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MacSense accepts well written contributions for publication. Please submit publishable work to the above email addresses. If we enjoy your work, we'll contact you within 14 days. Press releases and information on breaking news stories should be directed to Alex Narvey at anarvey@precursor.mb.ca.
We welcome the opportunity to review your products. Evaluation copies of software and/or hardware can be sent to MacSense Communications, #3 Greynam Court, Nepean, Ontario, Canada. K2G 5T1. Please indicate if the product must be returned. Inqueries should be directed to MacSenseEd@aol.com; press releases and promotional materials can be directed to anarvey@precursor.mb.ca.
Vendors and service providers wishing to advertise in MacSense: The Macintosh® E-Zine can send e-mail to the above addresses or contact Chris McVeigh at (613) 228-3268 to obtain the electronic MacSense Rate Card Kit. A sample issue demonstrating ideal placement of advertisements is also available upon request.
Editor in Chief: Chris McVeigh
Associate Editor/News: Alex Narvey
Associate Editor/Product Reviews: Ed Prasek
Associate Editor/Game Reviews: Bart Farkas
Senior Contributing Editors: Renzo Piche, Roy Chartier,
Neil Yates, Eric Hausmann
Contributing Editors: Rick Foster, John Nemerovski,
Michael C. Labossiere, John Manzione
Administration: Chris McVeigh
Edward Prasek
John Manzione
Renzo Piche
Copy Editors: Rob Hammond b,
Ed Prasek
Art Direction: Chris McVeigh
Graphic Designers: Chris McVeigh
George Chen
Eric Verspoor
Production Manager: Chris McVeigh
Distribution: Nathan Gardner (World Wide Web)
Chris McVeigh (America Online, Internet)
Scott Love (ZiffNet/Mac on eWorld and
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MacSense Communications is an independent entity not affiliated with Apple Computer, Inc.