The Compatibility INIT from Alysis Software Corporation will allow your Macintosh Quadra to run otherwise incompatible software, without any interruption in your work and with only a minimum of performance degradation. Instead of having to turn your cache on and off from the control panel and reboot your machine, you can simply launch your favorite applications without fear of crashes from cache incompatibility.
Install the INIT by dragging it to your Control Panels folder and rebooting. A small image of your Quadra will appear in the lower left-hand corner of your Macintosh display. Now your applications are compatible! That's all there is to it.
Programs like Microsoft Word 4.0, Microsoft Excel 3.0, and desk accessories like DiskTools 3.0 and dCAD Calc3A will now run on your Quadra. And if you suspect that a program or desk accessory is not compatible with your Quadra's caching, you can add it to an exception list and it will become immediately and forever compatible. Without re-booting you'll be able to start using that application right away.
This is the licensed commercial version of The Compatibility INIT, and its use constitutes agreement with the terms of the attached license. This software may not be duplicated except according to the terms of the attached license.
Call Alysis Software Corporation at 1 800 825 9747 for licensing information. Registered licensees of Alysis Software products receive regular updates and toll-free customer support. Use of this software by individuals and corporations who own more than a single computer without payment of appropriate licensing fees to Alysis Software Corporation or an authorized agent thereof constitutes breach of the attached license.
Alysis also makes SuperDisk! for the Macintosh, the fastest and easiest way to enlarge your hard-disk or accelerate your localtalk network.
Copyright 1991 by Alysis Software Corporation. All Rights Reserved.