Labels:book | car | crt screen | monitor | plant | reckoner | refrigerator | road | sky | tree | windowpane OCR: The Maness oF Poland THE WORLD'S FIRST INTERACTIVE MULTIMEDIA NOVEL WILL FOREVER CHANGE THE WAY YOU LOOK AT BOOKS ased on the legend of the Paladin Roland, knight in the servce ot Charlemagne the story told from multiple points of vicw which you cari move arnong at will. Each character tells their own often contradictory, version of the story. Roland uses text digital color paintings animation Quick Time video, professional "radio theatre' narration hypertextual links and complete original soundtrack t0 transport vou to the world of Charlemagne France WHAT CRITICS ARE SAYING. ..vou can't afford no ic get The Madness of Rolane Roach presentation is genuinely fun and 15 real live no-question about ir work ofart for multimedia Ryte Maguzine Roland 15.3 cross between a book anda movie The Stve ...