Thank-you for trying WDef III! If you're familiar with version 3.0, there are a few changes you should note.
1) There are now two versions of NeXT windows included in this package! Either may be selected in the WDef III Control Panel Interface.
2) WDef III is now ShareWare! I am asking for a little help in continuing to support this package! I'm only asking for $5(US)... This small amount will help defray the cost of the time and effort I'm giving to make future versions of WDef III even better!
3) The full documentation for WDef III is included within the Control Panel! Simply click on the WDef III Icon! This may be copied to the clipboard, or saved to a TeachText file.
If, for some reason, the Source Listings for the Window Definition were not included with WDef III, just send $10(US) in addition to the ShareWare payment for disk(s) containing the source code for ALL the routines used with WDef III! Please specify 800K or HD disks.
Please make all checks payable to “Anthony D. Saxton”.
I sincerely hope you enjoy WDef III, and please, send in your Registration Fee!