Problem: Dialog box appears saying it requires System 6.0.5 or later.
Solution: Update your system. We recommend System 7.1 or later.
Problem: A Memory Error Dialog box appears.
Solution: Adjust Verttice’s memory settings:
Select Verttice on the desktop, choose Get Info from the File  
menu and adjust the Minimum and Preferred size.
Solution: Adjust your monitor setting manually before starting:
Try changing the color depth manually to 16 Colors before  
launching Verttice:
Open the Monitors control panel and select 16 colors or grays.
Color Problems
Problem: Verttice colors changed after switching to another application (including the Finder).
Solution: Verttice uses custom color palettes. If you switch to another application while Verttice is running, the palette may change. Pressing Pause, Resume or Play will reset the palette.
Problem: After I quit Verttice, the Finder colors are different than before.
Solution: Verttice normally resets your monitor to its original settings. However, if you crashed, your monitor may still be set to 16 Colors. Follow the steps above to reset the color depth.
Problem: There are bright flashes of color or the color palette won’t reset.
Solution: There is a known conflict between RasterOps Colorboard 264 version 1.1 and system 7. Contact RasterOps for a ROM chip upgrade.
Redraw Problems
Problem: If some elements (bumpers, indicators) do not redraw after switching applications.
Solution: If a window from another application covers the Verttice window, some elements may not redraw properly when you return to Verttice. Press Pause, Resume, or Play to redraw the screen.
Miscellaneous Errors
If you are having other problems launching Verttice, your Verttice Prefs file may be corrupted. Try deleting it. Verttice will create a new one. (This also deletes all the player info.)
If you are experiencing other difficulties try turning off all system extensions and inits. To turn all your inits off in System 7, restart and hold the Shift key down while the system is rebooting. In System 6 you must drag the inits out of your system folder.
Maximizing responsiveness
• Turn all other programs off, including inits and system extensions.
• Turn File Sharing off and, if possible, isolate yourself from the network.
• Make sure the RAM allocation (preferred size) is set to 4Megs of RAM. (see above)
Verttice History
Verttice 1.0. Released 11/11/93
Created with MacroMind Director 3.1.1.
Verttice 1.1: Changes and bug fixes. 12/9/93
- A minor bug was fixed related to our implementation of the “Phantom Sprites” we developed which allows us to use more than the normal 24 sprites. If three sides were locked up, and a collision occured while a node was verting, one of the bumpers might not have been erased.
- The level can now be changed on the Level indicator by grabbing and sliding the arrow in addition to clicking on the desired level.
- Documentation has been updated and expanded.
Verttice 1.2: Documentation update. 6/8/95
- Updated documentation with references to our new DreamLight WebSite and new location in Massachusetts
Verttice 2.0: PowerMacintosh Native 6/23/95
- Updated Verttice to Director 4.0.4 and created a Fat Binary Projector that can run native on both 68K and PPC Macintosh Computers. Also added RearWindow to blank out the screens to avoid distraction.