This program requires the environment manager of System 7. If System 7 or later is currently installed, then it appears that the system software is damaged. Please re-intall the system software.
An unknown error has occurred in the environment manager. Please re-install your system software.
System 7.0 or later is required to run µCinema Convert. Please upgrade your system software before attempting to execute this program.
This program requires the System 7 file manager. If System 7 or later is currently installed, then it appears that the system software is damaged. Please re-intall the system software.
ERROR! An unknown error has occurred due to Apple Event messaging.
ERROR! Menu bar resources have been corrupted. Please re-install this program.
The QuickTime extension is required to run µCinema Convert. Please add this item to the Extensions folder and restart your Macintosh.
ERROR! This application only supports custom frame rates between 1 and 60 fps. Please re-enter the value.
ERROR! A problem has occurred while attempting to process the input file '#'.