Due to the problem that certain characters could not be typed with the previous key combinations, I have decided to change them. When the next major revision comes out, this extension should be maturing into a control panel with user definable key combinations. But until then …
• Mac Plus or greater
• System 6.05 or greater
Print Screen is a System extension (init) that simplifies the process of printing the entire screen or a specified portion of the screen. It performs a simple screen dump to the printer.
Drag Print Screen to the System Folder and Restart.
How to Use
Print Screen can be activated by the following keystrokes:
The entire contents of the screen will
be printed.
Only the topmost window will be printed.
A selected portion of the screen will be
printed. A cross cursor will appear. Press
the mouse button to outline the area to
print. Release the mouse to begin printing.
Toggles between forcing output to one page
and normal printing. When output is forced
to one page, the screen image will be scaled
down to fit on only one page if it is larger
then the printer page.
Note: The COMMAND key is the one with the little apple on it.
Print Screen is SHAREWARE
If you decide to use it, please send $5 to:
Jeff Behen
7566 Lockford Ct.
Cupertino, CA 95014
e-mail : jeffbehen@aol.com
or AOL: Jeff Behen
I encourage any feedback or suggestions in regard to Print Screen. Remember, I won't know if you hate the key combinations unless you tell me. Also, custom versions of Print Screen are available by request.
Version Information
v 1.3 New Print Screen preferences file. Implemented capturing the top window only. User now has the option of forcing the output to only one page. New key combinations.
v 1.2.5 Printer defaults are saved. A bug relating to the init disabling itself was fixed.
v 1.2.3 Custom release for a specific user.
v 1.2.2 Custom release for a specific user.
v 1.2.1 Minor enhancements and bug fixes.
v 1.2 Fixed compatibility problems with some applications.
v 1.1 Provided compatibility with early ( < Mac II ) Macintoshes.
v 1.0 Initial release.
I would like to thank the following people for their suggestions and feedback:
Sara Behen, Brian Renken, and John Busfield.
This software may not be sold or leased directly or indirectly. No warranty, express or implied is associated with this software. By using this software, you assume all responsibility for any direct or indirect mishaps which may occur before, during or after the operation of the software.