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ABCW12.ZIP 664101 30-07-95 Alphabet Soup is a learning program for kids.
| ALPHABET SOUP for preschooler ages 2-8 to
| help them with their development Alphabet.
| Soup covers basic counting, ABC's, 2D shapes,
| 3D shapes,kids songs, crazy sounds and more.
| Alphabet Soup requires a mouse SoundBlaster,
| Win. 3.1+. Registration $9.95
AM_SO22.ZIP 473881 31-07-95 STUDENT ORGANIZER for Windows: program for
| IBM-PC (MS Windows 3.1). It includes three
| separate applications: Course Book, Reference
| Book, Terminology Book. Unlimited number of
| entries, automatically sorted. Searching by
| any field, printing and much more. A similar
| format to a regular book makes all 3 programs
| very easy to use, and intuitive. You can
| register on-line on Compuserve (GO SWREG, ID#
| 3966). ($20).
BIOWIN3.ZIP 117465 26-07-95 This is a Windows 3.1 Biorhythm program that
| charts all four traits and allows for
| compatibilty charting with others.
CBWIN20.ZIP 99440 01-08-95 Coloring Book For Windows! A classic child's
| toy is now here for your PC. Coloring Book 2
| includes 10 pictures (34 pictures come in the
| registered version.) The program supports 50
| colors, printing, 3D button menus, a 30-level
| undo, & more. Children can learn to use this
| without help. Registration adds 24 pictures,
| digital sound effects, the DOS version of the
| program, & four additional software programs.
CBWIN22.ZIP 99744 01-08-95 The Very Popular Coloring Book For Windows!!
| A classic kid's toy is now here for your PC.
| Includes 10 pictures (34 pictures are in the
| registered version.) The program supports 50
| colors, printing, a 3-D button bar, 30-level
| undo, & more. Kids can use without any help.
CHPWIN15.ZIP 472993 21-07-95 ** Chempal Plus for Windows ** Very Good
| chemistry assistant for starting out chem
| students. Periodic Table, Molarity, etc.
| Configurable. Version 1.5
COOKBK22.ZIP 613581 24-07-95 (v2.1) The Electronic CookBook - Windoes 3.1
| Windows based cookbook with starter recipes.
| Allows you to store your own recipes. We
| also sell add-on recipes catalogs for as
| little as $4.00 a recipe file. Some of the
| current catagories include Indian, Chinese,
| French, Etc. we now have 12 and are almost
| done #13. Shareware (US$ 40 W recipes MC/VISA
| Cash) Glen Herbert, gherbert@biddeford.com
CYBSKY1C.ZIP 838963 27-07-95 CyberSky V1.0c - Planetarium for Windows.
| Colorful, easy-to-use astronomy program for
| Windows 3.1 or higher displays the sky from
| any location on the earth at any time between
| 4000 BC and 4000 AD. Allows users to learn
| about astronomy and explore the sky by using
| animation. Shows stars, constellations, sun,
| moon, planets, and reference lines. Help file
| contains glossary and fun explorations that
| teach about astronomy.
GTWIN201.ZIP 514070 06-08-95 GUITAR TEACHER 2.01 Windows. Chord database.
| Guitar Teacher is a system for displaying
| guitar-chord diagrams. Features: * Supports
| Sound Blaster, MIDI audio boards * 7 chord
| formulas, 6 alternatives per chord * 504
| chord diagrams in total * Formula and voicing
| displayed * Right- or left-handed fingering *
| Includes a guitar tuner * Instruction on
| tuning and chord structure
GTWIN203.ZIP 499176 21-09-95 GUITAR TEACHER 2.03 Windows. Chord database.
| Guitar Teacher is a system for displaying
| guitar-chord diagrams. Features: * Supports
| Sound Blaster, MIDI audio boards * 7 chord
| formulas, 6 alternatives per chord * MORE!
KM_FW10.ZIP 152499 27-07-95 The Pc Kid Math Freeware for Window 3.1
MOUSMA10.ZIP 1289820 19-08-95 Mouse Math <ASP> is a verbal mathematics
| drill program for Windows that gradually
| uncovers whimsical photographs as answers to
| spoken basic math problems are clicked with a
| mouse. Setup options allow you to select
| problem ranges appropriate for young
| children, teens and adults. Mouse Math
| performs best on systems with a sound card
| and at least 256 color video.
MTWIN13.ZIP 763024 01-08-95 A MUSICAL TUTORIAL v1.30 for Windows <ASP> An
| excellent way to encourage musical study
| using a graphically oriented environment.
| Treble / bass note & chord sight reading.
| Associate notes to piano keys. Chord dict.
| Musical games. Play, view and print scales,
| chords and triads. User log. Play classics.
| Print sight reading test papers. Intervals,
| ear tests, key signatures, etc. Makes music
| lessons fun for children or adults.
NGFF41.ZIP 750378 26-07-95 NutriGenie Fat to Fit v. 4.1 for Windows From
| winner of Home PC Top 100 Products of the
| Year. Latest generation of nutrition
| software: excellent interface, huge database
| of foods, extensive activity data. Has unique
| graphic food pyramid analysis and sophisti-
| cated menu generator. Perfect for weight
| watchers. Tons of tools for weight control.
| Based on Surgeon General's guidelines to
| avoid obesity. Windows 95 and NT compatible.
NGMD40.ZIP 795956 20-07-95 NutriGenie The Magical Dietitian for Windows
| Comprehensive nutrition software package.
| Analyzes almost 30 nutrients and includes
| Omega-3 Counter to help lower cholesterol.
| Has glucose and blood pressure trackers, BMI,
| weight and diet logs, cholesterol profiler
| and many other tools such as weight control
| planner, exercise database, RDA analysis. Has
| unique award-winning graphic pyramid analysis
| and sophisticated menu generator.
NMORS13E.ZIP 941946 08-08-95 NUMORSE v1.30 - <ASP> Morse Code trainer. REG
| $29. Windows 3.1+. Code via sound card /PC
| speaker/Code oscillator/Semaphore window.
| Code source is random generator/text file/QSO
| generator. Select characters + weighting. Set
| code speed/timing or let program adjust
| speed. Farnsworth code/prosigns supported.
| FCC type tests generated. Drill mode, monitor
| progress/correct error using voice phonetics.
| +Much more.
PHON12.ZIP 461929 31-07-95 Fun with Phonics Level 1 was created to bring
| hours of fun to it's user. Level 1, for
| beginners, covers four major sections. First
| letter, Last letter, Vowels and Letter match.
| Its easy to use interface permits mouse
| operation and speed buttons. Req. Windows 3.1
| with Sound. Shareware. Registration $9.95
PRE_ALGB.ZIP 252861 08-07-95 Teaches skills needed for algebra, Windows
P_TYPE34.ZIP 107009 02-08-95 POWER TYPING Light FOR WINDOWS (V. 3.4) is a
| typing tutorial for both beginners and ex-
| perts. It features 15 skill levels, 3 pro-
| gress reports, on-line graphic keyboard, and
| a typing game. Used in many schools and PC
| training centers.
RMATFA11.ZIP 492111 25-09-95 Kids love to play "Go Fish," and now can play
| "Roxie's Math Fish" with Roxie, a
| charismatic, animated, talking cat. A
| friendly companion for your child, Roxie will
| aid your child in learning math. Two levels
| each of addition, subtraction, multiplication
| and division are available. The program is
| very intuitive and progresses at the child's
| own pace. Online help included.
STAB220.ZIP 384023 05-10-95 STABLE TECHNICAL GRAPHS v2.20 - Financial
| technical analysis for Microsoft Windows 3.1
| and above. Excellent user interface. Features
| interactive chart drawing, Point & Figure,
| 20+ indicators, DDE, scalable charts,
| printing, multi-data charts, selectable graph
| styles and fonts, unique "slider", and more!
| Reads TC2000, Tech Tools, CSI, MetaStock, and
| ASCII files.
STEAM10.ZIP 525614 07-07-95 Steam Properties v1.0 <ASP> is an MS Windows
| application that calculates the properties of
| steam/water within a wide range of pressure
| and temprature. It may be used for analyzing
| a number of energy conversion components used
| in power plants, such as steam turbines,
| pumps, boilers and heat exchangers. The
| accompanied help file "Thermodynamics online
| help" gives a brief description of them.
| Taftan Data CompuServe:100131,2557
SURVYW15.ZIP 277440 15-07-95 Creates opinion surveys and analyzes replies.
| WINDOWS version. Prints detailed report.
| Computes percentages for multiple-choice and
| rank order questions. Supports demographic
| group separations and cross-tabulation of
| responses from different groups. Release 1.5
TCNWIN31.ZIP 577304 16-08-95 CONSTITUTION Notebook v3.1 (Windows) <ASP>
| Study aid for US Constitution. Use its
| faithful rendition of the Constitution with
| its INTERACTIVE SEARCH feature to determine
| EXACTLY what is WRITTEN in the Constitution.
| Review its 100+ pages of rights commentary to
| help determine what it means. Create notes
| with its Notebook features (has INTERACTIVE
| INDEXING and comment editor) to remind you of
| what you learned. Win 3.1, 2 meg HD room
WWASC_06.ZIP 70174 04-08-95 WWASC_06.ZIP Vol1 No.6-WindoWatch in the
| ASCII format; Need Acroread.EXE)to view. This
| issue Herb Chong does a Delphi tutorial, Paul
| Kinnaly w/others on HTML authoring tools,
| Gregg Hommel is back w/part 5 of his tutorial
| series;Miller, Campbell, Neuendorffer etal.
XWDWIN21.ZIP 286423 10-08-95 Crossdown for Windows v2.10 Solve and
| construct professional crosswords on your
| Windows computer! New features include
| SCROLLABLE clue list, sound card support with
| SPEAKING messages, dictionary "hot-link"
| access and extensive on-line help. Includes 8
| professionally constructed puzzles by some of
| the top names in the industry. Easy to
| install and UN-install.