At DreamLight, we strive to create the highest quality computer graphics that will produce exceptional results for our clients while we continually explore and expand the limits of digital media.
DreamLight is an interactive multimedia company that has been producing award winning digital design, illustration and multimedia since its incorporation by Michael Scaramozzino in April of 1987. DreamLight is currently developing a new multimedia technology for the creation of interactive animated characters called DreamLight Microbots‚Ñ¢ the first of which is named 3BD‚Ñ¢ and should be available soon. Keep your eyes open for an early DreamLight prEview of 3BD‚Ñ¢.
DreamLight Services
Digital Design—Enhancing Your Image
DreamLight designed and illustrated the Macromedia FreeHand 5.0 Package, splash screen & icons. DreamLight's own stationery and envelope design appeared in Art Direction's Letterheads 8.
Web Site Design, Corporate Identity, Product Identity, Software Identity, Packaging, Product Graphics, Digital Icons, Graphical User Interfaces, Character Design, Splash Screens.
Digital Illustration—Making an Exciting Impression
DreamLight's award winning 3D Bose illustration appears in the Society of Illustrators of Los Angeles' Illustration West 33 Exhibition Annual. Our PostScript illustration of the Etonic product line was featured in Step-by-Step Electronic Design, February 1995. Our illustration for the cover of the Macromedia FreeHand 5.0 Package was featured in the May 1995 National Association of Desktop Publishers Journal and appears in Computer Artist, April/May 1995.
Three Dimensional, Photo-Realistic, Conceptual, Editorial, Artistic, Graphical, Line Art, Informational Graphics, Clip Art, Product Illustration, Technical, Modular.
Digital Animation & Multimedia—Bringing Your Message to Life
DreamLight Verttice was selected as one of the best 24 projects of the year at the Macromedia International User Conference Multimedia Exhibit. Our multimedia demo for the Kodak Creation Station which includes Snapshot, an animated 3D digital charcter, can be seen on Kodak Creation Station Kiosks worldwide and was featured in the June 1995 issue of HOW magazine.
Self Running Demos, Interactive Brochures & Literature, Interactive Books, Multimedia Presentations and Speaker Support, Character Animation, Three Dimensional Computer Animation for Trade Shows and Videos, Interactive Advertisements, Interactive Multimedia Title Development, Kiosks.
For additional information, or if you have a need for any of our services, please give us a call or send us E-mail on-line. We’ll send you additional samples of our work and give you an estimate for your particular project. We work directly with businesses or through ad  
agencies and design studios. Contact Phil Scaramozzino at:
NightLight ID: SYSOP
Or simply call Phil Scaramozzino at 617.438.8575.
We look forward to bringing your dreams to light—digitally...
DreamLight® Incorporated • Digital Design, Illustration, Multimedia
38 Montvale Ave., Suite 220 • Stoneham, MA 02180 USA • 617.438.8575 • Fax/BBS: 8576