MacSense: The Macintosh® E-Zine is a FREE monthly electronic magazine which focuses on the mainstream Macintosh computer market. Each issue of MacSense details the most significant news stories in the world of Macintosh computing and explores how these new developments will affect every-day Mac users. Packed with vibrant color graphics and in-depth product reviews, it is the founding goal of MacSense to shed light on a rapidly evolving industry. Moreover, because MacSense is created and distributed electronically, it is the most environmentally friendly method of publishing. We hope you enjoy this issue!
May's MacSense is jam-packed! This month we take a look at the Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC, debut a new 'Getting Started' column which takes a look at AppleScript, and feature a comprehensive and consise Mac Clone comparison. AppleBits and QuickBits overflow this month, with news of Apple's many new product introductions, the U.S. Department of Justice lawsuit challenging the Microsoft-Intuit merger, and comprehensive 'Roundups' of Adobe, Kodak, and Apple multimedia happenings. Tech Support Tales returns with another hilarious service story; The Dilletante takes a look at being "online"; and MarketSense finds a change in Apple's commitment to product design. Also returning is our Tech Help column, "About this Macintosh…" which features a comprehensive guide to Macintosh Command-Key Combinations. And finally, another 'personal' Editorial from MacSense Editor Chris McVeigh.
The attached file is a Stuffit archive. You will need Stuffit Expander or another Stuffit compression utility to extract it.
The color edition of MacSense requires a Macintosh with at least 16 shades of grey. For optimal viewing, we recommend 16-bit color. The black and white edition of MacSense can be viewed on any Macintosh.
NEWS: The Power Macintosh 5200/75 LC, Power Computing Unveils Mac Clone Trio, Apple Reorganzies…Again.
APPLEBITS: New Apple Products: The LC 630 DOS Compatible, LC 580, StyleWriter 1200, QuickTake 150, AppleCD 600e, and more...