Now that the software is installed, you might want to refer to your User Guide Addendum in the "Read Us First!" folder on your hard disk.
Register Your Software
This is an evaluation copy of InstallerMaker. It will allow you to build fully functional Product Installers. Each Product Installer will have an additional splash screen that displays that it is for demonstration purposes ONLY. If you are interested in getting rid of this screen permenently, and would like to license the InstallerMaker for commercial purposes, please see the section below entitled “Special Note to Developers”.
The User’s Guide
The StuffIt InstallerMaker User Guide contains detailed information on how to use the various parts of the InstallerMaker package, as well as information on how to contact Aladdin Systems for technical assistance and licensing.
We at Aladdin Systems would like to thank you for using StuffIt InstallerMaker.
The rest of this document…
Listed below are sections on possible problems and workarounds.
You may not be able to build Product Installers from large, complex Product Installer archives, unless you adjust the InstallerMaker’s application memory size before launching the InstallerMaker program. If a Product Installer archive fails to build, or the resultant Installer fails to execute properly, it may have been built at a time when the InstallerMaker’s application memory size was too small. In that case, use the Finder’s Get Info option to increase the InstallerMaker’s application memory size. Then, relaunch the InstallerMaker, and rebuild the Product Installer.
Aladdin Systems has endeavored to test in as many system environments as possible. However, due to the large number of INITs and Extensions, it is impossible to test the InstallerMaker under all possible combinations. If the InstallerMaker fails during the build process, or the resultant Product Installers are unusable, please try to build your Product Installers in an environment with all extensions off. If you identify an Extension or INIT that conflicts with the operation of the InstallerMaker, please call and inform us of the culprit.
When a Product Installer doesn’t work properly, the most likely problem is an extension/INIT conflict or some other form of system imbalance. Before contacting Aladdin Systems for Developer Technical Support, please try executing the Product Installer after disabling extensions on the target system. If a Product Installer works with extensions disabled, but not otherwise, this is a sure sign that an extension/INIT conflict is at least partly to blame for the difficulty.
Font Installation
We have discovered that in very rare circumstances, some font management software can create font suitcases that do not conform to Apple's published guidelines, and therefore, do not install reliably. If you create custom suitcases and are having trouble, we recommend the following procedure to insure your suitcase's integrity. After you have added all items you want to your suitcase:
(1) Create a new suitcase file (one technique: copy your old suitcase
and select all items in the suitcase; then drag the items into the
trash, leaving a suitcase with no items);
(2) Open your "working copy" of the suitcase and the new suitcase, select
all the items in the old suitcase and drag them into the new suitcase
with the option key held down. This will copy the items into the new
suitcase without removing items from the old suitcase.
(3) Stuff the new suitcase into an InstallerMaker archive, and test a
product installer build from it.
When you do this procedure, the Finder will do consistency checks on your new suitcase to ensure that your suitcase is valid and internally consistent, saving you and your customers time and trouble.
In order to improve your understanding and use of StuffIt InstallerMaker™, here are some tips that are not explained clearly in the User Guide.
Change Bars in the User Guide
Change Bars have been included in the left-margin of the User Guide, to alert long-time InstallerMaker customers to User Guide changes that have occurred since the 3rd Edition of the Guide (which corresponded to the IM 2.0 release).
Printing the InstallerMaker User Guide
Printing the User Guide at 100% will result in the loss of the page footer (and page numbering). You can see the full page in two ways: 1) prior to printing, go into Page Setup, click the Options button, and click the check box that allows for a larger print area; 2) print at 90% reduction or below. Note that the entire page is visible on-screen, through the viewer.
Sample Source Code on Disk
To help you build InstallerMaker Extensions, we provide sample source code in the sub-folders of the :InstallerMaker Extensions: folder. We have written parallel samples in Think C 6.0 and MPW Pascal for each class of InstallerMaker Extension. If, after reading the appropriate section of the User Guide, you have any questions about our samples, or the InstallerMaker Extension interface in general, please contact Aladdin Systems Developer Technical Support.
Localization/Customization Information
The InstallerMaker is already capable of generating Product Installers in several commonly-used languages. If the language used by you or your customers is not on the list, or if you need to customize your Product Installer's interface in other ways that are not already supported by the InstallerMaker application, please contact Aladdin Systems Developer Technical Support, to ask if the resources you need are available. If you ultimately need to prepare your own, custom interface resources, you will find helpful information in the :Languages: folder. You should start with the "English to Localize" language module (in the "English Template.r" file). Of course, we at Aladdin Systems are happy to provide any supplemental information that you may need.
Return Values For the IEnd Custom Code Resource
Your code should test the the "cancelled" parameter to determine if the user cancelled installation, or if installation failed for some other reason. Unless your IEnd code can determine why "cancelled" is set and can recover from it, you should return 1 to indicated that the installation failed. Return with a code of 0 only if installation was successful (i.e., entry value of "cancelled" is false), and your IEnd executes successfully.
This installer was created in about an hour using StuffIt InstallerMaker™. StuffIt InstallerMaker provides many advanced features while being VERY easy to use. By using InstallerMaker for this installer, we not only saved a distribution disk due to Aladdin's advanced compression technology, but provided our users a way to easily customize installation. If you are interested in making licensing StuffIt InstallerMaker™ for commercial or internal use, contact our licensing department at: