Labels:daily | fence | newspaper | road | roof | sidewalk | sky | tree OCR: .abvrinthe Aux Oiseaux iTo -rance 400FILM LeL "abyrinthe aux Oiseaux is the name of beautiful medieval walled garden labyrinth. The initial castle garden (in fact kitchen garden) was totally recreated in 1986 team of landscape architects and hor icultural designers worked out the plan for the labyrinth. took them whole vear just to complete the plans. Jn 1988 the labyTinth was opened to the public. The labyrinth itself is aligned exacthy on the plan of the ancient kitchen garden. The design is said to be based on ideas from the maze at Chateau Loppem, Belgium. They are very different in appearance 40 of 83 HOME ANNATaA Labyrinthe Qiseaux France Labytinthe recr eated veal exactly ance