ZipIt is a Macintosh program to zip and unzip files. It should be fairly self-explanatory; you should have no problem taking advantage of the features immediately, since it has a standard Macintosh interface. The documentation is there, however, if you need it, in stand-alone DocMaker format.
Please note that you can automatically decompress an archive by dragging it onto ZipIt and then holding down the option key. Alternatively, if the archive is a ZipIt document, you can double-click on it and then hold down the option key.
Also included in this archive is an AppleScript droplet, called ZipIt drop box, onto which you may drop any file (or group of files) and have ZipIt automatically zip those files. Thanks to Kem Tekinay for writing this useful tool. Finally, the file “macszip” is a Unix shell script which will zip, MacBinary, and send ZModem a set of files, with ZipIt as their creator. (Thanks to Paul Gilmartin.)
ZipIt is shareware. There are three ways for individuals to register. With a credit card, you may call SoftLock services at 1-800-SOFTLOCK to receive your password instantly. ZipIt’s product number is 30021 in the United States and Canada, and 30022 abroad. You will also need to know your SoftLock ID; this is available on ZipIt’s registration screen. Alternatively, you may register on CompuServe, by typing GO SWREG and registering product #1677. ZipIt can be purchased for $12 using the above two methods. Otherwise, you may print out a registration form and mail it to me directly, along with a $10 check or money order. Please do include the registration form, and see the documentation (section entitled Registration) for more details.
FOREIGN USERS: Although the registration form asks that you not send cash through the mail, I understand that it is expensive to send international checks. I will, therefore, accept cash from foreign users, but I cannot be responsible if, for some reason, the money fails to arrive. Also, please note that as of this writing, users outside of the United States will not be able to use the 800-SOFTLOCK number since it requires a zip code. If this is still the case, please use one of the other methods to register.
CORPORATIONS: The cost of ZipIt is $10 per INDIVIDUAL. Organizations which wish to register ZipIt should pay $10 for each user who will be using ZipIt. For $150, a site license may be obtained. Please contact me for more details. Corporate registrations, including site licenses, should be mailed to me directly.
FREDDIE USERS: If you are a registered user of Freddie 1.2.5 or above, consult the Freddie documentation for information on registering ZipIt. If you get errors from Freddie while ZipIt is unzipping your QWK packet, try again, but do not switch ZipIt into the background while it is unzipping. If it still does not work, try quitting all other applications except Freddie and ZipIt and trying again.
ZipIt may be freely distributed, so long as it is not sold for profit, and registration passwords are not distributed. Express permission is granted to online services and other shareware/public domain distribution avenues to carry ZipIt.
You can contact me online at the following online locations:
America Online: Tommy6
FidoNet: 1:2603/204 (Not Even Odd BBS) - Tommy Brown
Compuserve: 70314,3342
Forest Hills BBS: 718-268-1240 - Tommy Brown
Not Even Odd BBS: 718-997-1189 - Tommy Brown
Or via US Mail:
Tommy Brown
110-45 Queens Blvd. Apt. 716
Forest Hills, NY 11375
I hope you find ZipIt useful!
LEGAL NOTICE: This software is provided “as-is.” As in life, there are no guarantees (or warrantees). Tommy Brown expressly declines all liability for any incidental damage that may occur while using this product.