What's New in MaxRAM 1.0.2 (Released June 5, 1994)
• Finally compatibility with version 1.0.2 of RAM Doubler!!
• Previously registered users of version 1.0 can consider this a free update. There is a $5 shareware fee for all other users.
• Author's new Internet e-mail address added (spencerl@crl.com).
• MaxRAM is much faster (and consistent) in finding RAM Doubler.
• New option to open the Memory control panel to turn on 32-bit Addressing.
• MaxRAM alerts user if indicator is nonfunctional on user's Macintosh with square menu bar corners.
• MaxRAM does not allow you to increase your RAM past 256MB (RAM Doubler internal limitation).
• Vastly improved online help.
General Information
MaxRAM reconfigures RAM Doubler™, allowing you to:
• Triple, quadruple, quintuple, or have SIX times as much memory when using RAM Doubler from Connectix Corporation. Normally, RAM Doubler will double your RAM, but with the help of MaxRAM, you can have SIX times the installed memory. That’s right - SIX. For example, if you have 8 MB of real RAM in your Macintosh, MaxRAM will give you 48 MB of RAM. (You can also choose a lower amount, if you desire.)
• Display an indicator in the menu bar that will flash when RAM Doubler is used.
To use MaxRAM, simply double click on it, select the desired amount of RAM (and if you want the indicator on), and click Save. From now on, you’ll have much more RAM than before!!
Shareware Info
Shareware fees for a starving student: I don’t move and destroy furniture, but I would greatly appreciate a nominal $5.00 U.S. check or an international postal money order made payable to "Spencer Low," or equivalent national currency, if you use MaxRAM or appreciate MaxRAM in any way. Please do not send me international personal checks because the collection fee is more than 4 times the shareware fee. If you cannot pay the shareware fee, please spread the word on how totally cool MaxRAM is or upload MaxRAM to CompuServe, Delphi, GEnie, Internet FTP sites, local BBSs, and anywhere else you may have access to (since I cannot afford to do so) or send a postcard to:
Spencer Low
130 Windward Court
Vallejo, CA 94591
United States of America
When registering, please identify your e-mail address, Macintosh model and version number of MaxRAM. If you need the latest version of MaxRAM mailed to you, please send $5.00 U.S., a self-addressed-stamped-mailer (with $0.75 U.S. postage for domestic U.S. mail or $0.95 for international mail) and a diskette. Mailing time is generally 3-5 weeks, depending on my school schedule. I appreciate your understanding.
MaxRAM shall not be distributed in public domain/freeware software compilations. MaxRAM is copyrighted shareware with all rights reserved. Inclusion of MaxRAM with other software products requires the express written permission/authorization by the author. This restriction does not apply to bulletin boards, commercial online services such as America Online, CompuServe and Delphi, and nonprofit Macintosh user groups which hold regularly scheduled public meetings.
User Reviews
* * * * * 5 out 5 rating
Andrew Kim of ZiffNet/Mac on eWorld
"If you have RAMDoubler, you should get a copy of MaxRAM."
Dr. Michael C. LaBossiere, Low-End User EMagazine March 1994.
"...this product should be everyone's choice for shareware add-on of the year! At least one [user group] member was sufficiently impressed that it prompted his purchase of RamDoubler!"