Wouldn't it be fun to have a Trash that looked like a wicker wastebasket, or shoe boxes instead of folders, or perhaps even a burning Finder. Well, anything is possible in the world of icons. Especially when literally thousands of icons are available from bulletin boards everywhere. Since the quality varies greatly, however, you might choose to design your own.
No matter how you acquire your icons, you need to install them in order to enjoy them. Under System 7 you can copy and paste icons in "Get Info" windows. But that can't be done with the Trash or the generic folder-, document-, application- and desk accessory-icon, to name a few. Besides, most system related folders and files are locked anyway, making it even more complicated. So, what to do?
You can use a resource editor, like ResEdit or Resorcerer, to copy and paste your customized icons directly into the system file. But mention ResEdit to many users and you evoke fear in their eyes. Resource editing, though not as deadly as its reputation, can be dangerous if you don't know what you're doing. And even if you know what you're doing, it's easy to mess up.
Therefore, I wrote the IConArtist application. It's sole purpose is to install icons into your system file, while the system is up and running. Tough job, but someone's go to do it. But because of the intuitive graphic interface, it's very easy to operate. In addition, there's online help text available, to guide you through the process. There's also a few fun "interfacial" animation features, to entertain you along the way.
The help text in the icon moving dialog box is hidden, until you click the paint roller icon. The cursor turns into two arrowheads, pointing up and down, when the mouse is in a help text box. To scroll text, hold down the mouse button in the box and drag up or down. Text will scroll twice as fast if the Option key is held down, and four times faster with both the Option and Command keys down.
Just a word of caution, before you start hacking away: Resource editing has, as mentioned, the potential of causing problems if you're not careful. Even though, no problems have been reported from the use of IConArtist, always keep a backup copy of your system handy; no matter what you're up to. Also, any removed system icons is placed in a file on the desktop, for those having second thoughts. Now, enjoy yourselves!
IConArtist is made available free of charge during a short trial period. If the application works to your satisfaction, and you continue to use it, you are obligated to pay the author $10 in U.S. funds. If you choose not to, you are expected to "trash" the software and owe nothing. Supporting shareware will ensure that more and better programs will be made available to the public, by independent developer everywhere.
There are no restrictions on making and distributing unmodified copies of IConArtist, provided this document is included. Nonetheless, the application may not be commercially sold or distributed, without written permission by the developer. However, permission is granted for making the software freely available on any bulletin board and computer online service. In addition, IConArtist may also be freely distributed on floppy disks by Macintosh User Groups, if no more than actual cost is charged. IConArtist is copyright N. Jonas Englund.
IConArtist is provided "as is." You may use it at your own risk and discretion, without warranty of any kind. Neither the developer, nor suppliers of the software, shall be liable for any damages arising out of your use, or possible misuse, of this product. So there!