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1,092 lines
ABC1COMP.ZIP 109296 22-11-95 ABC for Delphi - Advanced Business Components
| Version 1.0 - Released 7/7/95
ABOUTD.ZIP 4277 22-11-95 This unit provides a standard About.. box
ACCUM.ZIP 7666 22-11-95 TAccumulator is a Non-Visual component that
| provides various methods for the accumulation
| of ordinal values.
ACSTREAM.ZIP 8954 22-11-95 Several Delphi Examples
ADDALI.ZIP 8472 22-11-95 DbiAddAlias adds an alias to the
| configuration file associated with the
| current session. for Borland Delphi.
ALIASMAN.ZIP 17521 22-11-95 BDE Alias Manager Version 1.0
ALLDOCS.ZIP 276831 22-11-95 A Comprehensive collection of DELPHI docs.
ALLFAQ.ZIP 60998 22-11-95 The UnOffical Delphi FAQ File
ALPHABAR.ZIP 25577 22-11-95 VCL component "TAlphaPanel" - Version 1.0
| 1995 by Ingo Humann Muehlstrae 3 67105
| Schifferstadt GERMANY CIS: 100116,3354
| Internet: 100116.3354@compuserve.com
ANIMATE.ZIP 179211 22-11-95 TAnimated Component Delphi
APDTR.ZIP 330470 13-07-95 Welcome to the Async Professional for Delphi
| Trial-Run Program (TRP)! The TRP provides you
| with the fully functional Async Professional
| for Delphi serial communications component
| library. The only limitation imposed is that
| applications you design using the Async
| Professional for Delphi TRP will run only
| while Delphi is also running. This document
| describes the installation process, and
| introduces you to the Async Professional for
| Delphi components.
APPLAU13.ZIP 141751 22-11-95 AppLaunch!
| --------------------------------------
| AppLaunch is a nice little application
| launcher that is very easy to use and
| very easy to configure.
ARRAYS.ZIP 120816 22-11-95 Example Code to Teach you too use Arrays in
| Borlands Delphi.
AS400.ZIP 14427 22-11-95 AS400 Interface - Beta Version 1.01
AS400DA.ZIP 36047 22-11-95 AS400 Interface - Beta Version 1.01
BARSIZE.ZIP 4327 22-11-95 This component allows your forms to resize
| the positions of other components according
| to the position of the TBarreResize
BASICS.ZIP 10579 22-11-95 A Collection of Basic Functions for TP And
| Borland Delphi. Includes full reference
| Copyright (c) 1992-95 by Sierra Consultants
BBAR.ZIP 481693 22-11-95 TButtonBar component Evaluation Copy
| TButtonBar is a single standalone Delphi
| component which displays and manages a panel
| of buttons. TButtonBar supports "smart"
| incremental scrolling in the direction of
| alignment -- either horizontal or vertical --
| when necessary, much like a TScrollBar
| component.
BDEDEMO.ZIP 1800016 01-07-95 A demos of a Delphi database app w/ BDE This
| archive contains a small demo of a Delphi
| database browser. It includes the complete
| redistributable disk images for the Borland
| Database Engine.
BDEPRT.ZIP 171436 22-11-95 BDE Structure Printer
| ---------------------
BIGTEXT1.ZIP 113107 22-11-95 TBigText 1.1 (c) 1995 by Gerry Skolnik This
| is a simple component to display up to 32767
| lines of text. Each line has its own
| dedicated foreground and background color and
| can be 255 chars long. Theoretically this
| amounts to about 8MB of data, which beats the
| TMemo's measly 32kB. However, no editing
| functions are available. for Borland Delphi!
BITFIELD.ZIP 6493 22-11-95 If You use a normal "array of boolean" with
| Delphi, this will cost You 1 Byte of RAM per
| Boolean value. This unit defines an object
| TBitArray, that only will use one Bit to hold
| a boolean value. One machine word of 16 bits
| will hold 16 boolean values! Therefore You
| don't have to mess with the 64 KB barrier,
| because this type of Bitarray can hold up to
| 524264 boolean values within a 64 KB segment!
BITLIN1E.ZIP 55875 01-09-95 Bitmap Liner for Windows is an utility to
| horizontally line bitmap image to be used by
| ODList box.It is also a VB source code sample
BMPLBOX.ZIP 9338 22-11-95 TBmpListBox and TBmpComboBox components.
BORBTN.ZIP 3690 22-11-95 The BORBTNS.PAS unit contains two Delphi
| components, TBorCheck and TBorRadio which
| implement the BWCC style CheckBox and
| RadioButton. I loved the BWCC style buttons
| so I decided to reproduce them in Delphi.
BRIDGIT.ZIP 142291 09-08-95 Bridge It! is A Visual Basic Utility for
| MS Win
BTNPANL.ZIP 19414 16-08-95 Button Panel Component for Delphi
BUTTONA.ZIP 8899 22-11-95 Base Class to create an array of buttons
| using (TButton) like DB Navigator The
| Variables are: Button Width, Height, No of
| Buttons and Spacing between buttons
CA.ZIP 415142 22-11-95 This is an evaluation version of the
| Conversion Assistant. for Borland Delphi
CALC.ZIP 3209 22-11-95 Calculator object. Modified from the Borland
| Demo by Sanford Aranoff. for Borland Delphi.
CALL32NT.ZIP 22474 05-08-95 Call 32-bit DLLs from 16-bit Delphi/TPW! This
| unit allows you to call most 32-bit functions
| in Windows 95 and Windows NT from your 16 bit
| Delphi or Turbo Pascal application! Public
| domain inc. source.
CALNDAR.ZIP 118973 22-11-95 Calendar Utility - Jim Bandy 72611,704 This
| little utility is the result of my first
| three hours with Delphi. It uses the Sample
| palette Calendar Component to create a simple
| but useful utility that doesn't duplicate any
| of the standard Win3.1 applets but shows a
| lot of the power and features of Delphi.
CAPTURE.ZIP 5052 22-11-95 _DIBAPI Unit Version 1.0 Copyright 1995 Marc
| Batchelor tnomad@digital.net This unit is for
| all those who wish to provide the ability to
| capture a region of the screen (or the whole
| screen) to a bitmap.
CATERM.ZIP 20727 22-11-95 CATE.PAS
| ========
| Cate (as in communiCate) is a modification
| to Fred Bulback's excellent TComm VCL.
CCPANEL.ZIP 17027 22-11-95 CCPanel Delphi Freeware Component from
| C.I.U.P,K.C. Software, Inc.
CFGED1.ZIP 115804 22-11-95 Configuration Editor 1.0 This is my first
| complete utility written in Borland Delphi.
| It is a replacement for the SysEdit utility
| provided with Windows 3.1.
CLOCK.ZIP 9348 22-11-95 TClock - Clock VCL for Delphi Shareware
| Version!
COA.ZIP 273137 22-11-95 COA (VERSION 1.0) Copyright (c) 1995 Neil J.
| Rubenking Published in PC Magazine June 13,
| 1995 (Utilities) COA lets you send change-of-
| address notices to Windows when you change
| the location of a Windows program on your
| system. Updates INI, GRP files!
COLRCAL.ZIP 8049 22-11-95 TCOLORCALANDER A Delphi Component By Travis
| Reno
COMM.ZIP 9223 22-11-95 Delphi Addon for Communications Functuions
COMMD.ZIP 9236 22-11-95 Delphi Component for Implementing
| Communications Functions
COMPS.ZIP 12157 22-11-95 ** NeoComboBox This is a variation on the
| TComboBox class, it remaps ** BevelNCaption
| This components combines the caption of
| TGroupBox and low overhead of TBevel. **
| GlassButton This is the mythical transparent
| button.
CONSOL.ZIP 19357 22-11-95 Text Console component (c)Danny Thorpe
| TConsole implements a WinCRT-like control for
| routing text file I/O (readlns and writelns)
| to a scrollable window. for Borland Delphi!
CONTAIN.ZIP 32156 22-11-95 tObjectList & tSortedObjectList Real
| containers for tObject descendants
COPYRECT.ZIP 175204 22-11-95 Flickerless Sprite Animation
CRBK10E.ZIP 18893 25-08-95 Visual Basic Picture Book "I am Here" is a
| picture book written in VB for Windows.
| FREE SOFTWARE International
CREDSBOX.ZIP 17076 22-11-95 The Incredible Scrolling Credits Box
CRYSTAL.ZIP 12288 22-11-95 TCrystalReport Component
| =========================
CSEZFORM.ZIP 10746 22-11-95 EZForm Version 1.00 Page Delphi Class
| Library Version 1.00
CSHAPE.ZIP 1103 22-11-95 TCShape component is a descendant of tShape
| New property, ChangeColor, is used to change
| the default fill color of white. Values for
| the property ChangeColor are chosen from
| tColor. for Borland Delphi!
CURREDIT.ZIP 7240 22-11-95 The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users
| March 13th, 1995 by Robert Vivrette
CUSTEDIT.ZIP 1898 22-11-95 My small contribution to DELPHI programmers:
| Here follows a small unit that helps you use
| any derivative of TCustomEdit for standard
| Pascal Input/Output. Hope you find it
| useful. It works the fine with the TP yacc
| and lex for parsing the contents of a TMemo.
| Could also replace the need for WinCRT.
CYBORG.ZIP 225207 22-11-95 New Component For Borlands Delphi
DABTNS.ZIP 63151 22-11-95 Data Aware Components * TDBButton Component
| for Delphi * TDBBitBtn Component for Delphi *
| TDBRadioButton Component for Delphi *
| TDBMaskEdit Component for Delphi * TDBLabel3D
| Component for Delphi
DATAMAKE.ZIP 5541 22-11-95 DataMake program (c) 1995 E.Martin.
DATEED.ZIP 23091 22-11-95 DateEdit creates an instance of form CalPop
| dynamically, and displays it using ShowModal.
| The result is stored in the Date property of
| this component.
DATEEDIT.ZIP 26249 22-11-95 TDateEdit -> TEdit A date edit field with
| drop down calendar.
DBCONTRL.ZIP 18718 22-11-95 Data Aware Components TDBButton Component for
| Delphi TDBBitBtn Component for Delphi
| TDBRadioButton Component for Delphi
| TDBMaskEdit Component for Delphi TDBLabel3D
| Component for Delphi Copyright 1995, Curtis
| A. White All rights reserved.
DBCTRLS.ZIP 11808 22-11-95 New set of properties To make your DB
| Controls respond to the ENTER event as if the
| TAB key was pressed
DBFILT15.ZIP 18846 22-11-95 TUZFILTER V. 1.05 - free filtering on any
| DataSource
| =============================================
DBFNDX.ZIP 47784 22-11-95 DB3TABLUZ, a NDX-aware TTable-descendant
| ========================================
| FREEWARE Component for Borland DELPHI
DBLVIS11.ZIP 137242 22-11-95 DoubleVision!
| -------------
| DoubleVision is a screen saver that goes
| a few steps further than the normal
| spotlight screen savers. DoubleVision
| features two spotlights bouncing around
| on the screen, with two different bitmaps
| projected in the spotlights.
DBMEMOX.ZIP 6483 22-11-95 The TDBMemoXpld Control inherits most of its
| functionality from the TDBMemo Control,
| except that, when it does not have focus, it
| takes up minimal real estate and it
| 'explodes' when it receives focus. for
| Borland Delphi!
DBPLUS2.ZIP 66146 22-11-95 new DBLookUpComboPlus gives you all the
| lookup power of Delphi's original
| DBLookUpCombo plus much, much more.
DBPRT100.ZIP 165830 22-11-95 --------------------------------------
| dbPrint
| Version 1.00 - 07-Aug-95
| --------------------------------------
| dbPrint is a small app (developed with
| Delphi) to display and print of
| a table's structure.
| --------------------------------------
DBREADON.ZIP 5606 22-11-95 Delphi DBReadon unit for use with DELPHI and
| Paradox 3.5, 4 and 5 formats
DBSEAR.ZIP 10580 22-11-95 TDBSearch Version 0.9 TDBSearch is a class to
| enable Paradox like searching on any field in
| a TDataSource.
DBSRCH00.ZIP 16978 22-11-95 TDBSearch Version 0.95 TDBSearch is a class
| to enable Paradox like searching on any field
| in a TDataSource.
DBSRCH02.ZIP 24596 22-11-95 TDBSearch Version 0.97 TDBSearch is a class
| to enable Paradox like searching on any field
| in a TDataSource.
DCOMP10.ZIP 276 22-11-95 DCompress v1.00 library for Delphi and other
| Windows compilers. Compression/
| Decompression routines .DLL library. Mostly
| assembler, Fast decompression! Shareware
| ($10) by Peak Computing.
DDRVPREV.ZIP 153282 22-11-95 DRV Print Preview v1.51 - shareware
DELCSPAT.ZIP 178263 16-08-95 Update file for Delphi Client/Server. The
| archive includes the patches for Delphi
| Client/Server and the VCL Source Code. You
| MUST have Delphi Client/Server to use these
| patches. The README files contained within
| describe how to install the patches and what
| problems the patches address.
DELPATCH.ZIP 139090 16-08-95 Update file for Delphi. The archive includes
| the patch for Delphi. This patch works only
| with the desktop edition of Delphi. The
| README file contained within describes how to
| install the patch and what problems the patch
| addresses.
DELPHCGI.ZIP 70709 22-11-95 Delphi CGI Component Package, Version 1.0
| ------------------------------------------
| * TCGI, the core component, allows Delphi
| applications to interact with information
| servers (primarily World Wide Web servers),
| processing input and generating output on
| the fly.
| * TCGIDlg, a dialog box component which
| aids in understanding and debugging CGI
| applications.
DELPHR.ZIP 219902 22-11-95 Delphres - A resource editor for Delphi.
| Windows API Help file included with Delphi.
DIALER.ZIP 2856 22-11-95 Dialer is a small non visual component which
| allows you to dial phone numbers from your
| Delphi applications. I am not a great expert
| in communications but it works fine for my
| modem. You can modify it as much as you wish.
DICE.ZIP 6348 22-11-95 This is a free 'Dice' VCL created by Zane
| Rathwick (CIS 74633,1314).
DIRSCAN.ZIP 3683 22-11-95 Delphi Directory Scan Addon
DIRSELCT.ZIP 2918 22-11-95 ========================================
| A directory selection dialog that may be
| saved as a Delphi template.
| ========================================
DLLEXP.ZIP 6902 22-11-95 DLL Skeleton Expert - Dr. Bob's DLL Skeleton
| Expert generates a DLL Skeleton file with
| optional ExitProc (BP-compatible or Delphi-
| only) and two optional examples (a function
| and a procedure, both exported). The
| generated file is opened in the Delphi IDE as
| a new project, so the DLL can be compiled
| right away.
DRAGDROP.ZIP 4086 22-11-95 DragDrop App. Created by Harvey Orloff
| DragDrop example with Outline control. Allow
| the user to Grab any level in the outline and
| drag and drop it to any other level
DRAGGER.ZIP 3325 22-11-95 Drag and Drop Enhancer for Delphi
DROPFILE.ZIP 6684 22-11-95 TDropFile Component for Delphi v1.0
| ===================================
| John Tait-Doak 1995
| TDropFile is a component for Delphi which
| supports file drag-and-drop operations on
| a form. Details of its properties,
| events and sample usage can be found in
| the DROPFILE.WRI file.
DTOOLS10.ZIP 276972 22-11-95 DTOOLS 1.0 - Components for Delphi
DWSOCK11.ZIP 158335 22-11-95 DWINSOCK V1.0
| -------------
| A Windows Socket interface component for
| use with Borland Delphi.
DWSOCK13.ZIP 45558 22-11-95 DWINSOCK V1.3 A Windows Socket interface
| component for use with Borland Delphi. By Ulf
| Sderberg, Marc Palmer, and Keith Hawes
ENHGRID3.ZIP 10860 22-11-95 The Enhanced grid is a combination of a
| Dbgrid, Dbnavigator, Statuspanel and a
| caption. All of the above controls are
| placed on a panel component.
ENTERCTL.ZIP 4611 22-11-95 Using the <Enter> key like a <Tab> key
| with Delphi Controls
| ============================================
| The example code supplied here demonstrates
| how to trap the <Enter> key and the cursor
| keys to provide better data entry processing
ERRLST.ZIP 18025 22-11-95 ERRLIST - Lists Borland Database Engine error
| codes and descriptions
EXECFILE.ZIP 9742 22-11-95 Delphi TExecFile Component 7/95 Release 1.0
| The TExecFile is a non-visual component which
| you place onto your form to enable easily
| initiated execution of other Windows or DOS
| applications from within your own original
| Delphi application.
EXTFILE.ZIP 2746 22-11-95 TExtFileListBox. Includes date, size and time
| plus MORE
EZDSL100.ZIP 84724 22-11-95 EZDSL version 1.00 Easy classical data
| structures for Delphi Copyright (c) 1993,1995
| Julian M. Bucknall
FASTTIME.ZIP 24847 22-11-95 FastTimer Evaluation Version High Resolution
| Timer Component for Delphi FastTimer is a
| drop-in replacement for the TTimer that comes
| packaged with Delphi. It allows timer events
| with a resolution down to 1ms, rather than
| 55ms.
FBUF.ZIP 13514 22-11-95 Provides simple file buffering for Delphi. It
| works only w/ binary files and treats that
| file as a stream of bytes. Basically it
| provides the same functionality as
| BlockWrite() and BlockRead on a Reset(f,1)
| untyped file. Also provided is a file
| BuffTest.Pas which is a visual test stub to
| compare times between unbuffered and the
| current unit. Since Borland in it's infinite
| wisdom decided to get rid of TBufStream in
| this release, here is a suitable replacement.
FERRET.ZIP 61532 22-11-95 File Ferret is a simple program to search for
| files. The centrepiece is a directory
| navigating component.
FILEBUFF.ZIP 13514 22-11-95 Provides simple file buffering for Delphi. It
| works only w/ binary files and treats that
| file as a stream of bytes. Basically it
| provides the same functionality as
| BlockWrite() and BlockRead on a Reset(f,1)
| untyped file. Also provided is a file
| BuffTest.Pas which is a visual test stub to
| compare times between unbuffered and the
| current unit. Since Borland in it's infinite
| wisdom decided to get rid of TBufStream in
| this release, here is a suitable replacement.
FOCAL122.ZIP 4963 20-07-95 Focal V1.22 is a complex QBasic program that
| generates a simple screen saver-like pattern
| on your screen. Focal has many features
| Focal requires a graphics card, QBasic and
| enviroment space (Check DOCs for information)
FORM3D.ZIP 9769 22-11-95 The TForm3D class allows non-dialog forms to
| sport the 3-D Dialog border. It also allows
| form resizing to be turned on/off easily with
| a run-time property. MDI forms(Frame and
| Child) are not currently supported.
FORMAT.ZIP 199097 22-11-95 BIOS disk I/O routines for floppy drives.
| Supports DOS real mode, DOS protected mode,
| and Windows.
FPEEK.ZIP 111194 22-11-95 Simple Example of ICO, BMP, WMF and WAV\AVI
| Media Player Control/Display
FRMSET.ZIP 11790 22-11-95 FormSet is a custom control based on the
| Delphi TabSet.
FTBAR.ZIP 91893 22-11-95 Floating toolbar - here's some code to do it
GFORMS.ZIP 8536 22-11-95 Delphi Gourmet FormSaver Component
| Version 1.00
| -=====================================-
| Without a single line of code, your
| application can start with its windows
| in the exact location the user last
| left them.
GIF2BMPA.ZIP 8489 22-11-95 Gif to Bmp a free gif to Bmp conversion
| routine.
GIFBOX.ZIP 33298 01-07-95 GIFBOX: .GIF .VBX to size .gif file and put
| on screen. w/docs.
GLYFVIEW.ZIP 5065 22-11-95 Just a quick ditty for diplaying a directory
| of bitmaps that may be used as glyphs. Still
| needs a Print button. Excuse the style - not
| originally intended for anyone else. Ought to
| be fixed up for use on Tools palette, with
| automatic redraw as choices are changed.
GLYPHPRO.ZIP 26880 22-11-95 GlyphPro is a Utility for the Serious Delphi
| Developer. It allows you to scroll unlimited
| number of images (limited only by the size of
| your memory (resources for win 3.1)).
GLYPHT.ZIP 116077 22-11-95 I wrote 'GlyphTry' when trying to design my
| first Delphi application, and finding I was
| wasting time searching the images directory
| for the right Speedbutton image!
GONLYONE.ZIP 7647 22-11-95 Delphi Gourmet OneCopy Component Version 1.01
| Stops people from launching mulitple copies
| of your application.
GRABBAR.ZIP 6502 22-11-95 A grab bar, or splitter, to allow two windows
| to be resized simultaneously. Copyright 1995,
| Brad Stowers. All Rights Reserved.
GRADIENT.ZIP 20702 22-11-95 TGradientFill Component for Delphi Copyright
| 1995, Curtis A. White All rights reserved.
GRAFLITE.ZIP 15627 22-11-95 GRAFLITE Version 1.0 GrafLite is a Delphi
| component that serves as a graphic light
| indicator to provide feed back to the
| operator of a Delphi program. GrafLight is a
| descendent of a TImage component. The color
| of a GrafLight may be set at design time or
| at runtime.
HANDLES.ZIP 6712 22-11-95 This is a first attempt at a TStretchHandle
| component (I hope I am not reinventing the
| wheel, but I couldn't find anything). It lets
| you drag & resize other controls at runtime.
HEAPCHK2.ZIP 16817 22-11-95 HeapChk 0.91 - Test blocks on heap This is
| the second (beta-) version of a utility for
| Delphi. Test it and write your comments.
| Shareware-version.
HINTRES.ZIP 10737 22-11-95 Powerfull Internation Hint Component
HLP2KW12.ZIP 17708 07-07-95 (v1.2) HLP2KWF Delphi .KWF from .HLP.
| Borland's Delphi allows multiple help files
| to be linked into the IDE's help system,
| using their KWGEN program to generate a
| keyword file. However, KWGEN requires .RTF
| source, and appears to be buggy. This
| program works directly on the .HLP files to
| avoid the need for KWGEN. This will allow
| you to link *any* .HLP file into Delphi.
| Freeware by D.J. Murdoch.
HOTMAP.ZIP 217974 22-11-95 HotMap Custom Control The HotMap custom
| control is a VBX Control which allows
| multimedia application developers to define
| regions (Hotspots) on selected bitmap and to
| get events with region info when user clicks
| on any of selected region.
HUGE13.ZIP 25203 22-11-95 The Huge unit provides support in Delphi for
| huge pointers, that is, 32-bit pointers that
| can refer to objects larger than 64K.
HUGEAR10.ZIP 6434 14-07-95 HugeArray VBX, Version 1.0 This is a custom
| control suitable for use with such
| programming languages as VB, VC++ and Delphi.
| It allows programmers to use 'huge' arrays (>
| 64K in size) without resorting to the
| intricacies of the Windows API. Shareware (5
| UK pounds). martinbr@colossus.demon.co.uk
ICONCTLS.ZIP 137234 22-11-95 A Caching Icon ComboBox and ListBox component
| for Delphi. Copyright 1995, Brad Stowers.
ICONJACK.ZIP 182244 22-11-95 ICONJACK (VERSION 1.0) Copyright
| (c) 1995, Ziff Davis Publishing Company
| --------------------------------------------
| IconJack makes it easier to manage, view,
| and select from the icons on your hard disk.
IMAGELIB.ZIP 183526 22-11-95 Image Lite DLL (c) 1995 by: Kevin Adams
IMGBRW.ZIP 134936 22-11-95 Image Browser (C) Copyright 1995 by Rohit
| Gupta
IMLIB20.ZIP 200005 22-11-95 Image Lite DLL /VCL version 2.0 (c) The
| ImageLib VCL\DLL is an inexpensive way to add
| Jpeg, Gif and Pcx to your applications.
INFPWRTR.ZIP 573331 22-11-95 InfoPower is a library of several very
| powerful, native Delphi, data-aware
| components that are automatically installed
| into Delphi's component palette in the
| integrated development environment
INICOMP.ZIP 4808 22-11-95 TProfile Component The purpose of the
| TProfile component is to get an easy
| interface for use of .ini files, while the
| API GetPrivateProfileString and
| SetPrivateProfileString use uneasy to handle
| PChar structs.
INST.ZIP 118592 22-11-95 Installation Routine Version 1.0
IPSOCK12.ZIP 63657 22-11-95 TIPSocket WINSOCK component for DELPHI V1.2
| shareware. This component allows easy access
| to the Windows Sockets subsystem for DELPHI
| applications.
JPGDLL.ZIP 92805 22-11-95 Add JPG support to your Delphi Apps
KEYBOARD.ZIP 11615 22-11-95 KEYBOARD.DCU - Programmed by Colin Wilson
| This Delphi unit contains two components: **
| TKeys & TMIDIKeys. Both are representations
| of a piano keyboard. The keyboards can be
| 'played' by clicking with the mouse. TKeys
| simply generates events. TMIDIKeys can
| control the MIDI mapper or any Windows MIDI
| port, so you can directly play an attached
| synth, soundcard, etc.
KEYMOVER.ZIP 2452 22-11-95 PROJECT: DataControl extensions TITLE:
| TTableKeyMover VERSION: 1.00
KILLDLL.ZIP 4741 22-11-95 This sample project is the Delphi version of
| KillDLL, a utility coming with E! for
| Windows, a programming editor from MainSoft.
KSPIC.ZIP 171431 22-11-95 Free trial version of KSPicButton component
LASTL113.ZIP 545 22-11-95 (v1.13) LASTLOOK: Last minute program checks.
| This program checks .EXE files produced by
| Borland's Pascal or Delphi compilers for
| compiler options and other potentially
| audience-limiting characteristics. This
| update adds Delphi and OS/2 support. Freeware
| shareware by D.J. Murdoch.
LBOX.ZIP 1679 22-11-95 The ListBox component (Standard palette) in
| the original Delphi release failed to publish
| an OnChange event. This is the event
| generated any time the user moves the list
| box cursor bar and probably the most
| important list box event. HERES A FIX
LCSCMP02.ZIP 50101 22-11-95 TSysInfo A System Information component,
| providing both design-time and run-time
| access to various Windows system resource
| information. TVerInfo A File Version
| Information component, providing both design
| time and run-time access to File Version
| resource information (you will need a
| resource editor to create this information
| for your own apps). TStatusBar A 5-pane
| status bar, complete with time-of-day clock,
| KeyCaps & NumLock status, progress gauge and
| status text. Each Panel can be configured
| separately at design time and reconfigured at
| run-time, if required.
LCSIPPT.ZIP 192504 22-11-95 TIPPort WINSOCK component V1.1 ShareWare
| ----------------------------------------
LCSUUC10.ZIP 31257 22-11-95 This ZIP file contains a Delphi VCL UUCode
| Shareware component which can be used to do
| UUCode conversions. Also included is a
| windows help file and the keyword file for
| merging the component's help into Delphi IDE
| help.
LINKLIST.ZIP 6421 22-11-95 TLink unit: doubly linked lists 5/22/95 by
| Jeff Atwood, JAtwood159@AOL.COM. This unit
| can be used for stacks, deques, and free
| lists too. for DELPHI
LIST10.ZIP 516 22-11-95 TheLister v1.054 is an advanced source lister
| for Delphi and Pascal. Its particular graphic
| layout greatly enhances the readability of
| your listings. Fully and easily customizable
| to fit your needs and your taste. It's a
| Windows application - SHAREWARE Full support
| for Delphi added in this version.
LOCATE.ZIP 37794 22-11-95 dbLocate Search Engine [Demo Version]
| Copyright (c) 1995 Datacraft
LZHCOMP.ZIP 20679 22-11-95 TLZHCompressor a compression component for
MAGPNL12.ZIP 41879 22-11-95 Magic Panel Delphi Component (c)Copyright
| 1995 Synchro-Graphix Software
MAPICTRL.ZIP 133067 22-11-95 Cant Use MAPI.VBX or CALLS in DELPHI? LOOK NO
MAPIEX.ZIP 6372 22-11-95 Program converted from the MAPI example on
| MSDN CDROM 2. Also the MAPI.DLL interface for
| BP 7.0, taken direct from the BETA MAPI.H
| file provided my Microsoft in their W4Wg SDK.
MBHINT11.ZIP 7139 22-11-95 MBHINT-Component V1.1 Delphi V1.0 Multiline-
| Hint-Component
MDI_BGRD.ZIP 4297 22-11-95 Here are the steps to add a wallpaper to the
| client area of of a MDI parent form.
MIDICOMP.ZIP 61941 22-11-95 Delphi MIDI I/O Components V1.0 4 July 95
| These components handle low-level MIDI input
| and output using the Windows multimedia MIDI
| functions. They encapsulate all the nasty low
| level stuff into some intermediate-level
| components. They support both short MIDI
| messages (e.g. note on/off, program change)
| and long MIDI messages (e.g. system
| exclusive, sample dumps).
MKDBF101.ZIP 12451 22-11-95 MakeDBF unit for Delphi V1.01 This unit is
| designed to create a .DBF file header. It
| will create a table with any number of
| fields. It is designed to create a FoxPro /
| dBase table without memos.
MKTBL100.ZIP 25681 22-11-95 tTableDBF VCL Component for DELPHI This is a
| descendant of tTable. It adds the ability
| for dBase and Paradox to pack deleted
| records. It also features methods to
| increase the useability of dBase expression
| indexes.
MODEMSPY.ZIP 104261 22-11-95 Modem Spy - 1.01 - 03Aug95 - Release Notes
| ******************************************
| Since I was tired to bend under my desk to
| see if I still was connected to my internet
| server, I started to write this utility.
MONEYBOX.ZIP 126040 22-11-95 Finally there is an easy way to handle
| Currency Text Boxes in Delphi: MoneyBox - The
| Delphi Currency Componet
MSCOMM.ZIP 13971 22-11-95 This component duplicates the functionality
| of the MSCOMM.VBX included with VB 3.0! That
| is, easy serial communications access.
MSGPASS.ZIP 5087 22-11-95 This unit shows how to accomplish program to
| program communication through message
| passing. The trick is to create a custom
| message that only your apps can send and will
| respond to. for DELPHI
MULTI.ZIP 204364 22-11-95 Delphi's DBGrid control does not wrap text
| when the contents of a text cell are too long
| to be fully displayed. This accompanying
| Delphi Project overcomes this.
MYVCS.ZIP 447 22-11-95 MYVCS - Pete Cervasio's Non-Version Control
| System. Version 1.0. A really stupid
| example of how to interface with the Version
| Control Manager in Borland's Delphi.
NAVBTN.ZIP 16259 18-07-95 NavButton - is a custom control that provides
| a set of buttons to replace the buttons
| attached to the Data Control.
NCCOMP.ZIP 44364 22-11-95 TNCComponentForm DELPHI ADDON
NETDLG.ZIP 3439 22-11-95 The following is a set of Delphi components
| to access (at least some of) the networking
| dialogs that are build into WFW. These
| components provide access to both network
| drives and printers
NFAT2GIF.ZIP 3241 22-11-95 A small program to extract GIF's etc from the
| Netscape cache directory
NOVTLI.ZIP 421805 22-11-95 Novell Delphi Component
OBJECTS7.ZIP 18645 22-11-95 Objects7 V1.0 Borland's Objects-unit from BP
| 7.0 ported to DELPHI
OBJLANG.ZIP 238 22-11-95 The Object Pascal Language Guide. This
| archive contains the Object Pascal Language
| Guide (for use with Delphi) in Adobe Acrobat
| format.
ODOVB20.ZIP 121438 02-07-95 Odometer Control (VBX) This control is a
| numeric display similar to an automobile's
| odometer or tripometer.
OLEDEMO1.ZIP 95899 22-11-95 OLEDEMO1.PAS (C) 1995 W. Raike for Delphi
| User interface for demonstration driver for
| the OLE Automation server functions in
| Microsoft Word for Windows 6.0, using the
| TOLEAutomationClient component.
ORPHTR.ZIP 289865 22-11-95 Welcome to the Orpheus Trial-Run Program! the
| TRP provides you with the fully functional
| Orpheus Visual Component library.
OVRWRITE.ZIP 6869 22-11-95 OVERWRITE - handle overwrite mode in
| IO-controls
| ========================================
| It enables ALL (at least I hope I didn't
| forget one/some) sorts of controls to be
| aware of the isert/overwrite toggle
| status.
OWNDRAW.ZIP 7134 22-11-95 DEMO Unit for owner-draw listbox with
| bitmaps.
OXBUTTON.ZIP 88182 22-11-95 oxButton for DELPHI ver 1.1a
| --- Opaque Software
| * DesignTime Interactive Objects.
OXDKB.ZIP 51594 22-11-95 oxDockBar for DELPHI ver 1.0e
| --- Opaque Software
| * Floating and Dockable ToolBar
| ---------------------------------------------
| Just like Microsoft's. Well almost. oxDockBar
| can be set to auto align almost any child
| control when sized. Just drag and drop any
| Delphi component onto oxDockBar and your off.
| No code to write to enable any of oxDockBar's
| standard functions or abilities.
OXSPLIT.ZIP 52788 22-11-95 oxSplit for DELPHI ver 1.0c
| --- Opaque Software
| * User Adjustible Panes
PAINTIKE.ZIP 2970 22-11-95 Here is a simple example of how to paint your
| minimized window and create a corresponding
| dynamic icon that Windows will use to drag
| your app and display when you Alt+Tab.
PANCLOCK.ZIP 12288 22-11-95 TPanelClock - a VCL component that is
| provides time-of-date, NUM, CAPS, and Scroll
| Key Statuses. When you click on this
| component (at run-time), it will switch to
| showing free GDI, System, and User Resources.
PASOCK.ZIP 37542 22-11-95 Winsock Delphi Addon Tested with Trumpet,
| Novell, WFW, NT tcp stacks. by Mike Caughran
| Cedar Island Software
PC_GAME_.ZIP 119868 22-11-95 Alien Alley is a vertically scrolling, fast
| action video game. The player controls a
| defending spaceship, flying though the
| cosmos. Advancing alien spaceships make
| difficult foes as they advance on the lone
| defender, firing plasma cannons at will. -
PERCENT.ZIP 7114 22-11-95 Percent Meter VCL This is my own version of a
| percent meter for Delphi. It is similar to
| the one included with the following added
| features: 3D Look like VB ShowPercent ON/OFF
| Toggle Caption and/or Percent Number
PICKLIST.ZIP 39315 22-11-95 This archive includes the Picklist enhanced
| listbox, documentation, and a sample program.
POPCALEN.ZIP 333 22-11-95 Delphi component - pop up calendar
POPUPBOX.ZIP 53146 18-08-95 PopupBox v2, a component for Borlands Delphi
| (Trial version) and a more resource friendly
| replacement for the ComboBox (csDropDownList)
PRINGRI.ZIP 7755 22-11-95 The TPrintGrid component allows to print a
| DBGrid with properties (some of them are not
| in the object inspector).
PRINTP1.ZIP 17316 22-11-95 PrintPage For printing reports without
| ReportSmith or other Report add-ons.
PRNSTR.ZIP 6678 22-11-95 This is a form which will print database file
| structures.
PROPEXP.ZIP 102449 22-11-95 Property Expert Version 1.0 for Delphi
| (C)1995 Sutron Corporation, (703)406-2800
PRTGRID.ZIP 10028 22-11-95 This is a revision of the TPrintGrid
| component uploaded by [100115,1155] as
PSLABEL.ZIP 38077 22-11-95 Perseus VCP! for Borland Delphi
PSWHEEL.ZIP 49699 22-11-95 Delphi Addon VCP
QCMARQUE.ZIP 6653 22-11-95 QCMarque Component
| ==================
| This is a component for written Borland
| Delphi. This is a scrolling test box
| Marque with Balls! The balls have different
| attributes from the normal text attribures.
QREP093B.ZIP 51299 22-11-95 QuickReport for Delphi version 0.92
| copyright Allan Lochert 1995
| ===================================
QUOTEZ11.ZIP 24298 13-07-95 Quotez VBX, Version 1.1 This is a custom
| control suitable for use with such
| programming languages as VB, VC++ and Delphi.
| It selects random witty quotations from a
| customisable data file (initially containing
| 409 such quotations), thus providing a
| 'cookie jar' or 'quote of the day' facility
| for applications. Shareware (5 UK pounds).
| martinbr@colossus.demon.co.uk
REGISTRY.ZIP 550 22-11-95 ---------------------------------------
| TRegistry is a component that lets you
| access the System Registry under Delphi
| also included: enhanced TPlacement
| component that uses TRegistry instead
| of .INI files to store placement
| ---------------------------------------
| Program: TRegistry component for Delphi
| Version: 1.01
| Release: July 04, 1995
| Category: Pascal/Delphi
| Requirements: Win95, Delphi (NOT Delphi95!)
| Documentation: Registry.int
| Registration: Freeware
RESICO.ZIP 3317 22-11-95 Its gotta be the smallest Delphi app. I have
| deliberately made it so that it cant be
| maximised. The ides is that the minimised
| icon down the bottom of the screen provides
| uptodate resource information. I use it to
| ensure that I dont have a resource leak in my
| apps.
RESIZER.ZIP 10664 22-11-95 This is a simple VC that resizes all the
| controls on a form.
RESMON.ZIP 83687 22-11-95 Delphi Resource Monitor Shows MemAvail,
| BaseMem (below 1Mb), System, User & GDI
| resource in an always-on-top caption-less
| movable & fully customisable form.
RESWTCH2.ZIP 150203 22-11-95 ResWatch Resource Watcher Version 2.0
| Copyright 1995, Curtis White. A graphical
| resource monitor
RFEDIT.ZIP 2513 22-11-95 Required Field Filter Edit Component
ROLLUP.ZIP 4358 22-11-95 Modified Roll Up Form
| ======================
ROTATER.ZIP 215530 22-11-95 This demo shows how to scale and rotate a
| Delphi bitmap. It also demonstrates palette
| management and printing techniques. These
| seem to be common questions on the CIS Delphi
| forum.
RPC10CD.ZIP 144114 22-11-95 ReportPrinter Component version 1.0c Well,
| here's the pre-release version of my
| ReportPrinter component. This component
| contains many powerful commands to create
| professional looking reports that can be more
| powerful and more maintainable than reports
| generated with a report writer.
RPRINTER.ZIP 285169 22-11-95 ReportPrinter Component Suite Version 1.
RULERS1.ZIP 1725 22-11-95 Rulers. By Bill Murto. for Borland Delphi
RZLABE.ZIP 4260 22-11-95 RzLabel - 3D Label Component
RZLABEL.ZIP 4319 22-11-95 {==================================}
| {= RzLabel - 3D Label Component =}
| {= =}
| {= Ray Konopka =}
| {= Raize Software Solutions, Inc. =}
| {==================================}
RZSTREDT.ZIP 12031 22-11-95 RzStrEdt - String List Property Editor and
| Dialog
SAVER.ZIP 28898 22-11-95 A Delphi Screensaver
SCIGRAPH.ZIP 131617 22-11-95 The Scientific Graph Component
SFW10.ZIP 169182 22-11-95 This simple program is written in Borland's
| Delphi for Windows version 1.0. It really
| does not do much, but it is useful if you are
| a developer and just need to quickly look at
| a file, even a large file (up to 32,767 lines
| or about 500 pages at 66 lines per page). for
SHUFFLE.ZIP 9089 22-11-95 SHUFFLE v1.00 Shuffle is a simple
| demonstration of the use of TDrawGrid and
| TBitmap in Borland Delphi. The code presented
| here is not complete in any way, and should
| only be used as an example of how to use the
| classes.
SIMAGE.ZIP 167447 22-11-95 A new component decended from TImage called
| TSImage, The 'S' is for auto-sizing.
SIMPMAPI.ZIP 19893 22-11-95 C/S Pro Preview Program !
SIZEABLE.ZIP 6252 22-11-95 This is a run-time sizeable child window
| control for Borland Delphi!
SLEEPER.ZIP 3861 22-11-95 TSleeper is a simple little component that
| you can use to easily implement delays in
| Delphi. It encapsulates a TTimer component
| and handles the necessary details to allow
| you to delay your application in a "Windows-
| friendly" manner.
SLIDER.ZIP 9481 22-11-95 TSlider Component
| -------------------------------------------
| The TSlider object is a representation of a
| Slider - as used in mixers, lighting
| control units, etc.
SMILE10E.ZIP 97379 22-11-95 David Intersimone, Head of Borland's
| Developer Relations, called the infamous
| TSmiley "a truly useless component". I don't
| agree! ;-) I used it to make The Smiley Game!
| The Smiley Game shows a few things in Delphi:
| * Components created in run-time * Drag-and-
| drop * Timers Version 1.0e
SMILE10S.ZIP 10895 22-11-95 David Intersimone, Head of Borland's
| Developer Relations, called the infamous
| TSmiley "a truly useless component" I don't
| agree! ;-) I used it to make The Smiley Game!
| The Smiley Game shows a few things in Delphi
| * Components created in run-time * Drag-and-
| drop * Timers Version 1.0s
SMILEY.ZIP 5594 22-11-95 New Borland Component from SMILEYWARE
SNDEX.ZIP 1604 22-11-95 Soundex function--determines whether two
| words sound alike. Written after reading an
| article in PC Magazine about the Soundex
| algorithm. Pass the function a string. It
| returns a Soundex value string. This value
| can be saved in a database, or compared to
| another Soundex value. If two words have the
| same Soundex value, then they sound alike
| (usually!).
SOCKV2.ZIP 35694 22-11-95 The function of this module is to provide
| Delphi with a component capable of performing
| TCP/IP Socket's functions by interfacing with
| WINSOCK.DLL provided by many vendors
| including Microsoft. By Gary T. Desrosiers 27
| March
SORTZ10.ZIP 8502 27-08-95 Sortz VBX, Version 1.0 This is a custom
| control suitable for use with such
| programming languages as VB, VC and Delphi.
SPANEL3D.ZIP 11777 22-11-95 The Super Panel3D is an enhanced version of
| the Delphi TPanel. The extended properties
| of this panel gives you greater control over
| the look and feel of the panel as well as
| adds high impact to your forms and
| applications.
SPLUS.ZIP 8229 22-11-95 SPLUS.PAS and MAPI.PAS
| ----------------------
| These files provide access to Microsoft's
| SPLUS.DLL and MAPI.DLL. Using the DLLs
| allowes you to communicate with MS-Mail
| and MS-Schedule+ packages. These packages
| are also included in Windows for Workgroups.
| To get more information on how to use these
| DLLs, access Microsoft's forum.
SPRITE.ZIP 9221 22-11-95 SPRITE LIBRARY - Sprite object Version 0.2
| Created by Chris Evans
SPRITES.ZIP 314972 22-11-95 Real Time Scaleable Sprites Components for
| Borland Delphi Copyright 1995 by: Marek A.
| Chmielowski
SQL_LOAD.ZIP 143945 22-11-95 SQL_LOAD.EXE is a quick application I threw
| together to allow me to fire SQL scripts at a
| database via the BDE.
STAMPS1.ZIP 1865 22-11-95 This TTimeStamp Component shows the
| Application Compile Date as a DateTime string
| or number simply by changing the Display
| property. In the Design mode it shows '12/31/
| 99 12:59:58 PM' or '664758141'. It has all
| the propreties of a TLabel except Caption is
| not published. Put one on your About Dialog
| and you have instant version control.
TABLIST.ZIP 11905 22-11-95 TTabListBox Component Copyright 1995 by L.
| David Baldwin All rights reserved
TAUTOBTN.ZIP 99615 22-11-95 TAutoButton - DELPHI Visual Component
| -------------------------------------
| Andrew McLean, Sydney, Australia
| 21st May 1995
| -------------------------------------
| Purpose: Links 2 bitmaps together and
| when clicked, simulates a button.
TBIMAGE.ZIP 4993 22-11-95 Here is a new typical TTBIMAGE, descendant of
| Timage. Next properties have been added. 1)
| FRAME: Allows to draw a framework around the
| image. 2)FRAMEROUND: Allows to round angles
| of the framework. 3)FRAMESTYLE: Allows to
| choose the style of the framework. 4)
| FRAMEWIDHT: Allows to choose the width of the
| line of the framework.
TBLINFO.ZIP 23163 22-11-95 TblInfoDlg Component for Delphi
TBPRN14.ZIP 181232 22-11-95 Table-Printer V1.4 for Delphi
TENPACK.ZIP 144236 22-11-95 Ten Pack for Delphi Ten Fabulous Delphi
| Components
TIMEEDIT.ZIP 7886 22-11-95 TTimeEdit -> TEdit Time - Set or Get the time
| associated with the control.
TIMERIT.ZIP 2502 22-11-95 TTimerIterate is different than TTimer.
| TTimerIterate executes (if enabled) its
| OnTimer event ONLY a specifed number of
| times. When done, it then fires another
| special event and disables itself. for
| Borland Delphi!
TMAPI.ZIP 4229 22-11-95 TMAPISend Delphi Component 6/95 Microsoft
| Mail 'MAPISendDocuments' Function
TPACK.ZIP 149746 22-11-95 TPack 2.0, 5/16/95 Outlines ideas, scope and
| contents of package of 32 delphi components
| with full source code.
TQBE.ZIP 6401 22-11-95 The Delphi TQBE component. This component
| derives from TDBDataSet and is much like
| TQuery except the language used for Query is
| QBE (Query by example).
TQBE3.ZIP 8195 22-11-95 The Delphi TQBE component REVISED 3.0
TRANFX.ZIP 365171 22-11-95 Graphics Transitions Component
TTRAC23.ZIP 2084 22-11-95 OnLine-Time Tracker Version 2.3 Copyright
| 1995 by Dan Statham This program is released
| as FreeWare. You may use it for as long as
| you find it useful. You may make and give
| away as many copies as you want to. As
| someone else said in their disclaimer, "No
| fees, no royalties, no guaranties." YMMV.
| Place the executable in a directory of your
| choice. Launch the program before you connect
| to your favorite on-line service or Internet
| service provider. Use 'Setup|Set "Free"
| Hours' to tell the program how many 'free"
| hours you get with your provider. Next, enter
| a 2 digit number in the Warning level box.
| These two numbers will be used to show a
| warning message when you exceed the whole
| number of hours calculated by multiplying the
| 'free' hours by the warning level. Example:
| 40 'free' hours X 90% = 36 hours. 35 X 65% =
| 22.75. You will get a warning when you go
TTT.ZIP 100727 22-11-95 File: TTT.PAS Author: Bob Swart [100434,2072]
| Purpose: Tic-tac-toe game component
TUTILITY.ZIP 187942 22-11-95 TTUtility - A Delphi Paradox Table Verify &
| Repair Component
TXTROTAT.ZIP 718 22-11-95 Text Rotation Example This is a Delphi
| project with one form that displays text
| rotating around a circle. It also shows how
| to change the angle for subsequent TextOut
| statements. The file ANGLE.DPR contains
| information about the project, author, and a
| disclaimer. There are two routines of
| interest in the ROTATE.PAS file. One routine
| sets the rotation for subsequent TextOut
| statements and the other sets the rotation
| for only one output which it handles. Please
| let me know if you find anything wrong with
| these routines. I think they are pretty well
| documented. Curtis Keisler ycSoftware
| CompuServer Address: 75457,2535 Internet
| Address: 75457.2535@compuserve.com Have fun!
UCRPE.ZIP 20848 22-11-95 TCrpe Crystal Reports Delphi Component
| Version: 1.02 Author: John Murphy CIS:
| 72623,2075 Email: jmurphy@shore.net Time :
| 6:30 AM 5/20/95
UCRPE14.ZIP 49430 22-11-95 UCRPE: TCrpe Crystal Reports Delphi Component
| Version: 1.04 Author: John Murphy All Rights
| Reserved CIS: 72623,2075 Email:
| jmurphy@shore.net Time : 12:43 AM EDT 6/8/95
UCRPE15A.ZIP 51246 22-11-95 TCrpe Crystal Reports Delphi Component
| Version: 1.05a Author: John Murphy All Rights
| Reserved CIS: 72623,2075 Email:
| jmurphy@shore.net Time : 08:43 PM EDT 7/28/95
ULTLABEL.ZIP 9195 22-11-95 The Ultimate Label Set
VALID.ZIP 455 22-11-95 TValidator Component for Borland Delphi
| TValidator is a non visual component for
| Delphi. It simplifies a process of
| implementation of validation for shareware
| programs. Really a must component for
| shareware developers.
VBAHA125.ZIP 147512 26-07-95 VB AHA!!! is an inexpensive and easy to
| use utility for writing Windows help files.
| simple mouse clicks and Drag n Drop ease
| you will be able to construct your help
| files quickly.
VBERRHND.ZIP 81083 21-07-95 Visual Basic Error Handler Display in Six
| Languages
VBROTARY.ZIP 18868 12-07-95 VBRotary Code v1.0 - Free VB source code for
| printing Rotary (Rolodex) Cards to the
| Printer Object or a Form. Prints 2-1/4" x 4"
| or 3" x 5" Cards with many options.
VBU17.ZIP 103241 04-08-95 Text listing all existing Visual Basic PD &
| shareware files by type, with release date
| and short description. From EMS Professional
| Shareware's Aug'95 CD-ROM. Tel:301-924-3594
| Fax:301-774-1486 ems@wdn.com 4505 Buckhurst
| Ct., Olney MD 20832-1830
| V0.3 (alpha test version) This is a Visual
| Basic custom control that provides access to
| the Winsock network programming API. Author:
| Brian Syme, gxlr07@udcf.gla.ac.uk
VBXGALOR.ZIP 1087255 19-07-95 24 Usable Visual Basic Vbx Custom Controls.
VCLPATCH.ZIP 72356 16-08-95 Update file for VCL Source Code. The archive
| includes the patch for the Delphi VCL Source
| Code. Use this patch after updating your
| installation of Delphi with the Delphi patch
| (DELPATCH.ZIP) You do not need this file if
| you own Delphi Client/Server because the
| Delphi C/S patch archive (DELCSPAT.ZIP)
| already contains the patch file for the VCL
| source code. The README file contained
| within describes how to install the patch.
VCSDEMO.ZIP 9687 22-11-95 This project demonstrates how to use the
| version control capabilities in the Delphi
| IDE. It shows how you can use the VCSINTF
| unit and a little bit about how to use the
| TOOLINTF unit.
VCSDLL.ZIP 372 22-11-95 Version Control Info Custom Control for
| Delphi - needs VCSINTF and VCL Installed
VERSION.ZIP 180041 22-11-95 Version Resource Component Copyright Columbus
| Circle Investors 1995
VLISTBOX.ZIP 98409 22-11-95 Delphi Addon Component
VLN_20.ZIP 60994 22-11-95 A class of Very Large Number for BORLAND
WINLAN.ZIP 5770 22-11-95 TWinLan Component
| =================
| this non-visual component wraps the Windows
| for Workgroups 3.11 net api.
WINRST.ZIP 3341 22-11-95 Ever notice how professional programs seem to
| remember in what condition and location you
| left them and their child windows? Ever
| notice how most RAD apps don't? Take that
| ragged edge off your program with this unit.
| for Borland Delphi!
WINSPY10.ZIP 7514 29-07-95 WinSpy v1.0. Help VB programmers (and other)
| to get ClassName of Windows applications.
X3270_BD.ZIP 30953 22-11-95 x3270 is the first Unit Pascal file that
| allows you to interface applications written
| by Borland Delphi compiler with the world of
| mainframe across one or more sessions of IBM
| 3270 emulation. The unit services guarantee
| the full compatibility with all emulators
| software such as Access by Eicon or MW3270 by
| Olivetti, they are on lan or on cluster.
XDB.ZIP 15556 22-11-95 Enhanced Component for DELPHI Dbase Work
XPARBMP.ZIP 2936 22-11-95 The following unit draws two bitmaps on a
| form. One is used as the background, and the
| second one as the foreground. The foreground
| bitmap is displayed as a "transparent"
| bitmap.
XTOOL.ZIP 101424 22-11-95 Tools is part of my upcoming collection of
| smart components for Delphi. Each component
| is compiled and comes with a DCU, DCR and INT
| file. The component can be freely used in
| your application, but in the Delphi IDE I
| look for a valid registration code.
YACPU20.ZIP 191560 22-11-95 YACPU prints four kinds of planning
| calendars. You can add your own holidays and
| have them highlighted. You can also add your
| own quotes. Read more about this and other
| things in the documentation for Borland
| Delphi!
ZMEMO.ZIP 4798 22-11-95 Expanding TdbMemo Component for DELPHI!
| TZoomDbMemo is a descendent of the standard
| Delphi TDbMemo component that now has the
| ability to produce a zoomed Modal edit screen
| for viewing or changing the contents of the
| memo field - rather like that used by
| Microsoft Access (amongst others).