A swarm of bees, plus the frantic Queen bee, skitters about the screen in this lively After Dark module by Dan Walkowski, the author of the original black-and-white Swarm module.
This has settings for speed, jiggle and the number of bees. The Queen's speed can be adjusted independantly from the drone's speed.
This is an After Dark module that produces an effect similar to a swarm of insects. You can control several parameters, and it will work with multiple monitor setups. (I know, I tested it.) It's not in color, but that may be fixed soon.
It's quite mesmerizing to watch. Try setting every slider to normal and the jiggle to about 12 or 14.
AUTHOR: Keith Stattenfield; Original Icons by Kenji Gotoh
From: Oblio
After Dark module
- works with both After Dark 1.0 and 2.0
- uses color if available
- Does not use sound.
Ed. note: Cute, if you like cats...:) Watch a small cat (Genji) meander about the screen, take naps (as only cats can), and other cat type things. You'll also be reminded of the old Neko Desk Accessory!
1) put the b&w enterprise into the AfterDark Files folder
3) put the starship multi-module into the multi-modules folder
4) open afterdark & set picture frame to 'b&w starship'
5) keeping the cdev open, set the multi-module to 'starship'
6) you may have to edit the position of the starship by editing the multi-module (read the manual if you don't understand). Sorry, but I have a larger monitor & I don't know what AD will do with this. The most you should have to do is move the thing around.
7) set either multi-module or randomizer to be the blanker
8) enjoy & please send me email if you use this: simply mail to 'AndrewWynn'
NOTE: After downloading, place the pict file in your picture frame folder, and the multi-module in your multi-module folder. You may have to experiment a bit with both picture frame and the multi-module settings to make it work correctly.
This is a revised version of the original, saving about 92K bytes of hard disk space!! There is nothing lost; the image is simply reworked (it had a full screen of black around and was object-oriented at 100K).
The new version has an 8K image which was anti-aliased using PhotoShop for a more professional touch. This resulted in a picture which appears a little nicer, while saving you 92K of HD and RAM (while its running). If you download again, this one is 80% smaller than the original.
This is an awesome presentation of After Dark's Warp and a hind picture of NCC-1701-D going at warp speeds. My teacher sat fascinated looking at the screen for at least 20 seconds! The overall affect is of the Enterprise warping ahead of you. Ten times better than the other multi-module settings.
Graphics module for use with After Dark, a commercial screensaver Control Panel device. Just put this module in the After Dark folder (which is in your System Folder) and select it. Not as great as Flying Toasters or Zot, but interesting enough to download and try out.
This module reads the ICON resources from your active System and bounces the icons around the screen. The user can configure the maximum number of icons that will be displayed at once, which will have the effect of speeding up or slowing down the bouncing.
A Watchmenesque smiley-face icon bounces around the screen with the other icons, and if the user so desires, each icon will explode on contact with the smiley-face.
After Dark is neat, and is a trademark of Berkeley Systems, Inc. ICON Crash! is free, but please tell me what you think and tell me how far it has spread! Write via Internet to Adam_Miller@memory.uucp, via private e-mail on Memory Alpha BBS at 607-257-5822, or to:
Adam Miller
105 Cornell Street
Ithaca, New York 14850
Future updates will be available on Memory Alpha BBS.
Version History:
1.0 - December 1990 - The original had a set number of icons
and no explosions.
2.0 - February 1991 - Added controls to specify maximum number of
This is a PICs file of a spaceship blasting an asteroid. It comes with multimodule settings to use this file with warp to give a true "spacey" feeling. SpaceShip Anim is a PICS file that can be used with the PICS player in After Dark 2.0. It may also be used with the Multimodule module. Enclosed are the settings. Just put the Spaceship Anim in your AfterDark Folder, select it in the pics player, and then put the settings file into the Multimodule folder.The SpaceShip Anim file was created with Studio 1. You may distribute this file freely as long as it is not sold for profit.