Two help systems are provided in this program. The CFG Help Manager is accessed by using the Help command from the Apple menu and is what you are currently viewing. The other system is Ballon Help, which is only available to users with Balloon Help in their System (System 7.x and possibly late versions of System 6.0x). The CFG Help Manager is a subset of the CFG User's Manual. Portions of the sections describing the operation of this program are included here. Balloon Help is also a subset of the manual, which provides help for systems not described in the CFG Help Manager (such as individual menu items and dialog components). The CFG Help Manager is described below. For information on operating Balloon Help, please consult the documentation which came with the System software.
There are three basic sections of the window: the topics pop-up menu, the text region, and the buttons. These areas will be briefly described below.
Information on various topics is displayed by choosing the topic from a pop-up menu at the top of the Help window. Selecting a new topic displays its information in the text pane of the help window.
The text pane is the region of the window with the topic information (the area you are currently examining). Text in this region can be selected and copied, but it cannot be deleted or modified. To print or save the text, use the appropriate button. These two commands apply to a selected region (thus only the selection is saved or printed). If there is no selection, the entire text pane contents will be saved or printed.
The user may save and print the topics data by selecting the appropriate button, or remove the Help window from the screen by choosing the Cancel button. The help display may also be removed by using the small close box at the left of the window title.
Note that the CFG Help Manager is not a dialog box. Its window may be left open while attending to other activities. If you move the Help window behind some other windows, a quick way to move it to the front is to either select the Help Window item from the Windows menu or select the Help... command from the Apple menu. The second method will not create a new help window, but simply moves the open Help window to the front.