Text File | 1995-06-05 | 1012 b | 20 lines | [ttro/ttxt]
Movie Recompressor
Movie Recompressor is a drag-and-drop utility that recompresses your movies into a single-video-track movie playable on Windows™, Mac™ and other computers supporting the QuickTime™ technology.
QuickEditor may create movies that have a lot of different video tracks, each having different compression settings. This may cause playback slowdowns, especially on slower computers.
Recompressing them with Movie Compressor may improve the situation.
Movie Recompressor is Freeware, you're free to distribute it anywhere...
When used on a Power Macintosh, some codecs (Video, Animation,...) might generates a dirty picture (somewhat blurred). To avoid that either use the Cinepak codec or disable the 'Key frame every...' box.
Mathias Tschopp
13 Troupe
CH-1253 Vandoeuvres
FAX: (41-22) 348.33.28
E-Mail: mtschopp@perokcity.net.ch (only short mails, no binaries!)
(Use one address or the other, don't send the same message to both.)