This option allows you to create views for stereoscopic vision.
This eye separation distance is specified as a (% dist) - a percentage of the gaze distance from the Look-at point to the eye point.
None: means that only one sample per pixel will be taken. Turns off Antialiasing. This has the fastest rendering time but produces the worst quality images.
None: means that only one sample per pixel will be taken. Turns off Antialiasing. This has the fastest rendering time but produces the worst quality images.
Low: subdivides each pixel into 4 subpixels if the "Antialiasing: Subpixel" or "Semi-adaptive" menu item is selected. This takes longer than "None" but improves the quality of images.
Low: subdivides each pixel into 4 subpixels if the "Antialiasing: Subpixel" or "Semi-adaptive" menu item is selected. This takes longer than "None" but improves the quality of images.
Medium: subdivides each pixel into 16 subpixels if the "Antialiasing: Subpixel" or "Semi-adaptive" menu item is selected. This takes longer, but is a good choice for high resolution images.
Medium: subdivides each pixel into 16 subpixels if the "Antialiasing: Subpixel" or "Semi-adaptive" menu item is selected. This takes longer, but is a good choice for high resolution images.
High: subdivides each pixel into 64 subpixels if "Antialiasing: Subpixel" or "Semi-adaptive" menu item is selected. This takes longest but produces the highest quality images.
High: subdivides each pixel into 64 subpixels if "Antialiasing: Subpixel" or "Semi-adaptive" menu item is selected. This takes longest but produces the highest quality images.
Turns OFF the generation of textures on objects even if a texture has been defined in the
scene (.sff) file.
Turns OFF the generation of textures on objects even if a texture has been defined in the
scene (.sff) file.
Turns ON the generation of textures on objects if a texture has been defined inside the objects field of a scene (.sff) file. If you know the scene has textures, and this doesn't work, try the "After objects".
Turns ON the generation of textures on objects if a texture has been defined inside the objects field of a scene (.sff) file. If you know the scene has textures, and this doesn't work, try the "After objects".
Turns ON the generation of textures on objects if a texture has been defined after the objects field of a scene (.sff) file. If you know the scene has textures, and this doesn't work, try the "Inside objects" option.
Turns ON the generation of textures on objects if a texture has been defined after the objects field of a scene (.sff) file. If you know the scene has textures, and this doesn't work, try the "Inside objects" option.
This option allows you to create views for stereoscopic vision.
This is accomplished by making two views from slightly different eye positions. Single: means that stereo is OFF and only one view is made.
This option allows you to create views for stereoscopic vision.
This is accomplished by making two views from slightly different eye positions. Single: means that stereo is OFF and only one view is made.
This option allows you to create views for stereoscopic vision.
Right: makes the view for the right eye. Be sure to set the "Eye Separation" item for something other than 0.0 if you do this.
This option allows you to create views for stereoscopic vision.
Right: makes the view for the right eye. Be sure to set the "Eye Separation" item for something other than 0.0 if you do this.
This option allows you to create views for stereoscopic vision.
Left: makes the view for the left eye. Be sure to set the "Eye Separation" item for something other than 0.0 if you do this.
This option allows you to create views for stereoscopic vision.
Left: makes the view for the left eye. Be sure to set the "Eye Separation" item for something other than 0.0 if you do this.
The Windows menu lets you show or hide any of the five major windows.
The Windows menu allows you to show or hide the various windows used by RTrace.
This item will show the Options Window . Hiding the Options Window during rendering can prevent the windows from cluttering up the screen. It has no impact on performance.
This option is gray because it is disabled. When it is turned on, it will show the Options Window . Hiding the Options Window during rendering can prevent the windows from cluttering up the screen.
This option will show and hide the Status Window. Since the Status Window provides continual feedback during scene reading and rendering, hiding it can speed thing up significantly.
This option gray because it is inactive. It can show the Status Window. Since the Status Window provides continual feedback during scene reading and rendering, hiding it can speed thing up significantly.
This option will show and hide the Log Window. Since the Log Window provides some technical information feedback during scene reading and rendering, hiding it can speed thing up a little.
This option will show the Log Window. Since the Log Window provides some technical information feedback during scene reading and rendering, hiding it can speed thing up a little.
This option will show and hide the Animation Window. Generally, the Animation Window will show itself when necessary, and hide itself when it is no longer needed.
This option gray because it is inactive. It is used to show the Animation Window. Generally, the Animation Window will show itself when necessary, and hide itself when it is no longer needed.
This option will show and hide the Image Window. Since this Window is continuously updated during rendering, hiding it can speed things up. This does not affect any saved image, which will always be complete.
This option will show the Image Window. Since the Image Window is continuously updated during rendering, hiding it can speed thing up a little. This does not affect any saved image, which will always be complete.
Click here or press <<Return>> to start the program.
Click here for more information on the authors.
YES. This image was made with this program. It used the .sff file: mballs.sff.
Press this button or the <<Return>> key when you've input all the animation parameters.
Press this button to cancel the animation and return all parameters to their former state.
This gives the starting value for the variable “t”. The animation will use this value for the first frame. You may use math equations here but do NOT use “t” in this box.
This gives the ending value for the variable “t”. The animation will use this value for the last frame. You may use math equations here but do NOT use “t”.
This gives the number of steps (or frames) that will be produced by the animation. Use an integer number here.
Defines the x value of the eye point in 3D space. You may use math equations here. Use the parametric term “t” to define how motion will occur.
Defines the y value of the eye point in 3D space. You may use math equations here. Use the parametric term “t” to define how motion will occur.
Defines the z value of the eye point in 3D space. You may use math equations here. Use the parametric term “t” to define how motion will occur.
Defines the x direction of the Up vector (points to top of screen in rendered image). You may use math equations here. Use the parametric term “t” to define how motion will occur.
Defines the y direction of the Up vector (points to top of screen in rendered image). You may use math equations here. Use the parametric term “t” to define how motion will occur.
Defines the z direction of the Up vector (points to top of screen in rendered image). You may use math equations here. Use the parametric term “t” to define how motion will occur.
Defines the x value of the point you are looking at in 3D space. You may use math equations here. Use the parametric term “t” to define how motion will occur.
Defines the y value of the point you are looking at in 3D space. You may use math equations here. Use the parametric term “t” to define how motion will occur.
Defines the z value of the point you are looking at in 3D space. You may use math equations here. Use the parametric term “t” to define how motion will occur.