Text File | 1992-01-17 | 600 b | 8 lines | [TEXT/SNTE]
The original Screaming Bjarne wouldn't work with System 7 and/or the new After Dark.
Here are the files needed to make Screaming Bjarne work in System 7.0 with After Dark 2.0v.
1. Put ScreamingBjarne (2k file) into the MultiModule Settings folder within the After Dark Files folder. If you don't have one there, create one.
2. Copy the rest of the files (4) named — SreamingBjarne (PICS), SreamingBjarne (PICS) SreamingBjarne Player, SreamingBjarne (snd_s), and SreamingBjarne MM — into the After Dark Files folder.
3. The face will be smaller (sorry Bjarne) to speed up the drift on the screen.