home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- /*
- Commodore 64 Emulator v0.4 Earle F. Philhower III
- Copyright (C) 1993-4 (st916w9r@dunx1.ocs.drexel.edu)
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
- the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
- (at your option) any later version.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
- Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.
- This file stolen from x64 0.2.1. Most bugs in the file are of my own making.
- I've removed the 64 byte header so it'll run *.D64 images w/o conversion.
- Also, most of the ANSI calls have been xlated into native Mac FS calls or my
- own memory management routines.
- The buffer allocations are no longer done w/malloc, but instead used buffers
- that are allocated only once. This is necessary to avoid heap fragmentation
- on the non memory-mapping MacOS.
- * 1541.c -- 1541 Floppy Drive emulation. Emulator emulates 1541 reasonably
- * well as long as 1541 is used through ROM-interface (no
- * turboloaders supported). Also REL-file type is still missing.
- *
- * $Id: 1541.c,v 1.4 1993/11/10 01:55:34 jopi Exp $
- *
- * This file is part of Commodore 64 emulator.
- * See README for copyright notice
- *
- *
- * Written by
- * Teemu Rantanen (tvr@cs.hut.fi)
- *
- * .... yadda yadda yadda ....
- *
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "Processor.h"
- #include "Resources.h"
- #include "Serial.h"
- #include "Floppy.h"
- #include "FileTypes.h"
- #include "Error.h"
- typedef struct bufferinfo_s {
- int mode; /* mode on this buffer */
- int readmode; /* is this for reading or writing */
- int secondary; /* this is not needed */
- byte *buffer; /* use this to save data */
- byte *slot; /* save data for directory-slot */
- int bufptr; /* use this to save/read data to disk */
- int length; /* directory-read length */
- } bufferinfo_t;
- typedef long off_t;
- extern Cursor commieCursor, diskCursor;
- extern int programMode;
- byte normBuffer[16][256];
- byte normSlot[16][32];
- byte dirBuffer[8192];
- static int floppyInDrive=0;
- #define BUFFER_NOT_IN_USE 0
- #define BUFFER_OTHER 4
- #define WRITE_BLOCK 512
- /*
- * Actually, serial-code errors ...
- */
- #define SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET 2
- #define SLOT_FIRST_TRACK 3
- #define SLOT_NAME_OFFSET 5
- #define SLOT_NR_BLOCKS 30
- #define BAM_FIRST_TRACK 0
- #define BAM_FIRST_SECTOR 1
- #define BAM_FORMAT_TYPE 2
- #define BAM_BIT_MAP 4
- #define BAM_DISK_NAME 144
- #define BAM_DISK_ID 162
- #define BAM_VERSION 165
- #define BAM_SET(n) (bamp[1+(n)/8] |= (1 << ((n) % 8)))
- #define BAM_CLR(n) (bamp[1+(n)/8] &= ~(1 << ((n) % 8)))
- #define BAM_ISSET(n) (bamp[1+(n)/8] & (1 << ((n) % 8)))
- static byte bam[256];
- static int sector_map[36] =
- {
- 0,
- 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21, 21,
- 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19, 19,
- 18, 18, 18, 18, 18, 18,
- 17, 17, 17, 17, 17
- };
- static char *slot_type[] =
- {
- " ", "SEQ", "PRG", "USR", "REL", " ", " ", " "
- };
- static bufferinfo_t floppy_buffers[16];
- static int floppy_find_slot;
- static byte floppy_find_buffer[256];
- static int floppy_find_current_track;
- static int floppy_find_current_sector;
- short FloppyActiveFd = -1;
- static char *floppy_find_name;
- static int floppy_find_length;
- static int floppy_find_type;
- int FloppyInitialize ( void );
- byte Open1541 ( char *name, int length, int secondary );
- byte Close1541 ( int secondary );
- byte Read1541 ( unsigned char *data, int secondary );
- byte Write1541 ( unsigned char data, int secondary );
- void Flush1541 ( int secondary );
- static int floppy_parse_name ( char *name, int length, char *realname, int *reallength, int *readmode, int *filetype );
- static int floppy_create_directory ( char *name, int length, int filetype, int secondary, unsigned char *outputptr );
- static void set_find_first_slot ( char *name, int length, int type );
- static unsigned char *find_next_slot ( void );
- static void no_a0_pads ( unsigned char *ptr, int l );
- static int floppy_read_block ( unsigned char *buf, int track, int sector );
- static int floppy_write_block ( unsigned char *buf, int track, int sector );
- static void floppy_error ( int code, int track, int sector );
- static void remove_slot ( unsigned char *slot );
- static int write_sequential_buffer ( unsigned char *slot, unsigned char *buf, int length );
- static int alloc_free_sector ( int *track, int *sector );
- static int allocate_sector ( int track, int sector );
- static off_t offset_from_track_and_sector ( int track, int sector );
- static int free_sector ( int track, int sector );
- static int floppy_name_match ( unsigned char *slot, char *name, int length, int type );
- static void floppy_close_all_channels ( void );
- static int do_initialize ( void );
- static int do_validate ( void );
- static int do_format ( char *name, unsigned char *id, unsigned char *minus );
- static int do_command_channel_write ( unsigned char *buf, int length );
- static int do_block_command ( char command, char *buffer );
- extern void attach_floppy_image ( char *name );
- static int mystrncpy ( unsigned char *d, unsigned char *s, int n );
- extern int write_fs ( unsigned char data, int secondary );
- extern int petconv ( int c );
- extern void petconvstring ( char *c );
- extern int read_fs ( unsigned char *data, int secondary );
- extern int open_fs ( char *name, int length, int secondary );
- extern int close_fs ( int secondary );
- int FloppyInitialize(void)
- {
- int i;
- for (i=0; i<15; i++) floppy_buffers[i].mode=BUFFER_NOT_IN_USE;
- floppy_buffers[15].mode=BUFFER_COMMAND_CHANNEL;
- floppy_buffers[15].buffer=normBuffer[15];
- AddSerialDevice(8, Read1541, Write1541, Open1541, Close1541, Flush1541);
- floppy_error(73, 0, 0);
- return kNoError;
- }
- byte Open1541(char *name, int length, int secondary)
- {
- bufferinfo_t *p = &floppy_buffers[secondary];
- char realname[256];
- int reallength;
- int readmode;
- int filetype;
- byte *slot;
- int i;
- /*
- * No floppy in drive ?
- */
- if (FloppyActiveFd < 0)
- return kFloppyError;
- /*
- * Clear error flag
- */
- floppy_error(0, 0, 0);
- /*
- * If channel is command channel, name will be used as write. Return only
- * status of last write ...
- */
- if (p -> mode == BUFFER_COMMAND_CHANNEL) {
- int i;
- int status = kSerialOK;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++)
- status = Write1541(name[i], secondary);
- return status;
- }
- /*
- * In use ?
- */
- if (p -> mode != BUFFER_NOT_IN_USE) {
- floppy_error(70, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- /*
- * Filemode / type
- */
- if (secondary == 1)
- readmode = 0;
- else
- readmode = 1;
- filetype = 0;
- i = floppy_parse_name(name, length, realname, &reallength,
- &readmode, &filetype);
- if (i != kSerialOK)
- return i;
- /*
- * Internal buffer ?
- */
- if (*name == '#') {
- p -> buffer = normBuffer[secondary];
- p -> bufptr = 0;
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- /*
- * Directory read
- */
- if (*name == '$') {
- if (!readmode)
- return kFloppyError;
- p -> buffer = dirBuffer;
- /*
- * fix this someday
- */
- if (*realname != '$')
- p -> length = floppy_create_directory(realname, reallength, filetype,
- secondary, p -> buffer);
- else
- p -> length = floppy_create_directory("*", 1, 0, secondary,
- p -> buffer);
- p -> bufptr = 0;
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- /*
- * now, set filetype according secondary address, if it was not specified
- * on filename
- */
- if (!filetype)
- filetype = secondary < 2 ? 2 : 1;
- /*
- * Check that there is room on directory.
- */
- set_find_first_slot(name, length, 0);
- slot = find_next_slot();
- p -> readmode = readmode;
- /*
- * Open file for reading
- */
- if (readmode) {
- int type;
- int status;
- if (!slot) {
- Close1541(secondary);
- floppy_error(62, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- type = slot[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET] & 0x07;
- if (type != filetype) {
- floppy_error(64, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- /*
- * Seq, Prg
- */
- if (type == 1 || type == 2) {
- p -> mode = BUFFER_SEQUENTIAL;
- p -> bufptr = 2;
- p -> buffer = normBuffer[secondary];
- status = floppy_read_block(p -> buffer, (int) slot[SLOT_FIRST_TRACK],
- (int) slot[SLOT_FIRST_SECTOR]);
- if (status < 0) {
- Close1541(secondary);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- /*
- * Unsupported filetype
- */
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- /*
- * Write
- */
- if (slot) {
- if (*name == '@')
- remove_slot(slot);
- else {
- Close1541(secondary);
- floppy_error(63, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Create slot information. (XXXX: should write directoryentry to disk ?)
- */
- p -> slot = normSlot[secondary];
- memset(p -> slot, 0, 32);
- memset(p -> slot + SLOT_NAME_OFFSET, 0xa0, 16);
- memcpy(p -> slot + SLOT_NAME_OFFSET, realname, reallength);
- p -> slot[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET] = filetype;
- p -> buffer = normBuffer[secondary];
- p -> mode = BUFFER_SEQUENTIAL;
- p -> bufptr = 2;
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- byte Close1541(int secondary)
- {
- byte *e;
- bufferinfo_t *p = &floppy_buffers[secondary];
- switch (p -> mode) {
- return kFloppyError;
- p -> mode = BUFFER_NOT_IN_USE;
- p -> buffer = NULL;
- break;
- if (!p -> readmode) {
- /*
- * Flush bytes and write slot to directory
- */
- write_sequential_buffer(p -> slot, p -> buffer, p -> bufptr);
- set_find_first_slot(NULL, -1, 0);
- e = find_next_slot();
- if (!e) {
- p -> mode = BUFFER_NOT_IN_USE;
- p -> buffer = NULL;
- floppy_error(72, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- p -> slot[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET] |= 0x80;
- memcpy(&floppy_find_buffer[floppy_find_slot * 32 + 2], p -> slot + 2,
- 30);
- floppy_write_block(floppy_find_buffer,
- floppy_find_current_track,
- floppy_find_current_sector);
- floppy_write_block(bam, 18, 0);
- }
- p -> mode = BUFFER_NOT_IN_USE;
- p -> buffer = NULL;
- break;
- floppy_close_all_channels();
- break;
- default:
- InternalError(0);
- }
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- byte Read1541(unsigned char *data, int secondary)
- {
- bufferinfo_t *p = &floppy_buffers[secondary];
- switch (p -> mode) {
- floppy_error(61, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- if (p -> bufptr >= p -> length)
- return kSerialEOF;
- *data = p -> buffer[p -> bufptr];
- p -> bufptr++;
- break;
- if (p -> bufptr >= 256)
- return kSerialEOF;
- *data = p -> buffer[p -> bufptr];
- p -> bufptr++;
- break;
- if (!p -> readmode)
- return kFloppyError;
- /*
- * Read next block if needed
- */
- if (p -> buffer[0]) {
- if (p -> bufptr >= 256) {
- floppy_read_block(p -> buffer,
- (int) p -> buffer[0],
- (int) p -> buffer[1]);
- p -> bufptr = 2;
- }
- } else {
- if (p -> bufptr > p -> buffer[1])
- return kSerialEOF;
- }
- *data = p -> buffer[p -> bufptr];
- p -> bufptr++;
- break;
- if (p -> bufptr > p -> length) {
- floppy_error(0, 0, 0);
- return kSerialEOF;
- }
- *data = p -> buffer[p -> bufptr];
- p -> bufptr++;
- break;
- default:
- InternalError(0);
- }
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- byte Write1541(unsigned char data, int secondary)
- {
- int total = 0;
- int e;
- bufferinfo_t *p = &floppy_buffers[secondary];
- switch (p -> mode) {
- floppy_error(61, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- floppy_error(60, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- if (p -> bufptr >= 256)
- return kFloppyError;
- p -> buffer[p -> bufptr] = data;
- p -> bufptr++;
- return kSerialOK;
- if (p -> readmode)
- return kFloppyError;
- if (p -> bufptr >= 256) {
- p -> bufptr = 2;
- e = write_sequential_buffer(p -> slot, p -> buffer, WRITE_BLOCK);
- if (e < 0)
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- p -> buffer[p -> bufptr] = data;
- p -> bufptr++;
- break;
- if (p -> bufptr >= 256)
- return kFloppyError;
- p -> buffer[p -> bufptr] = data;
- p -> bufptr++;
- break;
- default:
- InternalError(0);
- }
- return total;
- }
- void Flush1541(int secondary)
- {
- bufferinfo_t *p = &floppy_buffers[secondary];
- if (p -> mode != BUFFER_COMMAND_CHANNEL)
- return;
- do_command_channel_write(p -> buffer, p -> bufptr);
- p -> bufptr = 0;
- floppy_error(0, 0, 0);
- }
- /*
- * Parse name realname, type and read/write mode. '@' on write must
- * be checked elsewhere
- */
- static int floppy_parse_name(char *name, int length, char *realname, int *reallength, int *readmode, int *filetype)
- {
- char *p;
- char *c;
- int t;
- p = (char *)memchr(name, ':', length);
- if (p)
- p++;
- else
- p = name;
- if (*name == '@' && p == name)
- p++;
- t = length - (p - name);
- *reallength = 0;
- c = realname;
- while (t > 0 && *p != ',') {
- t--;
- (*reallength)++;
- *c++ = *p++;
- }
- /*
- * Change modes ?
- */
- while (t > 0) {
- t--;
- p++;
- if (t == 0) {
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- if (*p == 'R')
- *readmode = 1;
- else if (*p == 'W')
- *readmode = 0;
- else if (*p == 'S')
- *filetype = 1;
- else if (*p == 'P')
- *filetype = 2;
- else if (*p == 'U')
- *filetype = 3;
- else if (*p == 'R')
- *filetype = 4;
- else
- return kFloppyError;
- c = (char *)memchr(p, ',', t);
- if (c) {
- t -= (c - p);
- p = c;
- } else
- t = 0;
- }
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- #define SET_LO_HI(p, val) {*(p)++ = (val) & 0xff; *(p)++ = ((val)/256) & 0xff;}
- /*
- * Create directory listing.
- * If filetype is 0, match for all
- */
- static int floppy_create_directory(char *name, int length, int filetype, int secondary, unsigned char *outputptr)
- {
- byte *l;
- byte *p;
- byte *tmpsl;
- byte *origptr = outputptr;
- int t;
- int bf;
- int addr;
- set_find_first_slot(name, length, filetype);
- l = outputptr;
- /*
- * Start-address
- */
- addr = 0x401;
- SET_LO_HI(l, addr);
- /*
- * Set next line offset later
- */
- l += 2;
- /*
- * Line number 0
- */
- SET_LO_HI(l, 0);
- /*
- * Reverse on
- */
- *l++ = (char) 0x12;
- *l++ = '\"';
- memcpy(l, &bam[BAM_DISK_NAME], 16);
- no_a0_pads(l, 16);
- l += 16;
- *l++ = '\"';
- *l++ = ' ';
- memcpy(l, &bam[BAM_DISK_ID], 5);
- no_a0_pads(l, 5);
- l += 5;
- *l++ = 0;
- /*
- * Address of next line
- */
- addr += ((l - outputptr) - 2);
- outputptr[2] = addr & 0xff;
- outputptr[3] = (addr / 256) & 0xff;
- outputptr = l;
- /*
- * Now, list files
- */
- while ((p = find_next_slot())) {
- if (p[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET]) {
- l += 2;
- /*
- * Length and spaces
- */
- t = p[SLOT_NR_BLOCKS] + p[SLOT_NR_BLOCKS + 1] * 256;
- SET_LO_HI(l, t);
- if (t < 10)
- *l++ = ' ';
- if (t < 100)
- *l++ = ' ';
- /*
- * name
- */
- *l++ = ' ';
- *l++ = '\"';
- memcpy(l, &p[SLOT_NAME_OFFSET], 16);
- for (t = 0; (t < 16) && (p[SLOT_NAME_OFFSET + t] != 0xa0);)
- t++;
- no_a0_pads(l, 16);
- l[16] = ' ';
- l[t] = '\"';
- l += 17;
- /*
- * type
- */
- *l++ = p[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET] & 0x80 ? ' ' : '*';
- tmpsl = (byte *)slot_type[p[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET] & 0x07];
- memcpy(l, tmpsl, 3);
- l += 3;
- /*
- * End
- */
- *l++ = ' ';
- *l++ = ' ';
- *l++ = (char) 0;
- /*
- * New address
- */
- addr += l - outputptr;
- outputptr[0] = addr & 0xff;
- outputptr[1] = (addr / 256) & 0xff;
- outputptr = l;
- }
- }
- /*
- * calculate blocks free
- */
- bf = 0;
- for (t = 1; t <= 35; t++) {
- if (t != 18)
- bf += bam[BAM_BIT_MAP + 4 * (t - 1)];
- }
- *l++ = 0;
- *l++ = 0;
- SET_LO_HI(l, bf);
- memcpy(l, "BLOCKS FREE.", 12);
- l += 12;
- *l++ = (char) 0;
- addr += l - outputptr;
- outputptr[0] = addr & 0xff;
- outputptr[1] = (addr / 256) & 0xff;
- /*
- * end
- */
- *l++ = (char) 0;
- *l++ = (char) 0;
- *l++ = (char) 0;
- return l - origptr;
- }
- /*
- * Initialize slot find
- */
- static void set_find_first_slot(char *name, int length, int type)
- {
- floppy_find_name = name;
- floppy_find_length = length;
- floppy_find_type = type;
- /*
- * Make sure find_next_slot() loads first directoryblock ...
- */
- floppy_find_slot = 8;
- floppy_read_block(floppy_find_buffer, 18, 0);
- }
- static byte *find_next_slot(void)
- {
- static byte return_slot[32];
- int status;
- floppy_find_slot++;
- /*
- * Loop all directoryblocks staring from track 18, sector 1
- */
- do {
- /*
- * Load next(first) directory block ?
- */
- if (floppy_find_slot >= 8) {
- if (!(*floppy_find_buffer))
- return NULL;
- floppy_find_slot = 0;
- floppy_find_current_track = (int) floppy_find_buffer[0];
- floppy_find_current_sector = (int) floppy_find_buffer[1];
- status = floppy_read_block(floppy_find_buffer,
- floppy_find_current_track,
- floppy_find_current_sector);
- }
- while (floppy_find_slot < 8) {
- if (floppy_name_match(&floppy_find_buffer[floppy_find_slot * 32],
- floppy_find_name, floppy_find_length,
- floppy_find_type)) {
- memcpy(return_slot,
- &floppy_find_buffer[floppy_find_slot * 32], 32);
- return return_slot;
- }
- floppy_find_slot++;
- }
- } while (*floppy_find_buffer);
- /*
- * If length < 0, create new directory-entry if possible
- */
- if (floppy_find_length < 0) {
- int s;
- for (s = 1; s < sector_map[18]; s++) {
- if (allocate_sector(18, s)) {
- floppy_find_buffer[0] = 18;
- floppy_find_buffer[1] = s;
- floppy_write_block(floppy_find_buffer,
- floppy_find_current_track,
- floppy_find_current_sector);
- floppy_find_slot = 0;
- memset(floppy_find_buffer, 0, 256);
- floppy_find_buffer[1] = 0xff;
- floppy_find_current_sector = s;
- return floppy_find_buffer;
- }
- }
- }
- return NULL;
- }
- static void no_a0_pads(unsigned char *ptr, int l)
- {
- while (l--) {
- if (*ptr == 0xa0)
- *ptr = 0x20;
- ptr++;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Read one block
- */
- static int floppy_read_block(unsigned char *buf, int track, int sector)
- {
- long offset, len;
- offset=offset_from_track_and_sector(track, sector);
- if (offset<0) return -1;
- SetFPos(FloppyActiveFd, fsFromStart, offset);
- len=256;
- FSRead(FloppyActiveFd, &len, buf);
- if (len<256) FloppyAlert("\pFloppy read error");
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Write one block
- */
- static int floppy_write_block(unsigned char *buf, int track, int sector)
- {
- long offset, len;
- offset=offset_from_track_and_sector(track, sector);
- if (offset<0) return -1;
- SetFPos(FloppyActiveFd, fsFromStart, offset);
- len=256;
- FSWrite(FloppyActiveFd, &len, buf);
- if (len<256) FloppyAlert("\pFloppy write error");
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Error messages
- */
- typedef struct errortext_s {
- int nr;
- char *text;
- } errortext_t;
- static errortext_t floppy_error_messages[] =
- {
- {0, "OK"},
- {30, "SYNTAX ERROR"},
- {60, "WRITE FILE OPEN"},
- {61, "FILE NOT OPEN"},
- {62, "FILE NOT FOUND"},
- {63, "FILE EXISTS"},
- {70, "NO CHANNEL"},
- {72, "DISK FULL"},
- {73, "TVR 1541 EMULATOR V1.0"},
- {-1, 0},
- };
- /*
- * Should set values to somewhere so that they could be read from
- * command channel
- */
- static void floppy_error(int code, int track, int sector)
- {
- char *message;
- bufferinfo_t *p = &floppy_buffers[15];
- errortext_t *e = &floppy_error_messages[0];
- while (e -> nr >= 0 && e -> nr != code)
- e++;
- if (e -> nr >= 0)
- message = e -> text;
- else
- sprintf((char *)p -> buffer, "%02d, %s,%d,%d", code, message, track, sector);
- p -> length = strlen((char *)p -> buffer);
- p -> bufptr = 0;
- }
- static void remove_slot(unsigned char *slot)
- {
- byte buf[256];
- int tmp;
- int t, s;
- /*
- * Find slot
- */
- for (tmp = 0; (tmp < 16) && slot[SLOT_NAME_OFFSET + tmp] != 0xa0; tmp++);
- set_find_first_slot((char *)&slot[SLOT_NAME_OFFSET], tmp,
- slot[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET] & 0x07);
- /*
- * If slot slot found, remove
- */
- if (find_next_slot()) {
- /*
- * Free all buffers from bam
- */
- t = (int) floppy_find_buffer[floppy_find_slot * 32 + SLOT_FIRST_TRACK];
- s = (int) floppy_find_buffer[floppy_find_slot * 32 + SLOT_FIRST_SECTOR];
- while (t) {
- free_sector(t, s);
- floppy_read_block(buf, t, s);
- t = (int) buf[0];
- s = (int) buf[1];
- }
- /*
- * Update bam
- */
- floppy_write_block(bam, 18, 0);
- /*
- * Update directory entry
- */
- floppy_find_buffer[floppy_find_slot * 32 + SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET] = 0;
- floppy_write_block(floppy_find_buffer,
- floppy_find_current_track,
- floppy_find_current_sector);
- }
- }
- static int write_sequential_buffer(unsigned char *slot, unsigned char *buf, int length)
- {
- static int t = 0, s;
- int t_new, s_new;
- int e;
- /*
- * First block of a file ?
- */
- if (t == 0) {
- e = alloc_free_sector(&t, &s);
- if (e < 0) {
- floppy_error(72, 0, 0);
- return -1;
- }
- slot[SLOT_FIRST_TRACK] = t;
- slot[SLOT_FIRST_SECTOR] = s;
- }
- if (length == WRITE_BLOCK) {
- /*
- * Write current sector and allocate next
- */
- e = alloc_free_sector(&t_new, &s_new);
- if (e < 0) {
- floppy_error(72, 0, 0);
- return -1;
- }
- buf[0] = t_new;
- buf[1] = s_new;
- floppy_write_block(buf, t, s);
- t = t_new;
- s = s_new;
- if (!(++slot[SLOT_NR_BLOCKS]))
- ++slot[SLOT_NR_BLOCKS + 1];
- } else {
- /*
- * Write last block
- */
- buf[0] = 0;
- buf[1] = length - 1;
- floppy_write_block(buf, t, s);
- t = 0;
- if (!(++slot[SLOT_NR_BLOCKS]))
- ++slot[SLOT_NR_BLOCKS + 1];
- }
- return 0;
- }
- static int alloc_free_sector(int *track, int *sector)
- {
- int t, s;
- for (t = 17; t >= 1; t--) {
- for (s = 0; s < sector_map[t]; s++) {
- if (allocate_sector(t, s)) {
- *track = t;
- *sector = s;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- for (t = 19; t <= 35; t++) {
- for (s = 0; s < sector_map[t]; s++) {
- if (allocate_sector(t, s)) {
- *track = t;
- *sector = s;
- return 0;
- }
- }
- }
- return -1;
- }
- static int allocate_sector(int track, int sector)
- {
- /*
- * Macros use this
- */
- byte *bamp;
- bamp = &bam[BAM_BIT_MAP + 4 * (track - 1)];
- if (BAM_ISSET(sector)) {
- (*bamp)--;
- BAM_CLR(sector);
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * Return block offset on 'disk file' according to track and sector
- */
- static off_t offset_from_track_and_sector(int track, int sector)
- {
- int sectors, i;
- if ((track < 1) || (track > 35))
- return (-1);
- for (sectors = 0, i = 1; i < track; i++) {
- sectors += sector_map[i];
- }
- if ((sector < 0) || (sector >= sector_map[track]))
- return (-1);
- sectors += sector;
- return 256L * sectors;
- }
- static int free_sector(int track, int sector)
- {
- byte *bamp;
- bamp = &bam[BAM_BIT_MAP + 4 * (track - 1)];
- if (!(BAM_ISSET(sector))) {
- BAM_SET(sector);
- (*bamp)++;
- return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- /*
- * If type is 0, match for next slot with same name
- * If type is nonzero, match next that has the same id and name
- */
- static int floppy_name_match(unsigned char *slot, char *name, int length, int type)
- {
- int i;
- /* int comma = 0; */
- if (length < 0) {
- if (slot[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET])
- return 0;
- else
- return 1;
- }
- if (!slot[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET])
- return 0;
- if (length >= 16)
- length = 16;
- for (i = 0; i < length; i++) {
- switch (name[i]) {
- case '?':
- /*
- * Match any character
- */
- break;
- case '*':
- /*
- * Make a match
- */
- i = 16;
- break;
- default:
- if ((byte)name[i] != slot[i + SLOT_NAME_OFFSET])
- return 0;
- }
- }
- /*
- * Got name match ?
- */
- if (i < 16 && slot[SLOT_NAME_OFFSET + i] != 0xa0)
- return 0;
- if (type && type != (slot[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET] & 0x07))
- return 0;
- return 1;
- }
- /*
- * Close all channels. This happens on 'I' -command and on command-
- * channel close
- */
- void floppy_close_all_channels(void)
- {
- int i;
- bufferinfo_t *p;
- for (i = 0; i <= 15; i++) {
- p = &floppy_buffers[i];
- if (p -> mode != BUFFER_NOT_IN_USE && p -> mode != BUFFER_COMMAND_CHANNEL)
- Close1541(i);
- }
- }
- static int do_initialize(void)
- {
- floppy_close_all_channels();
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- static int do_validate(void)
- {
- int t, s;
- byte *b;
- byte tmp[256];
- do_initialize();
- b = (byte *) bam + BAM_BIT_MAP;
- for (t = 1; t <= 35; t++) {
- *b++ = 0;
- *b++ = 0;
- *b++ = 0;
- *b++ = 0;
- for (s = 0; s < sector_map[t]; s++)
- free_sector(t, s);
- }
- set_find_first_slot("*", 1, 0);
- /*
- First map out the directory itself. -Dan Miner
- And another one bites the dust.... :)
- */
- t = 18; s = 0;
- while(t) {
- allocate_sector(t, s);
- floppy_read_block(tmp, t, s);
- t = (int) tmp[0];
- s = (int) tmp[1];
- }
- while ((b = (byte *) find_next_slot())) {
- if (b[SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET]) {
- floppy_find_buffer[floppy_find_slot * 32 + SLOT_TYPE_OFFSET] |= 0x80;
- floppy_write_block(floppy_find_buffer, floppy_find_current_track,
- floppy_find_current_sector);
- t = (int) b[SLOT_FIRST_TRACK];
- s = (int) b[SLOT_FIRST_SECTOR];
- while (t) {
- allocate_sector(t, s);
- floppy_read_block(tmp, t, s);
- t = (int) tmp[0];
- s = (int) tmp[1];
- }
- }
- }
- floppy_write_block(bam, 18, 0);
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- static int do_format(char *name, unsigned char *id, unsigned char *minus)
- {
- byte tmp[256];
- int status;
- byte null = 0;
- if (!name) {
- floppy_error(30, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- /*
- * If id, skip comma
- */
- if (id)
- *id++ = 0;
- else
- id = &null;
- /*
- * Make dir-entry
- */
- memset(tmp, 0, 256);
- tmp[1] = 255;
- floppy_write_block(tmp, 18, 1);
- /*
- * Make bam
- */
- memset(bam, 0, 256);
- bam[0] = 18;
- bam[1] = 1;
- bam[2] = 65;
- memset(bam + BAM_DISK_NAME, 0xa0, 16);
- mystrncpy(bam + BAM_DISK_NAME, (byte *)name + 1, 16);
- memset(bam + BAM_DISK_ID, 0xa0, 5);
- mystrncpy(bam + BAM_DISK_ID, id, 2);
- bam[BAM_VERSION] = 50;
- bam[BAM_VERSION + 1] = 65;
- status = do_validate();
- allocate_sector(18, 1); /* first directory block- Dan Miner */
- floppy_write_block(bam, 18, 0);
- return status;
- }
- static int do_command_channel_write(unsigned char *buf, int length)
- {
- int status = kFloppyError;
- static byte p[256];
- char *name;
- byte *minus;
- byte *id;
- memcpy(p, buf, length);
- p[length] = 0;
- name = (char *)memchr(p, ':', length);
- id = (byte *)memchr(p, ',', length);
- minus = (byte *)memchr(p, '-', length);
- floppy_error(0, 0, 0);
- switch (p[0]) {
- case 'N':
- status = do_format(name, id, minus);
- break;
- case 'C':
- break;
- case 'R':
- break;
- case 'S':
- break;
- case 'I':
- status = do_initialize();
- break;
- case 'V':
- status = do_validate();
- break;
- case 'B':
- if (!minus || !name)
- floppy_error(30, 0, 0);
- else
- status = do_block_command(minus[1], name + 1);
- break;
- case 'U':
- switch (p[1]) {
- case '1':
- case 'A':
- if (name)
- status = do_block_command('R', name + 1);
- break;
- case '2':
- case 'B':
- if (name)
- status = do_block_command('W', name + 1);
- break;
- }
- break;
- }
- return status;
- }
- static int do_block_command(char command, char *buffer)
- {
- int l;
- int channel = 0;
- int drive = 0;
- int track = 0;
- int sector = 0;
- int position = 0;
- switch (command) {
- case 'R':
- case 'W':
- l = sscanf(buffer, "%d %d %d %d", &channel, &drive,
- &track, §or);
- if (l < 4) {
- l = sscanf(buffer, "%d,%d,%d,%d", &channel, &drive,
- &track, §or);
- if (l < 4) {
- floppy_error(30, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- }
- if (floppy_buffers[channel].mode != BUFFER_MEMORY_BUFFER) {
- floppy_error(30, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- if (command == 'W')
- floppy_write_block(floppy_buffers[channel].buffer,
- track, sector);
- else
- floppy_read_block(floppy_buffers[channel].buffer,
- track, sector);
- floppy_buffers[channel].bufptr = 0;
- break;
- case 'A':
- case 'F':
- l = sscanf(buffer, "%d %d %d", &drive, &track, §or);
- if (l < 3) {
- l = sscanf(buffer, "%d,%d,%d", &drive, &track, §or);
- if (l < 3) {
- floppy_error(30, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- }
- if (command == 'A')
- allocate_sector(track, sector);
- else
- free_sector(track, sector);
- break;
- case 'P':
- l = sscanf(buffer, "%d %d", &channel, &position);
- if (l < 2) {
- l = sscanf(buffer, "%d,%d", &channel, &position);
- if (l < 2) {
- floppy_error(30, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- }
- floppy_buffers[channel].bufptr = position;
- break;
- default:
- floppy_error(30, 0, 0);
- return kFloppyError;
- }
- return kSerialOK;
- }
- void AttachFloppyImage(FSSpec *spec)
- {
- floppy_close_all_channels();
- if (floppyInDrive) FSClose(FloppyActiveFd);
- floppyInDrive=0;
- if (spec==NULL)
- {
- floppyInDrive=0;
- return;
- }
- if (FSpOpenDF(spec, fsRdWrPerm, &FloppyActiveFd)!=noErr)
- {
- floppyInDrive=0;
- return;
- }
- floppyInDrive=1;
- floppy_read_block(bam, 18, 0);
- }
- static int mystrncpy(unsigned char *d, unsigned char *s, int n)
- {
- while (n-- && *s)
- *d++=*s++;
- return (n);
- }
- void CreateImage(FSSpec *spec)
- {
- byte block[256];
- int i;
- long len;
- short fnum;
- for (i=0; i<256; i++) block[i]=0;
- FSpCreate(spec, (OSType)APPLTYPE, (OSType)DISKFTYPE, 0);
- FSpOpenDF(spec, fsRdWrPerm, &fnum);
- len=256;
- for (i=0; i < 683; i++) FSWrite(fnum, &len, block);
- FSClose(fnum);
- }
- void FloppyCreateImage(void)
- {
- StandardFileReply reply;
- static char *initString="N0:MAC64 FLOPPY,00";
- StandardPutFile("\pCreate New Image:", "\pDISK.D64", &reply);
- if (reply.sfGood)
- {
- SetCursor(&diskCursor);
- CreateImage(&reply.sfFile);
- AttachFloppyImage(&reply.sfFile);
- do_command_channel_write((byte *)initString, strlen(initString));
- if (programMode==kRunning) SetCursor(&commieCursor);
- else SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- }
- if (programMode==kRunning) SetCursor(&commieCursor);
- else SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- }
- void FloppySelectImage(void)
- {
- StandardFileReply reply;
- StandardGetFile(nil, (short)-1, nil, &reply);
- if (reply.sfGood)
- {
- AttachFloppyImage(&reply.sfFile);
- do_initialize();
- }
- if (programMode==kRunning) SetCursor(&commieCursor);
- else SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- }
- void FloppyCopyTo(void)
- {
- StandardFileReply reply;
- short fNum;
- long size;
- byte data;
- if (floppyInDrive==0)
- {
- FloppyAlert("\pNo Floppy Image");
- return;
- }
- StandardGetFile(nil, (short)-1, nil, &reply);
- if (reply.sfGood)
- {
- SetCursor(&diskCursor);
- FSpOpenDF(&reply.sfFile, fsRdPerm, &fNum);
- PetConvString(reply.sfFile.name);
- Open1541((char *)(&reply.sfFile.name[1]), (int)reply.sfFile.name[0], 1);
- size=1;
- while (size)
- {
- FSRead(fNum, &size, &data);
- if (size) Write1541(data, 1);
- }
- FSClose(fNum);
- Close1541(1);
- }
- if (programMode==kRunning) SetCursor(&commieCursor);
- else SetCursor(&qd.arrow);
- }
- int ExternalRead(unsigned char *buf, int track, int sector)
- {
- return floppy_read_block(buf, track, sector);
- }