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Text File | 1994-04-01 | 24.7 KB | 1,580 lines |
- §
- §
- åDialogs
- Maybe does not open any windows other than dialog boxes, which are
- described here.
- xThe Options Dialog
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- This dialog appears when you are converting a Finder alias file, and when
- you ask to change the options in a converted alias.
- • Action option
- This version of Maybe offers five choices of action to perform when the
- converted alias is opened or printed. Click one of these five radio buttons
- to select an option.
- • Alert User action option
- ‚àû
- ‚àû
- ‚àû
- ‚àû
- ‚àû
- ‚àû
- If you choose this action type, the user will see the Prompt dialog when
- opening or printing the converted alias, asking for a “Yes” or “No”
- answer. Only if the answer is “Yes” does Maybe proceed to open or print
- the target item.
- See the section entitled “The Prompt Dialog” for more information about
- the Prompt dialog.
- The default response will be assumed if the user presses the Return or
- Enter key, or if you specify a wait time and it elapses. (If more time is
- needed, the user can stop the countdown timer by clicking on it.)
- ° Alert Text option
- If you leave this field blank, then Maybe will compose the message to
- display in the dialog box, along the lines of, “Do you want to open “Target
- Item”?” You can put any text you choose in this field, as long as it is
- phrased in the positive. For example, “This looks dangerous. Do you
- want to abort?” would be wrong, because Maybe would not understand
- that a “Yes” answer means don’t open the target item.
- • Check Keys action option
- ±
- ±
- ±
- ±
- ±
- If you choose this action type, Maybe will decide whether or not to open
- or print the target item depending on the state of the keyboard at the
- time.
- The default response will be assumed unless the user presses a certain
- combination of keys and not certain others.
- ° Keys Down… option
- Click the Keys Down… button to choose which keys must be down
- (pressed) to override the default. When the Keys dialog comes up, hold
- down all the keys you want in this set, and click the OK button. Due to
- limitations of the keyboard design, you may find that sets of four or more
- keys are sometimes truncated, because the keyboard can’t report that
- combination. The Options dialog gives you feedback so you can check what
- was recorded.
- ° Keys Up… option
- Click the Keys Up… button to choose which keys must be up (not pressed)
- to override the default. The procedure is the same as for the Keys
- Down… option.
- • Send AE action option
- ≤
- ≤
- ≤
- ≤
- ≤
- ≤
- ≤
- If you choose this action type, you can compose a single Apple event and
- address it to any program on any Macintosh on your network. It is up to
- you to determine what Apple events that program will accept, but if you
- get it wrong the first time, Maybe can tell you what the problem is by
- telling you the error string or error number returned by the target
- program. Sometimes, you may need a list of Apple event error codes to
- figure out what is wrong.
- The default response will be assumed if you specify a wait time and the
- target program doesn’t respond within that time, or if the target program
- (server) can’t be found, either locally or through the network. If the
- server returns any sort of error, Maybe will not open or print the target
- item. Also, if you cancel the wait by pressing Command-Period, Maybe
- will beep to confirm, and will not open or print the target item.
- ° Target… option
- Click the Target… button to choose a program which will receive the
- Apple event. It brings up a program browser dialog, listing all “linkable”
- programs which are running at this time. If you are connected to a
- network, you can choose any zone and any machine, then select from its
- list of programs.
- Remember that in order for program linking to work, the target machine
- must have program linking turned on in the Sharing Setup control panel,
- your user name must be allowed to do program linking through the Users
- & Groups control panel, and the target program must allow remote
- program linking through its Finder Sharing dialog.
- NOTE: If you have already chosen a target program, and that program
- cannot be found when you click the Target… button, you will see a warning
- alert to that effect. When the program browser dialog appears, if it was
- the target machine which could not be found, it will show an empty list
- under Programs. This is a bit misleading, especially if your machine is
- disconnected from its network, because it looks as though there are no
- programs running on your machine. To correct this, select a machine
- name from the list under Macintoshes.
- ° Class option
- Enter the four-character Apple event class code for the Apple event you
- want to send. For example, for a Quit Application event, you would enter
- “aevt” (without the double quotes).
- ° ID option
- Enter the four-character Apple event ID code for the Apple event you
- want to send. For example, for a Quit Application event, you would enter
- “quit” (without the double quotes).
- ° Activate option
- The standard practice for Apple-event-aware applications is to “request
- user interaction” before putting up a dialog box in response to an Apple
- event. If the target application does this, Maybe will automatically yield
- to that application so that you can answer the dialog. If it does not do
- this, then the dialog will come up in the background, and you will have to
- click on it before you can answer it. For example, if ResEdit 2.1.1 has a
- modified file open, and you send it a Quit Application event, it will ask you
- if you want to save the file, but the dialog comes up in the background.
- If you find that the target program doesn’t “play by the rules,” then you
- can set the activate option, to force the application to become active
- before it receives the Apple event. The disadvantage to using this option
- is that if Maybe wants to report an error, it has to say “ahem” and wait
- for you to bring it back to the front. Maybe strives to be polite.
- ° AE Text option
- If the Apple event registry information specifies no parameters for the
- Apple event, as Quit Application does, then you should leave this field
- blank. If it requires parameters, or you want to supply optional
- parameters, you must enter them here as a comma-separated list of keys
- and values in AEBuild format. If one of your parameters is the direct
- parameter, please remember to put single quotes around the key, thus:
- “'----':value” (without the double quotes).
- See the attached documentation on AEBuild for full syntax details.
- See the picture above for an example of this syntax.
- Maybe will report any syntax errors it finds, and place the text cursor
- near the point of the error.
- ° Alert If No Target option
- If this option is in effect, and the target program does not exist when the
- converted alias is opened or printed, Maybe will put up a dialog box to tell
- you so. Otherwise, it will not. In either case, Maybe will assume the
- default response.
- This option is on by default.
- ° Alert If Target Reports Error option
- If this option is in effect, and the target program returns an error code or
- error string when the converted alias is opened or printed, Maybe will put
- up a dialog box to tell you so. (If there is an error string, it will form the
- text of the dialog.) Otherwise, it will not. In either case, Maybe will not
- open or print the target item.
- This option is on by default.
- ° Alert If Wait Elapses option
- If this option is in effect, and you have specified a wait time, and the
- target program fails to reply within that time, Maybe will put up a dialog
- box to tell you so. Otherwise, it will not. In either case, Maybe will
- assume the default response.
- This option is on by default.
- • Open Item action option
- ‚â•
- ‚â•
- ‚â•
- ‚â•
- If you choose this action type, you can choose another item (volume,
- folder, application, document, alias, or whatever) which will be opened
- (not printed) just before the target item is opened or printed. Maybe
- records the identity and location of this other item using alias
- information, so that it won’t lose track of it if it is moved or renamed.
- The other item can be local or on any volume which is mounted at the time
- you set the options.
- The default response will be assumed if you specify a wait time and it
- elapses. Set the wait time to zero if you want the target item to be
- opened or printed immediately after opening the other item. Otherwise,
- Maybe will wait in the background, blinking its icon in the menu bar, until
- you make it active. If Maybe becomes active before the timer elapses, it
- will then open or print the target item. (For example, if you are using an
- alias to a remote server as the other item, so that the target item can
- depend on a certain remote volume being mounted, you can set the wait
- time to zero, because Finder will not get around to opening the target item
- until the mount completes. However, if your other item intends to bring
- up an AppleTalk Remote Access connection which the target item
- requires, it would be wise to allow a 45-second wait for the connection to
- come up.)
- ° Item… option
- Click the Item… button to see or choose the other item to open. The file
- dialog which appears has an extra button at the bottom, marked “Select
- “item””. You can use this button to select a volume or folder instead of
- opening it, and to select an alias file instead of its target.
- The item can be another converted alias, if you want to chain two or more
- converted aliases together.
- NOTE: If you have already chosen an item, and that item cannot be found
- when you click the Item… button, you will see a warning alert to that
- effect.
- • None action option
- If you choose this action type, no special action will occur when you open
- or print the converted alias, but other options still apply. In particular,
- the default response option will determine whether or not the alias target
- is opened or printed, special folder treatment is still given, and any action
- sound will still play.
- You can use this action type to temporarily “shut down” access to the
- target item through the converted alias. You might also use it to attach
- the folder treatment or action sound option permanently to an alias.
- • Wait for Response option
- Choose one of these two radio buttons to indicate how long you want to
- wait for a response to an Alert User or Send AE action. This choice also
- determines how long Maybe will wait in the background during an Open
- Item action. These buttons are disabled for other action types.
- The default is to wait forever, but if you click the other button, the
- default time limit is 5 seconds.
- ° Up to … Seconds option
- Click this button to limit the time Maybe will wait for a response, then
- enter the number of seconds in the text field. If you set this number to
- zero, the effect depends on the action type: for Alert User, the Prompt
- dialog will not come up; for Send AE, the Apple event will still be sent,
- but Maybe won’t wait for a reply; for Open Item, Maybe won’t wait in the
- background after opening the other item. If you are not interested in the
- reply to an Apple event, you should set the wait time to zero and turn off
- the Alert if Wait Elapses option.
- ° Forever option
- Click this button to wait indefinitely for a response. You can still press
- Command-Period at any time to cancel the wait.
- • Default Response option
- Every action type can have a default response, “Yes” or “No,” which
- determines whether or not to open or print the target item, if there is no
- other indication.
- For the Alert User action type, the default response determines which
- button gets the thick outline, the one which is assumed to have been
- clicked if the timer elapses.
- For the Check Keys action type, the default response is assumed if the key
- conditions are not met. If they are met, Maybe takes the opposite
- indication.
- For the Send AE action type, the default response is assumed if the target
- program does not exist, or if the timer elapses.
- For the Open Item action type, the default response is assumed if the
- timer elapses. It is an error if the other item does not exist.
- For the None action type, the default response is always assumed.
- The “default” default response is “No.”
- • Folder Treatment option
- Maybe doesn’t know whether or not the target item is a folder (or
- volume, which is equivalent for this purpose) until it has decided to open
- or print it.
- If you choose the Open Window option, Maybe will ask Finder to open the
- folder’s window, showing the icons inside. (It is an error to ask Finder to
- print a folder.) If you choose the Open/Print Each Item option, Maybe will
- ask Finder to open or print each item in the folder. The folder may contain
- Maybe documents, which are opened or printed in turn.
- The default is to open the window.
- • Appearance options
- The following three options affect the appearance of the resulting
- converted alias. They are available only at the time of initial conversion.
- At other times, when changing options, they are unavailable.
- ° Brand Icon option
- When this option is in effect, the converted alias will sport a rather large,
- garish question mark stamped over the former icon, to make it clear that
- it is not a normal alias file and not the original. The grayish color which
- fills the question mark is tinged according to the label color of the Maybe
- Preferences file, if any.
- This option is on by default.
- ° Convert File Name option
- When this option is in effect, Maybe will suffix “ (Maybe)” to the name of
- the alias file as it is converted. This accomplishes the same effect as
- branding the icon, but is more likely to be noticed in file dialogs. At any
- rate, you can always change the name after converting the alias.
- This option is on by default.
- ° Stationery option
- When this option is in effect, Maybe will make the converted alias into a
- stationery pad, and alter the brand icon slightly to reflect that fact. If
- you don’t use this option, you could change the converted alias to a
- stationery pad using Finder, but it wouldn’t look any different from one
- that isn’t a stationery pad.
- This option is off by default.
- • Action Sound… option
- By default, no sound is played when a converted alias is opened or printed.
- To change this, you click the Action Sound… button to bring up the Action
- Sound dialog.
- See the section entitled “The Action Sound Dialog” for more information.
- • Cancel
- Click here to cancel the conversion of a Finder alias file, or to cancel the
- changes made to an existing converted alias.
- • Use Defaults
- Click here to change all options to their default values, which you may
- have changed using Make Defaults (see below). Click here with the Option
- key pressed to change all options to their built-in default values, the ones
- described in this help file.
- • Make Defaults
- Click here to change the default values for all options to those displayed in
- the dialog. You may or may not prefer this approach to using stationery
- pads.
- If any options are invalid, you are prompted to correct them.
- • OK
- Click here to accept the options and close the dialog. This will lead to the
- conversion of a Finder alias file or the changing of options in an existing
- converted alias.
- If any options are invalid, you are prompted to correct them.
- xThe Action Sound Dialog
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π
- π⌘
- π⇧
- π⌥
- Clicking the Action Sound… button in the Options dialog opens the Action
- Sound dialog. This is where you select a sound to play when the converted
- alias is opened or printed, just before the action takes place.
- • Sound list box
- This list box contains one line for every sound found in the System file,
- Maybe itself, the Maybe Preferences file, and the Finder alias file.
- (Normally, a Finder alias file does not contain sounds, but if you add one
- using Maybe, it will stick with the alias even after it has been reverted to
- a Finder alias file, and Finder will ignore it.) Click any line to hear the
- sound and select it, or double-click to hear it and choose it. If you don’t
- want to hear the sound, hold down the Option key as you click.
- The top line in the list box says “[none]”. Click this line if you want no
- sound to be played. This is the default.
- • Always Play Sound to Completion option
- If any sound is selected in the list, you have an option of whether or not to
- play the sound to completion when the converted alias is opened or
- printed. If you turn on this option, the user will always hear long sounds,
- such as voice messages, to the end, even if that holds up the next sound to
- be played as another converted alias is opened or printed. If you turn off
- the option, Maybe will cut off the playing sound if it has another sound to
- play.
- This option is off by default.
- • Cut Sound (Command-X)
- Click this button to cut the selected sound to the Clipboard, removing it
- from its file. You are not allowed to cut a sound from the System file,
- nor from any unwritable file.
- • Copy Sound (Command-C)
- Click this button to copy the selected sound to the Clipboard.
- • Clear Sound
- Click this button to clear the selected sound, removing it from its file.
- You are not allowed to clear a sound from the System file, nor from any
- unwritable file. Pressing Delete is equivalent to clicking Clear Sound.
- • Paste Sound Into… (Command-V)
- Click this button to paste a sound from the Clipboard into the converted
- alias file or preferences file. Unless you cancel in the Sound Name dialog
- that follows, this will close the Action Sound dialog. Press the Option key
- if you do not wish to hear the sound as the Sound Name dialog appears.
- This button is disabled if there is no sound in the Clipboard.
- • Record Sound Into…
- Click this button to record a sound into the converted alias file or
- preferences file, using the sound input device selected in the Sound
- control panel. Unless you cancel in the Record Sound dialog or Sound Name
- dialog that follows, this will close the Action Sound dialog. This button is
- disabled if there is no sound input device available.
- • Cancel
- Click here to cancel the action sound choice and close the dialog. This will
- not affect any changes made to files containing sounds while using the
- dialog.
- • OK
- Click here to accept the action sound choice and close the dialog.
- xThe Record Sound Dialog
- ‚àö
- ‚àö
- ‚àö
- ‚àö
- ‚àö
- ‚àö
- ‚àö
- ‚àö
- ‚àö
- This is the standard Macintosh Record Sound dialog. It appears when you
- click Record Sound Into… in the Action Sound dialog.
- If you find that the dialog does not offer enough recording time for the
- sound you want to record, quit Maybe and increase its memory size. It is
- not necessary for users of converted aliases to increase Maybe’s
- memory size to hear large sounds.
- • Record, Stop, Pause, Play
- Click these buttons to control recording and playback, as you would on a
- tape recorder. You can use the Pause button during recording to splice
- different sounds together. Nothing is actually saved to disk before you
- click Save.
- • Cancel
- Click here to avoid recording a sound and return to the Action Sound
- dialog.
- • Save
- Click here to proceed to the Sound Name dialog. If you don’t want to hear
- the sound, hold down the Option key as the Sound Name dialog appears.
- xThe Sound Name Dialog
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- Õ
- The Sound Name dialog appears when you ask to paste a sound from the
- Clipboard, or after recording a new sound, while using the Action Sound
- dialog. This is where you assign a name and number to the new sound, and
- decide whether to put it in the converted alias file or in the preferences
- file. If you don’t want to hear the sound, hold down the Option key as the
- dialog appears.
- • Name
- Optionally, you may enter a sound name in this box. This name will be
- displayed in the Action Sound dialog’s list box.
- • Number
- Enter a number between 128 and 32767 in this box. This number will be
- displayed in the Action Sound dialog’s list box. The number is important,
- because it’s how Maybe remembers the sound you have chosen for a
- converted alias. Unless you need to coordinate sound numbers between
- several Macintoshes, there is no need to change the randomly generated
- number in this box.
- • Place Sound In
- Click one of the two radio buttons to choose which file where the sound
- will be placed. The preferences file button is disabled if the preferences
- file is unwritable. The default is to place the sound in the converted alias
- file.
- • Cancel
- Click here to avoid placing the new sound in a file and return to the Action
- Sound dialog.
- • OK
- Click here to place the sound in the selected file and close the Action
- Sound dialog.
- xThe Prompt Dialog
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- ◊
- When Finder asks Maybe to open or print a converted alias which has the
- Alert User action type, and the Command key is not pressed, and the wait
- time is not zero, Maybe posts the Prompt dialog.
- This dialog displays the text supplied using the Alert Text option. If no
- text was supplied, Maybe will compose some appropriate question.
- • Countdown timer
- If the options specify a wait time, Maybe makes room for a circular
- countdown timer, rather like the one you see in a motion picture leader.
- It starts at the wait time limit and works down toward zero. The user
- can stop and start the timer by clicking on its face. If the timer elapses
- before the user chooses “Yes” or “No,” the default response is assumed.
- NOTE: On a monitor set to 256 grays or colors, the countdown timer will
- actually sweep down the seconds. Unfortunately, the timer animation
- causes other applications such as Finder to erase and redraw their
- windows, so you may want to turn off the animation. To do this, if you
- have a resource editor, change the ProcID field of Maybe’s 'CNTL'(128)
- resource from 2048 to 2063.
- • No
- Click here to tell Maybe not to open or print the target item. If this is the
- default response as defined in the Options dialog for the converted alias,
- you can press Return or Enter instead. Pressing ‘n’, ‘-’, Escape, or
- Control-Period is equivalent to clicking No.
- • Yes
- Click here to tell Maybe to open or print the target item. If this is the
- default response as defined in the Options dialog for the converted alias,
- you can press Return or Enter instead. Pressing ‘y’ or ‘+’ is equivalent
- to clicking Yes.
- xThe About Dialog
- This dialog presents Maybe’s About box. It is opened by the “About
- Maybe…” command in the Apple menu.
- It mentions, by way of a balloon, that Maybe offers help through both
- Balloon Help and Help on Wheels. If you already have balloons showing,
- Maybe spares you the balloon, figuring that you’ve probably seen enough
- recently.