In keeping with my NO INIT's or CDEV's philosophy here is a system 7 clean application
to collect and install desktop patterns (ppat resource's).
Before Dark installs ppat (PixelPattern) for your desktop background. The interface
is very elegant in both usage and esthetics. By using 64 x 64 pixel ppat's you can create
very complex background textures without having to use a PICT the size of your screen which saves memory. Over the years I have downloaded every public domain ppat resource I could find, and I think you'll agree you've never seen ones of the likes of these.
The included patterns were designed by several professional graphic designers to be
elegant and easy on the eyes.
Before Dark Features:
1. 30 HIGH QUALITY desktop patterns created by several professional graphic designers.
2. No CDEVs or INITs.
3. up to 128 by 128 pixel pattern size.
4. Imports ppat resources out of any file.
5. Balloon help.
6. Installs patterns without having to mess with ResEdit or rebooting.
7. Smart Window remembers it's position on screen (and multiple monitors).
8. Ability to delete unwanted ppats from database.
9. Comment feature lets you name patterns.
10. And more…
It is very straight forward, use balloon help to find out the option clicks
and shortcuts...
Thank You For Your Support!
Comments/Bug Reports/Chit-Chat can be sent to:
AppleLink: L.Solutions
The author takes absolutely NO responsibility for this software.