorLine);
- InvalCharRect(theColumn, theLine, theColumn, theLine);
- charsToInvalLine--;
- }
- }
- else {
- InvalCharRect(lastCursorCol, lastCursorLine, lastCursorCol, lastCursorLine);
- InvalCharRect(theColumn, theLine, theColumn, theLine);
- charsToInvalLine = resetInvalsChar;
- }
- lastCursorCol = theColumn;
- lastCursorLine = theLine;
- }
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** CalcCharRect (protected method)
- **
- ** Calculate the screen coordinates for a specified rectangle of
- ** character coordinates. Upper left corner is (0,0).
- **
- ** left (short): left edge of char rectangle
- ** top (short): top edge
- ** right (short): right edge, inclusize
- ** bottom (short): bottom edge, inclusive
- ** theRect (LongRect*): coordinates returned to this rectangle
- **
- */
- //***********************************************************
- /*______________________________________________________________________
- **
- ** InvertCursor
- **
- ** Invert a single character.
- **
- ** col (short): the column number
- ** line (short): the line number
- **
- */
- void CTerminalPane::InvertCursor(short col, short line)
- {
- // LongRect theLongRect;
- Rect theRect;
- CalcCharRect(col, line, col, line, theRect);
- // LongToQDRect(&theLongRect, &theRect);
- ::InvertRect(&theRect);
- if (!IsActive()) {
- ::InsetRect(&theRect, 1, 1);
- ::InvertRect(&theRect);
- }
- }
- void CTerminalPane::Activate()
- {
- cursorVis = true;
- InvalCharRect(theColumn, theLine, theColumn, theLine);
- }
- void CTerminalPane::CalcCharRect(short left, short top, short right, short bottom, Rect& theRect)
- {
- theRect.left = left * pixelsX + offsetX;
- theRect.top = top * pixelsY + offsetY;
- theRect.right = (right+1) * pixelsX + offsetX;
- theRect.bottom = (bottom+1) * pixelsY + offsetY;
- }
- void CTerminalPane::SpendTime(const EventRecord& inMacEvent)
- {
- if (!IsActive())
- return;
- if (blinkCursor) {
- if (LMGetTicks() >= lastCursorTick + GetCaretTime()) {
- cursorVis = !cursorVis;
- lastCursorTick = LMGetTicks();
- InvalCharRect(theColumn, theLine, theColumn, theLine);
- }
- }
- }
- void CTerminalPane::DrawSelf()
- {
- short left, top, right, bottom; // char coordinatates of draw region
- short dLine; // where to draw now
- // LongRect theLongArea; // frame coordinates of region
- // LongPt theLongPt;
- // Point thePoint;
- /* TEMPORARY: for now, just draw the whole thing every time…
- // figure draw region
- charsToInvalLine = resetInvalsChar;
- QDToFrameR(area, &theLongArea);
- left = (theLongArea.left - offsetX) / pixelsX;
- right = (theLongArea.right -offsetX + 1) / pixelsX;
- top = (theLongArea.top - offsetY) / pixelsY;
- bottom = (theLongArea.bottom -offsetY + 1) / pixelsY;
- // do range checking
- left = TCLMax(left, 0);
- top = TCLMax(top, 0);
- right = TCLMin(right, maxX-1);
- bottom = TCLMin(bottom, maxY-1);
- */
- left = top = 0;
- right = maxX - 1;
- bottom = maxY - 1;
- // hard-wire for Monaco 9: Mom, don’t look at this code!
- ::TextFont(4);
- ::TextFace(0);
- ::TextSize(9);
- // draw the stuff
- if (left <= right) {
- dLine = top;
- while (dLine <= bottom) {
- // SetLongPt(&theLongPt, left * pixelsX, dLine * pixelsY);
- // FrameToQD(&theLongPt, &thePoint);
- ::MoveTo(left * pixelsX + offsetX, dLine * pixelsY + offsetY + pixelsY-2);
- ::DrawText(&theScreen[dLine][left], 0, right-left+1);
- dLine++;
- }
- }
- // check to see if we overwrote the cursor
- if ((left <= theColumn) && (right >= theColumn) &&
- (top <= theLine) && (bottom >= theLine) && cursorVis)
- InvertCursor(theColumn, theLine);
- }
- void CTerminalPane::Deactivate()
- {
- cursorVis = true;
- InvalCharRect(theColumn, theLine, theColumn, theLine);
- }
- CTerminalPane::CTerminalPane(LStream* inStream)
- : LView(inStream)
- {
- // LongRect theBounds;
- charsToInvalLine = resetInvalsChar;
- blinkCursor = false;
- cursorVis = true;
- lastCursorCol = lastCursorLine = 0;
- lastCursorTick = 0L;
- disableKeyScroll = false;
- DoClearScreen();
- }
- CTerminalPane* CTerminalPane::CreateTerminalPaneStream(LStream* inStream)
- {
- return new CTerminalPane(inStream);
- }