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Text File | 1994-05-07 | 10.0 KB | 243 lines | [TEXT/R*ch] |
- Printer Defaults 1.3
- --------------------
- Printer Defaults is an application to modify the default settings in
- printer drivers. It has been tested on various machines running
- systems 7.0.1.and 7.1 with a large number of different printer drivers
- including LaserWriter 8.0 and 8.1.1. If you want a more substantial
- range of patches for laser printers then get hold of Don Markuson's
- dmm-laserwriter collection which is available, for example, by
- anonymous ftp from sumex-aim.stanford.edu and mirrors in the directory
- /info-mac/util or /info-mac/prn.
- ----------
- How it works
- ------------
- Printer Defaults works by reading in the default settings for the
- TPrint Record stored in the resource of type 'PREC' with ID 0 in
- the driver and then doing a "Page Setup". Any changes are written
- back to the driver become its new defaults.
- BUT, once a "Page Setup" has been done, any application may save a
- copy of PREC 0 in its own resource fork, or preferences file, or
- settings document or each individual document and use this in
- preference to the defaults in the driver for future calls to Page
- Setup. Many word processors do this for each document. TeachText
- always fetches the PREC 0 afresh so is a good way to test if
- changes have stuck. There's lots of this sort of cacheing going on
- which can appear to defeat setting the defaults in the driver.
- Usage
- -----
- Launch Printer Defaults and use the Standard File dialog to select a
- printer driver to configure (or drop one or more drivers onto Printer
- Defaults' icon under System 7). This will bring up a "Page Setup"
- dialog which you can use to select the new defaults. Clicking "OK"
- will save these back to the driver, "Cancel" will go on without
- saving.
- For some printer drivers, there are some additional options which
- cannot be accessed from the Page Setup dialog. If any are applicable
- to the driver you are modifying an additional dialog will next
- appear.
- Finally, a "Print…" dialog will then appear so that any changes already
- made which affect its appearance can be seen, and, in the case of some
- drivers, any settings in the "Print…" dialog which can be written to
- PREC 0 can be altered. This varies with the driver, and in any case
- may still be ignored or modified at print time by the printer driver
- or the application.
- LaserWriter 5.x, 6.0, 6.0.1
- ---------------------------
- The Print dialog of LaserWriter 5.x, 6.0, 6.0.1 contains a hidden
- checkbox to allow printing of PostScript™ output to a disk file rather
- than a printer. Printer Defaults can make this checkbox visible.
- LaserWriter 8.x
- ---------------
- LaserWriter 8.x (and Adobe's PSPrinter) uses a preferences file as
- well as resources for storing its defaults. Some features may also
- be read from a PPD (printer description) file and will override any
- settings in the driver. So the strategy for setting the defaults
- with these drivers is more complicated than with previous drivers.
- Also the preferences file must exist or the driver will only give
- an error message.
- The preferences file is created by the driver when it is selected by
- the Chooser so the first step is to place the LaserWriter 8.x
- driver in the extensions folder and select it with the Chooser. The
- preferences file will be created and various information stored in
- it.
- When Printer Defaults is run with LaserWriter 8.x, the information
- in the "Page Setup" dialog is partly controlled by resources and
- partly by the preferences file.
- For LaserWriter 8.x a second dialog of options will also be
- displayed. Some are additional options from Don Markuson's
- collection of LaserWriter patches which allow the use of the Setup
- button in the Chooser at all times, and add the n-up printing menu
- to the Print dialog. A final option allows the LaserWriter driver
- to be used without AppleTalk. This is useful for PS File generation
- as it removes the driver's ability to actually connect to a
- printer. LaserWriter 8.1.1 contains a PRFS -8192 resource, many of
- whose meanings are unknown to me - I simply read the titles of the
- check boxes from the TMPL supplied and allow the user to turn any
- of them on or off.
- In order to set the driver up for a specific printer, use the Chooser
- to select the LaserWriter 8.x driver and press the Setup button (if
- the button is grayed out, use Printer Defaults to check the box "Setup
- button in Chooser always active" in the second dialog, save and then
- quit and then go back to the Chooser). Then press the "Select PPD…"
- button and choose the PPD file for your printer. Then press the
- "Setup" button and modify the settings to match the hardware
- configuration of your printer. Save the settings and close the
- Chooser.
- Now run Printer Defaults and select the driver, set the "Page Setup"
- buttons to the settings you want and click the "OK" button. In the
- next dialog modify any settings as desired and click "Save".
- Finally in the "Print" dialog press the "Options" button and make
- any desired changes ABOVE THE DOTTED LINE. Press "OK" and then
- "Print" to save the changes to the driver. Note that in the
- "Options" dialog any settings below the dotted line are reset with
- every print job so cannot be made to stick with Printer Defaults.
- Sometimes they can be controlled by using switches on the printer
- itself.
- LaserWriter 8.x also makes it easy to lock the driver to print only a
- single copy at a time. This has been added as an additional option.
- This was originally #7 in Don's list of hacks. The June 1994 MacWorld
- mistakenly said this hack was included in v1.1.1. Avoid having to keep
- explaining why it isn't I have added it to v1.3 with one modification.
- It turns out that QuarkXpress (and perhaps other applications) can be
- confused by turning the number of copies entry box into a static text
- item as originally suggested by Don and fails to add its own
- additional items correctly. So in this version of Printer Defaults
- the number of copies is moved off screen and the driver modified so
- that it will ignore any entry in this box if a user attempts to type
- in a number blind.
- If Printer Defaults finds a LaserWriter 8.x driver which has had
- the number of copies changed to static text, it changes the type back
- to edit text and moves it off-screen.
- Third party drivers
- -------------------
- Although Printer Defaults has never crashed when modifying Apple
- printer drivers, it may crash with some third party drivers when
- modifying some options in the "Print…" dialog. I have been unable
- to determine the cause of the problem. If you experience such a
- crash then please let me know the name of the driver and its
- version number. For safety it is more essential than ever in these
- circumstances that you only modify a copy.
- The HP DeskWriter series cause Printer Defaults to crash unless they
- are the selected driver in the Chooser. So Printer Defaults checks for
- this before opening the driver.
- LaserWriter Pro 630
- -------------------
- One of the most frequently asked questions I have received as a result
- of distributing Printer Defaults is "How do I change the default
- paper tray in my LaserWriter Pro 630?"
- The default paper source is stored in the permanent memory of the
- printer and can be modified by means of a short postscript program. In
- the LaserWriter Pro 630 folder are programs (courtesy of Ad Herweijer)
- to set the default tray to the 250 or 500 sheet cassettes, the
- multipurpose or envelope trays. The factory default is the 250 sheet
- cassette.
- Use the LaserWriter Utility supplied on the printer installation disks
- to download the program to select the desired tray. You should then
- also turn off "Automatic Tray Switching" in the "Paper Handling…"
- dialog from the "Utilities" menu. The successful selection of the new
- tray as default should be recorded in the LaserWriter Utility log
- file (which saves using up more trees to find out ;-).
- Thanks
- ------
- Thanks to Don Markuson for all those useful LaserWriter patches and
- allowing me to include some in Printer Defaults. He was also kind
- enough to comment on an early version of Printer Defaults and suggest
- several improvements. Thanks also to Ian Harries for bringing Don's
- LaserWriter 8 patches to my attention which provided the initial
- stimulus to write Printer Defaults. Thanks to David Fagan for pointing
- out some problems with LaserWriter 8. Thanks to Ad Herweijer for the
- PostScript routine to change the default paper tray. Thanks to Randy
- Hust for pointing out the MacWorld article which predicted the
- addition of the locked copies option. Thanks to Mike Schon-Hegrad
- for reporting the problems with the DeskWriter drivers.
- Legalese
- --------
- Printer Defaults is Copyright ©1994 by John Rawnsley but may be used
- freely. You use it at your own risk. Always work on a COPY of the
- printer driver, never the original.
- Contacts
- --------
- Internet: jhr@maths.warwick.ac.uk
- CompuServe: 72662,3361
- Mail: John Rawnsley
- Mathematics Institute
- University of Warwick
- Coventry
- CV4 7AL
- United Kingdom
- Version history
- ---------------
- Version 1.3 adds the ability to lock the number of copies in the Print
- dialog of LaserWriter 8. This was mentioned in a recent US MacWorld
- article as one of Printer Defaults options so I guess I had better put
- it in. Some HP DeskWriter drivers cause Printer Defaults to crash
- unless they are the currently selected driver in the Chooser. Printer
- Defaults now checks for this and puts up a warning message if the
- driver is not selected.
- Version 1.2 adds Cmnd-Q to quit from Standard File dialog and an extra
- option to display an error alert when parsing PPD files in LaserWriter
- 8.0. It also fixes a cosmetic bug which failed to change the name of
- the folder button in the Standard File dialog to "System Folder" under
- System 6. PostScript programs are now included to change the default
- trays in the LaserWriter Pro 630.
- Version 1.1.1 fixes a memory problem bug and has an improved
- interface.
- Version 1.1 added some of Don Markuson's patches for LaserWriter
- 8.x.
- Version 1.0 was the first public release and allowed the user
- to save the Page Setup settings as defaults. It allowed the
- LaserWriter 8.1.1 PRFS resource to be edited.