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Text File | 1995-08-18 | 29.2 KB | 582 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#289/07-Aug-95
- =====================
- New Power Macs! Apple introduces an impressive set of second-
- generation Power Macs at MacWorld Expo in Boston. Also this week,
- news and information on new Apple AV monitors, a patch for
- Netscape 1.1N, a plan that lets QuickTake 100 owners upgrade to a
- QuickTake 150, and all the details on the latest patch to the
- Power Mac version of Microsoft Office. Finally, Adam announces
- the third edition of his book and that it's available - free! -
- on the Web.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * APS Technologies -- 800/443-4199 -- <sales@apstech.com>
- Makers of hard drives, tape drives, and neat SCSI accessories.
- For APS price lists, email: <aps-prices@tidbits.com> <----- New
- * Northwest Nexus -- 206/455-3505 -- http://www.halcyon.com/
- Providing access to the global Internet. <info@halcyon.com>
- * Hayden Books, an imprint of Macmillan Computer Publishing
- Free shipping on orders via the Web -- http://www.mcp.com/
- Mac Tip of the Day & free books! -- http://www.mcp.com/hayden/
- * Power Computing -- 800/375-7693 -- <info@powercc.com> <----- NEW
- Now shipping... The Award-Winning First MacOS Compatible!
- See what the press says! http://www.powercc.com/News/quotes.html
- Copyright 1990-1995 Adam & Tonya Engst. Details at end of issue.
- Information: <info@tidbits.com> Comments: <editors@tidbits.com>
- ---------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/07-Aug-95
- Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh, Third Edition Available
- A Pound of Cure for the PPC Version of Microsoft Office
- Apple Unveils Three New Power Macs
- Reviews/07-Aug-95
- ftp://ftp.tidbits.com/pub/tidbits/issues/1995/TidBITS#289_07-Aug-95.etx
- MailBITS/07-Aug-95
- ------------------
- **Power Computing Sponsoring** -- We're extremely pleased to
- welcome our latest sponsor, Power Computing, makers of some of the
- first Macintosh compatible computers. Needless to say, Power
- Computing hasn't been around long, but from what we and almost
- every other magazine (including Macworld, MacWEEK, MacUser, and
- InfoWorld) have seen, they're doing things right by emphasizing
- engineering (compatibility reports have been excellent), price,
- and customer support.
- Coming from our Internet biases, it's great to see that Power
- Computing has had a significant presence on the Internet for some
- time now. Although they don't yet offer online ordering (soon!),
- you can use their Web pages to build a custom-configured machine -
- it even tells you the final price. I find this sort of tool
- preferable to the alternative of trying to use those horrible PC
- ads, where you must match base configurations with monitors, hard
- disks, and so on in order to figure out how much a complete
- configuration will cost. The Web site also includes technical
- information, along with a form and an email address for sending in
- technical questions. We hope that Power Computing finds electronic
- support to be as efficient an adjunct to live support as many
- other companies have.
- Power Computing is a young company, but with the sustained level
- of hard work we've seen and with a little luck, we think they'll
- do well. And frankly, we hope that Power Computing doing well will
- help Apple in the long run. In the past, if Apple misjudged the
- demand for a specific Mac model - as they often seem to - buyers
- simply had to wait, and some of them probably bought PC clones
- instead of waiting. Apple will still undoubtedly push the envelope
- with new machines and new system software, but Power Computing is
- small enough and fast enough to fill in niches that Apple ignores
- and pay more attention to customer feedback than Apple does. We
- wish Power Computing the best of luck and look forward to working
- with them in the future. [ACE]
- http://www.powercc.com/
- **Netscape 1.1N Patch for SLIP** -- It appears that Netscape has
- released patchers to Netscape 1.1N which install improved
- networking code that should "crash less on SLIP-based
- connections." I'm all in favor of Netscape crashing less; however,
- a couple notes are in order. First, it appears that the patchers
- only operate on Netscape 1.1N; folks who paid for Netscape
- Navigator have reported problems using the patch on the version
- 1.1 that they purchased. (A work-around might be to grab a freely-
- available copy of 1.1N from Netscape's site.) Also, it's probably
- a good idea to keep an unpatched version of Netscape around, just
- in case the patch doesn't help or makes things worse. So, if you
- access the Internet via SLIP, the patchers are available at the
- following URL - make sure to grab the one matching the version of
- Netscape you use. There's no word right now whether this patch
- helps with PPP connections, and the ReadMe file is remarkably
- unhelpful. [GD]
- ftp://ftp.netscape.com//netscape/mac/slip_patch/
- **New Apple AV Monitors** -- Today Apple announced the
- availability of two new AV-style monitors today at MacWorld Expo
- in Boston. The AppleVision 1710AV is a multisync 17-inch Trinitron
- with a .26 dot pitch and resolutions from 640 by 480 (67 Hz) to
- 1280 by 1024 pixels (75 Hz). The 1710AV also has integrated stereo
- speakers mounted below the display area (with bass, treble, and
- volume controls, as well as mute switches), a directional
- microphone, and audio and ADB connectors built into the base. The
- Apple Multiple Scan 14 Display offers a .28 dot pitch on a 14-inch
- shadow mask tube, with multisync resolutions of 640 by 480 and 800
- by 600 pixels and built-in stereo speakers. Both monitors are
- MPR-II and Energy Star compliant. The 1710AV has a suggested price
- of $1,159; the Apple Multiple Scan 14 Display has a suggested
- price of $359. [GD]
- **QuickTake 100 to 150 Upgrade** -- Apple announced last week that
- owners of the QuickTake 100 digital camera can upgrade to a full
- QuickTake 150 for about $200 through 30-Nov-95. Units have to be
- sent to an upgrade center to be fitted with new components, a
- close-up lens, batteries, and software. It's worth noting that the
- Mac upgrade comes with PhotoFlash 2.0, a reasonably nifty and
- scriptable image editor. QuickTake 100 owners can upgrade by
- calling 800/399-5111 to receive a prepaid shipping container.
- Apple plans to turn around upgrades within two weeks. [GD]
- **InterCon Releases TCP/Connect II 2.2** -- InterCon Systems
- announced last week it's currently shipping version 2.2 of its
- TCP/Connect II integrated Internet connectivity software (see
- TidBITS-276_). This version features numerous bug fixes and
- enhancements (particularly to its Web client), along with
- clickable URLs in mail messages and better handling of automatic
- file transfers. Registered users should contact InterCon for
- upgrade options and information. Demo versions of TCP/Connect II
- 2.2 are available online as well (about 4 MB). InterCon Systems
- 800/468-7266 -- 703/709-5500 -- <sales@intercon.com> [GD]
- ftp://ftp.intercon.com//intercon/sales/Mac/Demo_Software/
- TCP_Connect_II_2.2_Demo.hqx
- **AOL 2.6 Mac Client Available** -- America Online has made
- version 2.6 of its client software available via FTP. Version 2.6
- optionally includes AOL's Web Browser - based on code from
- InterCon's TCP/Connect II - as well as enhancements to its client
- interface and bug fixes. If you have an Internet connection
- already, using the Web via AOL will prove slow and frustrating;
- however, if you have an AOL account, accessing AOL via TCP/IP is
- surprisingly spritely. These archives are large, so if download
- time is a problem, I'm sure AOL will send you a disk or three in
- the mail before too long. [GD]
- ftp://ftp.aol.com//mac/Install_America_Online_v2.6.bin
- ftp://ftp.aol.com//mac/Install_AOL_Browser_v1.0.bin
- Internet Starter Kit for Macintosh, Third Edition Available
- -----------------------------------------------------------
- by Adam C. Engst <ace@tidbits.com>
- After a few months of my work, and another month of work by Hayden
- Books, the third edition of my book,
- _Internet_Starter_Kit_for_Macintosh_, is available (ISBN 1-56830-
- 197-9). Bookstores may still have the second edition on their
- shelves, but they can order the third edition for you. I recommend
- you get the third edition, unless you're only buying the book to
- pick up a copy of MacTCP, at which point the cheapest method is to
- find a remaindered version of the first edition, which has sold
- for as low as $2.19.
- On the whole, the basic book is similar to the second edition. It
- still contains plenty of background information on what the
- Internet is, where it came from, how the various services work and
- how you might use them, and that sort of thing. I still cover the
- main commercial services in terms of Internet access, and still
- concentrate on the MacTCP-based methods of getting on the
- Internet. My chapters on MacTCP still have more information than
- any other source I've seen, and my troubleshooting chapter still
- contains tons of good tips (although it's grown longer to
- accommodate everything I've learned since last year). The disk
- still contains MacTCP and MacPPP and the main applications you
- need to get started on the Internet.
- So, what's changed? I've added two new chapters, one on choosing
- an Internet connection, which compares the different methods of
- connecting to the Internet and explains the many variables
- involved in choosing an Internet provider. Tonya actually wrote
- the second new chapter, which covers how to create your own home
- page on the Web using Macintosh tools. It's not a boring reference
- or a mind-numbing tutorial, but is a nice mix of the two that I
- think people new to the Web and HTML will like. Tonya is also
- basing a Mac-oriented book called _Create_Your_Own_Home_Page_ on
- that chapter; her book is essentially done and should be out in a
- few months.
- Aside from those two new chapters, I reduced the size of the book
- significantly, roughly from 1,000 pages to 750. Frankly, the book
- was just too big (everyone was surprised when the second edition
- came out that large) and with skyrocketing paper costs, the page
- count had to come down. To that end, I cut the newsgroup and
- resource lists in the appendix, created a concise capsule review
- format for less-used programs that weren't quite worthy of a full
- discussion, and - horrors! - chopped out information that just
- didn't belong any more. The entire discussion of how to use Unix
- is gone (let's face it, this is a Mac book, and I'm no Unix guru),
- and I removed, under a certain amount of duress from my editor,
- the entire UUCP chapter as well. I still feel that the UUCP
- information is useful, though, so I'll make it available to
- readers who want it electronically (see below for one method).
- The contents of the disk stayed pretty much the same, although I
- removed MacWAIS and TurboGopher and added StuffIt Expander and
- Internet Config. The full list, then is, MacTCP 2.0.6, MacPPP
- 2.0.1, Internet Config 1.1, InterSLIP 1.0.1, Anarchie 1.5, Eudora
- 1.5.1, MacWeb 1.00A3.2, and StuffIt Expander 3.5.2. I know
- Anarchie and Eudora have been revved since I finalized the disk,
- but I still have a folder of bookmarks that always point at the
- latest versions of the essential Internet programs. MacWeb now
- points at a page that provides links to what I feel are the most
- important sites on the Web for a Macintosh user, including things
- like Yahoo, WebCrawler, Apple, and Info-Mac mirrors. The software
- updates page and modem strings page are still available from the
- home page as well, and anyone is welcome to visit it.
- http://www.mcp.com/hayden/iskm/
- Oh, and one last thing. At the last moment, Hayden decided to
- increase the price to $35 from $30 to account for the paper costs.
- Sorry about that. My editor relayed a telling quote from his
- previous job at General Motors, "Sure, we lose money on each car,
- but we make up for it in volume."
- Should you buy this version if you've got an earlier one? That's
- up to you, but I can help you decide. You can now read the entire
- book, screenshots and all, on the Web. It's got even more
- information than the paper version, since the UUCP chapter made it
- back in. Bill Dickson, my co-author on
- _Internet_Explorer_Kit_for_Macintosh_, and his friend Rob Furr
- converted the files that went to production into HTML (it was a
- little more complicated than that, but suffice it to say that
- Nisus Writer did the majority of the text munging, and they
- manipulated all the graphics in Photoshop). They did use some
- Netscape-specific tags, so it looks best in Netscape, but should
- work fine in MacWeb or Mosaic. If you use Netscape, use the first
- URL below. With anything else, jump directly to the second one.
- http://www.mcp.com/hayden/iskm/book.html
- http://www.mcp.com/hayden/iskm/mac.html
- I hope you find the online version useful, with all its hot URLs
- and email addresses and newsgroup names. I suspect most people
- will find that the online version is a useful adjunct to the paper
- version, since you can't very well read about troubleshooting
- online if you're having trouble, but typing in URLs when following
- along with Tonya's HTML instructions is going to be a real pain.
- In the past, Hayden offered a discount to people who purchased the
- book via email. They're no longer doing that, but if you purchase
- the book via the Web, they'll ship in the United States via FedEx
- for free, which is worth a good bit considering the weight of the
- book.
- http://www.mcp.com/cgi-bin/bag?isbn=1-56830-197-9&last=/bookstore
- Shipping costs for international customers are unfortunately
- relatively high, as is common, so you might wish to look at the
- list of technical bookstores on the Internet and compare shipping
- costs.
- http://www.mcp.com/general/techbook.html
- Of course, you can also purchase the book through normal
- bookstores and other channels, like the telephone, if you prefer
- those methods. Or, you can just read it online for free. Your
- choice, and no matter how you read the book, I hope you enjoy it.
- Oh, and for those Mac users who need to use the Internet via a
- Windows machine, the entire second edition of
- _Internet_Starter_Kit_for_Windows_ will also be available online
- soon (if it isn't already). Check the Hayden home page for a link
- there when it happens.
- http://www.mcp.com/hayden/
- Macmillan Computer Publishing -- 800/428-5331 -- 317/361-5400
- 317/364-7190 (fax) -- <orders@mcp.com>
- A Pound of Cure for the PPC Version of Microsoft Office
- -------------------------------------------------------
- by Tonya Engst <tonya@tidbits.com>
- An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and if you use
- (or support) the PowerPC version of Microsoft Office 4.2, consider
- this article an ounce of prevention. If you run the PowerPC
- version of Microsoft Office (or have separate Power Mac copies of
- Word or Excel), it's time for an update, in the form of the Office
- 4.2x Update for Power Mac. The update prevents crashes (with what
- Microsoft calls a "System Error 11" message) that may occur if you
- launch an application after quitting Word, and that may occur when
- you print under QuickDraw GX 1.1.1 or 1.1.2, from any PowerPC
- version of Word 6 or Excel 5. The update should be placed in your
- Extensions folder, and - like most extensions - it loads into
- memory when you start up your Macintosh.
- A contact at Microsoft explained that the first type of crash
- typically occurs after launching and quitting Word several times
- in one work session. On some Macs, the problem might occur after
- quitting Word only once, but typically, you have to launch and
- quit Word three, five, or even ten times in order to experience
- the problem. If you restart your Macintosh, another work session
- begins, and the problem should go away for several launches and
- quits. The Application Note that comes with the update suggests
- that the problem can occur after launching Word, but before
- quitting Word; however, my contact was quite clear about the fact
- that you must quit Word to bring about the problem.
- Unfortunately, the original version of the update has two separate
- conflicts with each of two common extensions: the Global Village
- Toolbox extension and an extension that comes with STF
- Technologies's FAXstf software. Kyle Johnson
- <pkscout@acpub.duke.edu> gave a detailed description of how he
- encountered the conflict: "About three to five seconds after
- launching any part of the Office Suite, a grouping of about ten
- pixels in the upper right corner of the screen began rotating
- colors and the machine locks. The onset of the hang can be
- accelerated by selecting any menu item."
- Hang on, it gets more confusing. Microsoft has finished an update
- to the original Office 4.2x Update for Power Mac, and the update
- should be available now. Both versions are called Office 4.2x
- update for Power Mac, but if you do a Get Info on the original
- version, the version number will be displayed as "n/a." If you do
- a Get Info on the latest version of the update, the version number
- will be 1.01.
- [A note about obtaining this update from Microsoft's FTP site:
- Microsoft apparently doesn't understand that BinHex (".hqx") files
- are text-only, so they are posting them on their server
- incorrectly (surprise!). In order to download this update, you
- must do so in _binary_ mode. We recommend you download the file
- from the URL below using Netscape, which downloads pretty much
- everything in binary mode, or using Fetch, which has a Binary
- button that can force a binary download. Otherwise, configure your
- FTP client to treat the file suffix ".hqx" as a binary file (and
- make sure to change the setting back when you're done). -Geoff]
- ftp://ftp.microsoft.com/Softlib/MSLFILES/MC1164.HQX
- The online version of the Microsoft Knowledge Base does not
- currently document this problem, but I found an Application Note
- about the update at:
- http://ic.net/~jedwards/
- To find additional Word information in the Microsoft Knowledge
- Base, try:
- gopher://gopher.microsoft.com/
- http://www.microsoft.com/KB/indexes/word.htm
- Microsoft Corporation -- 800/426-9400 -- 206/635-7200 (support)
- Apple Unveils Three New Power Macs
- ----------------------------------
- by Geoff Duncan <geoff@tidbits.com>
- Apple today announced the availability of three new desktop
- machines: the Power Macintosh 8500, 7500, and 7200. These second-
- generation Power Macs put technology introduced in the Power Mac
- 9500 (see TidBITS-282_) into aggressively priced packages designed
- for professionals and mainstream users.
- These machines underscore Apple's commitment to the new PCI bus
- (each featuring three PCI expansion slots) and DIMM memory
- modules. Unlike the 9500, however, each of these machines includes
- expandable, multiple-resolution built-in video, audio capture, and
- (in the case of the 8500 and 7500) built-in, high-quality video
- input. In short, these systems look to offer significantly
- improved performance and capability at prices in the range of
- today's Power Macs.
- **Power Macintosh 8500** -- At the high end of the new machines is
- the Power Mac 8500, a mini-tower design similar to the existing
- 8100 in terms of appearance, but revised in nearly every other
- respect. The heart of the 8500 is an upgradable 120 MHz PowerPC
- 604 processor on a removable daughterboard, similar to the 9500,
- which should offer snappy performance even at computing-intensive
- tasks. The 8500 also features three PCI expansion slots, a Fast
- SCSI internal SCSI bus capable of transferring up to 10 MB per
- second (external SCSI will handle up to 5 MB/sec), a 256K level 2
- cache on a DIMM, and an internal Apple quad-speed CD-ROM drive.
- The unit has 8 DIMM slots for RAM expansion (with 16 MB of RAM
- standard), has a bay for an additional internal storage, and is
- available with either a 1 GB or 2 GB internal hard disk. There is
- at least one major headache with the Power Mac 8500: although
- access to the PCI slots and CPU daughterboard is simple, like the
- 8100 and 9500 before it adding RAM requires removing the entire
- motherboard.
- Video support in the Power Mac 8500 is exceptional. Unlike the
- Power Mac 9500 (which must use a PCI card for video), the 8500
- comes with high-quality internal video supporting resolutions up
- to 1280 by 1024 pixels, a 64-bit data path to the VRAM, and 2 MB
- of VRAM that's upgradable to 4 MB (which would support 24-bit
- video out to 1152 by 870 pixels). The Power Mac 8500 comes with
- composite and S-video input _and_ output, with 24-bit video real-
- time playthrough up to 640 by 480 (NTSC) or 768 by 576 (SECAM and
- PAL). The Power Mac 8500 can also capture 24-bit video at 25
- frames per second using NTSC at sizes up to 320 by 240 (quarter-
- screen), and has 24-bit NTSC and PAL video output described as
- "near broadcast quality" by Apple. These video capabilities exceed
- anything offered by Apple on previous Macs (including the AV
- options on previous machines); however, they aren't part of an
- optional AV add-on. Every Power Mac 8500 ships with this video
- horsepower.
- The 8500 doesn't stop there. The machine features both RCA phono
- and mini jack stereo audio input and output, all supporting 16-bit
- audio and 44 kHz sampling rates. Like the 9500, the 8500 features
- built-in Ethernet via both Apple's AAUI and the more common
- 10BASE-T connector. Also, the 8500 includes an internal DAV
- (digital audio/video) connector for video
- compression/decompression cards.
- In addition, the 8500 ships with an armful of new software that
- you wouldn't ordinarily expect. Like the 9500 before it, the 8500
- ships with System 7.5.2, including Open Transport, more PowerPC-
- native core code, speech recognition and text-to-speech
- capability, and an improved 680x0 emulator for running non-native
- applications. But the 8500 also includes QuickDraw 3D, support for
- QuickTime Conferencing (QuickTime-based video conferencing from
- Apple), plus a plethora of goodies such as a version of Apple's
- Control Strip which works on desktop Macs and enhanced sound and
- display control panels which are fully scriptable. The QuickDraw
- 3D and QuickTime Conferencing software will work on the Power Mac
- 9500, 8500, 7500, and 7200, and Apple says it will synchronize the
- software bundles with each machine.
- Done yet? Not quite. The suggested prices for the Power Mac 8500
- begin at $3,900 (keyboard and monitor sold separately), with
- correspondingly higher prices for a 2 GB internal drive.
- **Power Macintosh 7500** -- If the 8500 is aimed at high-end
- users, developers, multimedia authoring, and video production,
- then the Power Macintosh 7500 is the "enterprise" machine of
- Apple's new product line, targeted at mainstream application users
- who are looking for good value in a machine that can deliver power
- and performance in day-to-day tasks. Starting around $2,700, the
- 7500 offers decent performance, video, and future expandability.
- The Power Mac 7500 is built around a 100 MHz PowerPC 601 processor
- on a daughterboard, and features a new desktop case design (which
- it shares with the new Power Mac 7200). As with the 8500, the
- Power Mac 7500 offers three PCI expansion slots, an Apple quad-
- speed CD-ROM drive, a Fast SCSI internal SCSI bus capable of up to
- 10 MB per second (the external SCSI handles up to 5 MB/sec), 16 MB
- of RAM standard, a bay for an internal storage device, and either
- a 500 MB or 1 GB internal hard disk. The 7500's audio capabilities
- match the 8500, with phono and mini jack stereo audio input and
- output at 16 bits and up to 44 kHz sampling rates. The 7500's
- video hardware is also like the 8500's, with 2 MB of VRAM
- (expandable to 4 MB), a 64-bit data path to the VRAM, and display
- support up to 1280 by 1024 pixels.
- The 7500's video input capabilities are nearly as impressive, with
- both composite and S-video input, real-time video playthrough up
- to 640 by 480 pixels (NTSC) or 768 by 576 (PAL and SECAM), and
- 24-bit 320 by 240 (quarter-screen) video capture at 15 frames per
- second with NTSC. What's missing in comparison to the 8500 is
- video output capability; although the 7500 comes with an internal
- DAV connector to plug in video compression/decompression boards,
- the video capability in the 7500 is aimed more toward video
- conferencing and basic capture than toward production and high-end
- output. The Power Mac 7500 ships with the same software bundle as
- the 8500.
- One welcome feature in the new 7000-series Power Macs is inside
- the box: the chassis where the internal hard disk, CD-ROM, floppy
- drive, and power supply are mounted is hinged, so the entire
- chassis can unsnapped and swung upward without disconnecting any
- of the components. (One of the plastic chassis connectors even
- functions as a "kickstand" which prevents the unit from becoming
- unbalanced and toppling over.) This allows easy access to the
- VRAM, 8 DIMM slots, PCI expansion slots (which have their own
- swing-out vents) and the CPU daughterboard. Getting memory and
- other components in and out of the new 7000-series case should be
- a breeze, especially compared to the much more awkward 8500 and
- 9500.
- The Power Mac 7500 has a replaceable CPU daughterboard, and Apple
- is already saying the machine will be upgradable to a PowerPC 604
- processor. The unit also has space for an optional 256K to 1 MB of
- level 2 cache, so there are a variety of options for wrenching
- more performance out of the machine.
- **Power Macintosh 7200** -- The Power Mac 7200 rounds out the
- lower end of Apple's new Power Macintosh offerings, and is
- available in two configurations surround a 75 MHz or 90 MHz
- PowerPC 601 processor. It shares its external case with the Power
- Mac 7500, along with its quad-speed CD-ROM drive and decent video
- display capabilities (although it comes with only 1 MB of VRAM
- standard). However, the Power Mac 7200 features neither video
- capture nor video output, so video conferencing or QuickTime
- authoring are trickier propositions requiring PCI peripherals. The
- 7200 does come with three PCI expansion slots, but it also has a
- slower SCSI bus than the 8500 or 7500 (up to 5 MB/sec internal or
- external), only 4 DIMM slots and 8 MB of RAM standard, and an
- optional level 2 cache that can be increased to 512K. Apple has no
- planned CPU upgrade for the 7200 (although Apple does promise an
- upgrade - probably an expensive one - to a 7500).
- But don't knock the 7200 too hard: it wasn't so long ago when Mac
- users would have been very happy to see a machine like this, and
- with a suggested price starting at $1,700 (75 MHz model) to $1,900
- (90 MHz model), the 7200 should have a healthy life with same sort
- of customers who currently are considering Power Mac 6100s. The
- 7200 should prove a capable machine for home, small business, and
- education users, who need PowerPC capability at a decent price.
- **The "Promise" of PCI** -- Apple's new Power Macs deliver on the
- technology introduced earlier in the Power Mac 9500, and take
- Apple further toward being a RISC-based platform using industry-
- standard PCI components. At MacWorld Expo in Boston this week,
- Apple will be waving around impressive lists of manufacturers who
- have committed to ship (or are shipping) PCI cards for Power Macs.
- However, the long-term proof of PCI on the Macintosh remains to be
- seen. In the Windows world - where PCI has been an option for some
- time - software drivers are the fly in the ointment. Vendors and
- manufacturers are constantly updating drivers and components,
- resulting in a confusing panoply of versions, updaters, and
- hardware. Although it's true that Apple started its PCI efforts on
- more solid ground - with a well-defined API for Macintosh drivers,
- a better hardware standard, and a lot of hand-holding for vendors
- - it remains to be seen whether these efforts will pay off in the
- long run. After all, in many cases Apple is dealing with the same
- vendors who are principal instigators of driver-confusion under
- Windows. With luck, Apple will be able to work with PCI vendors
- and maintain the levels of quality and ease-of-installation that
- Macintosh users have come to expect and which add so much value to
- the platform. But with only a few months of real-world PCI history
- behind us, it's just too soon to tell.
- Information from:
- Apple propaganda
- Pythaeus
- Reviews/07-Aug-95
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 31-Jul-95, Vol. 9, #30
- form*Z RenderZone 2.7g1 -- pg. 24
- FlexWare 8.0 -- pg. 24
- PROmotion 1.5.3 -- pg. 28
- $$
- Non-profit, non-commercial publications may reprint articles if
- full credit is given. Others please contact us. We don't guarantee
- accuracy of articles. Caveat lector. Publication, product, and
- company names may be registered trademarks of their companies.
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