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- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <math.h>
- #include "OSUtil.h"
- #include "StdFilePkg.h"
- #include "FileMgr.h"
- typedef struct JS_FRACTAL_120
- {
- float version;
- int function;
- long accuracy;
- int freedom;
- double centerX;
- double centerY;
- double scale;
- double fixedRe;
- double fixedIm;
- Boolean invertKolor;
- Boolean limitExtreme;
- long maxKolors;
- int maxPixels;
- long iterations;
- Point fractalSize; /* set to equal window size when drawn */
- Point windowSize; /* set for fractal size; do not change fract size since still need it for zooming */
- Point actualSize; /* actual size of fractal drawn */
- } JS_fractal_120;
- #define TRUE 1
- #define FALSE 0
- #define REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS -1
- #define NIL_POINTER 0L
- #define NIL_STRING "\p"
- #define NAME_STRING "untitled"
- #define MOVE_TO_FRONT -1
- #define DEFAULT_BUTTON 1
- #define VERSION_DIALOG 400
- #define VERSION_OK 1
- #define VERSION_CANCEL 2
- #define TOL 1.0e-5
- #define VERSION 1.2
- #define SYS_VERSION 2
- JS_fractal_120 gFractal;
- /*
- This converts files from version 1.0x and 1.1x to version 1.2. This version
- includes data on the version (so future versions only need to know the structure
- number to read in data), type of file saved (currently 0 = preferences,
- 1 = mandelbrot, 2 = julia, and 3 = random walk; 0 and 3 are not written yet).
- Information is also present on the fractal screen size and actual fractal
- size).
- This program simply shows a standard file dialog to get the file to convert.
- If a file is "opened" or double-clicked, it will be converted and overwrite
- the previous file. The dialog will then be shown again. Clicking on cancel quits
- the program. Please note, this program will destroy data if version 1.2 is converted
- to 1.2 (since both have the same creator and file type, version 1.2 files will be
- displayed). This program assumes that those files that are double clicked
- or opened are from version 1.0x or 1.1x.
- */
- void main(void);
- void ToolBoxInit(void);
- void GetFileName( SFReply * );
- void OpenBinaryFile( char * );
- void ReadFileData( SFReply * );
- void CurrDeviceSize( int *, int * );
- void WriteFileData( SFReply * );
- void DoVersionUpdate(void);
- char HandleMightBeCurrVersion(void);
- void centerWindow(WindowPtr);
- void buttonProc (DialogPtr, int);
- int NoSysError(void);
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void main(void)
- {
- char op = TRUE;
- ToolBoxInit();
- if (NoSysError())
- {
- while (op == TRUE)
- {
- OpenBinaryFile(&op);
- }
- }
- ExitToShell();
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void ToolBoxInit(void)
- {
- InitGraf( &thePort );
- InitFonts();
- FlushEvents( everyEvent, REMOVE_ALL_EVENTS );
- InitWindows();
- InitMenus();
- TEInit();
- InitDialogs( NIL_POINTER );
- InitCursor();
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void GetFileName( replyPtr )
- SFReply *replyPtr;
- {
- Point thePoint;
- SFTypeList typeList;
- int numTypes;
- thePoint.h = 100;
- thePoint.v = 100;
- typeList[0] = 'fraJ';
- numTypes = 1;
- SFGetFile( thePoint, IGNORED_STRING, NIL_FILE_FILTER, numTypes,
- &typeList, NIL_DIALOG_HOOK, replyPtr );
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void OpenBinaryFile( opened )
- char *opened;
- {
- SFReply reply;
- GetFileName( &reply );
- if (reply.good)
- {
- ReadFileData( &reply );
- DoVersionUpdate();
- WriteFileData( &reply );
- }
- else
- {
- *opened = FALSE;
- }
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void ReadFileData( replyPtr )
- SFReply *replyPtr;
- {
- int srcFile;
- OSErr theErr;
- long siz;
- int tempi;
- long templ;
- float tempf;
- Boolean tempB;
- char c = FALSE;
- theErr = FSOpen( replyPtr->fName, replyPtr->vRefNum, &srcFile );
- if (theErr == noErr)
- {
- SetFPos( srcFile, fsFromStart, 0L );
- siz = (long) sizeof(float);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &tempf );
- if ((fabs(tempf - TOL) < VERSION) && (fabs(tempf + TOL) > VERSION))
- {
- c = HandleMightBeCurrVersion();
- }
- if (c == TRUE)
- {
- FSClose( srcFile );
- return;
- }
- SetFPos( srcFile, fsFromStart, 0L );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.function) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &tempi );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.freedom) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.centerX) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.centerY) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.scale) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.fixedRe) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.fixedIm) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(Boolean);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.invertKolor) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(Boolean);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.limitExtreme) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(long);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.maxKolors) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(Boolean);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &tempB );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.maxPixels) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(long);
- theErr = FSRead( srcFile, &siz, &templ );
- if (theErr == noErr)
- {
- gFractal.accuracy = templ;
- }
- else
- {
- gFractal.accuracy = (long) tempi;
- }
- FSClose( srcFile );
- }
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void CurrDeviceSize( x, y )
- /* This returns the max screen size divided by 2 */
- int *x;
- int *y;
- {
- *x = (screenBits.bounds.right) / 2;
- *y = (screenBits.bounds.bottom) / 2;
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void WriteFileData( replyPtr )
- SFReply *replyPtr;
- {
- int srcFile;
- OSErr theErr;
- Str255 k;
- long siz;
- int i;
- theErr = Create( replyPtr->fName, replyPtr->vRefNum, 'fraG', 'fraJ');
- if ((theErr == noErr) || (theErr == dupFNErr))
- {
- theErr = FSOpen( replyPtr->fName, replyPtr->vRefNum, &srcFile );
- if (theErr == noErr)
- {
- SetFPos( srcFile, fsFromStart, 0L );
- siz = (long) sizeof(float);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.version) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.function) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(long);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.accuracy) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.freedom) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.centerX) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.centerY) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.scale) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.fixedRe) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(double);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.fixedIm) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(Boolean);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.invertKolor) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(Boolean);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.limitExtreme) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(long);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.maxKolors) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.maxPixels) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(long);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.iterations) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.fractalSize.h) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.fractalSize.v) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.windowSize.h) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.windowSize.v) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.actualSize.h) );
- siz = (long) sizeof(int);
- FSWrite( srcFile, &siz, &(gFractal.actualSize.v) );
- GetFPos( srcFile, &siz );
- SetEOF( srcFile, siz );
- FSClose( srcFile );
- FlushVol(0L, replyPtr->vRefNum);
- }
- }
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void DoVersionUpdate(void)
- {
- int x;
- int y;
- gFractal.version = VERSION;
- CurrDeviceSize(&x,&y);
- gFractal.windowSize.h = x * 2;
- gFractal.windowSize.v = y * 2;
- gFractal.fractalSize.h = 0;
- gFractal.fractalSize.v = 0;
- gFractal.actualSize.h = 0;
- gFractal.actualSize.v = 0;
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- char HandleMightBeCurrVersion(void)
- {
- Boolean dialogDone = FALSE;
- int itemHit;
- int itemType;
- Rect itemRect;
- Handle itemHandle;
- char c;
- DialogPtr gSettingsDialog;
- gSettingsDialog = GetNewDialog( VERSION_DIALOG, NIL_POINTER, MOVE_TO_FRONT );
- centerWindow( gSettingsDialog );
- ShowWindow( gSettingsDialog );
- buttonProc( gSettingsDialog, DEFAULT_BUTTON );
- while (dialogDone == FALSE)
- {
- ModalDialog( NIL_POINTER, &itemHit );
- switch( itemHit )
- {
- case VERSION_OK:
- c = FALSE;
- dialogDone = TRUE;
- break;
- c = TRUE;
- dialogDone = TRUE;
- break;
- default:
- break;
- }
- }
- HideWindow( gSettingsDialog );
- DisposDialog( gSettingsDialog );
- return c;
- }
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void centerWindow(theWindow)
- WindowPtr theWindow;
- {
- short scrLength, scrHeight;
- Rect globalRect;
- Point where;
- /* get the window rect in global coordinates */
- CurrDeviceSize( &scrLength, &scrHeight );
- globalRect = (*theWindow).portRect;
- scrLength *= 2;
- scrHeight *= 2;
- where.v = (scrHeight - (globalRect.bottom - globalRect.top)) / 2;
- where.h = (scrLength - (globalRect.right - globalRect.left)) / 2 + GetMBarHeight();
- MoveWindow (theWindow, where.h, where.v, FALSE);
- } /* centerWindow */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- void buttonProc (theDialog, theItem)
- DialogPtr theDialog;
- int theItem;
- {
- short type;
- Rect box;
- Handle itemHdl;
- GrafPtr oldGrafPtr;
- GetPort( &oldGrafPtr );
- SetPort(theDialog);
- GetDItem (theDialog, theItem, &type, &itemHdl, &box);
- PenSize (3, 3);
- InsetRect (&box, -4, -4);
- FrameRoundRect (&box, 16, 16);
- PenNormal ();
- SetPort( oldGrafPtr );
- } /* buttonProc */
- /* --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */
- int NoSysError(void)
- {
- OSErr status;
- SysEnvRec SysEnvData;
- status = SysEnvirons( SYS_VERSION, &SysEnvData );
- if (( status != noErr ) || ( SysEnvData.processor < env68020 ) ||
- ( SysEnvData.systemVersion < 0x0600 ) || ( SysEnvData.hasFPU != TRUE ) ||
- ( SysEnvData.hasColorQD != TRUE ))
- {
- return(FALSE);
- }
- else
- {
- return(TRUE);
- }
- }