The Eraser 1.5 is the evolution of my old Drag&Drop application Filerase. Filerase was able to delete only files (and empty folder), The Eraser 1.5 ,instead, erases immediately files and folders, even nested, and erases also Hard Disks and diskettes.
Be careful: when you drag on one or more files or folders, The Eraser will not ask you to confirm...when you drag on one or more Hard Disks or diskettes The Eraser will ask you to confirm!
If The Eraser finds a locked item, shows an information alert, then quit. Hold down option key, while you drag, to erase locked files...
Hold down command key to move locked files to trash...
If The Eraser finds a duplicate filename, in the trash, shows an information alert, then quit.
Hold down shift key to move locked files to trash and to erase immediately duplicate filename...
Note:in "disk" mode The Eraser performs a complete deletion of disk catalog. In "file" mode, instead, The Eraser performs a simple deletion, to allow the recovery of erased files by appropriate utilities (let me know if you want a major deletion security...)
Type command-period to abort The Eraser works.
The Eraser scans folder/disk.
The Eraser searches in folder.
The Eraser deletes file.
The Eraser attempts to move locked file to trash.
According to the tests executed, The Eraser 1.5 can support the dragging of many files and folders. If you like to increase its capacity, you need only to increase the allocated memory.
The Eraser 1.5 requires at least System 7 to run.
The Eraser is SHAREWARE: if you like The Eraser or if you use The Eraser
(please!) send me US $5 for registration to the following address:
Rocco Moliterno
v. Luserna di Rorà 23
10139 Torino
(send comments to:
Thanks for help and suggestion to:
Fabrizio "The Guru" Oddone.
Thanks for support and help to:
Carla "The Stylist" Bidone, Lucilla "The Leader" Moliterno, Alessandro "The Doctor" Giolitti
The Eraser shouldn’t cause any damage, but you must use it at your own risk
(if you are a real Mac user). As an independent, poor and innocent, software
developer, I can make no warranties whatsoever on it.
Version history:
1.5 Improved all functions. Improved memory management. Added the deletion of nested folders. Added the erasing of disks. Added the command-period tracking. Improved the deletion of locked files. Added drop keys.
1.0 19 Jan 95, first release of Filerase.
P.S. Don't worry, my ability in programming is better than my english........8-)