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Text File | 1994-01-10 | 29.3 KB | 579 lines | [TEXT/ttxt] |
- TidBITS#208/10-Jan-94
- =====================
- Macworld news abounds this issue, with brief looks at some of the
- more interesting new products from the show, along with a full
- review of the runaway hit, Connectix's fabulous RAM Doubler.
- Mark Anbinder looks at Second Sight 3.0, and just to make sure
- you're feeling sufficiently poor, we report just what Sculley
- received in his severance package from Apple. Ick.
- This issue of TidBITS sponsored in part by:
- * APS Technologies -- 800/443-4199 -- 71520.72@compuserve.com
- Makers of hard drives, tape drives, memory, and accessories.
- For APS price lists, email: aps-prices@tidbits.com <---- New!
- Copyright 1990-1994 Adam & Tonya Engst. Details at end of issue.
- Automated info: <info@tidbits.com> Comments: <ace@tidbits.com>
- --------------------------------------------------------------
- Topics:
- MailBITS/10-Jan-94
- Do I Get This If I Resign?
- Macworld Comments
- Product Comments
- Second Sight, Take Three
- RAM Doubler
- Reviews/10-Jan-94
- [Archived as /info-mac/per/tb/tidbits-208.etx; 30K]
- MailBITS/10-Jan-94
- ------------------
- A number of people wrote to whack on me for claiming the Tab key
- was related to the metal tabs on a mechanical typewriter, saying
- instead that it is short for "tabulator," a device for making
- tables. In that sense the key name still makes sense on the
- computer keyboard, although I wonder if people would have thought
- that before Word came up with its table feature. On systems with
- monospaced fonts (and even on Macs with proportional fonts), many
- people still use the space bar to make tables.
- **Almost-free Internet access** is available from the Washington
- DC-based non-profit International Internet Association. The group,
- funded primarily by private donations with some commercial input,
- hopes to give away up to 25,000 free Internet accounts and has
- given away over 9,000 as of several weeks ago at the rate of about
- 150 per day. The underlying rationale is to provide an easy
- alternative to commercial service providers. The account is free,
- although you must pay long distance charges. They support modem
- speeds up to v.32bis, and once you're on, you're in a custom menu
- shell - no SLIP or PPP access. There is currently a three week
- turnaround on account creation, and for some reason, they require
- a credit card for access. International Internet Association --
- info@iia.org-- 202/387-5445 -- 202/387-5446 (fax)
- Do I Get This If I Resign?
- --------------------------
- Just in case you were concerned about how John Sculley was forced
- out of Apple in a takeover by Michael Spindler, I thought I'd pass
- on the description of Sculley's severance package. A number of
- Apple employees have asked wistfully if they can get the same deal
- if they resign.
- The basic severance payment was a cool million, or about the
- equivalent of a year's salary for Sculley. Sculley won't entirely
- disappear either, since Apple retained him as a consultant for a
- year, during which he earns $100,000 per month for the first three
- months and $50,000 per month for the remaining nine months. One
- presumes that he's using the time to impart his wisdom to Michael
- Spindler, who no doubt realizes that Sculley's wisdom got Apple
- into this mess in the first place. I doubt much work will happen
- for that $750,000. Wasn't that about the amount Apple received in
- the Williamson County tax rebate? Hmm....
- Don't worry, that's not all. Sculley didn't much like California,
- one gathers from his biography and other reports, and Apple agreed
- to buy Sculley's properties in Woodside, California, at fair
- market value. Some companies pay moving expenses only for incoming
- employes, but Apple picked up the tab for Sculley to move back to
- Greenwich, Connecticut, and since he won't need to commute back
- and forth any more, Apple also bought back his personal Lear 55
- jet plane. Finally, since moving always involves a few months of
- higher expenses, Apple graciously made exercisable Sculley's
- outstanding stock options. I doubt selling them will bring him
- into the same class as Bill Gates, but a couple of million extra
- dollars can come in handy on occasion.
- I suspect that some, if not all of these perks were specified in
- an employment contract so that Apple was legally required to fork
- over all that money, but I must admit that I'm a bit disgusted
- with it all.
- Information from:
- Pythaeus
- Macworld Comments
- -----------------
- I may be jaded, but Macworld doesn't sport the same attraction as
- it used to. Some of the lost luster is due no doubt to my
- increased knowledge of the industry, but that's not the entire
- story. In the process of figuring out why I was less than
- entranced, I realized something about TidBITS and the way I look
- at the Macintosh world. The show had too many me-too products, too
- many minor upgrades, and too many specialized high-end products
- that undoubtedly wowed the crowds as much with their price tags as
- with their features.
- The Macintosh was once called the computer for the rest of us.
- Have we become the elite for whom that early Mac was _not_? I
- think not, and therein lies my dissatisfaction with the industry
- as reflected in the booths of Macworld. Frankly, the entire field
- is becoming niched out, if you'll excuse my verbification. Live
- Picture is extremely cool (or so I'm told - I have yet to have the
- patience to get close enough to a demo). But is any product that
- edits pictures and costs some number of thousands of dollars
- intended for the rest of us? Is a QMS color laser printer that
- costs more than my car made for the rest of us? The answer in both
- cases is no; the rest of us can get by just fine with an $8.37
- copy of Color It and a several hundred dollar DeskWriter C.
- I don't deny the validity or utility of these high-end, expensive,
- niche products, but at the same time I think the ever-increasing
- emphasis on them serves to divide the Macintosh world. Sure, that
- color laser printer produced nice pages, but when placed against a
- Honda Civic, I think most people would take the Civic. Drop the
- price on that color laser to the range of a DeskWriter C and we'll
- all have one. So that's the first dividing line - price. The
- prices of Macs may have dropped but that doesn't mean you can get
- away with spending less money on a complete system.
- The second dividing line is related to the realization people had
- about seven years ago. The Macintosh made desktop publishing a
- reality, and we've all seen our share of newsletters that use
- every font available on the designer's Mac with an emphasis on
- Venice and San Francisco. Time has finally installed in us the
- concept that the availability and simplification of the tools does
- not make a novice into an expert. As the market matures in
- different areas, this lesson comes home time and time again. I
- could spend thousands of dollars on video equipment and software
- for my 660AV, but the ability to create full-screen full-motion
- video doesn't mean that I or any other novice can create _good_
- full-screen, full-motion video.
- Community
- These two lines serve to break up the Macintosh community into the
- haves and the have nots, the novices and the experts, and that
- bothers me. Although a community must preserve a range of
- knowledge and expertise, there must also be some common ground,
- some subjects in which most any Macintosh user will evince
- interest. That's where I see my role, and the role of TidBITS. I'm
- not an expert in any field, and the field in which I'm the most
- interested, the Internet, attracts me because of the wonderful
- people with whom I can interact, from whom I can learn, and who I
- can count among my friends. I want to create a common ground, a
- virtual meeting space in which we can all learn from one another
- and benefit from the process. TidBITS does this in its small way,
- and that's good. We can't solve the world's problems, and I doubt
- we even understand the world's problems, but if we can at least
- get to know one another and continue to exchange thoughts and
- ideas, the world cannot but improve.
- One of the causes of this pontificating was the annual netters'
- dinner at Macworld. Some 80-odd netters from all over showed up to
- share Chinese food and listen to our ever-enthusiastic organizer
- Jon "Will hack for food" Pugh. Once again, I was struck by how
- utterly comfortable I felt with the assembled net denizens. We may
- not be pretty and we may not be rich, but I think I can say that
- we're one hell of a nice group of people. Thanks to you all for a
- wonderful evening, and here's hoping that the net never loses its
- spirit.
- Product Comments
- ----------------
- Even though I may not have been thoroughly impressed by the
- products at the show, there were plenty of products worth
- mentioning. These in no way relate to each other - I just found
- them interesting at the show or in press materials. I'll have more
- of these notes next week as well - there isn't room for
- everything.
- **TaxPro** -- Although I don't own a Newton, I kept an eye out for
- interesting Newton applications at the show. Many of those present
- (and there weren't all that many) were distributed by Apple's
- StarCore publishing group, and among that set was TaxPro (about
- $50, I think, and I'd check Apple dealers first for availability)
- from Advanced Mobile, a truly Newton-esque application. As you
- might expect from the name, TaxPro helps you do U.S. income taxes,
- but unlike the multi-megabyte behemoth MacInTax, it doesn't
- attempt to include every possible form or calculation, and isn't
- designed to print IRS-acceptable forms. Instead, TaxPro is a tax
- planner that removes much of the confusion from attempting to fill
- out the IRS's, shall we say, comprehensive forms. And since TaxPro
- resides on your Newton in a 120K file, it's perfect for quickly
- checking the tax implications of a financial move on the spot. Of
- course, as a Newton application, TaxPro makes it easy to email or
- fax the tax projections to someone else. Although I haven't used
- TaxPro for my taxes, I did play with it at the show, and
- especially liked the way it allowed you to work in simple
- worksheets rather than complex forms. TaxPro contains tax rates
- for both 1992 and 1993, and I'm sure Advanced Mobile will have a
- free or cheap upgrade to the 1994 rates when possible. Although
- anyone who has to mess with their tax planning will appreciate
- TaxPro, I suspect that financial professionals will especially
- like the ability to quickly project tax returns and electronically
- bounce the information to clients with a minimum of fuss. Advanced
- Mobile -- meiercpa@aol.com -- TaxPro via NewtonMail -- 414/271-
- 7711 -- 414/224-1525 (fax)
- **FlipBook** -- S.H. Pierce & Co. showed FlipBook, a clever little
- application that turns QuickTime movies, PICS animations, and
- frames from the Scrapbook into a paper flipbook, in which you flip
- the pages quickly to simulate the frames of a movie. FlipBook
- ships with special paper for making flipbooks and works with both
- QuickDraw and PostScript printers. It does require a 68020 or
- greater Mac. As is unfortunately common, they didn't put the price
- on their glossy propaganda. S.H. Pierce & Co. -- 617/338-2222 --
- 617/338-2223 (fax)
- **Sumo** -- MacSoft, a division of WizardWorks, showed Sumo, a new
- game based on the sport of sumo wrestling. The basic idea is to
- bounce the opponent's ball out of the ring, and you can either
- play against the computer, which learns your moves and adjusts, or
- against another person, although then one person must use the
- keyboard, which looked as though it might be more difficult than
- using a mouse. If you play with the mouse, you don't have to
- click. A dragging motion is all you need, making Sumo potentially
- more attractive to people flirting with RSI problems. MacSoft --
- 800/229-2714
- **White Knight 11** does not support the Communications Toolbox,
- according to the FreeSoft rep at their booth, but they plan CTB
- support for version 12. Once White Knight supports the CTB, those
- of us who work with MacTCP and the Internet will be able to use it
- with telnet tools and other Internet applications. The FreeSoft
- Company -- 412/846-2700
- **Open Sesame** ($99 list) from Charles River Analytics should be
- a fascinating utility to test. The first learning agent for the
- Mac (or any other mass market platform), Open Sesame watches your
- actions and when it thinks it detects a pattern, it asks if you
- would like it to automate that task. It even keeps track of day
- and time, so if you always run a backup on Friday afternoon, or
- always switch into WordTris at 4:55 PM, Open Sesame will note
- that. I'm looking forward to it more than most utilities, because
- even though I already automate many tasks with QuicKeys and a few
- with AppleScript and Frontier, I always wonder what I'm missing.
- Charles River Analytics -- 800/913-35335 -- 617/491-3474 --
- 617/868-0780 (fax) -- sesame@cra.com -- 72056.3606@compuserve.com
- **Street Atlas USA 2.0** from DeLorme Mapping should prove to be a
- useful application of CD-ROM technology, since it's a complete
- road map of the entire United States, theoretically down to the
- tiniest back roads. I grew up on a dirt road that barely showed up
- on local maps, so I'd be curious if Street Atlas includes that
- road, but it claims to show more than 12 million street segments
- and over 1 million lakes, ponds, rivers, parks, railroads, and
- monuments. Since version 1.0 appeared first on Windows (think of
- Windows users as guinea pigs), this version is the same as the
- just-released version 2.0 for Windows. You can search on zip code,
- place name, or phone number, and view and print maps at a variety
- of scales. DeLorme Mapping -- 207/865-1234
- **MacHandwriter** appeared in the U.S. market after being
- available in Japan for some time. From Communication Intelligence
- Corporation (CIC), MacHandwriter is a complete pen input system
- for the Macintosh, and includes the necessary software, a pen (you
- can get a pressure-sensitive pen from CIC if you use FreeHand or
- other pressure-sensitive program), and a thin graphics tablet.
- Although the press release claims MacHandwriter "is compatible
- with standard off-the-shelf applications including graphics and
- desktop publishing, word processing, spreadsheet, and databases"
- it doesn't anywhere claim complete compatibility, which is either
- honesty (is anything _completely_ compatible?) or a way of saying
- that it works with a lot of software but doesn't work with plenty
- as well. Either way, it sounds neat, and is affordable at $399.
- Until 28-Feb-94, the price is even lower at $199. CIC -- 800/888-
- 9242 -- 415/802-7888 -- 415/802-7777 (fax)
- **El-Fish** from Maxis should satisfy aquarists who can't keep up
- with a large tank of cichlids or who don't get The Aquarium
- Channel on cable. El-Fish is an electronic aquarium in which you
- can breed or mutate exotic fish. The propaganda claims that El-
- Fish creates an "unlimited number of realistic, seemingly three-
- dimensional fish that look and swim like real fish." I certainly
- hope El-Fish isn't so realistic as to simulate the occasional tank
- leaks or nasty fungal epidemics my fish have experienced. Maxis --
- 510/254-9700 -- 510/253-3736 (fax) -- maxis@aol.com
- **Port Juggler** from Momentum may solve serial port headaches for
- those of you with more serial devices than ports. With it, you can
- connect a peripheral to up to four Macs, or you can connect up to
- four serial devices to one Mac. Either way, the interesting part
- is that Port Juggler switches between the devices automatically,
- so you don't have to do any of the switching work. It's a great
- idea, considering that once you enable AppleTalk on the printer
- port, you're down to a single serial port that's usually awkward
- to reach. Momentum -- 808/263-0088 -- 808/263-0099 (fax)
- Second Sight, Take Three
- ------------------------
- by Mark H. Anbinder, News Editor -- mha@baka.ithaca.ny.us
- The FreeSoft Company recently shipped the long-awaited 3.0 release
- of their popular Second Sight bulletin board software. Second
- Sight 3.0 is the successor to Red Ryder Host and Second Sight
- version 2.1; the company also publishes White Knight, the popular
- terminal software formerly known as Red Ryder.
- Although graphical interface BBS software and mail packages such
- as FirstClass, TeleFinder, and NovaLink Pro have taken over much
- of the Mac-based BBS, service bureau, and email market, text-based
- BBS software such as Second Sight is still popular. The universal
- VT100-compatible interface that's presented to all users
- regardless of client platform carries a strong advantage; the
- graphical packages require specialized client software that is
- typically available for a limited range of platforms.
- Second Sight 3.0 incorporates into the main host application all
- of the administration features previously handled in a suite of
- separate utility applications. The authors clearly based many of
- the improvements in each module on features from the many free and
- shareware utilities that have been developed by Second Sight users
- over the years. The modeless multi-window host environment allows
- the sysop to perform most maintenance and administration tasks
- while the host system is active and in use.
- The host software supports serial DTE rates (between computer and
- modem) from 300 to 57,600 bps, and DCE rates (between modems) from
- 300 to 14,400 bps, plus 16,800 bps and the yet-to-be-released
- 28,800 bps speed. Hardware handshaking (RTS/CTS flow control) is
- fully supported on Macs equipped with a "Gpi" (general purpose
- input) pin in their serial ports; the Mac Plus, Classic, and LC
- family Macs are not so equipped. The software now offers "true
- multi-line support," including support for Creative Solutions's
- Hurdler and Applied Engineering's QuadraLink and QuadraLink DMA
- cards, all of which are multiple-serial-port NuBus cards.
- Second Sight 3.0 includes numerous enhancements from the outside
- user's point of view, as well. The software provides full ANSI
- color and graphics terminal extensions, permitting colorful menu
- displays, text file graphics, and color ANSI animations. A new
- Group Mail feature allows individual messages to be sent to groups
- of users. All file transfer protocols have been refined, and all
- now support both MacBinary and non-MacBinary uploads and
- downloads, enabling both Mac and non-Mac users to work with files
- comfortably.
- The fully customizable menus, displays, and command structure make
- Second Sight more attractive than most other text-based BBS
- software designed to run on a Macintosh host machine. (Most such
- packages are designed to operate just like corresponding text-
- based BBS software on DOS machines.) This factor puts Second Sight
- ahead of the less-expensive Hermes, and also gives it an advantage
- over the text-oriented command line interface in FirstClass.
- NovaLink Pro is also fully customizable, but Second Sight
- modification is easier on the administrator.
- Upgrades from Second Sight 2.1 are available for $25 to users who
- purchased the software on or after 01-Nov-93, for $35 if 2.1 was
- purchased between 01-Oct-93 and 31-Oct-93, or $45 between 01-Sep-
- 93 and 30-Sep-93. Other 2.0 or 2.1 owners may upgrade for $50, and
- owners of pre-2.0 versions may upgrade for $75. (Registered users
- should receive instructions on their various options in the mail.)
- The suggested retail price of the new version is $199.
- New copies of Second Sight will be available from Macalot Software
- at 412/846-2177, and MacZone at 800/248-0800 or 206/883-3088. For
- instructions on upgrading from a previous version or for other
- authorized dealers, contact:
- The FreeSoft Company -- 412/846-2700 -- 412/847-4436 (fax)
- Information from:
- The FreeSoft Company propaganda
- RAM Doubler
- -----------
- The software hit of Macworld SF was definitely Connectix's RAM
- Doubler. Roy McDonald, Connectix's president, said that they sold
- about 3,000 copies at the show, and about another 3,000 through
- normal channels. Considering that RAM Doubler shipped the day of
- the show, that's not too shabby. But I digress.
- You can never have enough hard drive space or RAM. Hard drives
- aren't all that expensive per megabyte though, whereas RAM is way
- up there, due in large part to the DRAM hoax of last year. You
- probably remember, the Sumitomo resin factory blew up, so prices
- on RAM reacted like commodity prices and skyrocketed. Like
- commodities, the prices were based almost purely on speculation,
- and as it turned out, a survey of existing stocks of the resin
- showed that the industry had almost twice as much of the stuff
- stockpiled as it was going to need by last December, when the
- plant came back on line. In essence, then, there was no reason for
- those RAM prices to rise, but rise they did. In fact, the dealers
- we users buy from probably made no more money on RAM than they
- normally do, but being almost at the top of the RAM food chain,
- they had no choice but to raise consumer prices. But I digress
- again - now that we're all irritated at the RAM manufacturers, let
- me explain what RAM Doubler is and why you're likely to want a
- copy.
- RAM Doubler is a single small extension that literally doubles
- your RAM. It's not guessing at a 2:1 compression ratio, like
- Salient's AutoDoubler and DiskDoubler (now owned by Symantec) -
- you actually see your total memory being twice your built-in
- memory. Since RAM Doubler is an extension, there are no controls,
- no configuration. You just install it and it doubles the amount of
- application RAM you have available.
- A number of people have expressed disbelief that such a feat is
- possible, saying that they'd avoid anything like RAM Doubler
- because it's obviously doing strange things to memory, which isn't
- safe. The answer to these naysayers is that a program like RAM
- Doubler either works or it doesn't - it's a binary decision. Since
- Connectix offers a 30-day money-back guarantee, you have nothing
- to lose if it doesn't work, and since there's almost nothing you
- can do to prevent RAM Doubler from working (remember, there's no
- configuration), it's an easy test. Tonya and I have both installed
- RAM Doubler to test it in low and high memory situations since her
- Duo 230 has only 4 MB of real RAM whereas my 660AV sports 20 MB.
- Needless to say, since RAM Doubler has only been out for a few
- days, we haven't been testing for long, but I can honestly say
- that neither of us have noticed anything out of the ordinary
- during this time. In addition, Roy said that he has been watching
- the nets for complaints and has seen essentially none. This isn't
- to imply that RAM Doubler must be entirely bug free; in fact,
- there's a known conflict with 4D that will be fixed in 1.0.1, due
- out in a week or so. ACIUS has apparently released a patch for
- some other problem that also solves the incompatibility with RAM
- Doubler, but if you use 4D, I'd recommend waiting for a short
- while.
- On our machines, though, RAM Doubler has performed perfectly.
- Tonya runs a relatively slim system and only a few applications
- like Word 5.1a, the Random House Webster's dictionary, and Eudora,
- whereas I have over two rows of extensions on a 16" monitor and a
- slew of applications, fourteen of which start up at boot time. To
- stress the system a bit, I launched Retrospect (4 MB of RAM),
- FreeHand, PageMaker, and Elastic Reality (a high-end morphing
- program from ASDG that likes 12 MB of RAM), and I still had about
- 6 MB free, so I started up speech recognition and switched to a
- larger uncompressed voice. Everything worked fine, although as I
- started to push the boundaries of my 40 MB, the Mac slowed down a
- bit.
- In normal usage, Connectix estimates a two to four percent
- slowdown, although most people don't notice such a small speed
- hit, in large part because other extensions can easily reduce your
- Mac's performance that much as well. The speed hit will change
- slightly as you use more of the RAM that RAM Doubler provides
- since it must switch to more complex methods of providing the RAM
- it has promised to you.
- I'm no programmer, so I can't tell you exactly how RAM Doubler
- works its magic, but the basic idea is that it uses Connectix's
- virtual memory technology to divert memory not to a disk file, but
- to other locations in RAM. There are several techniques involved,
- depending on the current RAM situation. RAM Doubler starts out by
- using the "empty" space in the About this Macintosh memory bars,
- which is the memory that an application has reserved but not used.
- After that, it pokes around for holes in the "used" space in those
- memory bars, or memory that the application has used but won't
- again. Normally such memory is completely lost to other
- applications because applications generally require a contiguous
- block of RAM. If you keep launching programs, RAM Doubler will
- compress some of the contents of RAM using standard data
- compression techniques, and finally, if all else fails, it will
- swap some of the contents of memory out to disk, although I gather
- this primarily happens on Macs with less than 8 MB of real RAM.
- Because of these techniques, you can't run other memory management
- tools, such as Apple's VM or Connectix's Virtual. In addition, you
- should not use RAM Doubler to run a single RAM hog like Photoshop
- - the speed hit will be hard and instantaneous since most of RAM
- Doubler's tricks fail when using only a single application.
- However, if you have 20 MB and wish to run Photoshop in 20 MB, you
- should be able to effectively use the additional 20 MB that RAM
- Doubler provides for other, smaller applications.
- The more I think about RAM Doubler, the more I'm impressed by how
- simple and clever it is. The best analogy I can come up with is
- that of a hard disk. You don't need contiguous space on a hard
- disk to save a file - the Mac can track the different blocks that
- store various parts of a large file. Until RAM Doubler, RAM was
- the exact opposite, but with RAM Doubler, memory now works more
- like a hard disk so you can use every little bit that's free.
- Of course, such a feat isn't easy, and the only way RAM Doubler
- achieves it is to use the MMU, or memory management unit, that's
- built into the 68030 and 68040 processors and keeps track of the
- entire contents of RAM. Thus, if your Mac has a 68000 or 68020
- (with the exception of some 68030-accelerated Mac II's - ask
- Connectix for details), RAM Doubler won't work. Those of you on
- older Macs like the Plus and LC have another option, though,
- OptiMem from Jump Development Group. I'll talk more about it in a
- future issue.
- The best testament to RAM Doubler's simplicity is its nine-page
- manual, with three pages that introduce RAM Doubler and talk about
- installing and removing it, four pages that answer common
- questions, and two pages that discuss Connectix's other products.
- Overall then, RAM Doubler is a no-brainer. You buy it (it lists
- for $99, sold for $49 at the show, and I suspect that Connectix
- has lower than list prices for online users and for users of other
- Connectix products), install it, and poof, you have twice as much
- RAM available for applications.
- If we're lucky, RAM Doubler will prompt a lowering of RAM prices
- as well, since only people who need tons of real RAM (like
- Photoshop users) should pay for real RAM. It's an easy decision,
- since if you have 8 MB of real RAM now, RAM Doubler costs
- somewhere around $50 and an 8 MB SIMM costs around $300. For
- people like me, it's even more worthwhile since RAM Doubler still
- costs $50 to up my RAM from 20 MB to 40 MB, but another 20 MB of
- SIMMs would probably run $750 or so. In other words, if you're
- starting to feel the RAM crunch, get RAM Doubler. It doesn't
- prevent you from getting more RAM later - it will double that just
- as happily - but for the moment it's the best deal going.
- Connectix -- 800/950-5880 -- 415/571-5100 -- 415/571-5195 (fax)
- connectix@aol.com
- Reviews/10-Jan-94
- -----------------
- * MacWEEK -- 03-Jan-94, Vol. 8, #1
- Now Contact 1.0 -- pg. 91
- Adobe Streamline 3.0 -- pg. 91
- PowerBook batteries -- pg. 94
- PowerPlate Mini 3, PowerPlate 3x, PowerPlate 5x
- VST ThinPack
- ScriptGenPro 1.0.1 -- pg. 95
- Fontographer 4.0.3 -- pg. 96
- $$
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- ----------------------------------------------------------------