Dumpster Runner Demo is an application which allows you to choose an alternative to the boring System 7 trash icons and then have them installed, without Resedit.
System Requirements:
Dumpster Runner requires System 7.0 or later.
Shareware Notice:
Dumpster Runner is distributed as Shareware. You may use Dumpster Runner on a trial basis for up to 10 days. If you wish to continue using it beyond that period, you are required to pay a registration fee of $20. See the registration details at the end of this document.
Drag the "DumpsterCans" file to the system folder, the Dumpstercans file must be placed into the System Folder. Place "Dumpster Runner" and "DumpsterCans Import" wherever you like.
To use Dumpster: Toggle through the various trash cans by clicking on the left or right arrow buttons in the Dumpster window or by pressing on the left and right arrow key's on your keyboard. Click on the "I" button or press the "I" on your keyboard to install the current trash can into the system. The first time you run Dumpster a "Dumpster Preference" file will be created within the Preference Folder. By selecting Preferences from the Dumpster menu or by pressing "P" on your keyboard you can change the various settings.
1) By checking the "Confirm before installing" Dumpster will display a confirmation
dialog box before installing the current trash replacement into the system folder.
2) By checking the "Confirm before deleting" Dumpster will display a confirmation
dialog box before deleting the current trash cans from the DumpsterCans file.
3) By checking the "Install at startup" Dumpster will automatically install a new trash
can at each startup. With this checked enjoy a new trash can each time you start
without even opening Dumpster. This feature is available only in the Registered Version.
4) By checking the "Automatic restart" Dumpster will automatically restart after
installing a new trash icon.
5) Since you cannot change the size of the trash icons on the desktop it is unnecessary to
copy the small trash icons to the System File. By choosing "Copy all resource" Dumpster
copies all the resources to the System File or by choosing "needed resources only"
Dumpster will copy only the necessary resources to the System File. Therefore
installation takes place much quicker, exactly half the time and the results are the same.
By selecting "Delete" from the Dumspter menu you can delete the current trash can from the DumpsterCans file. By selecting "Revert" from the Dumspter menu you can change back to the original System 7 trash cans. By selecting either "Import..." or "Export..." from the Dumpster menu you can do just that. If you try to import or export a real large file I recomend backing up the file first and increasing the applications memory partition, through the get info window. Importing from a Resedit file is not allowed in the Demo version, ( hint: there are ways around this ).
The registered version will allow you to install a new trash can automatically at each Startup and allows you to import your favorite trash icons into Dumpster from any Resedit file. It also comes with over 145 different trash can replacements. Registration for Dumpster is $20.00 for full working version on disk or $8.00 to continue using the Demo version after 10 days. Please support shareware! If you choose to keep Dumpster Runner beyond the 10 day free trial period, you are required to pay a shareware fee of $20 or $8.00. Please send a check or money order in US funds only to the address below. Contact me for site licensing information.
Donald Perreault
20 South Street
Plainville, MA 02762
EXTREMELY IMPORTANT: Although Dumpster Runner has gone through vigorous testing and the chance of a problem is very slim please always backup your system file before altering.
Please, if you experience any problem with Dumpster Runner please contact me at any of the e-mail addresses below: