Color Tracks is a simple sort-of-extension that enables the music tracks on your audio CDs to display color and/or small icons. Just drop Color Tracks into your System Folder and hold down the command-option keys while re-booting to rebuild the desktop.
To un-install Color Tracks, remove it from your hard disk and hold down the command-option keys while re-booting to rebuild the desktop.
This information can also be obtained by turning on balloon help and pointing to Color Tracks.
This file works by using special tricks to fool the Finder. It does not take up any RAM and it does not slow down the system.
I am making this extension public domain for the good of Mac kind. Please feel free to distribute Color Tracks anywhere you wish as long as this file and an unmodified version of Color Tracks are included. If you are compiling a collection or if you would like to use the icons from this extension then please get my permission first. Thank you for your understanding.
I can be contacted at the following mail addresses in order of preference:
Technon BBS ((508)528-4960) : Valerian *Fax available upon request.
AOL : Technon or A Schafer
Compu$erve : 73777,1040
J. Andrew Schafer
Technon Software
3 Fox Hill Ln.
Norfolk, MA. 02056-1751
Thank you for using Color Tracks! Any suggestions or feedback are welcome and appreciated. Look for future Technon Software releases comming soon!