Version is a utility for determining the actual version numbers for certain files you own. It scans a disk, looking for Applications (APPLs), Control Panel Documents (cdevs) and/or Startup Documents (INITs). When one is found, it looks at the file's 'vers' resource for the version. A list is made of all the files and versions (if available). This list may be saved in a text file.
'vers' resources:
Most Applications, Control Panel Documents and Startup Documents contain a resource named 'vers' used to identify certain version information for that file. This resource contains (among other things):
» Version Number
» Stage (Alpha, Beta, Released, etc.)
» Version Text (short and long)
Using Version:
To use version, simply select "Find Versions..." from the File menu. A dialog box will then ask for the volume to scan. Using the Pop-Up menu, select the volume. Clicking the Scan button will start the scanning process. If you do not want to scan a volume, click on the Cancel button.
You can stop the scanning process at any time by typing command-period.
Once the scanning process has completed, you can save the list on your volume by selecting "Save As..." from the file menu. The list is saved as a TEXT file with a creator of MACA (MacWrite‚Ñ¢). You can change this creator using the "Preferences..." selection under the file menu.
The "Preferences..." selection calls up a dialog that allows you to customize the operation of Version. Here you may select the type of file to scan for (Application, Control Panel Document and/or Startup Document), as well as the "Stage" of the document. As listed earlier, the Stage is the developmental level of the file. Also, you may select the listing file's "Creator" (the application that runs when you open a document) using the "Save List As:" Pop-Up menu. If you have any additional file types you need added to the list under the Pop-Up menu (and are handy with ResEdit), you can add them as follows:
1. Open ResEdit.
2. In ResEdit, open Version's resources.
3. Look for the 'FTyp' resources.
4. Open the 'FTyp' resource and add a new one.
5. Hit 'TAB' to get to the ASCII side of the resource data entry.
6. Type in the Type and Creator bytes (example: TEXTEDIT for standard Edit text file). Click on the close box.
7. Select your new resource again and Get Resource Info (Command-I).
8. Change the name of the resource (which should be blank) to the name of the application that will open this type of text file.
9. Save changes and quit.
Shareware fee is $5.00, and includes registration for the product, and all future versions of this product.
Dana Basken
Rockland Software
P.O. Box 338
Stoneham, MA 02180
Let's see, I'm on:
CompuServe: 74017,1115
America Online: DanaB1
AppleLink: Rockland
Note: Please make checks payable to Dana Basken, Thanks!
And now...
Version is a shareware program and is copyrighted by Dana Basken at Rockland Software. You may copy and distribute this program so long as this text is not altered. If you find Version to be handy, send the shareware fee specified above to become a registered user. Version has been tested and is believed to be relatively safe and free of disastrous bugs, but it is offered on an as-is basis and does not come with a warranty. If you have any problems or questions, send electronic or paper mail to the appropriate locations listed above.
Judd Stiff
J. Marcus Ziegler
Great job, people!
Also, thanks to Alex Narvey for spotting the problem with the "Released" stage display.