Several new features are included in OneClick! 3.0. I want to thank all of the people who sent in their "wish lists" of OneClick! features. I tried to incorporate as many as possible, but unfortunately I couldn't include them all. Here's what made the final cut.
1. "More flexibility in palette configurations." OneClick! now allows you to create long narrow palettes, just drag on the size icon and see the window stretch out. The maximum size is 12 tiles long in a single row.
2. "Vertical palettes would be nice." OneClick! now allows you to change from a horizontal palette to a vertical palette. This is great if you like to run the palette down the edge of the screen.
3. "Smaller Titlebars on the palette windows." You got it! OneClick! now uses a smaller titlebar for its palettes. This lets you free up even more desktop space.
4. "No Titlebars on the palette windows." OneClick! now allows you to eliminate the titlebar completely if you wish. This locks the palette down on the desktop, you can not move or resize the palette in this configuration.
5. "No Toolbars on the palette windows." You can even get rid of the toolbar along the bottom of the palette if you wish. This eliminates the notepad icon, preference menu icon, and the file name area, and frees up even more desktop space. Shift-click on the palette to access the preferences menu in this configuration.
6. A revamped help system. OneClick's online help system has been completely redesigned to allow quicker access to the topics you want to know about. A print option, and the standard cut and paste are now available for all help text.
7. "A palette menu that lists my palettes." OneClick now has a menu that will display all the palettes in the OneClick! application folder. This gives you quick access to all the palettes inside that folder.
8. "An autoclose feature to automatically close the current palette if I open another palette from the current palette". Done! OneClick now incorporates an autoclose feature that will close the current palette anytime you open another palette from the current palette. This feature can be turned on and off in the Preference box and is palette specific. Also an "option-click" feature has been added that will autoclose the palette anytime you option-click on any palette tile.
9. "A default setting so that new palettes automatically have the preferences I want." OneClick! now has a Save As Default option in the preference box that will save that palette's preferences as default for use in creating new palettes.
10. "A option to hide the palettes whenever OneClick is not the active application." OneClick now has a "Sleep in Background" option that will hide all the open palettes whenever OneClick is not the active application. A small icon will appear on the desktop to let you know OneClick is sleeping. This option can be turned on or off in the preferences box and is NOT palette specific. If this option is turned on, it affects all palettes.
11. OneClick now recognizes System related folders and displays the correct folder icons.
12. OneClick now saves the Sound preference. So you don't have to turn the sound off each time you restart OneClick!
13. "Make it easy to upgrade." Nothing could be simplier. Just replace the OneClick! application. OneClick! will automatically upgrade your palette files as they are opened with the new version.
A Word About Compatiblity:
Palette files created with earlier versions of OneClick! must be upgraded to be compatible with version 3.0.
OneClick! v3.0 will ask you if you want to upgrade your old palettes when the old palette is selected. If you select the "Upgrade" button, OneClick! will automatically upgrade the palette for you. If you choose "Cancel" OneClick! will leave the palette untouched and not open it.
Once a palette is upgraded, you cannot revert to using that palette with an older version of OneClick!