The required Apple Event handlers could not be installed.
An error occured while attempting to get information about a volume. That volume will not be unmounted.
The startup disk cannot be removed from the desktop, because it contains the active system software.
Are you sure you want to remove the disk “^0” from the desktop? It will reappear on the desktop when the Macintosh is restarted.
There are people connected to this Macintosh. Do you want to disconnect them and unmount the shared volume(s) anyway?
The disk “^0” could not be put away, because file sharing could not be shut down.
File sharing is currently ^0, please wait until the Sharing Setup control panel indicates it is ^1, and then try again.
The disk “^0” could not be put away, because it contains items that are in use.
The shared disk “^0” could not be put away, because some of its items have been moved to the Trash. Do you want to delete those items and then put away the disk?