Labels:book | monitor | reckoner | sky | tree | tribute album | tv | windowpane OCR: The MAGIX music maker The MAGIX music studi Soundpool and Videopool MAGIX Music maker 3.0is new KDA creating musi Whethe a technical guru or PC heginne music studio offers the features Professional DJs musiciuns PUd video producers have all music videos MAGIX has produced a program that has cn need to create MAGIX has brought toge ther audio studio studia pro- wor ked tagether provide the latest sounds in music videos easy to use "drag drop inte rface while offering numerous viding quality and value in one MAGIX music studio has all the tools of and graphic animations MAGIX vast librar of saunc and fectures all designed to bring tno the artist in you Includes prafessianc studio Record, edi and add effects with the flexi cibility of 8track in videopools provide you with the material necessa ...