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Text File | 1990-09-14 | 9.8 KB | 314 lines | [TEXT/QED1] |
- ===========================================================================
- "FileList" Macintosh Volume And File Lister
- ===========================================================================
- Version 1.4 (14-Sep-1990)
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- First of all, this program is free (but NOT public domain), including the
- sources. So don't pay anybody for it. Make sure to include this
- documentation when you give the program away.
- "FileList" is a file and disk organizer. It reads entire volumes and saves
- volume and file information. There is an option that enables "StuffIt"
- (Classic and Deluxe) and/or "Compactor" archives to be opened and to be
- treated like a folder: all files in the archive (including encrypted
- entries) will be listed.
- The collected information can be displayed, sorted by multiple criteria,
- searched for, saved as text files (to be printed later on, or to be
- imported into databases). Entire volumes can be deleted or renamed. There
- is an automatic disk insert/eject mode, meaning any inserted disk (be it a
- floppy or a CD-ROM disk) gets scanned then ejected, or any mounted volume
- can be added by selecting from a list of on-line volumes.
- "FileList" is useful for managing large collections of floppy disks, or can
- be used to quickly locate files on a big disk, e.g. CD-ROM.
- Here is what "MacUser" December 1989 said about "FileList 1.2":
- "FileList is a basic but very effective file lister. Insert a disk, and its
- contents are quickly listed with volume and folder paths, size, dates,
- creator and type. The resultant file can be printed, edited, or exported as
- text. The data transfers well to databases. FileList is currently the best
- of this type of program available."
- Changes from version 1.3:
- * Some small bugs were corrected (multiple monitors, font problem, folder
- that only has folders and no files, file count per volume, cancel, file
- server volume).
- * Existing volumes are recognized and can easily be replaced in the list.
- * Recognize Compactor archives.
- * Recognize StuffIt Deluxe archives.
- "FileList" should run on any Macintosh Plus or newer Macintosh. HFS
- (Hierarchical File System) is required, but MFS (Macintosh File System)
- disks are supported. I used System 6.05 with MultiFinder 6.1b9 on a
- Macintosh Plus and Macintosh IIcx to develop and test the program. The
- program was developed with THINK C 4.02 and the source code is available
- (on the services where I personnaly upload "FileList" I also upload the
- sources).
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- There are always two windows: a volume window and a file window. The title
- of each window shows how many entries are in the each list. The windows can
- be moved around, resized and zoomed. Clicking in the close box sends the
- window to the back, showing the other window. The window positions and
- sizes can be saved with the options (see options below).
- Each volume or file entry is on one line. A line can be selected by
- clicking on it. Clicking on a selected line deselects the line again. The
- "Copy" menu item (or function key F3) copies the selected line to the
- clipboard as text.
- The scroll bars can be used to move around in the list as expected. The
- following keyboard keys can be used to navigate:
- home Scroll to beginning of list
- end Scroll to end of list
- page up Scroll one page up
- page down Scroll one page down
- cursor keys Scroll one line up/down or column left/right
- (use the option key to scroll one page left/right)
- return, enter Move to selection
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- *** File Menu ***
- New
- Clear current list. Create new empty volume and file list.
- Open...
- Open existing list from existing FileList file.
- Close
- Same as clicking in the close box of the active window.
- Save
- Save list into FileList file.
- Save As...
- Save list into FileList file under new name.
- Save Text...
- Export list of active window (volumes or files) into text file.
- (Note that text files cannot be opened again by FileList!)
- Default Windows
- Resize and reposition windows to default settings.
- (Default settings can be set with the Options... dialog)
- Options...
- Options dialog.
- Quit
- Quit the application.
- *** Edit Menu ***
- Undo
- Not used.
- Cut
- Not used.
- Copy
- Copy selected line to clipboard.
- Paste
- Not used.
- Clear
- If the option key is also pressed this clears both the volume and file
- index tables.
- Find...
- Find dialog.
- Find Again
- Find next item.
- Move To Selection
- Bring selected item into view (same as return or enter key).
- *** Volume Menu ***
- Automatic
- Select/deselect automatic insert/eject mode.
- (Can also be selected by using the Options... dialog)
- Add...
- Show on-line (mounted) volumes. Select those to add to list.
- Delete
- Delete selected volume from the list, and all its files.
- (Note that this deletes the volume in the list, not on the disk!)
- Rename...
- Rename selected volume.
- (Note that this renames the volume in the list, not on the disk!)
- *** View/Files ****
- by name
- by size
- by type
- by creator
- by created
- by modified
- by volume
- by path
- *** View/Volumes ***
- by name
- by free
- by total
- by files
- by created
- by modified
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- This dialog presents the following options:
- * Automatic disk insert/eject
- Anytime a disk is inserted, it is scanned, added to the list, then
- ejected. This works with any movable medium: floppy disks, CD-ROM
- disks, ...
- * Recognize StuffIt archives
- Anytime a StuffIt archive is found it is treated like a folder, i.e.
- all its files, folders, sub-folders, ... are listed.
- * Recognize Compactor archives
- Anytime a Compactor archive is found it is treated like a folder, i.e.
- all its files, folders, sub-folders, ... are listed.
- * Use tabs between fields
- When exporting the list to a text file, tabs are put between fields,
- instead of spaces. This is used to import the data into databases.
- * Date format
- Select the data format you want. The format selected will be used to
- show the dates on the screen and to export to text files.
- * Set default window settings
- The current window positions and sizes become the default values.
- You can press the following buttons:
- * Ok
- Options take effect but are not saved.
- * Save
- Options take effect and are saved in a settings file in the System
- folder.
- * Cancel
- Nothing happens.
- If you press the option key while choosing the options menu item the
- following memory options can be set, but become active only on the next
- program start:
- * Heap size
- The heap size that should remain after "FileList" has allocated all
- it's tables. You should leave at least 30000 Bytes for the heap.
- * Volumes percentage
- The percentage of how many volume records (any volume, folder and file
- is considered a record) are expected. Clicking on the associated text
- automatically calculates and displays the current volume percentage.
- * Files percentage
- The percentage of how many file records (any volume, folder and file is
- considered a record) are expected. Clicking on the associated text
- automatically calculates and displays the current file percentage.
- * Average name size
- Average name size (of volumes, folders and files) expected. Clicking on
- the text automatically calculates and displays the current average name
- size.
- These values are used by "FileList" to allocate its tables. Everything must
- fit into available memory. You can use the "About FileList..." menu item in
- the Apple menu to see how memory is allocated. To get more memory under
- MultiFinder for longer lists use the Finder's "Get Info" command. E.g. to
- be able to list all files on my "EduCorp CD-ROM 4.0" disk containing 14550
- files I must set the partition size to 1000 K.
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- The find dialog corresponds to the selected window: Files or volumes. For
- both you can search by giving part of the name. Enter a string and set one
- of the following radio buttons:
- * Equals
- The search string must be exactly equal to the name.
- * Starts
- The name must start with the search string.
- * Includes
- The name must include the search string.
- * Ends
- The name must end with the search string.
- That's all for volumes. For files there are two more criteria: file type
- and file creator. If the type or the creator is not filled out it is not
- used, otherwise it must exactly match (4 characters). One can also use an
- empty name string and only find files based on the type and creator, or
- type alone, or creator alone, or any possible combination thereof.
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- You can use ResEdit to modify the following resources in "FileList":
- 'STR ' 136 File name for storing options. This file is created in the
- active System folder. Is set to "Terminal Options". This
- might be changed to "Preferences:Terminal Options" if you
- have a "Preferences" folder in your System folder.
- 'STR ' 138 Creator (4 characters) for text files. Is set to 'PEDT'
- the creator signature of my text editor.
- ___________________________________________________________________________
- Send any comments to:
- CompuServe : 73720,2200
- Internet : 73720.2200@compuserve.com
- Packet Radio: LX1YZ @ LX0PAC
- Erny Tontlinger
- 33 route d'Arlon
- L-8410 Steinfort
- Luxembourg
- Thanks to all those who sent me comments and suggestions for the previous
- versions of "FileList". I did not have the time yet to include everything
- into this new version, but everything is on the new feature list.