SETTINGSEnglishEspalDeutschNederlandsFran軋isItalianoSvenskaPortugu黌Auto PlayPromptsKey click sound% Memory leftCancelFILING% Memory usedOpenDeleteSaveOPENTitleDate%Disc NumberDELETEAre you sure?SAVEINFORMATIONTotalSave your current slide show?Press two-dotted button on your pointer device to display
the menu bar, or to remove it. (Press the two-dotted button
to remove this message).% Size current slide showCaution: All slide shows for this
disc will be deleted!There is already a slide show with
this name. Replace?Only # % memory left. You can make
more space by deleting slide shows.No memory left. You can make more
space by deleting slide shows.To zoom: Place bright rectangle over
part of the photo you wish to
enlarge, then press one-dotted button
of your pointer device.Show information about available functions.Return to where you came from.Return to the Photo CD Presentation. The original
picture will be restored and the Presentation
continued.OKYesNo----- END OF INFORMATION -----Press two-dotted button on your pointer device to
remove the menu bar, or to bring it back again. If the
menu is removed (to see the whole picture), press the
one-dotted button on your pointer device to display the
next picture.Press two-dotted button on your pointer device to
remove the menu bar or to bring it back again.If you have a remote control device with dedicated keys
(like pause, play, previous/next, stop), you may also
use these to control the Photo CD program.CONTROL BUTTONS MAIN MENUView photos immediately (start with photo 1). If
no photos are available for viewing, this button
will not appear in the menu.View index of photos.Create or edit slide show.View the slide show. This button only appears in
the menu if there is a slide show to view.Filing. To save, open or delete slide shows.To delete Photo CD items stored in your player.View/Change preferred settings.Quit the Photo CD program.Gives you specific information about the possible
options on a given screen.Start playing the Photo CD Presentation.Resume playing the Photo CD Presentation. Continue
at the place where you stopped last time you
watched the Presentation.View the photos as a series of pictures, rather
than a Photo CD Presentation.CONTROL BUTTONS FULL-VIEWCONTROL BUTTONS PHOTO CD PRESENTATIONSelect tools-menu.Select tools-menu. This option temporarily
interrupts the play of the Photo CD Presentation.Indicates the number of the photo selected for
viewing.Show previous/next photo. Hold down the
button to skip photos.One step backwards/forwards in the Photo CD
Presentation. The actual effect, however, is
determined by the specific Photo CD Presentation.Hold down the button to skip photos.Time indicator for automatic viewing of photos.
The figure indicates how many seconds a photo will
be displayed. To change the value, click on this time
indicator.Show photos automatically in
backward/forward direction. On/Off toggle.Pause. Interrupts/continues the play of the Photo
CD Presentation.Multiple steps backwards/forwards in the
Photo CD Presentation. In most cases the
previous/next photo with selection items will appear.
The actual effect, however, is determined by the
specific Photo CD Presentation.CONTROL BUTTONS TOOLS-MENUZoom/Unzoom the photo. To zoom: Place bright
rectangle over part of the photo you wish to
enlarge, then press one-dotted button of your pointer
device. To cancel, press the two-dotted button.Rotate the photo (anti-clockwise).Hide the photo.Remove the slide.Anti-Flicker on/off. Photos sometimes have an unsteady
appearance. You can correct this by activating
"Anti-Flicker".Toggle between high-resolution or fast
display of photos.Toggle between high-resolution or fast
display of the photo on the screen. Will
stay in effect when you go back to run the Photo CD
Presentation.The tools menu temporarily interrupts play of the Photo
CD Presentation. When you leave the tools menu the
original photos are restored and the Photo CD
Presentation continues.CONTROL BUTTONS FOR THE INDEX OF PHOTOSTo view a photo in full-screen format, select a photo
with the cursor.Zoom/Unzoom the photo you subsequently click on.
To zoom: Place bright rectangle over part of the
photo you wish to enlarge, then press one-dotted button
of your pointer device.Rotate (anti-clockwise) the photo you subsequently
click on.Hide/Unhide the photo you subsequently click on.Indicators of the photo index-numbers. The left
indicator shows the number of the photo top-left,
the right indicator the number of the photo
bottom-right.Scroll up/down. By holding down the button,
you select the index-numbers of the range of
photos you want to see. Release the button and the
selected miniature photos will be displayed.Create, edit or view slide show.CONTROL BUTTONS SLIDE SHOWTo put a photo into the slide show, use the cursor to
select that photo. A slide show may contain up to 250
photos.The slide show will be saved automatically.Indicates where the next photo will be inserted in
the slide show.Normally the insert position is at the tail-end of the
slide show. If you want to insert a slide elsewhere,
simply click at that position.Zoom/Unzoom the slide you subsequently click on.
To zoom: Place bright rectangle over part of the
photo you wish to enlarge, then press one-dotted button
of your pointer device. To cancel, press the two-dotted
button.Rotate (anti-clockwise) the slide you subsequently
click on.Indicators of the slide numbers. The left
indicator shows the number of the leftmost slide,
the right indicator the number of the rightmost slide.Shift slides left/right. By holding down the
button you browse the range of slides you
want to see. Release the button and the selected slides
will be displayed.Remove the slide you subsequently click on.View the slide show.% Size current slide show.CONTROL BUTTONS FOR SETTINGSThis screen allows you to preset a number of settings
which will be effective for all Photo CDs you use in
your player.Clicking a flag selects the language.Clicking a cross selects the cursor-colour."Auto Play" enables/disables automatic play of a slide
show. If enabled, the slide show will be played
automatically when you start the Photo CD."Auto Play" enables/disables automatic play of the
Photo CD Presentation. If enabled, the Presentation
will be played automatically when you start the Photo
CD."Prompts" enables/disables warning messages."Key click sound" enables/disables beep sound.THE FILING SYSTEMThe Photo CD program automatically ensures saving and
retrieval of your slide show. You only need the filing
system in certain cases.The Photo CD program automatically stores information
about a Photo CD in your CD-I player. Stored Photo CD
items are identified by a disc number, the same number
as printed on or engraved in the disc. This disc number
may also be found in the printed materials accompanying
the disc.Since your player has a limited storage capacity, you
may want to remove stored items (e.g., of discs you
don't often use) to make room for new ones.The Photo CD program will always use the name
"CUR_SLSHOW" for the slide show you are creating,
editing or playing. The SAVE function allows you to
save this slide show under another name. The OPEN
function allows you to play or edit another slide show.
Since your player has a limited storage capacity, you
may need to remove (DELETE) old slide shows.The OPEN function shows you a list of all slide shows
created for the current disc. Select a slide show by
clicking its name. Then click the "OK" button to load
and save this slide show as "CUR_SLSHOW". Caution: the
existing "CUR_SLSHOW" will be deleted!The SAVE function allows you to enter a name for the
current slide show. Should this cause any problem, the
system will prompt you. Click the "OK" button to
actually save the slide show.The DELETE function enables you to remove stored items.
It shows you a list to select from. You can select all
information stored for a disc by clicking on its disc
number. However, you also have the option to select a
particular item only, by clicking on the name of that
item. Click the "OK" button to actually delete.The DELETE function shows you a list of slide shows
created for any disc ever used in your player. You may
select a single slide show by clicking on its name. You
may also select all slide shows belonging to one
specific disc by clicking on the disc number. This is
the same number as printed on or engraved in the disc.
This disc number may also be found in the printed
materials accompanying the disc. Click the "OK" button