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- /*
- Commodore 64 Emulator v0.4 Earle F. Philhower III
- Copyright (C) 1993-4 (st916w9r@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu)
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- */
- #include <AppleEvents.h>
- #include "Processor.h"
- #include "Error.h"
- #include "FileTypes.h"
- int AppleEventInitialize(void);
- OSErr DoQUIT(void), DoOAPP(void);
- OSErr DoODOC(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AppleEvent *theRp);
- OSErr DoPDOC(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AppleEvent *theRp);
- extern void CleanUpCommodore(void);
- void OpenFSSpec(FSSpec *spec);
- void PrintFSSpec(FSSpec *spec);
- void AttachFloppyImage(FSSpec *spec);
- void LoadRAMFS(FSSpec *spec);
- void LoadTapeFS(FSSpec *spec);
- #ifndef __MWERKS__
- pascal OSErr AEHandleQUIT(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AppleEvent *theRp, long RC);
- pascal OSErr AEHandleOAPP(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AppleEvent *theRp, long RC);
- pascal OSErr AEHandleODOC(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AppleEvent *theRp, long RC);
- pascal OSErr AEHandlePDOC(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AppleEvent *theRp, long RC);
- #else
- static AEEventHandlerUPP myQUITAEHandler = NULL;
- static AEEventHandlerUPP myOAPPAEHandler = NULL;
- static AEEventHandlerUPP myODOCAEHandler = NULL;
- static AEEventHandlerUPP myPDOCAEHandler = NULL;
- pascal OSErr AEHandleQUIT(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AEEventHandlerUPP *theRp, long RC);
- pascal OSErr AEHandleOAPP(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AEEventHandlerUPP *theRp, long RC);
- pascal OSErr AEHandleODOC(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AEEventHandlerUPP *theRp, long RC);
- pascal OSErr AEHandlePDOC(const AppleEvent *theAE,const AEEventHandlerUPP *theRp, long RC);
- #endif
- static DescType missedTypeCode;
- static long missedActualSize;
- #define InstallFinder(z,y) AEInstallEventHandler(kCoreEventClass, z, y, 0, false)
- #define MissedParams(z) \
- (AESizeOfAttribute(z, keyMissedKeywordAttr, \
- &missedTypeCode, &missedActualSize) != errAEDescNotFound)
- OSErr DoQUIT(void)
- {
- CleanUpCommodore();
- ExitToShell();
- }
- pascal OSErr AEHandleQUIT(theAppleEvent, theReply, theRefCon)
- const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, *theReply;
- long theRefCon;
- {
- OSErr err=noErr;
- err = DoQUIT();
- if (MissedParams(theAppleEvent) && err==noErr) err = errAEParamMissed;
- /* There should be NO parameters sent to us..if there are, someone's
- got a REAL problem! (not us, though!) */
- return(err);
- }
- OSErr DoOAPP()
- {
- return noErr;
- }
- pascal OSErr AEHandleOAPP(theAppleEvent, theReply, theRefCon)
- const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, *theReply;
- long theRefCon;
- {
- OSErr err=noErr;
- err = DoOAPP();
- if (MissedParams(theAppleEvent) && err==noErr) err = errAEParamMissed;
- return(err);
- }
- void OpenFSSpec(FSSpec *spec)
- {
- FInfo fInfo;
- FSpGetFInfo(spec, &fInfo);
- switch(fInfo.fdType)
- {
- AttachFloppyImage(spec);
- break;
- case RAMFTYPE:
- LoadRAMFS(spec);
- break;
- break;
- LoadTapeFS(spec);
- break;
- }
- }
- void PrintFSSpec(FSSpec *spec)
- {
- FInfo fInfo;
- FSpGetFInfo(spec, &fInfo);
- switch(fInfo.fdType)
- {
- break;
- case RAMFTYPE:
- break;
- break;
- break;
- }
- }
- OSErr DoODOC(theAppleEvent, theReply)
- const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, *theReply;
- {
- OSErr err;
- FSSpec myFSS;
- AEDescList *docList;
- long items;
- long index;
- AEKeyword keywd;
- DescType typeCode;
- Size actualSize;
- err = AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, docList);
- if (err!=noErr) return (err);
- err = AECountItems(docList, &items);
- if (err!=noErr) return (err);
- for (index=1; index<=items; index++)
- {
- err = AEGetNthPtr(docList, index, typeFSS, &keywd, &typeCode,(Ptr)&myFSS,
- sizeof(myFSS), &actualSize );
- if (err!=noErr)
- {
- AEDisposeDesc(docList);
- return (err);
- }
- OpenFSSpec(&myFSS);
- }
- err = AEDisposeDesc(docList);
- return(err);
- }
- pascal OSErr AEHandleODOC(theAppleEvent, theReply, theRefCon)
- const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, *theReply;
- long theRefCon;
- {
- OSErr err=noErr;
- err = DoODOC(theAppleEvent, theReply);
- if (MissedParams(theAppleEvent) && err==noErr) err = errAEParamMissed;
- return(err);
- }
- OSErr DoPDOC(theAppleEvent, theReply)
- const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, *theReply;
- {
- OSErr err;
- FSSpec myFSS;
- AEDescList *docList;
- long items;
- long index;
- AEKeyword keywd;
- DescType typeCode;
- Size actualSize;
- err = AEGetParamDesc(theAppleEvent, keyDirectObject, typeAEList, docList);
- if (err!=noErr) return (err);
- err = AECountItems(docList, &items);
- if (err!=noErr) return (err);
- for (index=1; index<=items; index++)
- {
- err = AEGetNthPtr(docList, index, typeFSS, &keywd, &typeCode, (Ptr)&myFSS,
- sizeof(myFSS), &actualSize );
- if (err!=noErr)
- {
- AEDisposeDesc(docList);
- return (err);
- }
- PrintFSSpec(&myFSS);
- }
- err = AEDisposeDesc(docList);
- return(err);
- }
- pascal OSErr AEHandlePDOC(theAppleEvent, theReply, theRefCon)
- const AppleEvent *theAppleEvent, *theReply;
- long theRefCon;
- {
- OSErr err=noErr;
- err = DoPDOC(theAppleEvent, theReply);
- if (MissedParams(theAppleEvent) && err==noErr) err = errAEParamMissed;
- return(err);
- }
- int AppleEventInitialize(void)
- {
- #ifndef __MWERKS__
- if (InstallFinder(kAEQuitApplication, AEHandleQUIT)) return kAppleEventError;
- if (InstallFinder(kAEOpenApplication, AEHandleOAPP)) return kAppleEventError;
- if (InstallFinder(kAEOpenDocuments, AEHandleODOC)) return kAppleEventError;
- if (InstallFinder(kAEPrintDocuments, AEHandlePDOC)) return kAppleEventError;
- #else
- myQUITAEHandler = NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleQUIT);
- myOAPPAEHandler = NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleOAPP);
- myODOCAEHandler = NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandleODOC);
- myPDOCAEHandler = NewAEEventHandlerProc(AEHandlePDOC);
- if (InstallFinder(kAEQuitApplication, myQUITAEHandler)) return kAppleEventError;
- if (InstallFinder(kAEOpenApplication, myOAPPAEHandler)) return kAppleEventError;
- if (InstallFinder(kAEOpenDocuments, myODOCAEHandler)) return kAppleEventError;
- if (InstallFinder(kAEPrintDocuments, myPDOCAEHandler)) return kAppleEventError;
- #endif
- return kNoError;
- }