OneClick! is not free. It is presented to you in this shareware format so that you can evaluate its usefulness before you buy it. Don't you wish you could do this with all your software purchases? If you use OneClick! for more than a two-week evaluation period, you must register your copy or delete it from your Macintosh. To register your copy, send a check or money order for $10.00 to me at the address below. With your registration you will receive a password to unlock your copy of OneClick! Registered users of previous version can contact me using any means below to receive their free password.
OneClick! was written by Rick Christianson using Think C. Rick Christianson is a Computer Science Major at the New Mexico State University. All registration fees go towards paying college tuition. Please pay the fees--it's cheap. Just price some of the alternatives on the market.
Although I try very hard to test OneClick thoroughly before each release, it is impossible to test every possible combination of mouse clicks on every type of Macintosh. If you discover a reoccuring problem with OneClick! please report it so I can correct the problem.