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Text File | 1994-12-20 | 42.7 KB | 834 lines | [TEXT/ALFA] |
- Sparkle: A new mac MPEG player.
- -------------------------------
- Documents for version 2.3.0
- This document looks best in 9 point monaco.
- On an MPW marks aware editor (like Alpha) this document has marks for
- each section.
- This document contains the following sections:
- FAQs
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Hi there, friendly users. This is release 2.3.0 of my mac MPEG player.
- Version 1.0 of this code was based on the Berkeley MPEG unix code.
- (Anyone who wants to play with the Berkeley code can get it from
- toe.cs.berkeley.edu in pub/multimedia/mpeg.) It was released as soon as
- it was usable. This version no longer makes use of Berkeley code and uses
- my own algorithms for greater speed, smaller memory footprint, and more
- flexibility.
- Version 2.0 of this code made use of the Berkeley MPEG encoder, available
- from the same place as above. This encoding code has now been almost
- completely rewritten by me, and uses substantially less memory than
- before. For this release I merely concentrated on rewriting my own encoder.
- As a result, the encoder behaves just like the old encoder except for
- being a little faster and a whole lot less memory intensive.
- In the near future I will add rate-controller to the encoder but that's
- not yet ready for this release.
- Notice that there is a section of this document called FAQs.
- Please read it before sending me mail, thus avoiding wasting your time and
- mine.
- Please read all of this document before playing with the program. While
- actually using the program is pretty simple, there are a few things you
- should be aware of. Many of you may not care when I waffle on about
- technical details. However I would ask all programmer readers (especially
- people knowledgable about QuickTime, and especially Apple [and
- ex-Apple :-( employees] to look at the tech sections and help me out with
- comments and suggestions. Each time someone gives me a pointer on how to
- do something it cuts a week or more off the release date of the next
- version of Sparkle.
- Features:
- • Standard mac interface with menus and windows.
- • Uses the QuickTime movie controller to control the MPEG viewing.
- • MultiFinder friendly, with good backgrounding behavior.
- • Saves MPEGs to QuickTime movies.
- • Can open multiple files at once.
- • Can open QuickTime movies and sets of PICTs.
- • Can encode MPEGs.
- • PowerMac native.
- • Free.
- To run it needs at least:
- • System 7.
- • QuickTime 1.6
- • Sound Manager 3.0
- • Works much better with SCSI Manager 4.3
- • A 68020 or better.
- • 1200K to play one 160x120 MPEG. Almost all memory allocation is done
- through temporary memory, so if you get a low memory message, close other
- applications. Increasing the partition size of Sparkle will not help
- much and will take memory from other applications.
- • The Thread Manager. Right now, the Thread Manager is an extension
- that you can get from any friend who knows a lot about macs, or from the
- apple ftp site. Ftp to ftp.apple.com and look in
- dts/mac/sys.soft/extensions for Thread_manager_201.hqx
- The Thread Manager is built into System 7.5 so why don't you upgrade?
- * The next release of Sparkle will rely on QT 2.0 and whatever else of
- System 7.5 I feel like. I am warning you now to upgrade---I will not be
- wasting time trying to support systems earlier than 7.5
- This program works fine, with good handling of errors, on my Quadra 610, but
- that's the only machine I have to test it. If you find a bug that is not
- caused by the various things listed below, please mail me with as many
- details as possible, both about your machine and about what the program
- was last doing before it died on you.
- I don't think there's much to say on the use of this program---you pretty
- much run it like any other mac program. There is a section in this
- document on tips that may not be obvious.
- When opening files, you can choose to show all files, or only files with a
- .mpg suffix.
- If you choose the "show all files" option and open some random file, don't
- be surprised when you are told that that is not a valid MPEG file.
- If you set the option to change file types, the file type of the MPEG file
- you are changing will be changed to a Sparkle file, which will give it a
- nice icon and allow you to open the file by double-clicking on it.
- Underneath the movie controller for each window is a progress bar which
- will update itself when slow things are happening. If you have a fast
- machine (say a Quadra or Centris) this won't have to update itself much,
- except if you open large (and not too common) MPEGs---say 320x240. If you
- really want to see what the progress update looks like, try having lots of
- MPEGs playing at once, then switch Sparkle into the background.
- If you save an MPEG to QuickTime using Cinepak, your machine may appear to
- freeze while each frame is being converted. I have installed code to
- reduce the extent of the freeze, but basically this is a bug with
- QuickTime---the system just grabs control and won't let go for about five
- seconds. Maybe this'll be fixed in QuickTime 2.0 if we're lucky.
- I have tested this program extensively under low-memory conditions when it
- opens files and plays them. It should never crash under those conditions.
- In 600K you can easily open, play and save to QT a 120x160 I-frame MPEG. In
- 1500K you can open, play and save to QT a 320x240 IBP-frame MPEG.
- Disk errors in various forms (bad sectors reading an MPEG file, no disk
- space writing an QuickTime file, etc) will not crash, but the system will
- put up an error alert and not handle the error very well (for example you
- won't be given a chance to destroy old files to free up space on a disk).
- Decent recovery from disk errors is on the list of things to do.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- This program can be freely distributed.
- If you want to include it on a CD-ROM collection, please ask me first,
- but I'll probably allow you.
- NOTE: Some authors will not allow their stuff to be distributed on CD-ROMs
- for which people have to pay. I would ask these authors to consider things
- more carefully. Many people (like myself) do not have very good ftp access
- and a CD ROM of stuff is a godsend, even if we do have to pay a little for
- it. Think about it.
- If you feel a desperate need to thank me for this program, send me a
- floppy of interesting MPEGs or QT movies you've picked up.
- (Please don't e-mail me large files without warning.)
- My paper-mail address is
- Maynard Handley
- 284 Stuart Street
- Dunedin
- New Zealand
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The dialog box offering options when you save to MPEG is not that great
- right now if you don't know what you're doing. I'm sorry---I'll fix it
- when I have time, like everything else.
- For a better explanation of how MPEG works, read the Technical Notes file
- in this package, but here are rough details.
- When encoding your MPEG you will need to decide what types of frames you
- want to use. If you want your MPEG to be read widely, ie on PC systems,
- you should consider using only I-frames. The most common MPEG decoder on
- PCs is the Xing decoder which only understands the simple I-frame MPEG
- format. If you want to get the best possible compression you should use
- I, P and B frames, but then your MPEG will only be able to be read by
- smarter decoders. A compromise is to use only I and P frames. This will
- give you a lot of the compression benefit of I, P and B frames, but will
- be faster to encode.
- If you don't want to know the details of these frames, choose a frame
- pattern from the popup menu.
- If you want to create your own frame pattern, here are some details:
- (If you don't want to create your own frame pattern, ignore these.)
- 1) The first frame in the MPEG will always be I. That implicit I frame is
- displayed in front of the frame pattern text you enter because it is
- always there and you don't need to put it in. That implicit I frame is
- only used for the first frame, after that your pattern is repeated as
- necessary. Thus if your pattern is BBPBBI, the encoder will encode frames
- using the sequence I BBPBBI BBPBBI BBPBBI ...
- (For people who care about MPEG details, this is the playback order
- of the frames. The actual order of the frames stored in the file
- 2) If you are using B frames, you have to start off with two referential
- frames, the initial I frame then either an I or a P frame.
- 3) The last few frames of the MPEG, if they would be B frames, will be
- converted to I-frames. (If this didn't occur, like in the original
- Berkeley encoder code before I munged it, you will lose those final
- frames.)
- 4) Don't create too long a pattern of Ps or Bs. You'll start to lose
- quality and random access into the movie will become more granular. The
- presets I've given should guide you as to sensible selections.
- Once you have chosen a frame pattern, you'll need to select the amount of
- compression you want to use. This is set by the I, P and B quantization
- levels. The values the dialogs gives as defaults will usually make sense
- but if you want to change them:
- 1) The values are restricted to the range 1 through 31 inclusive.
- A quantization of 1 is the highest quality, a quantization of 31 is the
- lowest quality.
- 2) Normal quality is a quantization of about 8. Low quality is a
- quantization of about 16. High quality is about 6.
- You can choose from various algorithms for generating P and B frames. I
- haven't explored these in detail and they may change when I have time to
- look at them. For now the important things to note are
- 1) They all seem to generate about the same quality, and about the same
- file size.
- 2) They are ordered in the menus by speed, with the fastest ones first.
- 3) The B-frame exhaustive search will take approx forever to do anything.
- Try it once to see what I mean, but don't expect to use it for anything
- useful.
- As I explore these more and start diddling the code, I'll provide more
- explanation.
- If you save to MPEG, because of the non-causal algorithms used by MPEG
- compression, frames are not compressed in the order they are displayed.
- This means that if you are using B-frames and stop the compression before
- it reaches the end of the source movie, the encoder may have queued up
- some frames it needs to compress to make the MPEG file consistent.
- If this is the case, Sparkle will have to encode those queued frame before
- it stops the compression, so it won't stop immediately.
- The message window will tell you how many frames have been queued so you can see
- how things are going. If you have the speech manager installed, Sparkle
- will also tell you how many frames are left, which you may find more
- convenient.
- You can set the frame rate from a popup menu. When the dialog box opens,
- the frame rate of the MPEG or QT movie you are converting has its frame
- rate read in and used to set the initial frame rate. So usually you won't
- want to change the frame rate. Note that there are a limited set of frame
- rates because MPEG only supports a very few frame rates. So the best one
- possible is chosen.
- Note also that frames are laid down with that frame rate which may cause
- the movie to speed up or slow down. No frame interpolation is done to
- ensure that perception remains correct across frame rate variation.
- This'll be changed at some point, but is not a high priority compared to
- sound.
- When an MPEG is encoded the frame currently being encoded may be compared
- to the original version of a previous frame, or to what you get when you
- decompress the MPEG compressed version of the earlier frame. The latter
- alternative is called ``Decoding Reference Frames''. If you use this
- latter alternative the compression takes a little longer but results in
- files a few percent smaller and slightly better quality. I'd recommend
- you leave this option selected.
- An MPEG can be encoded using using what are called half-pixels which means
- that some pixels in a P- or B-frame are specified as an average of pixels
- around them. If you use half-pixels the MPEG created will be a few percent
- smaller than if you don't use half-pixels and the quality will appear
- better IF you play the MPEG on an MPEG player that handles half-pixels.
- However if you use an MPEG player that does not understand half-pixels the
- result may look pretty shabby in places where there is a lot of action.
- Also, using half-pixels makes encoding slower and increases the amount of
- memory used by almost two-thirds. For these reasons I'd recommend not
- selecting this option.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Here are various points related to the menu options:
- • File| Save As:
- This allows you to start saving a movie or pseduo-movie
- (made from a set of PICTs) as an MPEG or QuickTime file. Once you start
- the save it continues in the background. This menu item changes to
- File| Stop Saving which will stop the saving at once.
- You may want to pause the saving but not stop it, for example so that
- you can play another movie at top speed. To pause, simply click anywhere
- in the movie controller or type any key.
- When the saving is busy working away the movie controller play button
- shows a pause symbol, because if you click there it will pause the saving.
- When the saving is paused, the movie controller play button shows a play
- symbol because if you click the saving will resume.
- • Image|Grow or Shrink
- The scaling of the window at any time is given in the title bar.
- When the title starts with *1, the movie is its natural size.
- With *2 the movie has been doubled in size.
- With /2 the movie has been halved in size.
- For now if you expand or shrink movies beyond their natural size
- playback will be much slower and quality may not be as good. I'll be
- adding code to fix this soonish.
- • Image| Hide All
- You can hide or show all the decorations below the movie windows. The
- easiest way to do this is with the tab, shift-tab and control-tab keys,
- or with command-H. You may want to do this because the decorations
- irritate you or because hiding the decorations makes playback speed a
- few percent faster.
- • Playback| Play All Frames:
- If this is set, every frame of the movie will be played. The movie will
- try to play in real time, but may be slower than real time if necessary.
- It will never be faster than real time.
- With quicktime movies sound is disabled when this option is on.
- When this option is off, the movie will play back in real time which may
- mean skipping some frames. For MPEGs, how well this works depends on how
- fast your mac is. (Also read the section on play rate below.)
- • Playback| Play at Double Speed:
- These options set the movie to play twice as fast, at the normal rate,
- or twice as slowly. Note that if Play All Frames is active, playing the
- movie at double speed may be no faster than playing it at normal speed
- because both ways the calculation of each frame is overloading the mac.
- Some MPEGs look jerky and too fast when played at their normal speed and
- with Play All Frames switched off. This is because the MPEGs have been
- encoded at too high a frame rate. For example the original movie may
- been sampled at 12 frames per second but it's encoded as an MPEG of 24
- (or 23.976) frames per second. This happens because the lowest possible
- frame rate with MPEG is 23.976 fps. So if this happens, you may want to
- set the MPEG to play at half speed.
- You can also control the speed at which movies play by command-clicking
- in the steppers of the movie controller.
- • Edit| Preferences| Faster Mode:
- If you set this option, whenever Sparkle is busy, either playing movies
- or encoding movies, it will not yield time to background applications.
- This makes playback a little faster and smoother.
- However if you have an application doing something in the background,
- for example a modem download or a background compile, you might want to
- deselect this option.
- By my testing, when Faster mode is on Sparkle uses up about 90% of the
- CPU. When faster mode is off Sparkle uses up about 70% of the CPU.
- (When Sparkle is in Faster mode it still has to use the EventAvail() trap
- every so often to see if the user has issued a command, moved the window,
- grown it or whatever. It's these calls to EventAvail() which can yield the
- CPU to other processes that suck up the 10% of the CPU not used by
- Sparkle in Faster mode. Anyone know how to perform the equivalent of
- EventAvail() without allowing the Process Manager to yield?)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The MPEG Playback Preferences dialog (use command-R or look under the
- Preferences menu under the Edit menu) allows you to set general playback
- preferences. Most of these are concerned with how you wish to balance
- playback speed against playback quality. Note that whatever settings you
- choose for playback, when you save an MPEG file to another format all
- settings are switched to the highest quality while the save is in
- progress, so you don't need to worry about losing quality that way.
- • Clip YCrCb:
- What this refers to is an intermediate stage in the MPEG decoding. The
- values for Y, Cr and Cb should be between 0 and 255 but some MPEGs are
- encoded so that some Y or Cr or Cb values are calculated to be below 0
- or above 255. If you don't select this option, Sparkle doesn't check the
- Y Cr Cb values and clip them if they are out of bounds. This makes
- playback about 10% faster, but may (if the values are out of bounds)
- lead to dots of incorrect color or black dots in areas of white or
- suchlike.
- The other quality options are used depending on the screen depth of the
- screen on which the MPEG is playing. So if your MPEG is on a 16-bit
- screen, the 16-bit color options are used.
- • Use 4x4 IDCT:
- One time-consuming part of MPEG decoding is the IDCT which is somewhat
- like a Fourier transform. This should be performed using a matrix of 8x8
- coefficients. If you select this option only a 4x4 subset of that matrix
- will be used. This makes the calculation a lot faster, but the cost is
- some blurriness to the image which is usually acceptable.
- •Use half-pixels:
- Half-pixels are a scheme whereby certain pixels in the image are
- represented in the MPEG file as an average of nearby pixels. Calculating
- these averages takes time but improves quality. I'd recommend not
- bothering with half-pixels on an 8-bit color screen because the dithering
- hides the fine detail they reveal. For other screen depths you decide.
- Some MPEGs will not be affected by this setting, because they were coded
- not to use half-pixels.
- • 24-bit screens display options:
- The high quality setting corresponds to clipping RGB while the faster
- setting does not clip RGB.
- This is the same sort of issue as the Clip YCrCb note above, only
- occurring at a later stage in processing. Some MPEGs look fine with
- neither form of clipping, some only need one or the other, and some need
- both. (This option is not an issue for 8 and 16 bit screens because they
- use a different way of calculating RGB for their display---not as high
- quality as the 24-bit method, but good enough for the given screen
- depth.)
- • 8-bit color screens display options:
- You have a choice of three dither options on an 8-bit screen.
- * Fast dithering uses an algorithm I invented. It is phenomenally fast,
- but not the greatest quality. It looks especially bad for things that
- need very sharp edges, like text. (It also uses 128K of storage to do its
- thing, so if you're low on space you may want a different option.
- When this option is activated for the first time --- for example when
- you switch to 8-bit colors screen depth from some other depth, or when
- you first open an MPEG under 8-bit screen depth --- these 128K of tables
- have to be calculated which takes about 1.5 sec on my Quadra 610.
- In a future version of the code I'll implement ideas I have for removing
- this delay.)
- * Use 16-bit pixmap calculates everything using a temporary 16bit pixmap
- which is then dithered on the screen using QuickDraw. It's a compromise---
- the quality is better than fast dithering and it uses less memory than
- the 24-bit scheme.
- * Use 24-bit pixmap works like 16-bit pixmaps, but all calculations are
- performed on a 24-bit pixmap (using RGB clipping).
- This gives the best results, but is slower than the 16-bit pixmap case and
- uses more memory.
- * I hope to improve the quality of the fast dithering algorithm in the
- near future.
- * Also at some point I'll add code to allow you to set an optimal palette
- when playing on 8-bit color screens. At present I simply use whatever
- palette the screen is using, usually the system palette.
- • 16-bit screen display options:
- You have three options.
- * The fast option uses a lookup table directly on the MPEG YCrCb data to
- get RGB values. This is faster but gives lower quality.
- * The 16bit high-quality option calculates the RGB values properly (with
- greater precision than using a lookup table). It gives better quality
- but is slower. (At present I haven't yet written the code for this
- option so it is disabled.)
- * The 24bit pixmap option calculates results using a 24-bit pixmap (and
- RGB clipping), then dithers the result to the 16bit screen. It gives the
- best quality but is slowest.
- • For 8-bit grey screens:
- Two points to note.
- * Is your graphics card set to grey mode? If you have a grey screen but in the
- monitors control panel you have set your graphics card to color, Sparkle
- will think it's on an 8-bit color screen. This will give you slower
- playback and lower-quality results.
- * For the fastest possible playback, I assume that the screen palette is
- set to the system palette. On an 8-bit grey screen there is never any
- reason to change this. Nonetheless, some applications feel they simply
- have to perform this pointless exercise whose only effect is to reduce
- the quality of what's displayed by other applications. (Would you be at
- all surprised to learn that Word, one of the masterpieces from those
- geniuses at Redmond, is such an application? I though not.)
- What this means is that if you are running Word (or another of these
- ill-behaved applications) in the background, Sparkle will playback MPEG
- files somewhat slower than it should.
- In summary:
- The fastest playback possible is on a 8-bit grey screen, followed by
- 8-bit color, then 16-bit color, then 24-bit color.
- For fastest playback, deselect the ClipYCrCb option,
- select the Use 4x4 IDCT option,
- deselect the Use Half-Pixels option
- for 8-bit screens use fast dithering
- for 16bit screens use 16bit fast
- for 24bit screens use 24bit fast
- use command-H to hide all the decorations below the video window.
- For highest quality playback, use the deepest screen-depth you can,
- select ClipYCrCb
- deselect the Use 4x4IDCT option,
- select the Use Half-Pixels option
- select the 24-bit pixmap option
- Decoding MPEGs requires lots of computation, but can be made faster by
- sacrificing some quality. I've tried to allow you to make your own choice
- about which you prefer. But remember I can't work miracles. For example I
- can't magically give you an 8-bit color dither algorithm that gives the
- same quality as the QuickDraw but runs at the speed of my fast dithering.
- I'll try to improve the quality of the high-speed options in future, but
- I can't promise anything.
- The one other item in this dialog box is the
- "Prefer 8-bit color to 8 bit-grey" checkbox. This is only relevant to
- people who have more than one screen, at least one of which is grey and
- at least one of which is color.
- When Sparkle opens a file it orders all the screns available by screen
- depth and tries to open a window on the deepest depth screen. But if you
- have one screen set to 8-bit grey and the other set to 8-bit color it
- can't know which you'd prefer, hence this setting. You may prefer the
- color screen because any color is better than none, or the grey screen
- because it gives faster playback and no fuzziness from dithering.
- (After ordering the screens by depth, Sparkle notes where other movie
- windows have been placed and tries to place the new window so it doesn't
- overlap any of the old windows. Also, if the window opened is large than
- any screen, it will be opened at half size or whatever so it does fit on
- the screen. I hope you like this algorithm. It works better than what
- every other program I've seen uses. If you have comments about it, please
- mail me.)
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Sparkle can open a set of PICT files to convert them to an MPEG or QT
- movie. This may be useful if you have enough program, like a graphing
- program, that creates a set of PICTs, or if you have a set of medical
- scans or such.
- The only picture format Sparkle understands is PICT, the Mac standard
- picture format. I do not plan to change this because there are lots of
- programs out there, many of them free and many of them capable of running
- in batch, that will convert whatever format you have to PICT.
- Once you have your pictures in PICT format, they need to be in the same
- folder and given the same name so that Sparkle can link them together. For
- example, if these pictures represent x-rays of your head, call them
- myHead.1, myHead.2, etc. They must be named name.# where name is common to
- all files and # is a number. The numbers don't have to start at zero or
- one, and don't have to be contiguous. However they must all be positive
- integers.
- From the open files dialog open one of your PICTs---whichever one you get
- to first, it doesn't have to be the lowest numbered one. Sparkle will
- scan the folder for other PICT files with that name and a number added,
- order the files it finds, and display them all in a movie window.
- You can now treat this pseudo-movie like any other movie. You can grow or
- shrink the window, step forwards or backwards, etc. You can play the
- movie if you like, but for these PICT pseudo-movies I set the framerate
- to only one frame per second. Decoding a PICT can be fairly slow---it
- involves disk access and lots of memory---so don't expect this to work
- wonderfully. You can now save the pseudo-movie as an MPEG or QT movie
- just as you would normally.
- The PICTs may be different sizes, but the window opened will be the size of
- the PICT you select in the open file dialog box. The other PICTs will be
- scaled to fit this size window and may not look too good. I wouldn't
- recommend using a set of PICTs that aren't all the same size.
- Note that for now I don't do anything special when I draw the pictures.
- In particular this means on screens that aren't 24-bit or 16-bit I don't
- dither the picture. This will be fixed fairly soon. For now everything
- all works and it doesn't affect the quality of movies you create.
- I'll also be adding code to save MPEGs or QuickTime movies as a set of
- PICTs fairly soon.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- I won't have AppleScriptability in place for a few months, but I have
- been asked by some users for a rudimentary support for batch conversions.
- Specifically people wanted a way for Sparkle to indicate that it was done
- encoding a given file.
- I have provided such a capability for QuicKeys users in a very crude
- fashion. When Sparkle has finished converting a file to a different
- format it will toggle the cursor from the standard arrow cursor to a
- thick cross for one second.
- Note which cross this is: It is not a thin one pixel wide cross, neither is
- it a spreadSheet like cross with arms a few pixels wide. This cross has
- arms that are two pixels wide.
- To use this capability in QuicKeys, you want to put in your sequence a
- Wait.. command. Make the Wait command a WaitForCursor variant, and set
- the options to wait until the cursor becomes ``Other...''. In the
- ``Other'' dialog box choose the appropriate cursor---in my version of
- QuicKeys it's the fourth cursor along. UnSet the Test for Mask box and
- set the Test for Cursor box.
- I would recommend that you structure your sequence like this:
- Wait ... ---Wait for the cursor
- Pause... ---Pause for a second
- Pause... ---Pause for five seconds or so
- Do your thing.
- The first pause in the above is to wait until Sparkle finishes its one
- second flash of this cross cursor. The second is to wait for general disk
- activity and such to finish. At that point you can then go on to whatever
- the rest of your sequence does, like maybe close Sparkle then open it
- again with a new file.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- FAQs (Frequently asked questions).
- • I try to play MPEGs but my Mac starts speaking numbers or asks me over and
- over to select a voice.
- You have the Speech Manager installed on your Mac including a little
- extension called ``Speech Media Handler''. Speech Media Handler speaks
- the text of movies that include a text track, and Sparkle plays MPEGs
- by creating a dummy text track as part of the process of faking QuickTime
- into accepting MPEGs. I'd recommend ditching Speech Media Handler. I've
- never seen a place where it is useful and right now it's kinda a cute toy
- idea that escaped from Apple. Maybe in a few months they'll give it a
- programmer interface and make it more useful.
- • I've downloaded (or uploaded) an MPEG using Mosaic/WWW and when I try to
- play it Sparkle says it's not an MPEG file. But if I ftp the file with
- Fetch or suchlike it works fine. What's happening?
- Be very careful when transferring files over the Internet with MacBinary.
- Fetch and many such programs automatically strip MacBinary from files,
- but Mosaic does not appear to (maybe this will be fixed soon). So
- if an MPEG is stored at a Mosaic site using MacBinary, all Mosaic users
- trying to download it will have problems.
- • Why when I try to step back one frame do I sometimes step back 5 or six
- frames?
- You are viewing an MPEG with P or B frames. Because of the way these
- frames are compressed, it would take a lot of computation (ie be slow) to
- jump exactly to the frame you want, so I jump to the nearest frame that
- can be calculated at reasonable speed. If you want to know more, read the
- technical note in this package.
- • Why when I try to random access a frame do I get sent to the same set of
- frame numbers always?
- Same reason as above.
- • Why does my MPEG have the occasional block of garbage, mostly colored
- green?
- Some part of the MPEG file has become corrupt. This usually happens with
- MPEG files that have been uuencoded and have had a character or two lost
- or changed.
- • Why are large parts of my MPEG filled with green garbage, or with parts
- of earlier scenes.
- You have probably downloaded the MPEG file using gopher or ftp in ASCII
- format. The file is now useless. Download it again using BINARY mode.
- Better still, set your gopher or ftp application always to download .MPG
- suffix files in BINARY---don't trust its AUTOMATIC mode.
- • Why is the first frame of my MPEG all green?
- Some people out there when they create an MPEG file, randomly start it
- where they feel like it.
- The consequence is that the first some bytes of the file are garbage and
- appear as an all green first frame.
- If you have one of these MPEGs, whenever you jump to the first frame, you
- won't see the first frame, but simply the last frame you were looking at. This
- is a consequence of the way Sparkle handles errors in the MPEG file format.
- Mostly it works well, but in this particular case it isn't great.
- It is not too easy to work around this because of the many different ways
- in which the MPEG can have garbage at the start before valid data begins.
- • Why at the end of an MPEG is the last frame the same as the second to
- last frame?
- Some MPEGs just are created this way, with the last two frames as
- duplicates. This is a problem with those files, not a bug in Sparkle, and
- one just has to accept it.
- A similar type problem is that some video that's been converted to 30fps
- from 24fps film has duplicate frames every so often, and agin one just
- has to accept this for now.
- • What does the Thread Manager do? Why do you make such a fuss over it?
- The Thread Manager provides a way for a programmer to create a number of
- tasks within an application and have those tasks all run together. So
- with Sparkle every time the user asks for something that will takes some
- time, like playing an MPEG or saving a file in some different format, I
- create a task that does that work. If the Thread Manager isn't present,
- you, the user, can't create a number of these tasks and switch between
- them---you are restricted to doing only one thing at a time.
- • When I started saving a file to MPEG, it got through two frames then sat there
- doing nothing for a long long time. Did it crash?
- Especially when saving to MPEG, Sparkle creates a large number of blocks
- of memory. If the mac runs out of memory partway through performing
- this saving, it will run around trying everything it can to scrounge memory.
- On my Quadra 610 I have seen it sit there for 45 seconds trying to free up
- memory before it concludes that there's nothing it can do and pops up an
- error message. I guess on slower machines it might sit there for up to two
- minutes. Just be patient and wait a while before concluding things
- have crashed.
- • Where can I get MPEG files?
- An ftp sites is 2k-ftp.CS.Berkeley.EDU in pub/multimedia.
- (This site used to be called toe.cs.berkeley.edu.)
- Here are some WWW sites
- http://www.ccsf.caltech.edu/~johns/sl9.html (CalTech)
- http://newproducts.jpl.nasa.gov/sl9/images.html (JPL)
- http://seds.lpl.arizona.edu/sl9/sl9.html (U. Arizona)
- • Where can I find more about MPEG?
- Read the UseNet MPEG FAQ. This is published in news.answers every so
- often, and can be ftp'd as
- host: ftp.cs.tu-berlin.de
- file: /pub/msdos/windows3/graphics/mpegfaXX.zip
- (XX is a version number).
- Yeah, it's a zip file and that sucks, but that's life. There are a bunch
- of mac deZip'ers around so grab one and use it.
- The latest version of this file as of July 94 to be 3.1.
- • How can I deal with AVI files?
- At mac.archive.umich.edu (and probably at sumex)
- in /mac/graphics/graphicsutil is vfw1.1utilities.sit.hqx
- which handles AVI files and is supposed to work pretty well.
- I've also been told about
- ftp://ftp.ctr.columbia.edu:/pub/DA/incoming/vfw11mac.hqx
- which looks the same to me, judging from the name, but which I'm told is
- better than the above.
- • What can I do about MPEG sound files?
- Use this program for now, till I include this functionality in Sparkle.
- ftp://mrcnext.cso.uiuc.edu//pub/info-mac/snd/util/mpeg-audio-032.hqx
- Also look at the Internet Underground Music Archive (IUMA) ftp site,
- sunsite.unc.edu ( /pub/electronic-publications/IUMA
- for various MPEG audio files and code/apps for a variety of machines.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • Why doesn't Sparkle read .gl, .dl and .fli files?
- One reason is that those file formats are awful. They give these dinky
- low contrast horribly dithered images no-one would want to look at, and
- they usually only have about 10 frames. Maybe, years from now, I'll add
- those conversions, but they're about as low a priority as you get.
- At mac.archive.umich.edu (and probably at sumex)
- in /mac/graphics/graphicsutil is macanimviewer1.01.sit.hqx
- which handles these various cheapo formats so you might want to grab it.
- • What about audio?
- MPEG has audio compression as well as video compression. I've been doing
- lots of reading into this and pretty soon will start coding for it.
- • What about Video for Windows?
- I would be nice to support .AVI files. But right now I know nothing about
- .AVI beyond the fact that it exists. Again any info anyone has is
- appreciated. Until I know how .AVI works, how it fits into the windows
- environment etc, I can't even tell you if it's practical for Sparkle to
- try to support .AVI, let alone start the necessary coding.
- • Why don't you write an MPEG codec?
- Under QT 1.x there was no compelling need for this and no way to do it.
- QT 2.0 has some hooks for the use of MPEG. However when I tried beta's of
- QT 2.0 on MPEG handling they consistently crashed. So for now I'm waiting
- until the QT 2.0 MPEG framework is stable and actually works. When that
- happens I'll consider things again.
- • Will I make the source available?
- Yes, at some point. I had hoped to do so this release, but while the code
- is 95% clean and readable, it's still not perfect, and don't yet think
- it would help anyone much.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The movie controller behaves pretty much like a standard QT controller.
- You can step forward and backwards, hold down those buttons to play
- forwards or backwards and click or drag in the central region to go to a
- random point.
- You can use the forward and backward arrow keys to step.
- You can option click in the forward and backward steppers to go to the
- beginning or end of the MPEG. Likewise using option forward or backward
- arrow.
- You can start the movie playing using either return, spacebar, or
- command forward arrow. You can stop playing using spacebar or return.
- You can yet play backwards by using command backward arrow.
- The visual clue that the movie is being saved is that
- the movie controller loses its controls and shows only a relative position.
- This is not a particularly obvious fact and may at some point be changed.
- For now it works once you realize this fact.
- When a movie is being saved, you can either stop the conversion
- or pause it. To stop the conversion, use command-S (or the equivalent
- menu option.) This will save the movie using the frames created so far.
- To pause the conversion use command-P, or the equivalent menu option, or
- click in the movie controller.
- The saving will stop until you start that movie playing again. This is
- occasionally useful if you want to pause a cinepak conversion to do a
- short job on your mac.
- You can tell whether a movie is actively being saved or paused being
- saved by looking at the indicator in the title bar.
- If the first character in the title bar is
- S the movie is actively being saved,
- P the movie is paused being saved,
- R the movie is in realtime playback mode
- A the movie is in play-all-frames playback mode.
- If you are partway through a movie and save, the movie will be
- rewound to the beginning for you. You do not need to be at the start of a
- movie to save.
- You can set the temporal quality options when saving to QuickTime
- separately from the spatial quality options. If you need to do this, hold
- down the option key while using the quality slider, and it will become a
- temporal quality slider.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- The basic outline for now is
- 2.5 Cleaned up faster, smaller version of 2.0.
- 3.0 Handles sound.
- 3.5 Cleaned up faster, smaller version of 3.0.
- While adding these large additions I'll fix small things as I go, and as
- I have time. I don't see the user interface improving much for some
- time---more important things need my time.
- I also want to add stuff to allow us to create movies. Morphs, special
- effects, that sort of thing.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- • Any info on psycho-acoustic encoding?
- • Any info on Microsoft Video for Windows?
- • Any bug reports.
- • Any ideas you have or suggestions. Your suggestions may go onto the
- list of things to do (currently two pages of single line items) but will
- probably be acted upon at some point. People have suggested several
- things to me I would not have thought of myself, so I do want your
- feedback.
- ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- * Many people all over the internet have helped me write this code.
- * Thanks to the people at Berkeley. Even though I've completely replaced
- their MPEG playback code with my own, they helped get this project started.
- And, until I rewrite it, I'm using their MPEG encoding code.
- * Thanks to various usenet personalities who answered mac programming
- questions, mailed me quicktime header files and such. Special thanks to
- ldo in New Zealand, and Jon W{tte in Sweden, and bryanw, keeper of the
- MPEG FAQ, who mailed me about the Stanford MPEG encoder.
- * A special individual thank you goes to DS (he didn't want me to give his
- name but he knows who he is.) DS mailed me a CD ROM and ten floppies of
- information about QuickTime components after I complained that Apple was
- not making this information easily available. He's also provided me with
- information on QT 2.0 which will gradually be assimilated into Sparkle.
- * Thanks to Gene Chalfant who passed on a paper from NASA containing some
- interesting ideas on IDCT alternatives.
- * Thanks to the mystery person in Britain who sent me some QT 2.0
- information in an envelope with no name attached to it.\
- * Thanks to Jamie McCarthy for code for touching Finder folders.
- * Thanks to Troy Gaul for the Infinity Windoid.
- * Thanks to Richard Lim for the current set of icons used by Sparkle.
- (Which I modified a little so it's probably best to blame me rather than
- him for poor design choices if you don't like them.)
- * Thanks to Stuart Cheshire for mailing me a QT 2.0beta CD-ROM and misc
- useful info.
- * Thanks to everyone who's mailed in bug reports or suggestions. Even when
- I can't implement suggestions at once, they go on the list for inclusion
- in a few months.
- * Thanks to Apple for making the greatest computers in the world.
- (Though sadly they seem to be going completely clueless with regard to
- how to distribute their various new ideas. I fear if they don't get their
- act together about this soon, NO-ONE will support these new things
- because developers will have no idea whose machine has what on it.)
- * Thanks also to Symantec for creating such a great programming environment.
- This program was written with Think C 5, then Think C 6 and now Think C 7
- using the Think Class Library. Having coded on Windows, X-windows, and
- the Mac, I can unreservedly say that the Mac is by far the most pleasant
- platform for a programmer.
- * Thanks to Richard Cowgill for providing me with the cool looking
- picture to use for a startup screen.
- * Thanks to Stuart Cheshire (again!) for nagging me about very MPEGs in
- very small windows and getting me to make the window-shrinking code behave
- a little nicer.
- * Thanks to Chris Petersen for the nice new Sparkle folder icon.
- * Thanks to Apple (again!) for sending me a PowerMac to use so I could
- code up a native version.
- * Thanks to everyone who submitted bug reports and ideas.
- (If I've forgotten your name here by mistake and you really deserve to be
- here, please remind me.)
- Maynard Handley
- maynard@elwing.otago.ac.nz
- November 14 1994