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521 lines
IBID20.ZIP 162052 11-22-94 Ibid. List Maker for Windows 2.0 Define
| Words and Scraps of Information Smart
| Linking Between Definitions. Search,
| Printing, Photo Backdrops. Enter Words and
| the Software Asks for More. Copy/Paste. Up
| to 4000 Words
IBMJOY.ZIP 13598 02-12-93 Joystick Control Panel For Windows
ICAP4B.ZIP 1394162 09-21-94 Icap/4 for Windows Demonstration Disk 2/3.
| Circuit Design and Analysis Packages.
| Download With Icap4a.Zip and Icap4c.Zip.
ICAP4C.ZIP 953570 09-21-94 Icap/4 for Windows Demonstration Disk 3/3
| Last Disk in Demo Package of Complete
| Circuit Design and Analysis Package. This
| ZIP Requires -d for Nested Subdirectories.
| Unzip all Three (Icap4a.Zip, Icap4b.Zip,
| and Icap4c.Zip)
ICARO64B.ZIP 365234 09-29-94 Icaro - the Desktop for DOS Competitive
| Upgrade Available Complete Desktop and File
| Management Utility for all Sorts of File.
| Mouse, Multiple Drive and Archive Windows
| Button Bar, Icons. All Text Video Modes!
IFA200.ZIP 182923 10-29-93 Windows 3.1 INSTANT FILE ACCESS adds file
| management to any application, as well as
| file recall, floating file lists, multiple
| file find/replace, etc. A must have utility.
IHN.ZIP 115192 08-13-93 In His Name; Created to fill the need for a
| devotional verse of the day program. Displays
| a new verse of the bible everytime you start
| Windows. It
IMPMEALS.ZIP 75706 05-19-93 Import MealMaster Recipes To Recipes for Win
IMPOST.ZIP 123193 04-09-92 Useful Command-Line Interface For Windows
INCTRL.ZIP 46798 06-22-92 Windows Installation Control Utility
INFO32.ZIP 564349 02-28-93 InfoRecall v3.2a Info Management, Extensive!
INFO34.ZIP 614267 10-23-93 INFO RECALL (Version 3.4) for Windows.
| Info Recall is an information storage system
| designed for recall when and how you need it.
INFOBAR1.ZIP 344923 09-13-93 System resource information bar at top of
| screen.
INFORM10.ZIP 98724 11-29-92 3D Graph Showing System Load & Performance
INFORMER.ZIP 106430 02-23-93 Monitor System Resource Utilization
INFOTG11.ZIP 55869 01-18-93 Infotag v1.1 For Windows - Utility To Tag U/L
INIED13.ZIP 37274 01-26-94 INIedit v1.3 edit and modify Windows
| Initialzation files.
INIEDI.ZIP 25858 05-22-93 Steve's INI Editor: Load Up To 4 Win INI File
INIEDITW.ZIP 71234 12-06-94 Ini Edit for Windows 1.0 Edits Ini Files
| for Windows Fast and Easy. Requires
| Vbrun300.Dll Shareware $10 Copywrite (C)
| 1994 Disk and Desk Inc.
INIEDV10.ZIP 739654 10-05-94 Ini File Editor is A Specialized Editor
| Optimized and Including Enhancements, in
| Order to Make it the Editor of Choice When
| Editing Windows and DOS Initialization
| Files
INIP10.ZIP 130418 09-01-93 INI ProFiler for Windows v1.0; Easy-to-use
| .INI file editor/manager for MS Windows.
| Features automatic file backup and
| context-sensitive help. Context-help covers
| application topics PLUS individual .INI
| files, file sections, and keynames! Makes
| .INI editing easier and safer.
INIUPD11.ZIP 88012 08-08-93 INI Update and Edit Utility v1.1; A program
| to help with the maintenance of networked
| copies of Microsoft Windows. Change, add, or
| delete entries and sections from an INI file,
| search for a text string, or copy a section
| from the INI file you are editing to another
| file. Also can be used as an updating util.
INOTES11.ZIP 131091 09-14-94 Inreach Notes V1.1: Ms-windows Info
| Accessory That Makes it Easy for You to
| Find the Notes You Want Fast; Attractive,
| Intuitive!
INSPRO.ZIP 59979 04-28-92 InstallPro, Utility For Windows Programmers
INSTCTRL.ZIP 43374 06-22-92 Watches Installations Of Apps In Windows
INWCH18.ZIP 139704 09-29-94 Inwatch. 'Watches' Win 3.1 Apps Install.
| Lets You Backup Your Config Files
| (Autoexec.Bat, Config.Sys, System.Ini,
| Win.Ini). When You Install A Windows 3.1
| Application, Inwatch Will Comparethe Files
J22FXA.ZIP 88779 10-08-92 Information Storage System, Not A Database
JAXCAM10.ZIP 5399 04-14-91 Move Text/Graphics Among Applications
JGSTDS.ZIP 174209 09-02-93 TD; A Windows program which allows the user
| to change the time and date stamp on multiple
| files. All changes can be accomplished using
| the mouse. Req. VBRUN300.
JGWINMAG.ZIP 8319 04-15-92 Cool Little Magnifying Glass For Windows
JNAL10.ZIP 161643 07-01-92 Journal - VB Daily Information Manager
JOUR1-1.ZIP 218916 08-09-92 Personal Journal, Track Info, Need VBRUN
JOURNALZ.ZIP 57600 08-04-92 Password Protected Personal Journal
JPWREAD.ZIP 1300 01-13-93 Information, Freeware Japanese Word Processor
JREHOME.ZIP 421734 08-10-92 Handy Multi-Purpose Home Inventory App
JUNQUE.ZIP 4415 04-12-93 Junque: Open-Ended Windows Activity Indicator
KDC30.ZIP 338254 11-08-94 Keath's Desktop Companion 3.0 Windows
| Graphic & Sound Files Review & Delete
KEYMETER.ZIP 18749 11-14-93 Keymeter 1.0; Creates an on-screen odometer
| for your keyboard. As you work, it keeps
| track of the total number of keys pressed.
| It's an amazingly useless program, but it is
| fun to play with.
KEYPRO11.ZIP 37887 04-18-93 Keypro Text File Editor For Win 3.1 (Any Font
KF510.ZIP 200758 09-13-93 Kfree - free memory & disk space monitor Util
KFREE502.ZIP 216890 05-08-92 Continuous Hard Drive/Memory Monitor
KILL15.ZIP 138299 01-26-94 TASK KILLER v1.5; List/Remove EXE's, DLL's &
| VBX's in memory- Save, print, and compare
| module lists. Find where modules were
| executed from. Indispensable for programmers,
| network adminstrators tech support, and power
| users. Find out what's really going on in
| your system. NO NAG SCREENS!
KS27.ZIP 36268 05-26-93 Win 3.1. Kickstart Version 2.7
KSWIN.ZIP 120184 07-09-92 KitchenSink, Add Up To 10 Apps To Launch Menu
KURV1.ZIP 278797 10-14-93 Kurv+ for Windows - is a curve fitting
| program for Windows 3.x. It uses X,Y data to
| determine the coefficients for 27
| mathematical equations (including third and
| fourth order polynomials).
LAUNCH.ZIP 71179 08-11-92 Launcher For Most Used Apps, Need VBRUN.ZIP
LAUNCH27.ZIP 24934 12-16-92 Win 3.x Launch v2.7. Popup Launcher
LAWJK102.ZIP 35110 08-07-93 Lawyer-Joke-a-Day v1.02: MS-Windows utility
| that displays a new lawyer joke every time
| you start Windows. req VBRUN300.DLL.
LBB30.ZIP 718977 11-03-94 Little Black Book V3.0 - Address Book/Auto
| Dialer. Reporting and Print Preview
| Features. Data Stored in Ms-access 2.0
| Format for Portability.
LDKEY.ZIP 59313 08-18-92 Keyboard Macro Program For Windows 3.x
LECTBX11.ZIP 91886 03-29-93 'Lectric Toolbox: Prog Launcher For Win Apps
LECTBX20.ZIP 140901 10-26-93 Lectric Toolbox v2.0: MS-Windows program
| launcher. can configure toolboxes for file
| maintenance. supports drag & drop. size of
| toolboxes are configurable. can have multip
| toolboxes.
LENS13.ZIP 8957 08-08-92 Windows Screen Magnifier, Ported From AMIGA
LETBOX12.ZIP 140258 12-16-94 Letter Box is the Worlds First Replacement
| DOS Subsystem for Ms Windows. Features:
| True Type Fonts, Logging of Error Msgs,
| Hypertext Help, On-the-fly Changes to Pif
| Settings More Terminal Fonts(Bold,italic 72
| Pts).
LI122.ZIP 154535 03-25-92 File Viewer/Editor/Finder/Launcher & More!
LI130.ZIP 189663 02-14-93 File Manager And Frontend New Version
LOADER13.ZIP 28703 09-15-93 Loader v 1.3: tool to load Wallpaper & Sounds
| 'A very flexible program' for Win 3.1:
| Requires VBRUN200.DLL.
LOADIT.ZIP 24596 11-20-94 Bfds Loadit Lets You Optionally Load
| Programs While Your Computer Loads! use it
| on Tsr, Windows & More!
LOCK.ZIP 87989 08-09-92 Metz Shareware Lock For Windows Security
LOCK175.ZIP 76734 07-22-93 Locker v175; network software metering for
| DOS and Windows
LOCK22.ZIP 57357 10-26-93 File Locker version 2.2. File encryption
| program for MS Windows 3.x. File Locker has
| the ability to encrypt/decrypt multiple files
| at a time. Can also run in the 'background'.
| There is no danger of decrypting a file with
| the wrong password. Requires VBRUN300.DLL.
LOCK31B.ZIP 80375 03-01-92 Metz Lock, Prevent Unauthorized Windows Use
LOCKSET.ZIP 12640 10-02-93 Password-protect your desktop
LOGO3B.ZIP 97950 04-02-93 Provide New Startup Screen Each Time Win Runs
LOGOGO31.ZIP 72417 08-16-92 Randomly Change Your Windows Start Screen
LPDOS.ZIP 58191 01-13-92 Command-Line Window & Utilities, Need VBRUN
LTBWIN.ZIP 24958 04-07-93 Lendor's Toolbox For Win Lender/Borrower Tool
MACSHA20.ZIP 123937 10-10-93 MacShare v2.0: MS-Windows macro mgr intended
| to replace Win's Macro Recorder w/a two-key
| macro entry system. NOT affected by macros
| built into other apps, so you can playback a
| macro manager keystroke in the middle of a
| WordPerfect macro, for example. VBRUN300.DLL
| is required..
MAGICKNO.ZIP 32058 08-07-93 The Wiccan Magick Number is a MS-Windows app
| that uses one of the more traditional methods
| of numerology to calculate the 'Wiccan Magick
| Number', which corresponds to each of the 9
| planets (excluding the Earth) and the Sun.
| requires VBRUN300.DLL.
MATHBK1.ZIP 287090 01-04-94 Mathbook+ for Windows has 5 modules: INTEGRAL
| CALCULUS-Computes definite integral from
| known functions and data. ADVANCED ALGEBRA;
| GEOMETRY/TRIG-Areas of plane and solid
| figures,volume,irregular polygons,more.
| RANDOM NUMBERS-Generates random number tables
| Also metric and other conversions. MORE!
MATHBK2.ZIP 345291 01-04-94 Mathbook+ for Windows has 5 modules: File 2/2
MBAR11.ZIP 49412 05-12-92 Build Custom Toolbars For Launching Programs
MBOOT5.ZIP 239220 02-14-93 Windows Configuration Program New Version
MCICLB.ZIP 152641 05-30-93 Access Features Not In Win's Control Panel
MCLOCK.ZIP 28936 08-22-93 Micro-Clock v1.0 (FreeWare); Micro-Clock is a
| digital clock that includes an animated file
| dumper for File Manager. It always stays on
| top, and is positioned just inside the
| Min-Max controls of a program that's
| maximized. Req VBRUN300.DLL.
MCLOCK1.ZIP 29162 04-08-92 Smart Clock, Tickler, Reminders, Need VBRUN
MEDIT1.ZIP 46938 11-23-92 A Programmer's Text Editor For Windows 3.1
MEDIT202.ZIP 130674 07-28-92 MegaEdit, Powerful ASCII Text Editor
MEMGR20.ZIP 13210 01-16-92 Bargraph Of Memory And Resource Usage
MENU09EC.ZIP 530586 11-03-93 Nice Popup Menu System For Win
MENUW.ZIP 11600 01-25-93 Menu Wizzard For Windows
METAMOUS.ZIP 18921 07-14-92 Improves Your Windows Mouse Visibility
METER.ZIP 20126 01-28-92 See Disk Space With Windows, Even Iconized
MEW10.ZIP 107180 04-17-92 MicroEMACS Ported To Windows Environment
MEXEC.ZIP 55425 10-29-91 Enhanced Replacement For Windows RUN Command
MIXCS141.ZIP 23082 09-18-94 Mixcase V1.41: File/Clipboard Mode
| Ms-window Utility That Opens A Text File to
| Convert to Mixed Case, by First Converting
| all Chars to Lower Case, Then Capitalizes
| the First Letter of Sentences/Table Items
MMAKER21.ZIP 39626 11-08-93 MatchMaker file matching utility is designed
| for people who do work on more than one
| system and are often carrying floppy disks
| from one to the other and trying to keep
| track of the most recent versions of all
| their files. It works equally well from HD to
| HD or HD to floppy or to a network drive!
| Great for network administrators!
MMOU15.ZIP 25634 11-02-93 META-MOUSE: A Cursor Visibility Enhancement
| Utility v1.5; Meta-Mouse is a program for
| Microsoft Windows whose purpose is to impro
| the visibility of the mouse cursor.
MODM12.ZIP 106379 09-16-93 Mouse Odometer v1.2 for Windows 3.1.
MOMWIN20.ZIP 1202270 10-02-93 Mom For Windows V2.0 Another Pim For Windows.
MONTOR.ZIP 49550 11-15-93 Disk/resource/memory monitor, PC Magazine
MOONPOS1.ZIP 209584 09-15-93 MOONPO is a Windows 3.x application which can
| calculate the azimuth and elevation of the
| moon and the sun (and the phase of the moon)
| as a function of the date and time of day at
| any place on the earth (with the possible
| exception of the poles and precisely where
| the 0 or 180 degree meridians cross the
| equator). It will also compute the
| approximate rising and setting times and the
| azimuth of the moon and sun at those times.
MORECN11.ZIP 22621 05-18-92 More Control, Easily Change Windows Settings
MORECON.ZIP 130191 11-10-93 MORE CONTROL 2.0A <ASP> Provides more
| functions for Control Panel- More Control
| allows you to access many settings that
| Microsoft did not see fit to include in the
| Control Panel. Change the font used to
| display icon titles, the color of hypertext
| in Windows help, add any program to Control
| Panel plus more.
MOUSEKEY.ZIP 144829 04-20-93 Floating Keyboard That Is Used Via Mouse
MOUSKY12.ZIP 16708 11-15-93 MouseKey V1.20 (c) 1993 by Andreas Furrer
| With MouseKey you can assign key combi-
| nations or commands to mouse buttons. Now you
| can use your right or middle mouse button in
| applications that doesn't support the use of
| the right or middle mouse button. All mouse
| buttons can be combined with a com- bination
| of <SHIFT> and <CTRL> so you can setup up to
| 11 different commands.
MOUSWARP.ZIP 19095 08-11-92 Multi-Purpose Windows Mouse-Enhancement Util
MOVDR11.ZIP 181598 10-06-93 Mouse Overdrive 1.1 A system wide pop up menu
| for Windows 3.1.
MPORT.ZIP 45280 09-07-93 MagniPORT; magnification product for use with
| any Windows 3.1 Video Adaptor presenting a
| dynamic dialog box containing a magnified
| image of the area surrounding the mouse
| cursor. You may re-position and re-size thi
| box. It is extremely useful with all
| presentation applications and saves
| significant time over "built-in" magnifiers
| Optionally, you can also have a cursor with
| the MagniPORT Dialop Box to give you exact
MREFRNT2.ZIP 38400 10-31-91 Front-End For Your Favorite DOS Programs
MRMCI11I.ZIP 413964 08-01-93 Win companion product for mci mail
MSGICO20.ZIP 32191 03-03-93 Windows 3.1 BitMap Add-Ons
MSWEXT35.ZIP 281933 10-15-93 MswLogo Version 3.5 for MicroSoft Windows (1
| of 3)
MTM20.ZIP 538190 08-10-92 Task Manager For Windows 3.1
MTOOLS20.ZIP 112298 07-17-93 Micro-Tools v1.1 Tool Box Launcher Designed
| to save desktop real-estate. The program
| buttons are identified via the program's
| icon. Two modules are provided to launch
| either 20 or 30 programs using VGA or Super
| VGA displays. Can stay on-top, remember it'
| default display location, supports EXE, PIF
| and BAT, and will display custom icons.
MULTBOOT.ZIP 24687 07-19-93 MS-DOS Multiple boot (Windows), 617k with
| audio drv ..more.. Some helpful batch files,
| basically edit to your system
MULTICAN.ZIP 89080 01-23-93 MultiCan File Management Utility For Windows
MYTRASH.ZIP 147779 10-15-94 Mytrash is Another Windows Trashcan Program
| With Color Ques, Sound, and File Deletion
| Options. Newest File: 10-15-1994.
MYTRSH22.ZIP 152107 11-11-94 Update to Mytrash. Contains Additional
| Features Such As Kb in the Trash,
| Transparent Icons and Bug Fixes. Windows
| Trashcan Utility With Sound, Dynamic Icon
| and Other Features.
NAG7.ZIP 80632 02-04-93 Nag- Date Reminder For Windows 3.x
NAGGER.ZIP 23606 08-13-93 Nagger For Windows 3.1; The ultimate
| almost-subliminal reminder program. Pops up
| messages at random intervals you select. An
| message, any font, any color. Works running
| DOS from Windows. Requires VBRUN200.DLL
NAVCLOCK.ZIP 226895 11-27-94 First Time Project! Simple Windows Clock.
NAVCOM14.ZIP 56580 12-01-92 Nautical Calc, Magnetic Or Compass (VBRUN2)
NAVOBS20.ZIP 322704 04-26-92 Call U.S. Naval Observatory For Correct Time
NEEDV10B.ZIP 147427 11-04-93 Need v1.0; Personal information manager
NEWCAP19.ZIP 42237 04-03-93 Program Manager/Norton Desktop Caption Change
NEWDATE1.ZIP 4935 10-20-93 NewDate; Windows 3.1 File Manager Extension
| that will change the Timestamp of selected
| Files. Freeware
NEWTON10.ZIP 133349 07-07-93 Newton v1.0 for Windows 3.1; You can
| construct your own planetary or solar system
| with Newton, and experiment with things like
| binary and trinary stars, the slingshot
| effect, retrograde motions, energy transfer
| in near collisions, and a whole lot more. To
| really enjoy Newton, use it in conjunction
| with any good book on physics, astronomy, the
| solar system or space science.
NFLTPW11.ZIP 98185 08-02-93 NFLTPW v1.1: MS-Windows OWL program used to
| keep track of the results of an office
| football pool. Supports the 18 week NFL
| schedule. Includes TP source.
NFLTRACK.ZIP 311964 08-09-93 NFL Stats Tracker; With this Windows
| application, you'll be able to manage a
| Fantasy Football League, and easily view all
| kinds of NFL statistics.
NGCHR104.ZIP 156804 01-05-93 CHARTIST v1.04, Comprehensive Flow Chart Prg
NGCHR105.ZIP 173108 11-07-93 CHARTIST v1.05 <ASP> - A comprehensive flow
| and org charting package for Windows 3.1.
| Features full color and font support, multi
| symbol and border styles and auto routing of
| lines in multi styles. Also supports hyper
| text jumps, import of graphics into symbols
| and export of data to other applications.
| "Trophy Rated" by Public Brand SW. Shareware
| Indstry Awards "Best New Business App Of '92"
| Nominee. Novagraph, Dallas, TX, $79 + S/H.
NMFW11E.ZIP 436463 01-19-94 New Menus for Windows is a Windows-Shell and
| -Enhancement based on popup menus similar t
| OpenLook 3.
NMFW141E.ZIP 560490 12-15-94 New Menus for Windows 1.4
| Win95/Openlook-like Shell and Desktop
| Enhanc.
NN_CPL11.ZIP 7947 06-06-93 Series Of Add-Ins For Win's Control Panel
NONAG2.ZIP 6164 04-10-92 Get Rid Of NagWare Screens In Win 3.1
NONAG3.ZIP 6164 04-10-92 NoNag v2, Rid Win Apps Of Bothersome Screens
NOTEBK1G.ZIP 74219 05-02-93 Notebook: Windows Text Editor For Huge Files
NOTES135.ZIP 113409 10-01-94 Add on Windows Note Bar on the Top of the
| Screen.
NP3.ZIP 4380 08-02-93 Nosy Prompter v3: shows when you have shelled
| to DOS from a pgm. modifies the DOS prompt to
| show you that you have shelled to DOS from
| inside a pgm. works with Windows 3.x to show
| you that you are inside a DOS window.
NSCH22.ZIP 618524 10-16-93 NutriSoft Control Hypertension is an
| indispensable program to those with high
| blood pressure to monitor their diet and to
| control their weight. The program is based on
| the report of the Joint National Committee on
| Detection, Evaluation, and Treatment of High
| Blood Pressure and on the U.S. Surgeon
| General's dietary guidance for hypertensive
| patients. It is an excellent nondrug approach
| to treatment for and prevention of high blood
NSDN33.ZIP 881515 10-16-94 Nutrisoft Diabetic Nutrition 3.3 for
| Windows Complications From Diabetes Kill
| 150,000 People A Year, Making it the
| Fourth-leading Disease Killer in the U.S.
| Diet is A Cornerstone of Diabetes
| Management. This
NSHBPN32.ZIP 667387 09-17-94 High Blood Pressure Nutrition for Windows
| Comprehensive Nutrition Software: Excellent
| Interface, Huge Food Database, Extensive
| Activity Data. Eat Right, Lose Weight,
| Lower Blood Pressure. Analysis of Fat,
| Calories
NSPREG21.ZIP 613634 09-29-93 NutriSoft Pregnancy Nutrition is an
| indispensable tool to parents who want to
| have a most healthy child. The program is
| based on the latest findings of the National
| Academy of Pediatrics, the National Academy
| of Sciences and on the U.S. Surgeon General's
| report on maternal and child nutrition.
NSWP20.ZIP 575738 08-21-93 NutriSoft Weight Perfect is a Microsoft
| Windows program that allows you to monitor
| your diet and establish a plan to lose or
| gain weight. Calculates the amount of fat,
| carbohydrate, protein, and calories in your
| food consumption using a standard database of
| common foods or your own data. It analyzes
| the caloric contribution from fat, protein
| and carbohydrate from your food and helps you
| obtain a more healthful diet.
OBJECT.ZIP 369150 08-25-93 Package Objects Into Folders That Are Portabl
OBJORG.ZIP 260789 08-25-93 Mail-Aware OLE-Object Manager
ODAYW250.ZIP 404685 10-01-94 Omniday for Windows V2.50 - Computer Diary
| Program W/Many Features. Over 10000
| Enctyption Options. Handles Up to 10 Users
| at Once. W/Text Editor.
ODDJOB.ZIP 415264 10-24-94 Oddjob, Personal Info. Manager W/ File
| Finder, Other Tools
ODESK11.ZIP 380583 01-10-93 O.B.J.E.C.T.I.V.E D.E.S.K.T.O.P For Windows
ODOMET10.ZIP 17186 07-22-92 Calculate The Distance Mouse Travels In A Day
ODOMETER.ZIP 20042 11-14-93 The Mouse Odometer 1.0; Creates an on-screen
| odometer for your mouse. As you work, it
| keeps track of how far your mouse has
| traveled. It's an amazingly useless program
| but it is fun to play with.
OLDEUR2.ZIP 46924 11-19-92 Timeline For Windows Of Old European History
ONTOP2.ZIP 257575 08-29-93 Windows Utility That Is Used To Specify Which
| Programs/Windows/Icons Should Be Forced To
| Appear Always On Top Of Other Windows On Th
| Desktop.Great For Msmail Icon. Reqs Vbrun30
ONTOP221.ZIP 8146 09-28-93 OnTop II v2.21cs; Easy to use window
| management tool
OOT-104.ZIP 103510 06-08-92 Object Oriented Documentation Tool For OOA
OPPWIN10.ZIP 228279 03-14-94 Opportunity for Windows 1.0 is a set of two
| easy to use yet powerful tools for managing
| people and information: People Manager and
| Info Manager.
ORG154A.ZIP 81785 07-27-92 Organize v1.54 - Windows 3.x Diary-Like PIM
OSRC10.ZIP 190011 11-29-93 OttoSource 1.0:Search and view text files for
| strings
OUIJAWIN.ZIP 231858 03-01-93 Ouija For Windows: Contact The Spirit World
OUTSID2A.ZIP 12696 04-28-93 Launch Better Behaved DOS Programs From Win3x
PAFVW13.ZIP 127643 03-15-93 PAF Viewer For Windows
PAFVWINS.ZIP 98265 12-16-92 PAF Viewer For Windows Install Program
PBNOTEPD.ZIP 29617 07-14-92 PowerBar/NotePad, Makes Notepad Easier To Use
PC400.ZIP 942398 08-26-94 Ibminfo Demo Diskette. High Function Gui
| As/400 Emulator Supporting all Types of
| As/400 Comm. With Pc-support
PCEXPRT1.ZIP 50304 12-17-92 WIN Expert System, How To Purchase A Computer
PCMWIN.ZIP 512879 10-06-94 Utilities From Pc Magazine, Including
| Chess, and Several Clock Utilities. Set
| Your Computer Time by the Atomic Clock in
| Boulder.
PCODE123.ZIP 43470 05-07-92 Find Area Codes For U.S. & Canada
PCOMM200.ZIP 60353 07-17-92 Easy Comm Program, Tweaked For Win PowerBBS
PCSWIN40.ZIP 302252 12-18-93 PCS Windows 4.00 PCS Windows is the Ultimate
| hard disk menuing system! Installs in 2
| minutes. Uses pop-down menus, hot-keys,
| built-in help, mouse support, and more.
| Beyond the user-friendly menuing system is
| integrated Calculator, Datebook, Note- pad,
| Roladex, Directory lister, File finder, and
| much more! It is not a TSR and runs on
| virtually ANY PC. Toll free technical
| support.
PEEPER10.ZIP 35414 11-27-94 Peeper 1.00 Version Info Utility Extract
| Version, Identification Info From Windows
| Dlls and Exes. Results can be Printed for A
| Single File or all Files in the Directory.
PEGIF.ZIP 61128 11-30-93 Windows: Pegif v1921024 is a Desktop Menu
| Program similar to the Root menus found in
| X-Windows.
PINUP12.ZIP 25374 03-26-92 Pinup Notes, Uses Text Or Bitmap Reminders
PINUP13.ZIP 29048 02-27-93 Pinup Notes 1.3 For Microsoft Windows
PISPEAK.ZIP 18094 10-01-94 Pc-speaker Drivers for use With Plug-in for
| Windows. This Archive Includes Two Speaker
| Drivers. The Combination of the Two Will
| Allow You to use all of Plug-in's Sound
| Features With the Pc-speaker
PIW10.ZIP 102304 07-27-93 Pipe-It for Windows v1.0: Quicken for Windows
| utility that will let you extract your
| security names, symbols and prices for a date
| or range of dates, and generate a Lotus 123
| .WK3 spreadsheet out of them. will also
| linkup to CompuServe and update your Quicken
| for Windows securities data with current
| quotes. Req VBRUN300.DLL
PIZZA.ZIP 8328 01-22-92 Pizza Timer, Make Sure Domino's Is On Time!
PLUGN131.ZIP 120043 04-16-93 Plug-In For Program Manager, Improves!
PMMENU10.ZIP 32636 11-30-93 PMMENU VERSION 1.0 <ASP> Adds a User Menu to
| Windows Program Manager- PMMENU allows the
| user to define a set of menu items and
| commands t o be displayed as a menu on the
| Windows Program Manager
PMMGR10.ZIP 30764 10-17-93 PMMGR v1.0; Program Manager Group/Item
| Manager- PMMGR allows the user to manage th
| Windows Program Manager Groups and items
| using a series of dialogues. Add, Delete, a
| Copy groups and items.
POPCAL20.ZIP 7533 12-13-92 PopCal For Windows- Clock & Calendar
POPFNT20.ZIP 26132 02-25-93 Pop-Up Window For Font Changes In Windows
POPK141A.ZIP 61847 11-30-94 Creates A Custom Pop-up Menu (User Command)
| That Will be Activated When the Right Mouse
| Button is Pressed. These User Commands Are
| Comprised of Macro Procedures That Executes
| A Sequence of Instructions
POSTEM10.ZIP 353279 08-08-93 Post 'Em Notes : Send Private (or Pubic)
| Notes Shareware. Full Windows Clipboard
| support. "Favorite Network Note Handler!"
POSTER20.ZIP 36462 11-04-93 Posters! is a quick and easy stickup notes
| program for Windows. It is designed to be
| simple to use as possiblemuch quicker and
| easier to use than other stick-up notes
| programs! Notes last from one windows sessi
| to the next! Uploaded by author. (Written i
| VB 3.0requires VBRUN300.DLL
POWER2.ZIP 69250 02-13-93 Version 2 Of A Popular Windows Shell, Super
PRACT11.ZIP 97566 09-23-93 Integrated To-do list and program launcher
PRGGRP11.ZIP 16068 07-08-92 Create Windows Groups Inside Groups
PRGGRP17.ZIP 10687 11-11-93 Progman-Groups 1.7; Gives you the possibility
| to have groups in groups in the progam
| manager of Windows. Because PRGGRP uses
| normal progman groups, you don't have any
| limitations.
PRGRD_20.ZIP 145736 09-05-94 Proguard V2 Password-protects Individual
| Program Manager Icons, More. Reqs Vbrun300
PRIVACY.ZIP 82470 11-24-94 Privacy is an Unofficial Archive of Most of
| the Messages in the Ntia Privacy Forum Nov.
| 14-23. From the Freeware Hall of Fame.
PRODEC10.ZIP 485908 09-29-94 Prodec V1.0 - A Tool for Managing
| Production in Terms of Economics and for
| Evaluation of Strategies of Production and
| Marketing. Dir18
PROJCTIL.ZIP 13993 04-02-93 Projectile Launcher For Windows
PRTY13D1.ZIP 357571 01-15-93 Parity Technical Analysis Package 1/2
PRTY13D2.ZIP 351820 01-15-93 Parity Technical Analysis Package 2/2
PSYCHIC1.ZIP 245248 10-02-94 Wonderful New Psychic Advisor for Windows!
| Stunning New Shareware - Instantly Answers
| Questions - Draws on the Power of the
| Stars! Requires Vbrun300.Dll.
PWRESL.ZIP 7253 10-29-94 Magazine's Resource Probe. A Freeware
| Utility to Monitor Windows' use of System
| Resources. Featured in 1/95 Issue.