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- /*
- Morpion (French) == 5 In A Row (English)
- The first one who puts 5 markers in a row (horizontal, vertical or diagonal) wins. The computer plays against itself.
- This small fader is intended as a code example. It is based on FaderShell, written by Tom Dowdy.
- This code is hereby placed into the public domain. Use it as a template to write your faders!
- You can use global variables, they are stored as an offset from A4 using THINK's SetupA4/RestoreA4 procedures.
- This fader also demonstrates the use of callback routines by playing sound. Note that in order to play sound, you must
- request a sound channel from DarkSide by creating a 'Chnl' 0 resource.
- */
- #include <Memory.h>
- #include <Windows.h>
- #include <Dialogs.h>
- #include <Errors.h>
- #include <ToolUtils.h>
- #include "Fader.h" // include DarkSide's interface
- #ifdef THINK_C
- #define QUICKDRAWBLACK (qd.black)
- #define QUICKDRAWWHITE (qd.white)
- #else
- #define QUICKDRAWBLACK (&qd.black)
- #define QUICKDRAWWHITE (&qd.white)
- #endif
- // Constants. These are specific to Morpion, you can throw them away if you are writing a new fader.
- #define border 2
- #define empty 0
- #define player1 1
- #define player2 2
- // Global variables, referenced using A4. Also Morpion-specific.
- short xloc, yloc; // starting location of the grid
- short xsize, ysize; // Width and height of grid
- short xc, yc; // Pixel coordinates of topleft corner
- Handle grid, points, possible;
- short value[5][5];
- short turn; // Tells who's up
- Boolean draw, winner; // End-of-game flags
- short unit; // Size of squares
- long nextDraw; // TickCount of the next time to draw
- // grid is considered as a two dimensional array 0..xsize-1, 0..ysize-1 of chars
- // points as an array 0..xsize-1, 0..ysize-1 of shorts
- // possible as an array 0..xsize*ysize-1 of points
- #define Grid(x, y) ((char*) (*grid)) [xsize * y + x]
- #define Points(x, y) ((short*) (*points)) [xsize * y + x]
- #define Possible(x) ((Point*) (*possible)) [x]
- void StartGame (void)
- {
- long ix;
- char *p;
- turn = player1; // white plays first
- draw = winner = false;
- for (p = *grid, ix = xsize*ysize; ix; p++, ix--) *p = empty; // clear the grid
- }
- // Called when fader is starting up, before window has been created.
- // We initialize our global variables here.
- OSErr PreflightFader(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, long *minTicks, long *maxTicks)
- {
- Rect bounds;
- long gridsize;
- short a, b;
- *minTicks = 1; // Tell DarkSide how often we want to be called.
- *maxTicks = 15;
- // The rest is specific to Morpion.
- unit = machineInfo->faderSettings->theShorts[1]; // read the settings
- bounds = machineInfo->theScreens[0].bounds; // compute the size of our grid
- xloc = bounds.left;
- yloc = bounds.top;
- xsize = (bounds.right - bounds.left - 6 * unit) / unit;
- ysize = (bounds.bottom - bounds.top - 6 * unit) / unit;
- xc = bounds.left + (bounds.right - bounds.left - unit * xsize) / 2;
- yc = bounds.top + (bounds.bottom - bounds.top - unit * ysize) / 2;
- if (!(grid = BestNewHandle (gridsize = xsize * ysize))) // allocate memory for the grid
- return memFullErr;
- if (!(possible = BestNewHandle (4*gridsize))) { // allocate memory for the 'possible' array
- DisposHandle(grid);
- return memFullErr;
- }
- if (!(points = BestNewHandle (2*gridsize))) { // allocate memory for the 'points' array
- DisposHandle(possible);
- DisposHandle(grid);
- return memFullErr;
- }
- for (a = 0; a < 5; a++) // initialize the 'value' array
- for (b = 0; b < 5; b++)
- value [a][b] = 0;
- value [0][0] = 10; value [0][1] = 20; value [0][2] = 80; value [0][3] = 300; value [0][4] = 2000;
- value [1][0] = 20; value [2][0] = 70; value [3][0] = 400; value [4][0] = 4000;
- StartGame();
- return noErr;
- }
- // Called when fader is starting up, after window has been created. We usually erase the screens here.
- // We then draw the grid.
- OSErr InitializeFader(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo)
- {
- short screenIndex;
- short ix;
- // store the local coordinates of our windows
- xloc = machineInfo->theScreens[0].bounds.left;
- yloc = machineInfo->theScreens[0].bounds.top;
- PenPat(QUICKDRAWBLACK); // erase the screens.
- for (screenIndex = 0; screenIndex < machineInfo->numScreens; screenIndex++)
- PaintRect(&machineInfo->theScreens[screenIndex].bounds);
- PenPat(QUICKDRAWWHITE); // draw the grid.
- SetOrigin(-xloc, -yloc);
- for (ix = 0; ix <= xsize; ix++) {
- MoveTo (xc + ix * unit, yc);
- Line (0, unit * ysize);
- }
- for (ix = 0; ix <= ysize; ix++) {
- MoveTo (xc, yc + ix * unit);
- Line (unit * xsize, 0);
- }
- SetOrigin(0, 0);
- nextDraw = 0;
- return noErr;
- }
- // The DoRow and Play routines are Morpion's IA. They are not part of the fader's interface with DarkSide.
- void DoRow (short bx, short by, short dx, short dy)
- {
- short i;
- short x, y;
- short nfriend, nenemy;
- char g;
- for (nfriend = nenemy = 0, x = bx, y = by, i = 5; i; x += dx, y += dy, i--) {
- if ((g = Grid(x, y)) == turn) // count how many enemy/friendly markers
- nfriend++; // are present in those five squares
- else if (g != empty)
- nenemy++;
- }
- for (x = bx, y = by, i = 5; i; x += dx, y += dy, i--) // increment the strategic value of the free squares
- if (Grid(x, y) == empty) // depending on nenemy and nfriendly
- Points(x, y) += value [nfriend][nenemy];
- }
- Point Play (void)
- {
- short ix, iy, npos, max, n, p;
- for (ix = 0; ix < xsize; ix++) // Only allow empty spots to be played
- for (iy = 0; iy < ysize; iy++)
- Points(ix, iy) = Grid(ix, iy) == empty ? 0 : -1;
- for (ix = 0; ix < xsize-4; ix++) // Walk the whole grid, giving more points to each
- for (iy = 0; iy < ysize; iy++) // interesting spot
- DoRow (ix, iy, 1, 0);
- for (ix = 0; ix < xsize; ix++)
- for (iy = 0; iy < ysize-4; iy++)
- DoRow (ix, iy, 0, 1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < xsize-4; ix++)
- for (iy = 0; iy < ysize-4; iy++)
- DoRow (ix, iy, 1, 1);
- for (ix = 0; ix < xsize-4; ix++)
- for (iy = 4; iy < ysize; iy++)
- DoRow (ix, iy, 1, -1);
- for (npos = 0, max = -1, ix = 0; ix < xsize; ix++) // Look for the most interesting spot
- for (iy = 0; iy < ysize; iy++) {
- p = Points(ix, iy);
- if (p > max) { // If this square is more interesting than all those
- max = p; npos = 1; // previously visited, forget about them
- Possible (0).h = ix;
- Possible (0).v = iy;
- }
- else if (p == max) { // If it is equally interesting than the best previously
- npos++; // visited squares, add it to the array of possible
- Possible (npos-1).h = ix; // moves.
- Possible (npos-1).v = iy;
- }
- }
- if (max == 0) // Nothing interesting : this is a draw
- draw = true;
- else if (npos) {
- n = Random(); // Randomly choose a square from the list
- if (n < 0) n = -n; // of best possible squares
- n = n % npos;
- if (max >= value [4][0]) // This means we just won
- winner = true;
- return Possible (n); // Pick up a solution randomly from the set of
- } // the best solutions
- else
- draw = true; // The grid is full
- }
- // Called regularly. This is the heart of the fader. Here we do whatever we please...
- OSErr IdleFader(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo)
- {
- Point location;
- Rect r;
- long finalTicks;
- short a;
- // if it isn't time to draw yet, we return -- we do this rather than delay to avoid
- // locking up the machine with a function as mundane as a screensaver
- if (TickCount() < nextDraw)
- return(noErr);
- location = Play(); // find out where we want to play
- if (!draw) { // If the player actually played something
- SetOrigin(-xloc, -yloc);
- r.left = xc + border + unit * location.h;
- r.top = yc + border + unit * location.v;
- r.right = r.left + unit - 2 * border + 1;
- r.bottom = r.top + unit - 2 * border + 1;
- if (turn == player1)
- EraseOval (&r); // draw the new marker in the proper color
- else {
- FrameOval (&r);
- }
- (void) PlayResourceSnd (machineInfo, 128, true); // play sound asynchronously
- for (a = 4; a; a--) { // make it blink so that the user sees it
- InvertRect (&r);
- Delay (2, &finalTicks);
- }
- SetOrigin(0, 0);
- }
- // calculate the next time to draw
- nextDraw = TickCount() + 60 - machineInfo->faderSettings->theShorts[0];
- if (draw || winner) { // if the game's over
- Str255 resultString;
- TextMode (srcXor);
- r = machineInfo->theScreens[0].bounds;
- MoveTo (r.left+2*unit, r.top + 2*unit); // print a message explaining why
- if (draw)
- {
- GetIndString(resultString, 5000, 1);
- }
- else
- {
- if (turn == player1)
- GetIndString(resultString, 5000, 2);
- else
- GetIndString(resultString, 5000, 3);
- }
- DrawString(resultString);
- PenNormal();
- Delay (240, &finalTicks); // wait a few seconds
- StartGame(); // and start a new game
- InitializeFader(machineInfo);
- return noErr;
- }
- Grid(location.h, location.v) = turn; // update the grid in memory
- turn = (turn == player1) ? player2 : player1; // change turn
- return noErr;
- }
- // Called when the fade is tearing down
- OSErr DisposeFader(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo)
- {
- #pragma unused (machineInfo)
- DisposHandle (grid); // release all the memory we reserved
- DisposHandle (points);
- DisposHandle (possible);
- return noErr;
- }
- // Called when there is an update event for our fade window.
- OSErr UpdateFader(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo)
- {
- InitializeFader(machineInfo); // erase the screen, draw the grid
- return noErr;
- }
- // Called when there is an events in the settings dialog. itemHit will be the item the user has selected, or 0 when the dialog
- // is being set up.
- // itemHit - itemOffset will allow you to determine which item in your dialog list this corresponds to.
- // If you don't wish to do any special processing of this event, simply return fnfErr and the standard effect will take place.
- OSErr HitFader(MachineInfoPtr machineInfo, DialogPtr dPtr, short itemHit, short itemOffset)
- {
- #pragma unused (machineInfo, dPtr, itemHit, itemOffset)
- return fnfErr;
- }