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- # This is a sample prefs file created automatically by httpd
- # When httpd is launched it first looks in its own folder for a config file. Then
- # it look in the prefs folder (sys folder) if nothing is found there is then creates
- # this sample file and dumps it in prefs folder. You can now edit this file if you
- # wish and re-launch httpd.
- # Any files created by httpd, will be placed in the same folder as httpd itself except
- # in this case where it has created this prefs file.
- # Oh and if you haven't worked this out already any line beginning with # is ignored
- # and you cannot have a line longer than 99 characters, as a guide this line is 93 characters.
- # Blank lines are also ignored. If you take out the comment on the command 'check_syntax', this
- # tells httpd to check the syntax of this file only and report back to the user via the
- # notification manager. If you wish to use this command it should be the first command
- # BUT its not implemented on the ALPHA version, sorry.
- # check_syntax
- # By the way all command and values should be in lower case. ALL directives understood by httpd
- # are shown in this file. However you do not need to enter all of them, httpd sets up
- # defaults for these directives if they are not entered. Those default values will be the same
- # as the ones illustrated in this sample file, unless indicated otherwise.
- # ----------------
- # The following line indicates whether or not httpd will notify user of
- # transitions such as restarting, quitting, failed etc.
- # If running remotely this would usually be 'off', relying instead on PPC messages
- # and the contents of the debug file. Remote control is not implemented on ALPHA version.
- # default is off
- notify on
- # This line tells httpd to create a new access log each time it starts, old file gets
- # renamed 'xxx.bak'
- create_access_log off
- # This indicates if httpd will log access. If no file exists, access is not logged.
- # Logging information is simply appended to the file.
- log_access off
- # The next two lines will do the same for error logging, when error logging is implemented.
- create_error_log off
- log_errors off
- # This line is self-explanatory, but no spaces in file name allowed !
- access_log_name httpd_access_log
- error_log_name httpd_error_log
- # This line allows you to define the creator code for the log file. Simple Text is specified
- # I know the user shouldn't have to know about creator codes in an ideal world, oh well
- # Other common creators are Think C 'KAHL', MSWord 'MSWD' and BBEdit 'R*ch'
- # default is '????' (Unknown)
- log_creator 'ttxt'
- # This tells httpd to do a reverse dns lookup for each connection logged. You may wish
- # to switch this off for extra speed.
- dnr off
- # The followiing feature tells httpd how deep to make the log Q. As connections are received
- # vital info is stored on this Q and the connection serviced, to get the info back
- # to the client ASAP. The logging itself is deferred until later. It is possible
- # that a busy site may need to up this figure, if dnr is on you may also need to up
- # this figure.
- log_q 20
- # For speed you may wish to disable Mac 2 ISO Latin 1 translation, for compliance
- # you should switch it on. This is
- # only partly implemented in ALPHA versions.
- translate_iso on
- # http should run on port 80. Nothing to stop you launching multiple instances
- # of httpd with different config files that puts servers on various ports.
- # You could do this by creating the copies of httpd and placing in different folders.
- # Put a config file in each of those folders and cofigure to run on different ports
- # Now create your pages and place them in the relevant folders.
- # Now create an alias for each of the httpd apps and place in your startup folder
- # On startup you will now have multiple servers running
- # Beware of setting two instances off both on same port, could give strange results
- http_port 80
- # This line indicates how many streams you want allocated by the server. As a default
- # I suggest 3. MacTCP limits you to 64 and you may want to run other TCP apps, so don't
- # set it too high. If you find users complain they cannot connect when accessing pages
- # with many graphics or when server is busy etc, then you can up this figure. Future
- # versions of this app may address this problem by dynamically allocating more streams
- # when server is busy, then releasing them when it goes quiet again.
- streams 3
- # This line indicates if you want httpd to write debugging info to a file. The file
- # will be called 'http_debug_log' by default and is a text file. You would probably only
- # wish to do this if you are having problems as it is bound to slow the machine right
- # down.
- debug off
- # If you have switched debugging on then why not slow the machine right down with
- # verbose messages. Look out though, with verbose messages you will quickly get
- # large files
- verbose off
- # This command determines how many buffers are allocated for debug messages. Not
- # important if you haven't switched debugging on.
- debug_buff 60
- # This command limits the amount of time cached entries stay in the cache, it is measured in
- # seconds. Cache entries will not automatically get trashed once they are this old, but are
- # are checked every minute or so, or after some server activity and if too old will be
- # trashed then. This default setting is for one hour. If you are using httpd for developing
- # WWW pages then you might wish to set this value very low (ie 1) so that cached entries
- # are trashed almost as soon as they have been delivered, allowing you to make a change
- # then reload and see the change in the client.
- cache_life 3600
- # Here's where you define MIME types. Read the additional documentation that came with httpd
- # if you don't know what MIME is or for a better explanation of the 'mime_def' command.
- # Here you simply list Mac filetype and suffix combinations and a MIME type to go with it.
- # Use * as a wildcard. The following are examples only. 7 means 7bit encoding, 8 means 8bit.
- # Notice that file types are delimted with '' but suffices are not.
- # If no mime types are defined in this file then 'text/plain' is assumed for all files.
- mime_def '*' & html = text/html 7
- mime_def '*' & txt = text/plain 7
- mime_def 'TEXT' & * = text/plain 7
- mime_def '*' & jpeg = image/jpeg 8
- mime_def '*' & gif = image/gif 8
- # The following line is a string that will be appended to all time stamps. You would usually
- # put your time zone offset from UT or GMT here. Alternatively you can put a letter code
- # eg GMT, UT, EST
- time_zone +0000
- # Have fun !
- # Bill Melotti
- # bill.melotti@rl.ac.uk