To display the Helium icon at the bottom of the screen each time you turn on your Macintosh, check this box.
Unless you do so, the Helium icon will not be displayed because this box is unchecked.
To stop Helium from displaying the Helium icon at the bottom of the screen each time you turn on your Macintosh, uncheck this box.
Unless you do so, the Helium icon will be displayed because this box is checked.
Hold down the keys that you would like to use to inflate Help Balloons, then click this button with the mouse.
You can use the Option, Command, Shift, Control, or Help keys on your keyboard.
This is the hot key combination that will make Helium instantly inflate help balloons.
For more information about Helium, click here.
To change the font used to display text in most Help Balloons, choose the font name from this popup menu.
To change the font size used to display text in most Help Balloons, choose the point size from this popup menu — or choose “Other…” to select a size which is not currently listed.
This is the version number of this copy of Helium.
You should include the version number in any correspondence with the author.
For information on how to pay for Helium, click this button.
To enter the registration code which will stop Helium’s shareware reminder messages, click this button.
If you need information on how to obtain a valid registration code, press the "Order" button.
To remove the Balloon Help Menu icon from the menu bar, check this box.
The Balloon Help Menu icon will be visible each time a new application is launched because this box is not checked.
To allow the Ballon Help Menu icon to be displayed in the menu bar, uncheck this box.
The Balloon Help Menu icon is currently hidden because this box is checked.
To reset the Balloon Help font and size to the System’s default settings, click this button.
Helium, by Robert L Mathews.
Allows you to improve the way Balloon Help works on your Macintosh computer.
Open this control panel to learn more, or to change the settings.