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- TidBITS#283/26-Jun-95
- =====================
- Need ammunition for the Mac versus PC debate? Macworld columnist
- Cary Lu weighs in with a solid article on computing's
- decade-old holy war. Also this week: software giant Adobe makes
- eyes at Frame, information on new versions of eWorld and
- ClarisWorks, and details on the AppleDesign Keyboard and the
- 6100 DOS Compatible. Finally, we have the conclusion of
- Luciano Floridi's article, focussing on problems likely to
- result from the Internet's explosive growth.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * APS Technologies -- 800/443-4199 -- <sales@apstech.com>
- Makers of hard drives, tape drives, and neat SCSI accessories.
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- Copyright 1990-1995 Adam & Tonya Engst. Details at end of issue.
- Information: <info@tidbits.com> Comments: <editors@tidbits.com>
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/26-Jun-95
- Computing's Holy War
- The Internet & the Future of Organized Knowledge: III of III
- Reviews/26-Jun-95
- ftp://ftp.tidbits.com/pub/tidbits/issues/1995/TidBITS#283_26-Jun-95.etx
- MailBITS/26-Jun-95
- ------------------
- **Adobe Hoping to Frame Unix Market** -- Another nibble in the
- computing industry's recent tendency to purchase major parts of
- itself: Adobe System announced last Thursday it was making a $500
- million bid for Frame Technology, makers of FrameMaker, a high-end
- publishing package primarily used for lengthy technical documents.
- With its recent acquisition of Aldus and PageMaker, why would
- Adobe be interested in another publishing package? The answer is
- Unix. Adobe products sell well into the Mac and Windows markets,
- but are virtually non-existent in the Unix arena. Conversely, an
- estimated 70 percent of Frame's business is in the Unix market.
- However, Wall Street didn't seem to agree with Adobe, whose stock
- fell significantly the day after the offer was announced. [GD]
- **Apple Design Keyboard Conflict** -- Thanks to Jim Mueller
- <jim@pharmacop.com> for posting the details of the conflict
- between the Apple Design Keyboard and the DOS Compatible card for
- the Power Mac 6100 (Steven Lee mentioned this briefly in his
- article in TidBITS-282_). Apparently, if your Apple Design
- Keyboard has a serial number starting with the letters PK, you may
- experience the problem, which is that if you hold down the right-
- hand Shift key and type while using DOS or Windows, the first
- character won't appear. Call 800/SOS-APPL or contact your dealer
- for a replacement keyboard. [ACE]
- **ClarisWorks Turns Four** -- ClarisWorks 4.0 for the Macintosh is
- now shipping, and upgrades are available for $49 (list price is
- $129). The Windows version of ClarisWorks 4.0 is slated for
- release before the end of 1995 and will have the same interface as
- the Macintosh version. ClarisWorks 4.0 requires System 7, and runs
- on any 68020-based Macintosh or newer. New features include a new
- way of doing styles, called ExpressStyle; an HTML translation
- tool; general improvements and easier report generation in the
- database module; and WorldScript support. Overall, and especially
- given the price, the feature set looks impressive. My only quibble
- is that Claris hasn't yet updated their Web site to provide
- information and a demo about for new version. Claris -- 408/987-
- 7000 -- 800/544-8554 [TJE]
- http://www.claris.com/
- **eWorld Turns One** -- To note the one-year anniversary of its
- eWorld online service, Apple announced version 1.1 of the eWorld
- client software, which should be available online via eWorld and
- will also be pre-installed on Macintoshes in all countries where
- eWorld is available. Users of this new version will have access to
- Usenet and Internet FTP within a few weeks, and Web access is
- scheduled to become available in July. The new client software is
- also supposed to incorporate new multimedia capabilities and a
- sophisticated email agent allowing filters and automatic
- responses. Apple also announced it is moving its employees to
- eWorld from AppleLink, with all AppleLink subscribers expected to
- be moved over by the end of the calendar year. [GD]
- **Microsoft Antitrust Victory** -- On 16-Jun-95, a federal appeals
- court ruled that an agreement between Microsoft and the Department
- of Justice regarding the company's software-licensing practices be
- approved. (See TidBITS-264_.) In an unusual move, U.S. District
- Judge Stanley Sporkin - who had rejected the agreement in February
- - was removed from the case and the matter was assigned to another
- district judge who was ordered to approve the settlement.
- Microsoft argued that Judge Sporkin was biased against the
- company; apparently the appeals court agreed, saying he had
- overstepped his authority. This effectively ends the antitrust
- action against Microsoft's software licensing policies, and
- Microsoft officials were pleased with the decision. However,
- Microsoft may not be entirely out of the antitrust shadow. The
- Justice Department has been requesting information from both
- Microsoft and its competitors regarding the upcoming Microsoft
- Network, and the European Commission announced last week that it's
- examining whether Microsoft Network would harm competition within
- the European Union. [GD]
- Computing's Holy War
- --------------------
- by Cary Lu <carylu@eworld.com>
- [Published in the Seattle Times, June 18, 1995. Revised June 26 to
- include support numbers from Microsoft. Copyright 1995 by Cary Lu.
- This article may be freely copied and distributed in paper and
- electronic form without charge if this copyright paragraph is
- included.]
- The battle between proponents of Macintosh and IBM PC computers
- has for many years resembled a religious war, and as in all
- religious wars, much of the rhetoric has been driven more by
- ignorance than knowledge. Very few people are truly skilled with
- both Macs and PC. Since PCs outsell Macs by a wide margin - seven
- to one or more - most people with computer experience actually
- know only about DOS and Microsoft Windows on an IBM PC or clone.
- Not surprisingly then, if you ask which computer should you buy,
- the most common answer - from computer sales people, data
- processing managers, and newspaper columnists - is a PC. But
- before you take that advice, ask if your adviser actually uses
- both Macs and PCs. If he or she knows only one system well,
- consider the advice suspect. Steer clear of PC bigots and Mac
- bigots who use jargon: "Only PCs support true pre-emptive
- multitasking and multiple processors." "Only Macs have dual-
- channel SCSI for fast disk arrays." These techie issues are
- irrelevant for most users; in any event both systems will offer
- all these features in the coming months.
- Which computer do I recommend? I think you should get the same
- kind of computer that your most technically astute friend uses - a
- friend you can call at midnight on Sunday when you really get
- stuck. If you buy a Mac, you won't need an expert, since you won't
- get stuck nearly as often. And if you don't have a technical
- friend, you will be much better off with a Mac - with some
- exceptions that I will discuss later.
- **Troubleshooting and Multimedia** -- Is the Mac really that much
- easier to use? Consider this: One quarter of all the questions
- that Patrick Marshall has answered in his Q&A column in the
- Seattle Times deals with PC problems that never occur on a
- Macintosh. Macintosh users never have to deal with memory
- management, interrupts, DMA channels, or a SYSTEM.INI file. Inside
- a Mac, there are no jumpers to set, either on the main board or on
- the vast majority of accessories.
- PC users have to learn these details or else they can't get
- software to run. The computer industry estimates that PC users
- have trouble running 25 to 35 percent of multimedia CD-ROMs. I'm
- accustomed to trouble. This morning, I installed a CD-ROM for my
- five-year-old on my Pentium computer and got a message: "Increase
- DMABuffer Size." I doubt if most PC users would know how to
- respond; what's more, no message explained two additional problems
- beyond the DMABuffer size. Through long experience, I have learned
- most of the hundreds of technical tricks necessary to get CD-ROMs
- running on a PC, although a few discs still have me stumped.
- Surveys show that PC users rarely buy CD-ROMs. A CD-ROM on a PC is
- too often like a book with pages glued together or illustrations
- torn out.
- CD-ROM installation problems are almost unheard of on a Mac, aside
- from a simple free update for recent system software (Apple's
- Multimedia Tuner). Three other problems are easy to understand -
- CD-ROMs that need color won't run on a black-and-white Mac, a few
- CD-ROMs need more memory than the simplest Macs have, and some Mac
- screens are too small to show a standard CD-ROM image. I've just
- answered the bulk of all Mac CD-ROM installation questions. In the
- past five years, I have not seen a single incompatible or even
- difficult-to-install CD-ROM on a Mac. Because no one has to learn
- any tricks, Mac users buy discs without trepidation. As a result,
- CD-ROM publishers find that Mac users buy CD-ROMs out of
- proportion to the Mac's market share.
- **Support & the Software Question** -- David Billstorm, president
- of Media Mosaic and publisher of Mountain Biking and other outdoor
- recreation CD-ROMs, tells me that 40 percent of sales are for
- Macs. Yet PC buyers call for technical support far more often than
- Mac buyers. Although both Mac and PC versions have the same price,
- Media Mosaic makes more money from the Mac versions because the
- cost of answering a single call can wipe out any profit from the
- sale. For Microsoft's CD-ROM titles, PC users call for help at
- least three times as often as Mac users; on some titles, PC users
- need help nearly ten times as often (1994 figures, corrected for
- the relative numbers of PC and Mac users). On Christmas day, none
- of my Mac friends called with problems; several PC friends called
- (and each one started by apologizing, "The support lines aren't
- open today...")
- The Mac is not completely free of software conflicts, especially
- for enthusiasts who tend to like complexity. But the conflicts are
- usually resolved by simply moving clearly labeled icons from one
- folder to another; if you make a mistake, you just move the icon
- back. On a PC, you must use far more difficult techniques -
- editing cryptic files (WIN.INI, AUTOEXEC.BAT, etc.), setting
- environment variables, adjusting memory locations, changing
- command-line switches in drivers. If you make a mistake, the
- computer may refuse to start.
- In the past year, the hottest new category of Windows software has
- been "uninstall" utilities, programs that can remove Windows
- software. Windows and Windows software can put dozens or even
- hundreds of files on a hard disk; a person can't keep track of the
- files without help from another computer program. The Mac neither
- has nor needs an equivalent utility; removing a program is usually
- simple and besides, every file is identified by its type and the
- program that created it.
- Quite aside from utilities, more software is available for the PC
- than for the Mac. You may have a specialized need that can be met
- only by a PC, particularly for business applications. In a few
- areas, particularly graphics, the Mac leads. For the vast majority
- of users, and certainly for anyone buying a family computer, there
- is no significant difference in the applications - word processors
- and so on - available for either system.
- Microsoft's applications and many other major programs come in
- both PC and Mac versions. The PC version may come out first,
- presumably because the publisher wants to reach the larger group
- of customers first. The real reasons may not be obvious. Aldus
- (now Adobe) PageMaker, a program that was originally developed for
- the Mac, came out in a version 5.0 first for Windows. The project
- manager explained to me that the programmers disliked Windows
- intensely. Aldus management insisted on the Windows version first,
- because if the programmers were allowed to finish the Mac version
- first, they might never finish the Windows version.
- **For Novices or Experts?** Although the Mac has obvious appeal to
- the computer novice, the people who really understand computers
- also tend to prefer Macs. At the recent Electronic Entertainment
- Expo in Los Angeles, most of the new, unfinished multimedia
- computer software - even software destined for PCs - was
- demonstrated on Macs rather than PCs. Famed supercomputer designer
- Seymour Cray uses a Mac. Two division heads for major PC clone
- companies called me independently last year; they were leaving
- their companies and wanted to know which Macs to buy for their new
- startups. I know of three companies in the Portland area started
- in the past year by former Intel managers. Two of the three
- companies chose Macs as their principal computers. (Intel makes
- most of the CPU chips, such as the Pentium, that drive Windows
- computers.)
- Corporate data processing (DP) managers generally prefer PCs; most
- have little experience with Macs. PCs do ensure full employment
- for the DP staff. At Intel, where many employees are true computer
- experts, the DP department figures on one support person for every
- 30 Windows computers. The DP department was astonished to learn
- that one Intel division had 120 Macs and got along fine with a
- single support person. Mac users rarely have problems, and when
- they do, the answers usually come from other users rather than
- from the DP department.
- The hidden cost of support - and perhaps frustration - at least
- partially offsets the Mac's higher prices. The price gap has
- narrowed, but it will never close completely. Macs come with more
- standard features - all Macs, including laptops, have sound and
- networking built in. Apple has usually - but not always - used
- higher quality components than the average PC clone. PC
- accessories are generally cheaper, but then I've seen a lot of bad
- keyboards and fuzzy monitors on PC clones. A good monitor costs
- the same for either system. Ultimately, Apple spends more money;
- it makes major investments in research and development. For the
- typical PC clone company, R&D consists of reading spec sheets from
- Taiwan.
- Macs have a longer useful lifetime. I use a five-year-old Mac to
- play today's multimedia CD-ROMs without difficulty. In the past
- five years on my PC, I've had to change the CPU twice, the video
- card twice, the motherboard twice, and the sound board once, just
- to play ordinary discs. (I also switched to double-speed CD-ROM
- drives on both systems.)
- Apple has made many strategic errors. The first Macintosh clones
- are only now beginning to appear. Ten years ago, I called for
- Apple to license the Mac operating system at a MacWorld Expo
- keynote panel. Many in the audience hissed at my remarks. Yet by
- refusing to license the Mac system early, Apple made the enormous
- success of Microsoft Windows possible.
- Within the computer industry, the description "more like a
- Macintosh" is always high praise. The description "more like
- Windows" is rarely used as praise, except perhaps in contrast to
- "more like DOS."
- Microsoft tells everyone that its forthcoming Windows 95 is more
- like a Macintosh. The key features of Windows 95 - long file
- names, plug-and-play hardware installation, direct file display -
- have been on the Mac for eleven years. Yet despite much clever
- engineering by Microsoft, Windows 95 cannot overcome the chaos
- inherent to the PC world, both for hardware and for the need now
- to run three wildly different operating systems and application
- software (for DOS, Windows 3.1, and Windows 95). Mac users have
- never had to cope with such jarring changes.
- Microsoft's genius lies in getting things to work - more or less -
- despite the PC chaos. Apple's genius lies in getting so many
- things right in its fundamental Macintosh design and avoiding
- chaos.
- **Cary Lu** is a contributing editor to Macworld magazine and
- writes about PCs for several other magazines. He is a Windows 95
- beta tester. He wrote _The_Apple_Macintosh_Book_ (Microsoft
- Press).
- The Internet & the Future of Organized Knowledge: III of III
- ------------------------------------------------------------
- by Luciano Floridi <floridi@vax.ox.ac.uk>
- [Note: we thank Professor Floridi for kind permission to reprint
- this material, which is a shortened version of a paper he gave at
- a UNESCO Conference in Paris, March 14-17, 1995.]
- Part Three: The Problems
- In the previous two parts of this article, I argued for an
- understanding of the Internet as a new stage in the growth of the
- Human Encyclopedia, and showed how it allows us to do new kinds of
- research by asking third-level (ideometric) questions about our
- data. Here, we turn to new problems that the growth of a network
- of information and communication has already caused or soon will
- give rise to.
- There are at least ten principal issues worthy of attention. I
- shall deal with them in what I take to be their approximate order
- of importance.
- **(1) The Devaluation of The Book** -- We have already entered the
- stage where digital information is preferred over non-digital, not
- because of its quality, but simply because it is available online.
- However, the more resources that undergo the conversion, the less
- serious this problem will become.
- **(2) The Devaluation of Information Processes** -- The Internet
- helps to satisfy an ever-growing demand for information. In this
- process, the _use_ value of information has increased steadily, in
- parallel with the complexity of the system, but its _exchange_
- value has been subject to a radical modification. Because of the
- great and rapid availability of data, Internet has caused a
- devaluation of some intellectual enterprises - such as
- compilations, collections of images, bibliographical volumes and
- so forth - whose original high value depended mainly on the
- correspondingly high degree of inaccessibility that afflicted
- information in the book era.
- Today, much of the raw data that in the past had to be collected
- at great expense of time and energy are freely available on the
- Internet. The result is that the era of the great collections on
- paper is practically over.
- **(3) Failure to Acknowledge New Scholarly Enterprise** -- So far,
- Academe has been slow in recognizing that new forms of scholarly
- activity have appeared, like moderating a discussion list, keeping
- an online bibliography constantly updated, or publishing a paper
- in an electronic journal. The sooner such activities are properly
- recognized and evaluated, the easier it will become for
- individuals to dedicate more time and effort to the digital
- encyclopedia, and the more the encyclopedia will improve.
- **(4) Too Much Knowledge to Access** -- A fundamental imbalance -
- between the extraordinary breadth of the system and the limited
- amount of knowledge that can be accessed by an individual mind at
- any one time - arises because the quantity of information
- potentially available on Internet has increased beyond control,
- whereas the technology whereby the network actually allows us to
- retrieve our data has improved much more slowly. The result is
- that we are once again far from being capable of taking full
- advantage of the full extent of our digital encyclopedia.
- The challenge of the next few years will consist in narrowing the
- gap between quantity of information and speed of access, even as
- the former increases. Projects like the American Information
- Superhighway, or SuperJANET in Great Britain, are of the highest
- importance in this regard. However, we should keep in mind that
- closing the gap completely is impossible because of the very
- nature of the Encyclopedia.
- **(5) Too Much Accessible Knowledge to Manage** -- This is the
- problem of "infoglut," as BYTE has called it. Throughout past
- history there was always a shortage of data, which led to a
- voracious attitude towards information. Today, we face the
- opposite risk of being overwhelmed by an unrestrained, and
- sometimes superfluous, profusion of data. No longer is "the more
- the better." If knowledge is food for then mind, then for the
- individual mind to survive in an intellectual environment where
- exposure to the Human Encyclopedia is greater than ever before,
- for the first time in the history of thought we desperately need
- to learn how to balance our diet.
- Without a new culture of selection - and tools that can help us
- filter, select, and refine what we are looking for - the Internet
- will become a labyrinth which researchers will either refrain from
- entering or in which they will lose themselves. One can only hope
- that the care exercised today during the conversion of organized
- knowledge into a digital macrocosm will soon be paralleled by
- equally close attention to the development of efficient and
- economical ways to select and retrieve the information we need. In
- data-retrieval, brute force does not work any longer: we need
- intelligence. The Internet needs to be improved by the inclusion
- of expert systems.
- **(6) The Threat to Paper** -- Some libraries are destroying their
- card catalogues after having replaced them with OPACs (online
- public access catalogs). This is as unacceptable as would have
- been the practice of destroying medieval manuscripts after an
- _editio_princeps_ was printed during the Renaissance. We need to
- preserve the sources of information after the digitalization in
- order to keep our memory alive. The development of a digital
- encyclopedia should not represent a parricide.
- **(7) Some Knowledge Exists Only Digitally** -- Because for large
- sectors of the new encyclopedia there will be no paper epiphany,
- access to the network will have to be universally granted in order
- to avoid the rise of a new technological elite.
- **(8) The New Illiteracy** -- Information Technology is the new
- language of organized knowledge. Therefore elements of that
- language must become part of the minimal literacy of any human
- being, if free access to information is to remain a universal
- right.
- **(9) The Internet as Rubbish Heap** -- Because the Internet is a
- free space where anybody can post anything, organized knowledge
- could easily get corrupted, lost in a sea of junk data. In the
- book age, the relation between writer and reader was and is still
- clear and mediated by cultural and economic filters - e.g., you
- won't get published if what you say isn't somehow "true." For all
- their faults, such filters do provide some positive selection. On
- the Internet, the relation between producer and consumer of
- information is direct, so nothing protects the latter from corrupt
- information.
- Now, there is much to be said in favor of the free exchange of
- information on the network, and I believe that any producer of
- data should be free to make it available online. But I think every
- user should also be protected from corrupt knowledge by an
- intermediary service, _if_ she wishes. Unless academic and
- cultural institutions provide some form of quality control, we may
- no longer be able to distinguish between the intellectual space of
- knowledge and a polluted environment of junk.
- **(10) Decentralization Means Fragmentation** -- By converting the
- encyclopedia into an electronic space, we risk transforming the
- new body of knowledge into a disjointed monster, rather than an
- efficient and flexible system. The Internet has developed in a
- chaotic (if dynamic) way, and today suffers from a regrettable
- lack of global organization, uniformity, and strategic planning.
- While we entrust ever more vast regions of the Human Encyclopedia
- to the global network, we are also leaving the Internet itself in
- a thoroughly anarchic state. Efforts at coordination are left to
- occasional initiatives by commendable individuals, or to important
- volunteer organizations, but this is insufficient to guarantee
- that in a few decades organized knowledge will not be lost in a
- labyrinth of millions of virtual repositories, while energies and
- funds have been wasted in overlapping projects.
- The Internet has been described as a library where at the moment
- there is no catalogue, books on the shelves keep moving, and an
- extra truckload of books is dumped in the entrance hall every
- hour. Unless it is properly structured and constantly monitored,
- the positive feature of radical decentralization of knowledge will
- degenerate into a medieval fragmentation of the body of knowledge,
- which in turn means a virtual _loss_ of information. Already it is
- no longer possible to rely on the speed of our networked tools to
- browse the whole space of knowledge and collect our information in
- a reasonably short time. If global plans are disregarded or
- postponed and financial commitments delayed, the risk is that
- information may well become no easier to find on the network than
- the proverbial needle in a haystack.
- Some people have compared the invention of the computer to the
- invention of printing. To some extent the comparison is
- misleading: the appearance of the printed book belongs to the
- process of consolidation and enlargement of our intellectual
- space, whereas the revolutionary character of Information
- Technology has rested on making possible a new way of navigating
- through such a space. But in one important sense they are similar:
- in the same way as the invention of printing led to the
- constitution of national copyright libraries to coordinate and
- organize the production of knowledge in each country, so Internet
- needs a coordinated info-structure.
- **The Info-Structure** -- The info-structure would consist of
- centers making coordinated efforts to fulfill the following five
- tasks:
- * guarantee the reliability and integrity of the digital
- encyclopedia;
- * provide constant access to it without discrimination, thus
- granting a universal right to information;
- * deliver a continually updated map to the digital universe of
- thought;
- * expand the numbers of primary, secondary, and derivative
- resources available online, especially those that won't attract
- commercial operators;
- * support and improve the methods and tools whereby the
- Encyclopedia is converted into a digital domain, and whereby
- networked information is stored, accessed, retrieved, and
- manipulated.
- I'm not advocating the creation of some international bureau for
- the management of the Internet, a sort of digital Big Brother. Nor
- have I any wish to see national organisms take control of our new
- electronic frontier. Such projects, besides being impossible to
- realize, would be contrary to fundamental rights of freedom of
- communication, of thought, and of information. Far from it, I
- believe in the complete liberty and refreshing anarchy of the
- network.
- What I'm suggesting is that Internet is like a new country, with a
- growing population of millions of well-educated citizens, and that
- as such it does not need a highway patrol. However, it will have
- to provide itself with a kind of Virtual National Library system
- (which could be as dynamic as the world of information) if it
- wants to keep track of its own cultural achievements in real time,
- and hence be able to advance into the third millennium in full
- control of its own potential. It is to be hoped that non-national
- institutions (such as UNESCO) may soon be willing to promote and
- coordinate such a global service, which is essential in order to
- make possible an efficient management of human knowledge on a
- global scale.
- Reviews/26-Jun-95
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 19-Jun-95, Vol. 9, #25
- Apple Color LaserWriter 12/600 -- pg. 1
- AppleShare 4.1 and Workgroup Server 9150 bundle -- pg. 41
- SmartSketch 1.0 -- pg. 44
- $$
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